Two Perfect Signs

The Revelation 12 sign appeared in the sky on 23rd September 2017 with absolute perfection. It also appeared nearly 6000 years ago at the birth of creation as shown in the images below.

"A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth."

Revelation 12:1‭-‬2

The 23rd September 2017 — Perfect

The pregnancy of 2017 lasted for a full nine months matching human gestation, beginning late in 2016 during which the King star, Jupiter entered the body or womb of the woman and then made a retrograde motion loop within her.

To verify the accuracy of the pregnancy you can use Stellarium software which is freely available to download and install on your computer.

On the 23rd September 2017:
— Jupiter was in the birth position
— The sun was at her shoulder and the moon at her feet
— Venus, Mars and Mercy were beautifully positioned above her head with the constellation Leo which is typically drawn with 9 stars, to form the 12 star crown.

23rd September 2017 — On the Jewish Feast of Trumpets

3915 BC - A Perfect Difference

The alignment in 3915 BC does perfectly match what is described in Revelation 12v1-2, and occurred nearly 6000 years ago.

However there is an interesting difference in the crown: Instead of Mars there is Saturn. The significance is clear:
Before the fall, Lucifer (Satan or Saturn) was still in the garden of Eden, and there was no war (Mars).

3915 BC is shown as -3914 in the Stellarium software because it counts year zero, but year zero did not exist.

5th August 3915 BC

Therefore the first and last generations appear to be born with this sign, as bookends to history.

The 5930 years between these two signs confirms the accuracy of the most simple Bible chronology:

The timing of this event is perfect with respect to the birth of creation according to Biblical Chronology. For more information see the 6000 Years Chronology  (

The most simple Bible chronology places the year of creation about 7 years after the sign, in about the year 3908 BC.

Perhaps 3908 BC would actually resemble the year of the fall, 7 years after the birth of creation. This makes perfect sense given the Revelation 12 sign is believed to be a seven year warning for world war three. Ancient Jewish writings such as the book of Jubilees which was the most common book found among the Dead Sea Scrolls also describes a seven year period that Adam and Eve had in the garden of Eden before the fall.

The 5930 years between the signs is amazing timing theologically as it suggests there may be about 70 years left for the final generation before year 6000. Adam lived to be 930 years old, and he died 70 years short of his millennial day of salvation. This is also discussed in the book of Jubilees.

Given the chiastic structure of Bible prophecy as illustrated in the Chiasm of World History it makes perfect sense that the final 70 years (or 40, or 50, or four generations etc.) remain for the final generation.

God makes known the end from the beginning, from ancient times what is still to come.” — Isaiah 46v10.

“And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so.” — Genesis 1v14-15

Psalm 19v1-4
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.

The Critics

When the Revelation 12 sign appeared in 2017 a number of critics tried to debunk it by saying the sign has occurred on several other occasions, however their claims were not correct. To show why I have written a Response to the Critics.