Trump is the King Herod figure at the birth of the end times generation according to the super power life changing vision that God gave me in 2015. I've described the vision here. Trump's second coming will likely be at a time we don't expect, in the midst of a global military crisis during a forty day rush to prepare for nuclear war, as I will explain.
Trump’s Second Coming will bring fire from heaven. He warns us of WW3. It will be the birth of the end times.
Jesus was born with a sign in the sky and then escaped King Herod's slaughter of the innocent giving us a symbolic act of repentance. Then he went on to fulfil a powerful ministry until the final crisis which comes as an antichrist moment of the cross. But there he was victorious, rising from the grave and ascending into heaven so that the church could be born, having an even more powerful ministry.
This is the pattern of prophecy. The first ministry comes in the flesh and the second ministry is born in the spirit.
"The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." - Revelation 19v10.
Every time prophecy is fulfilled we see a 'lived testimony' that resembles the life of Jesus according to the pattern of the life he lived.
Again and again throughout history we see Jesus revealed typologically, or apocalyptically from biblical moments of birth. The purpose of prophecy is always to reveal Jesus, but interestingly for a biblical prophecy to be true there needs to be two witnesses. The first represents life in the flesh, and the second more powerful one represents life in the spirit. Significant biblical moments of birth are found at the point of transition between two ministries.
Think of Elijah and Elisha. They were much like John the Baptist and Jesus in which the forerunner prepares the way for a much more powerful ministry. From another perspective; Jesus and the early Church form a pattern of two witnesses in which Jesus came "in the flesh" a point much emphasised, so that the church could be born in the Spirit. Pentecost was an important biblical moment of birth which began the ministry of the church.
Now lets consider end times prophecy:
The modern nation of Israel was born out of WW2 where Hitler was like 'King Herod' as he killed a third of the Jewish people of the world. Since then the nation of Israel has been greatly blessed having a powerful ministry of sorts, grabbing the awe and wonder of many millions of Christians all around the world. However it is very much a ministry of the flesh. They don't believe in Jesus. But many believe that a great outpouring of God's Spirit is promised for the Jewish people in the last days (Romans 11).
I believe the modern nation Israel is a kind of forerunner, and as such they may be called the 'Elijah generation' of the last days. With the 'end times birth' the Elisha generation is about to be born, receiving a double portion of the Spirit. Therefore we need to study the transition between the ministries of Elijah and Elisha to understand what is about to happen now, as the signs that I document on the Cross2Victory website are clear: We are approaching the end times birth.
In 2 Kings 2 the sons of the prophets warned Elisha that 'Elisha is going to be taken today'. This is exactly the message we are now hearing about the modern nation of Israel on various prophecy channels as we see a major war brewing in the Middle East between Israel and Hezbollah / Iran etc. It is going to be a fierce war as Hezbollah could be about twenty times more powerful than Hamas.
Pay attention to the transition between the prophetic ministries of Elijah and Elisha. Elijah was taken suddenly in horses and chariots of fire, in a whirlwind to heaven, and when Elisha saw it he tore is cloths and went in great distress through the Jordan River, re-enacting the Exodus, and in doing so he received a double portion of the Spirit. So Elisha went on to fulfil an even more powerful ministry doing sixteen miracles, which was twice as many miracles as Elijah.
Individually the ministries of Elijah and Elisha both resemble the life of Jesus, but together as a tag team ministry they reveal the whole journey of human life in this world, the old life and the new life, with a special focus on the moment of spiritual new birth. At the climax of the story Elijah demonstrates the way in which the old life must be taken, or put to death so that the new life may be born in Spirit. So Elijah plays the role of the fleshly life that we all have before meeting Christ, and his being taken in horses and chariots of fire represents the fierce war of repentance. We all need to be born again, putting to death the ministry of the flesh by taking up the cross of Christ. We experience the whirlwind of fire in the flesh as we crucify the desires of the sinful nature.
The ministry of Elisha represents the testimony of a born-again believer as he plays the role of the spiritual man. His ministry begins with a symbolic 'born again' experience when he re-enacted the Exodus. Much like Moses, Elisha struck the waters of the Jordan River and crossed over on dry ground. This is an apocalyptic form of baptism (1 Cor 10v2), and represents baptism in the Holy Spirit at the time of spiritual new birth. The miracles that follow speak to the journey of salvation. So together the Elijah-Elisha ministry is a flesh-spirit role play. The transition from Elijah to Elisha reveals all the key components of a biblical moment of birth, and true spiritual new birth in Christ.
