The Revelation 12 Sign
October 2024 update:
The Revelation 12 sign of 2017 is now proven as a true sign from God.
If you haven’t yet read the prophecy it is explained in detail here: Urgent Message
The Revelation 12 sign is now confirmed true, it's undeniable. The war with Iran has begun seven years after the sign appeared in the sky, and Netanyahu has named it "Operation Days of Repentance." Days of Repentance refers to the Jewish autumn festival period during which the sign of birth appeared in 2017. The star alignment occurred on "Shabbat Shuvah," the 'Sabbath of Repentance'. This confirms that the prophecy about the birth of the final generation is true. WW3 will be symbolic for the war of repentance and then an urgent ministry will begin, a life long ministry as the survivors of war set out to complete the Great Commission.
World War Three is extremely close. Continue reading…
The Great Heavenly Sign of the Woman giving Birth
The heavenly sign of Revelation 12 depicts the birth of Jesus. In 2017 the star alignment pictured above caught the attention of many Christians all around the world. For the first time in nearly 6000 years the Revelation 12 sign appeared in the sky with absolute perfection.
Jesus himself was born with a sign in heaven — the star that the wise men followed to Bethlehem. The early church were also born with ‘wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below...’ Acts 2v19-20. Therefore it seems very reasonable to expect the birth of the end times generation to involve some signs, and also some birth pains, or a ‘King Herod’ moment.
The Sign
In Revelation 12 John saw the woman (God's people) giving birth (being fruitful) by escaping the power of the dragon, who is the devil or Satan (v9).
Revelation Chapter 12v1-4:
A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.
Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon…
The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born.
We now have both of these signs: the birth, and the dragon.
The sign of the dragon (Revelation 12v3) is believed to be in the Blood Moon Tetrad, and the Eclipse Reversal of 2015. This is briefly described at the bottom of the page, with links to more information.
A great and wondrous sign:
The sign of the woman giving birth appeared in the sky as an astronomical alignment:
The image above comes from the planetarium software, Stellarium. To see it in motion please watch the 3 minute video below. (Scroll down).
Pregnancy and Birth
In late 2016 the woman in the sky became pregnant with the King star, Jupiter. We call the woman Virgo, but the Jewish people called her Betula.
Her pregnancy lasted between 9 and 10 months which is normal human gestation, and during that time Jupiter moved in retrograde back and forth within her body. Then the plant moved into the birth position, and on the 23rd of September, 2017, everything was arranged exactly as described in Revelation 12v1-2.
She was clothed in the sun, as it was by her shoulder. The moon was at her feet. There was also a crown of 12 stars on her head which was made up of the nine stars of the constellation of Leo which is always there, and on that night three planets, Venus, Mars and Mercury lined up beautifully next to Leo to complete the 12 star crown. This alignment matches John’s vision in Revelation 12 perfectly.
Feast of Trumpets - Repentance / War
The Revelation 12 sign appeared during a time of repentance:
The alignment took place during the Jewish feast of Trumpets of 2017. That's God's call to repentance.
Saturday the 23rd of September was also a special Sabbath for Jewish people, ‘Shabbat Shuva’, meaning ‘the Sabbath of return’. The related word, ‘Te shuvah’ means ‘Repentance’.
The feast of Trumpets is an annual call to repentance, that begins a time of preparation prior to the most holy day of the Jewish year, Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, which resembles the day of God’s final judgement.
The autumn festivals end with Succot, or the feast of Tabernacles, the most joyful of all the Jewish festivals. God’s work of salvation is complete when he comes to dwell with us in his eternal kingdom.
The timing of the recent Revelation 12 sign on the feast of Trumpets is very significant. Trumpets begins the autumn festivals and it suggests a time of repentance is coming for the final generation with opportunity to prepare our hearts for the return of Jesus.
