Hamas in the Bible

‘Hamas’ caused Noah’s Flood.


Hamas means ‘violence’ in Hebrew.
Heb. חָמָס — ‘violence’

The word ‘violence’ (hamas) first appears in Genesis 6 vs 11 & 13. It was because of violence (hamas) that God destroyed the flesh of the earth in the flood.

Genesis 6v11-14:
11 Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence [hamas]. 12 And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. 13 And God said to Noah, “I have determined to make an end of all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence [hamas] through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth. 14 Make yourself an ark…”

Hamas attacked Israel on 7th October 2023 in an operation named ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’. If this proves to be the beginning of WW3 the prophecy will be true again. Hamas will have caused an event that resembles Noah’s Flood. Floods — War & Birth.

The sign of the rainbow in Hebrew is a “war bow”, and it was given as a reminder of God’s covenant promise that he won’t destroy the whole world in a flood again. However Hamas means violence which points to war. We have already seen two world wars and an end times war is described in Revelation 6, 8 & 9 that will destroy one third of the world. There is a prophecy here to test. For several years now signs have been appearing that signal something important is happening, and the signs keep on coming.

As I write (in October 2023) we have just seen a horrible attack by Hamas against Israel and we appear to be heading towards a much bigger war. World war three will be like Noah’s flood, a war of apocalyptic repentance, and the idea of repentance appears in the name of the man who was the mastermind behind the horrible attacks of 7th October, ‘Sin-war’.

The war was begun by Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza. Repentance is a 'sin-war'. The name ‘Sinwar makes an obvious statement to the world. The signs keep coming. The end times birth will be a 'God moment' like Noah's flood, a real Sin-war.

With names like Hamas meaning violence, Sinwar suggesting Sin-war or a war of repentance, and Donald Trump in which Donald means, ‘world chief mighty’ or world ruler, and Trump relating to the trumpets of wrath in Revelation 8 & 9, we have clear reasons to be ready for world war three, the end times birth — a war of apocalyptic repentance.

To those who may doubt that God gives signs in Modern English such as ‘Sin-war’ or ‘Trump’, I urge you to consider the recent discoveries of Brandon Peterson in the 1611 King James Bible — KJV 777 Discovery. When prophecy is fulfilled in apocalyptic ways God often works in the world language of the day which today is English.

This is happening at exactly the time expected according to signs of birth which I have been travelling to share. Cross2Victory is a mission to inspire people to take action, with God’s help so that we may be ready and able to care for each other, and help many people during this coming flood of war so that the gospel of Jesus may continue to advance.

The Revelation 12 sign of 2017 is the most spectacular sign of birth. It warns of something apocalyptic, an encounter with the dragon, or Satan. As a seven year sign it points to the latter part of 2024 or around that time. The one year signs of birth due after the sixth anniversary of the sign are now visible. Hamas (violence) is one such sign. We are coming to a difficult moment of birth with blessings to follow.

Bible prophecy always begins with an encounter with the dragon, like a flood, a famine, a war or something similar, but the end is ‘not yet.’ God’s family are blessed to escape the calamity and empowered to bear witness to Jesus.

God is love. The true enemy is sin. The dragon is sin personified. We all have sin in our lives, we share that same problem, both Jew and gentile alike. True freedom comes through faith in Jesus by the act of repentance. Spiritual new birth brings an escape from the power of sin so that we may enjoy peace with God and each other. With Jesus we may live for God’s kingdom with the promise of eternal life in a new creation.

More information: The Gospel of Jesus

Please look carefully at the Cross2Victory message (home page) about the end times birth. When the time comes for prophecy to be fulfilled we see the spiritual journey of salvation manifesting in physical form, symbolically, or typologically, or even apocalyptically. The moment of birth is very important.

The purpose of prophecy is always to reveal Jesus. Prophecy begins with birth, or a ‘moment’ of birth like Noah’s flood, or Joseph’s famine when God does miracles for his people and we are blessed to see a physical outworking of God’s plan of salvation. However we must be careful not to misunderstand. Prophecy is temporal. It is passing away. For God’s eternal blessing we need faith to follow Jesus in spirit and truth.

We need to study the testimony of Jesus, and the pattern of his life to understand the journey of the final generations. The King Herod moment relates spiritually to repentance as God’s people are blessed to escape the power of the dragon when we are born again. The end times birth will involve an escape from an apocalyptic dragon, the dragon of nuclear war. See Apocalyptic Repentance.

The birth of the final generation will involve an escape from the destruction of ww3 — nuclear war. The lead up to this war is described in Daniel 11v36-44. Through studying the Daniel 11 prophecy we will know for sure the timing of the end times birth, and we will be able to prepare like Noah who prepared for the flood, and Joseph who prepared for the famine.

According to a powerful life changing vision that I had in 2015, when Trump returns he will push the nuclear button and cause the slaughter of the innocent, the King Herod moment of destruction of Daniel 11v44. We need to get ready for the flood that’s coming.

God will help us to prepare arks of safety for our spiritual family, and ‘Bethlehems’ (Hebrew: ‘houses of bread’) for the end times birth. The blessings of God’s people over flow greatly at times of birth as explained here: Prepare

Many lives will be saved. The good things that we will have opportunity to do will be a blessing to many people and the door of their hearts will be opened to receive the gospel of Jesus and the gift of eternal life.

As Noah waited in the ark for the flood to recede the dove brought back the olive leaf which is a sign of God’s spirit and God’s peace. God made a covenant with ‘all flesh’ in Genesis 9, and this relates to Pentecost, the birth of the church when God poured out his Spirit on ‘all flesh’, (Acts 2v17). The flood was a moment of birth for the whole world.

World history in the Bible places Noah’s flood directly opposite Pentecost in the Chiasm of Biblical Testimonies. They are mirroring events. Noah’s flood was about birth and baptism (1 Peter 3v21-22). Pentecost is about new-birth and the baptism of God’s spirit with the removal of all sin and guilt by the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. Pentecost was the ‘former rain’. Now it’s time for the ‘latter rain’, the great awakening and revival of the end times generation.

To understand more about the end times birth we need to study Biblical moments of birth. The big patterns are laid out in the Chiasm of Biblical Testimonies and we need to study them urgently because God is giving us very clear signs that we have almost reached the end times birth. For the last three years I have been traveling to warn as many Christian leaders as possible that we are approaching a King Herod moment of destruction, the nuclear war of Daniel 11v44. See The Daniel 11 Prophecy. We need to prepare so that we may be able to care for each other and as many people as possible.

Thankfully birth is a miracle of God and a blessing for God’s people. He causes us to act and to will according to his good purpose. By acting in repentance God brings us into his ark of protection, and through apocalyptic repentance God will get us safely through a flood of Hamas style violence so that we may share peace and good will with all nations through the gospel of Jesus. The Christ child generation of the last days will have a much more powerful ministry. We set out to complete the great commission in the days before Jesus returns.