Similar role plays are seen throughout the Bible. Think of Ishmael and Isaac, or Hagar and Sarah. Paul explains their flesh / spirit roles in Galatians 4 & 5. The same pattern is echoed in Esau and Jacob, and between Joseph and his brothers. As time went on life for Israel as slaves in Egypt came to represent life in the flesh while in slavery to sin. During that time the birth of Moses was just like the birth of Jesus. Later, the Exodus from Egypt was a moment of the cross, and an especially powerful 'God moment'.
The Exodus can be viewed from two different perspectives: On one hand the Exodus reveals the end of the world, and the greater struggle of death and resurrection. On the other hand it represents the end of slavery to sin at the time of spiritual new birth. Today, given where we are at this point in history I'll comment on the Exodus from the birth perspective.
The Exodus is well understood as bringing to birth the ancient nation of Israel when they broke free from their Egyptian slavery, to begin a new journey with God. The Tabernacle was set up and so God travelled with them all the way from Egypt to the promised land. They also travelled with Joshua who's Hebrew name is Jesus. Their forty year wilderness journey resembles both the journey of faith, and also the apocalyptic journey of the final generation.
Moses was said to have "struck the rock twice", and we know that the rock is Christ. Therefore we need to understand that in Moses God was revealing the whole journey of life, both the fleshly journey (the 80 years of slavery), and the spiritual journey (the 40 years of freedom) according to the pattern of two witnesses as two 'lived testimonies' that reveal Jesus.
Prophetic patterns must be proven with at least two witnesses to be regarded as valid, just like in a court of law. "Every matter is established according to the testimony of two or three witnesses." - 2 Cor 13v1. Therefore the same will be true when it is time for end times prophecy to be fulfilled. As we can probably already see, the modern nation of Israel is completing the first pattern, and in the next few months as we approach the end times birth the second testimony is about to begin.
Regarding nuclear war and the point I want to make about the seven weeks or 40 days of escaping, we see it at certain important biblical moments of birth such as at the birth of the Church, (Passover to Pentecost) and at the birth of the ancient nation of Israel.
In Exodus 4v22 God says, "Israel is my first born son."
There were about seven weeks in the journey from the Exodus, in leaving Egypt and coming to Mount Sinai - a terrifying mountain which for the end times birth represents nuclear war. At Mount Sinai Israel met God in the smoke, fire, earthquake and thunder. The mountain was on fire and they were afraid that they would die, but instead of dying they were blessed by God, and they come into covenant with him there as they began a life long wilderness journey to the promised land.
According to the pattern of two witnesses we see Israel has having two lives, or two 'lived testimonies' that reveal Jesus, a life in the flesh while slaves in Egypt, and then freedom in the Spirit once they'd escaped. However to break free the old fleshly life must die, so the cross of Christ was revealed at the time of the Exodus when the Passover lambs were sacrificed. It may be viewed as a symbolic act of repentance. Blood was placed on the doorposts and the Israelites rushed to prepare for the journey.
War began almost immediately as Pharoh and his army, (also called Rahab, the dragon by the prophets) chased Israel like sin itself. Sin always pursues a sinners when we act in repentance, so we must flee from sin with much urgency. Victory looked impossible to Israel as they reached the sea, but by the miracle of God the sea opened and freedom was won. The Egyptians were drowned in the sea and the new born nation made it to Mount Sinai by the beginning of the third month, which makes about seven weeks. Thus the ancient nation of Israel was born.
The early church was born in exactly the same way, but Jesus himself was the Passover lamb, and Pentecost is parallel to Mount Sinai. A study of the Jewish festivals provides another confirmation of this seven week pattern.
It is an important prophetic pattern that comes into play at biblical moments of birth during the transition from one prophetic ministry to another more powerful one. Therefore we can expect to see a serious moment of the cross for the modern nation of Israel as we are now approaching the end times birth.
I'm expecting that we will see the war of Daniel 11v36-44. I've explained it in YouTube videos and on the Cross2Victory website. Now that Iran is basically a nuclear power I expect we will see them hit Israel as they have been promising for decades to wipe Israel off the map. It will probably sometime around the seventh anniversary of the Revelation 12 sign of 2017. Many other signs confirm the timing of the end times birth as documented on the Cross2Victory website.
Naturally when a baby is coming a woman knows it. Prophecy works in just the same way if indeed it is a biblical moment of birth, and not the end. That's why a hundred sons of the prophets warned Elisha the day Elijah was to be taken. Moses also understood when it was time to lead Israel out of Egypt. The church was born in similar circumstances, but like the disciples, many Christians will only understand the significance of this moment in hindsight.
Watch Israel. When we see Elijah taken in horses and chariots of fire, in a whirlwind to heaven, all of us, both Jews and Gentiles alike will need to re-enact the exodus like Elisha did. We will do so by urgently departing from cities. It will happen instinctively all around the world, including from the cities of Australia. Seeing Trump's return will spur us on, because according to my 2015 vision he will by saying some terrifying things.