Through repentance we are ‘born again’, as we begin the spiritual journey of salvation. Repentance involves a real flesh vs spirit struggle, however now having seen the sign of birth we can probably expect an apocalyptic struggle — world war three.
Jesus gave us an apocalyptic (outwardly visible) demonstration of repentance when he escaped King Herod. This is pictured in Revelation 12v5 as the new born child escaped the dragon. Of course Jesus was perfect. He needed no repentance, so the King Herod conflict was purely symbolic for him. We need genuine repentance, in spirit and truth, so if we are coming to another ‘King Herod’ moment such as world war three, it would be highly symbolic again.
The timing of this sign being on the feast of Trumpets suggests a fierce war lies ahead, a Mount Sinai moment. But for those who are ready and acting in faith, birth is a blessing. We could expect revival!
Powerful Signs
Careful thought is required, and much prayer as we seek God’s wisdom. Some important things to consider include:
The imagery of the sign comes from the Old Testament where it relates as a seven year warning. We have reached the seventh anniversary this October 2024. Now we can expect a seven week warning as explained on the homepage.
The sign of the dragon in Revelation 12v3 is also believed to have recently occurred: The blood moons, or specifically the Eclipse Reversal of 2015.
The 2017 sign occurred in the Jewish new year, at the end of Jewish year 5777. The triple seven is God’s number, a sign of completion. There are many more 777 signs.
Additional signs are listed near the bottom of this page.
The Revelation 12 sign is composed of multiple moving parts, so it helps to watch some YouTube presentations to better appreciate the beauty and perfection of the event.
The 3 minute summery below is produced by Adam Fink from the Parable of the Vineyard Youtube channel. It is a great introduction to the sign. Please enjoy Adam's excellent presentation:
The Revelation 12 Sign is an extremely rare and complex astronomical alignment which many believe matches the Biblical prophecy found in Revelation 12:1-2. in 2017 multiple celestial bodies converged into one area of the sky to literally fulfill the imagery found in the Bible.
The 36 minute presentation below produced by the Emmaus Group, explains the astronomy and symbolism firstly of the star of Bethlehem which appeared to the Magi 2000 years ago and then also the Revelation 12 sign of 2017. Things that took place 2000 years ago serve to inform and educate us so that we can appreciate the wonder and significance of this heavenly sign.
There is also a Wikipaedia entry about the Revelation 12 sign.
The Critics
Critics claim that similar alignments have occurred on several other occasions, but the evidence confirms that in fact none of them match what is described in Revelation 12 — except for one in 3915 B.C.
For evidence please see:
Revelation 12 Sign: A Response to Critics
Two Perfect Signs of Birth
This is the first time in nearly 6000 years that the sign has appeared the the sky. In fact the last time it happened was in 3915 BC, during the time of Adam and Eve at the birth of creation itself!
Thousands of Christians have done an enormous amount of research showing that no other instances of this sign have occurred in human history. Nothing else comes close rivaling the beauty and precision of these two alignments.
Would God use the same sign to mark the birth’s of the first and last generations of this world? I believe he has! That’s beautiful. This is certainly worthy of further testing.
It also suggests that we are now vulnerable to the fall, as happened 6000 years ago, when this sign appeared.
In the Context of War
Great Signs from Heaven Synonymous with Birth Pains
Jesus told us to expect “fearful events and great signs from heaven” — Luke 21v11.
Jesus told us not to fear, but described wars and rumours of war as signs of the end. “Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.” (v10)
The parallel passages in the gospels of Matthew and Mark are very similar, but interestingly the above phrase “great signs from heaven” is missing. Instead Matthew and Mark speak of “the beginning of birth pains.” — Matthew 24v8 and Mark 13v8.
‘Great signs from heaven’ appear to be synonymous with ‘the beginning of birth pains’. Indeed, the heavenly sign of 2017 represents a birth. This is very thought provoking.
I believe we need to consider the birth of the final generation along with the other events listed in the surrounding verses concerning nations and kingdoms at war. Today the threat of world war three is increasing greatly.
An apocalyptic war is described in Revelation 12. The dragon tries to destroy God’s family, but God gives his family a good escape, so we may be encouraged.
Birth, Repentance and Apocalypse
The Cross2Victory ministry encourages an awareness of the many recent signs relating to Revelation 12, and the theological concept of birth.
A careful study of the birth of Jesus is needed, and themes of birth throughout the Scriptures because prophecy begins at birth. The birth concerns repentance, and is normally spiritual in nature, but sometimes it can be apocalyptic.
The circumstances of the birth in Revelation 12 symbolises repentance by the escape from the dragon who is Satan.
Jesus was perfect, being without sin from birth, so his act of repentance was purely symbolic. Jesus demonstrates repentance by his escape from King Herod and the slaughter of the infants, and again as he came out of Egypt. After his baptism his time in the wilderness was similar.
We follow Jesus, and our repentance and escape from the power of Satan bring real change. God helps us overcome sin, and escape the power death. Repentance brings salvation, not the end. Salvation begins at birth. A new life and a journey of faith begins when we are ‘born again’.
In the last days we can expect a special apocalyptic journey with an act of salvation at birth.
Be alert, and please test these things. Pray for wisdom. I believe we are about to help many people escape a major apocalyptic conflict, world war three as we are born into the journey of the last days. It will require very urgent action.
“ …but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.”
Matthew 24v6-8
Lets consider what we can do to care for people so that we may help as many people as possible to escape the trials to come.
The Star of Bethlehem
Another highly relevant line of enquiry is to consider what was happening in the sky around the time when Jesus was born.
Rick Larson is a lawyer, and a man of deep faith. God lead him to solve the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem. He used astronomy software to examine the skies around the time Jesus was born and was so impressed by what he saw that he made a documentary film in 2007, The Star of Bethlehem.
The Star of Bethlehem is a comprehensive investigation of the story found in the Biblical Gospel of Matthew about the star that guided the Magi to the Christ child, combining the words of Roman and Jewish historians, the visions of ancient prophets, and a modern study of celestial objects.
God’s Plan
What does the Revelation 12 sign mean?
God’s plan for the end is revealed in the life of Jesus.
For a theological look at birth and prophecy please see the page called, God’s Plan
God’s Plan - for the final generation. Consider how God’s people follow the pattern of the life of Jesus. The end times journey will begin with a kind of birth.
A key passage of great importance for our time is Daniel 11v36-44. It describes a war at the time of the end, leading up to a ‘King Herod’ style moment of destruction (v44) relating to the time of birth.
The Daniel 11 prophecy describes an end times conflict. I believe God will help us to escape world war three as the end times journey begins.
The birth of Jesus was foreshadowed in Old Testament typology.
Israel was born at the time of the Exodus which relates to the birth of Jesus:
God said, “Out of Egypt I called my Son.” — Mat 2v15.
“Has any god ever tried to take for himself one nation out of another nation, by testings, by signs and wonders, by war…” — Deut 4v34a
There are strong reasons to believe that a major calamity — world war three — is very near. God warns and protects His people so that we may escape, and continue living in His blessing to complete the work of the gospel before Jesus returns.
The 6000 Years of Creation Prophecy
Creation Date Calculated
God has given six thousand years for mankind according to the six day creation account, because for God a day is like a thousand years.
The 6000 years consists of:
Two thousand years from Adam to Abraham,
Two thousand years from Abraham to Jesus, and
Two thousand years from Jesus until today.
According to Biblical chronology we may now be just 70 years away from the year 6000 since creation. This cannot be an exact measure because no-one knows the day or hour of Jesus’ return, but the evidence is fascinating, and it’s an amazing sign.
The calculation is remarkably simple:
We only need to add up the first 20 generations from Adam to God’s covenant with Abram. That comes to 2033 years. The rest of the work is already done.