Then we will come to a modern Mount Sinai and have a life changing encounter with God, being greatly blessed to escape the dragon of a full scale nuclear war. Sadly many 'Egyptians' will be lost in the Red Sea, about a third of the people of the world according to Revelation 6, 8 and 9, but we will come into covenant with God, receiving a double portion of the Spirit like Elisha, or like the early church did on the day of Pentecost, amidst "blood and fire and vapour of smoke." - Acts 2v19
Do you understand how the birth of the ancient nation of Israel, the birth of the Church, and the birth of the end times generation will follow the same pattern?
When Jesus rose he had 40 days to reappear, and he told the disciples to gather in Jerusalem for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit: 40 days + 10 days makes up the seven weeks.
The prophet Jonah symbolised death and resurrection of Jesus, and he had 40 days to warn Nineveh to repent. Watch Israel. When we see them taken in the belly of the sea monster the ministry of Jonah will begin through us as we work urgently to warn people to move away from the cities before they are destroyed.
There are more forty day patterns to study. Consider the 40 days of rain during Noah's flood leading up to a focal point at the center of a chiasm when God remembered Noah. There is much to say about the flood. Jesus also had 40 days of temptation in the wilderness after his baptism, as the ministry was being transferred to him from John the Baptist. He began by calling people to repentance, saying, "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is near."
The forty day / seven week pattern is very strong and especially prominent at the most important biblical moments of birth. Therefore I am certain that we will have a similar period of preparation between a moment of the cross in Israel, and the war of repentance that nuclear war will symbolise during the birth of the end times generation.
Please reach out to alert others, and do so with confidence and optimism. Birth is a miracle of God, and he will give us success. It is promised. So trust him and ask him to show you how to serve, and how to work for the greater good so that many lives may be saved. Then do what he puts in your heart to do, and urge others to do likewise.
If you want motivation, look at what Brandon Peterson and his team from Truth is Christ have discovered. They are currently showing the world that the word of God is alive and active by revealing the most astonishingly perfect patterns imaginable in simple word count results of key words. His website is kjvcode,com (replace comma with dot.)
Remember, just as Jesus was born with a sign in heaven, God has given us the sign of the end times birth in the sky, the Revelation 12 sign of 2017. As a seven year sign it points to about the latter part of 2024. The seventh anniversary is on the Jewish feast of Trumpets and day of repentance (Shabbat Shuva), around the 4th or 5th of October 2024. Biblical moments of birth happen approximately on time, but keep in mind the feast of Trumpets is also called, "The day no-one knows".
If we see an earth shaking moment of the cross in Israel around that time WW3 will most likely be about seven weeks later. After the forty days or so we must be sure not to look back. Lots wife is a warning to us. When Trump pushes the button it will only take about an hour (missile launch and travel time), because nuclear attack systems are now all pre-programed and almost completely automatic. There won't be much warning, if any. So once we've passed forty days we mustn't take our chances in the city, but there will be plenty else to do.
The kings of the East are coming, so we should get ready to learn some new languages. Speaking in tongues is often an important aspect of biblical moments of birth. There will be many regime changes around the world. Take Daniel chapter 1 for example when a seventy year testimony began for Israel in Babylon. Chinese will probably be the language most needed in Australia, so I've started learning a bit already.
I'd like to urge Asian language speakers to be ready to help us out during the downtime while we wait for the nuclear winter to pass, and of course we will need to take special care of our Asian brothers and sisters in Christ during this war. God will make this possible because birth is a blessing for God's people.
Daniel and his friends were especially successful during Nebuchadnezzar's conquest. The Daniel 11 war sits parallel to the conquest of Alexander the Great (compare the characters in Dan 11 verse 3 and 36.) So the political map will be completely redrawn after WW3 and languages will move with the boarders.
The ministry of the gospel will continue after this war, especially with the promised great outpouring of God's Spirit. The war will be God's last great call to the whole world to repent, and during the nuclear winter everyone will know that the end is near, but Jesus described wars saying,
"Don't be alarmed. Such things must happen but the end is not yet." - Matthew 24v6.
As we are blessed by God to find shelter during the coming storm lets do everything that we can to help as many people as possible. The Christian community must rise to the occasion and do everything possible with God's help to save as many lives as possible.
"Therefore as we have opportunity let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the household of faith." - Gal 6v10.
As we work to look after people's physical needs the doors of many hearts will be opened to receive the gospel, and the much greater gift of eternal life. We will be able to share our hope in Jesus, our eternal King. He is bringing the new creation which is already in our hearts by faith, but which he will bring in full glory in the end, when he returns.