There were another 430 years until the Exodus (Exodus 12v40),
and 480 years until Solomon began building the temple (1 Kings 6v1),
which historians can date to 966 B.C.
Add up these years, and subtract 1 so as not to count the year 966 twice:
2033 + 430 + 480 + 966 - 1 = 3908 B.C.
Therefore Biblical evidence for the year of creation points to about 3908 B.C.
To add our current year, 2022. This gives us a total of 5930 years to date.
A more careful and in-depth explanation is needed — See the detailed chronology on the page called ‘6000 years’.
The year 5930 from creation is just 70 years before year 6000. This is a clear sign that we should now be expecting to see the birth of the final generation.
Caution on Date Setting
Even if the year of creation is correctly identified it still will not be possible to predict the exact time of Jesus' return. Jesus said, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.” Acts 1v7.
Not even Jesus knew that day or hour (Mat 24v26), so it would be foolish to think we might know.
It is enough that we may know the season or the generation (Mat 24v34).
However birth happens with clear signs, and it generally happens approximately on time, so we should now recognise the urgency of this present time.
The signs of birth are clear, and more signs follow during the time of ministry. Jesus rebuked the teachers of his day for not recognising the signs of the times during his ministry, (Luke 12v56, Mat 16v3).
God’s people are sometimes even aware of death when the time comes, as Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane. Paul said, “But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you as a thief” (1 Thess 5v4).
Signs today are pointing not to an imminent end, but rather to the birth of the final generation. After we have come through world war thee we will know that for sure.
Prophetic and theological patterns indicate that Jesus' return will be roughly 40, 50 or 70 or 80 years after the birth of the final generation as discussed on the page called, GOD's PLAN.
Creation Date Confirmed
The Early Revelation 12 Sign of 3915 B.C.
The first instance of the Revelation 12 sign was in 3915 B.C. This appears to confirm the creation date of about 3908 B.C.
The Revelation 12 sign is understood to be an approximate 7 year warning sign, so amazingly, the sign of 3915 B.C. appears to signal the birth (or fall) of the first generation — Adam and Eve.
It is a wonderful thing to consider that God may be using the same heavenly sign to signal the birth of the first generation and the last generations of mankind.
Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end, so I believe this to be in God’s character.
The Revelation 12 sign represents the birth of Jesus, so now the signs we have seen appear to mark the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega of God's great plan for creation.
Anyone can easily confirm the dates of the Revelation 12 sign by installing free astronomy software on their computer such as “Stellarium”, and adjusting the date.
The exact dates are as follows:
23rd September 2017
5th August -3914 (in the Stellarium software)
Note: In Stellarium the year -3914 is actually 3915 BC because the software counts the year zero. Usually we count from 1 BC straight to 1 AD, skipping the year zero.
The Revelation 12 sign of 3915 B.C.
Only twice in all human history is there a nine month pregnancy with Jupiter in Virgo that concludes at the time of birth with the beautiful appearance of the Rev 12 sign.
The evidence for the date of creation pointing to about the year 3908 B.C. is presented here: 6000 Years
These signs confirm each other. (3915 - 3908 = 7 years.) Scripture presents the Revelation 12 sign as an approximate 7 year warning.
The prophetic significance of these dates do not depend on either a symbolic or literal interpretation of the creation story, (young earth or old earth theory) and cannot be used to determine the exact time of Jesus' return.
However, these dates serve as signs from God, and I believe it serves to reveal the approximate time of the birth of the final generation, about 7 years after the sign of 2017. So please be aware of nuclear war in approximately the year 2024, and study Daniel 11v36-44, The Daniel 11 Prophecy.
The creation story tells us that the sun, moon and stars are “for signs and for seasons” (Gen 1v14). They now proclaim that a new season is arriving. We see the sign of the birth of God's child — the christ child generation — those who will now follow the life story and example of Jesus, and who are anointed to serve God in the last days.
The story of Adam and Eve speaks to that of the final generation, and warns of difficulties to come in the last days. After eating the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve were expelled from God's garden, and they lived their lives under a curse, but also with God's continued care.
The world is expected to experience a kind of fall from common grace when world war three takes place, perhaps something similar to what was experienced when Adam and Eve left the garden of Eden. The encounter with the serpent dragon involves enormous calamity.
The modern day curse will be caused by the pollution of war — nuclear radiation.
Despite their difficulties, Adam and Eve were fruitful and had children. They strove to obey God and lived long lives while enduring relatively harsh circumstances outside of the garden of Eden.
Prophecy describes the curse of God’s covenant law that punishes to the third and fourth generation. These post apocalyptic generations will continue to be fruitful and to multiply despite the greater difficulties of child bearing up until the second coming of Jesus.
The calamities of the apocalypse will be like a serious fall for mankind. Original sin and fall from God’s grace occurs at both the first and last generations, but we will know the Lord and His divine wisdom revealed in the Torah will be for our life and health in those last days.
If world war three is a fall from grace, the bond of God’s covenant law, wisdom from Mount Sinai will be our guide for a healthy life and a blessing to those who obey. Otherwise the nuclear curse will afflict the disobedient, until Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour is revealed from heaven.
Isaiah 46v10
“I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.”
The early Revelation 12 sign has a significant difference:
The Revelation 12 sign of 3915 B.C. resembles that of 2017 perfectly, but for one difference: the 12 stars of her crown contain Saturn instead of Mars. The meaning and symbolism of this difference speaks volumes.
Saturn represents 'Satan', and Mars represents 'war'.
Before sin and the fall Satan was a glorious angel of God dwelling with God and mankind in the garden of Eden. There was peace and harmony, and definitely no war. Therefore it is perfectly fitting that Saturn was part of the woman's crown at that time, and Mars was a great distance away.
However, the Revelation 12 sign of 2017 includes Mars in the crown, and warns of world war three which is expected to begin in around 2023. We are about to see the dragon's attack on the final generation of mankind. But God's people need not fear. Be alert, keep watch, and know that it's not the end yet.
God's child of Revelation 12 is snatched out of harms way, (Rev 12v5). This is in keeping with the prophetic pattern of events as revealed in the stories of Jesus and Moses as they escaped death soon after birth.
“Out of Egypt I called my son,” Mat 2v15. For Jesus his first exodus at a young age foreshadows the greater exodus of the cross. The final generation of God’s people will follow the same pattern. God sanctifies his people as he prepares us for glory.
The first birth, the first exodus foreshadows the ultimate exodus when Jesus returns.
We will cross 2 victory.
A Heavenly Sign Every 2000 Years
It is a remarkable fact that God has given us a heavenly sign at each 2000 year interval.
One sign that you may not have heard about yet is the sign that is described in the book of Jasher that appeared when Abram was born.
Jasher is an extra Biblical book that is mentioned in Scripture in two places: Joshua 10v13 and 2 Samuel 1v18. We cannot treat Jasher as the infallible word of God, but many believe the book is worthy of a great respect.
In Jasher 8 we read of a heavenly sign that occurred when Abram was born. It was brought to the attention of King Nimrod, who was the world ruler of the day.
Nimrod was alarmed when he learnt about the sign, very much like King Herod, when the Magi came to him. Nimrod ordered Abram’s father, Terah to hand over his new born son so that he may be killed.
Terah was second in charge of the kingdom (as we see in several other places in Scripture, Joseph, Daniel, Esther etc.) Terah loved his boy and was able to find a way to save his life.
The story is fascinating, and completely consistent with the theme of birth and the dramatic escape from death at that time.
The 6000 years of creation consists of:
Two thousand years from Adam to Abraham,
Two thousand years from Abraham to Jesus, and
Two thousand years from Jesus until today.
The heavenly signs are as follows:
Birth of creation — the Revelation 12 sign of 3915 B.C.
Birth of Abram — the sign of Jasher 8.
Birth of Jesus — the Star of Bethlehem (Matthew 2).
Birth of the final generation — the Revelation 12 sign of 2017.
This is well worth pondering in our hearts as we consider the miracles God does at the time of birth. Isn’t it wonderful? Please help me bring this to the attention of those who may be able to understand.
This should greatly motivate us to act urgently to help many people understand what God is doing, and to escape the birth pains and great destruction of the coming global conflict.
The Ideal Prophetic 6017 Years
The extra Biblical book of Enoch describes the ideal measure of time in which a lunar month has 30 days, and a year of 12 x 30 day months being 360 days exactly. This ideal 360 day year is called a “prophetic year” for symbolic or prophetic purposes.
The prophetic year is used by some in the calculation of Daniel's prophecy of the 70 weeks, and produces an excellent result. Examining the two Revelation 12 signs by the prophetic year gives an interesting result.
The two Revelation 12 signs occurred in the years 3915 BC and 2017 AD.
The time between them is 3914 + 2017 = 5931 standard solar years, which suggest roughly 70 years remain for the final generation until the 6000 years of Biblical history are complete.
However based on the ideal timing of 2000 years from creation to Abraham, 2000 years from Abraham to Jesus, and 2000 years from Jesus until today, some expected the times to reach their fulfilment in year 2000. Taking the prophetic year into account makes this especially interesting.
To convert the 5931 years from solar years to prophetic years we multiply by 365.25 days and then divide by 360.
5931 x 365.25 / 360 = 6017
So the Revelation 12 sign happened in 2017, and we count 6017 prophetic years. In both cases we have an extra 17 years. This may be just a coincidence, or maybe not.
The story of Abraham provides another remarkable prophecy for about the year 2023:
The Genesis Apocalypse of Abraham
Eclipse Reversal
Sign of the Dragon: Rev 12v3
In 2015 Trump announced he was running for office, and I had a powerful vision, a kind of personal awakening as I recognised his character and the conflict described in Daniel 11v36-44. Then I took a close look at the so called “Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad” of 2014 and 2015 and noticed an enormous reversal pattern spanning into eternity, and focussing on Epiphany eve, 5th January 2015.
The following Monday morning, in a state of deep shock I hurried to my local university to meet an astronomer. He agreed to look into it, and at the end of the day we spoke again, and what he said intensified my state of shock enormously.
“This is a real phenomenon, but we’ve never seen anything like it…” He was very excited as he told me he truly believes it is something new to science.
He called it “a scientific discovery,” and began mentioning some famous discoveries of the past. He told me he still didn’t know what caused it, and they would need to study it…
After contacting other astronomers and getting similar responses I decided to start studying it myself, because I urgently wanted to understand what caused it.
The scientific cause of the Eclipse Reversal presents a message to the final generation:
The pattern is caused by the 777 draconic months of the Inex cycle.
“God's dragon appears at the time of the end.”
777 is God’s number
The draconic month was named after the dragon or Satan in ancient times, and is measured from the draconic node which is the point in the moon’s orbit where an eclipse may occur.
The Inex is the eclipse cycle that can be used to put other eclipse cycles into order.
In - Ex meaning In-coming and Exiting of eclipse series. This is like the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
The sign of the dragon is given in Revelation 12v3. The dragon wants to devour God's child the moment he is born. This points to the coming war and world government, but God's family are kept safe because our time has not yet come.
We have the gospel to preach to all nations before the end comes, so God keeps his family safe at the vulnerable time of birth.
These signs have important meaning. Please consider how the testimony of Jesus relates prophetically to the final generation at the end of the age. See God’s Plan.
The signs are amazing and we praise God for what he reveals to us. But nothing is more important than the words of eternal life. See The Gospel of Jesus.