This is the OLD homepage from 2021 to October 2023.
The new homepage is here: Urgent Message
WAR: Birth and Repentance
This is an appeal to all people of noble character and good will, who care for the well being of their communities: Signs warn that military conflicts will reach a climax within about the next year or so. Action is needed so that we may be ready and able to care each other.
The Biblical signs of Revelation 12 have recently appeared in the sky as pictured below. They are signs of war and birth, and they relate to our need for repentance. The struggle of spiritual new birth is repentance. The escape of baby Jesus from King Herod is presented in Revelation 12 as an escape from the dragon or Satan, a symbolic act of repentance.
Many similar calamities are seen in Bible prophecies that relate to the birth of Jesus. But now it is time to consider the end times birth in which world war three will be like the slaughter of the innocent which Jesus escaped, but on a global scale. We have a special opportunity to help many escape the evil of nuclear war. Our success will have symbolic significance, resembling the act of repentance with a spiritual journey ahead for all who are in Christ.
Video #10 recorded on 11th October 2023. The message is important. Please watch and share.
Thankfully God does miracles for his family at moments of birth. We are promised success if we act appropriately to care for each other, so please test this prophecy. Be alert and be ready for action. God fulfills prophecy in his people of faith because the purpose of prophecy is always to reveal Jesus.
A Moment of Birth
Spirit poured out
As a moment of birth world war three is expected bring the a great awakening, a time of world wide revival, an outpouring of his Spirit. Some call it ‘the latter rain’. The birth of the last days Church will be a ‘pentecost moment’ as a more powerful end times ministry begins.
However the birth pains of nuclear war will be God’s warning to the final generation to prepare our hearts for the return of Jesus. The words of Jesus in Matthew 24 will suddenly make perfect sense: “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” — Mat 24v34.
Please be alert and test this prophecy
In 2015 I had a life changing vision in which I saw Donald Trump as the ‘King Herod’ figure at the birth of the end times generation, the character of Daniel 11v36. I was deeply affected and felt greatly awakened and energised to begin preparing for this mission. I believe Trump will be president again very soon, just prior to triggering a major nuclear war.
The conflict is described in Daniel 11v36-44. It will occur “at the time of the end” (v40), and will lead to a ‘King Herod’ moment of destruction when “reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many.” (v44).
Thankfully Joseph and Mary escaped with Jesus prior to King Herod’s slaughter of the innocent, so God’s promise to us today is that we will be able to escape the destruction of this war if we are ready to take action to care for each other.
Jesus waited in Egypt for the ‘old man’ to die. Similarly we are told to ‘put off the old man’, and ‘put on the new man.’ What Jesus did symbolically we must do in spirit and truth. World war three will be God’s apocalyptic call for people to turn to Jesus in repentance, because the end is near.
Speaking of war Jesus said, “this must take place, but the end is not yet… These are but the beginning of birth pains.” (Mat 24v6). Regarding the birth Jesus says, “this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” (Mat 24v34), which means we will have several more decades after the end times birth to complete the great commission before Jesus returns.
God cares for his people, and he helps us to care for others. Christians understand that we need not fear war, but lets be ready to do everything possible to help people survive this conflict, and lets be ready for the powerful ministry that is promised for afterwards (Acts 2 and Joel 2).
I am calling for a coordinated Christian effort to plan and prepare for nuclear war so that many lives may be saved.
God is good. Choose life!
The Signs of Revelation 12
Jesus was born with a sign in heaven, the star that the Magi followed to Bethlehem. However King Herod felt his authority was threatened and a nasty conflict followed. Recently we have seen the signs of Revelation 12 in the sky — the sign of birth, and the sign of the dragon.
The sign of Birth
In 2017 the sun, moon and stars aligned perfectly for the first time in 6000 years to resemble the birth of Jesus exactly as described in Revelation 12v1-2.
The sign of birth appeared on the 23rd of September 2017 during the Jewish feast of Trumpets which is God’s warning call, and a time of repentance. It is understood to be a seven year warning of war. World war three is expected to climax in about the latter part of 2024, or around that time.
The sign of the dragon
In 2015 the blood moons and the Eclipse Reversal gave us the sign of the dragon as described in Revelation 12v3-4. Seven years later, early in 2022 the war began when Russia invaded Ukraine.
In Revelation 12, as the woman was giving birth to Jesus, the dragon waited in front of her to devour her child the moment it was born. This is the King Herod moment.
God’s miracle took place and they escaped the dragon. This is salvation. Then there was war in heaven, and on earth it came like a flood, but God’s family celebrated, they were saved. (Rev 12v5-16).
More information on these and other signs can be accessed via the menu at the top of the page.
With God’s help we may be like the men of Issachar, “who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” — 1 Chronicles 12v32.
The purpose of prophecy is always to reveal Jesus. The revelation is a ‘lived testimony’ and it begins with a moment of birth.
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Revelation 19v10
The book of Revelation begins by introducing the concept of the testimony of Jesus:
“The revelation of Jesus Christ… that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.” — Revelation 1v1-2
The testimony of Jesus can be traced throughout the Bible in many patterns of Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection. My most recent YouTube video below looks at the chiastic structure of the Bible as a whole, and a seven step testimony that reveals Jesus. This pattern also reveals the journey of the final generation.
Jesus is revealed at special times through real historical events that serve to demonstrate the testimony of his life symbolically. This is typology. Jesus was revealed typologically in ancient times and a typological pattern is revealing the testimony of Jesus yet again in our own time — modern Israel.
The most important way that Jesus is revealed is in his people as we follow him, not symbolically but in Spirit and truth. We are 'born again,’ and in Christ we live as prophets, priests and kings. But let's consider what happens when God acts symbolically, or 'typologically,' or ‘apocalyptically’.
The modern nation of Israel are revealing the testimony of Jesus in an apocalyptic way, or outwardly visible way. Their birth after WW2 involved an escape from a real King Herod figure — Hitler who slaughtered many innocent. Now however, after 75 years Israel is coming to the end of their testimony. We should expect a symbolic moment of death, an abomination that causes desolation in Israel. We are coming to the war of Daniel 11v36-44.
World War Three will be bad for Israel, but it will only be a King Herod moment for us, and the final generation. The slaughter of the innocent is terrible, but Jesus tells us not to fear. An escape is promised to the family of God.
Consider a special moment of birth for the final generation, and a testimony that will reveal Jesus to the world through real history making events of symbolic significance, like in ancient times.
Please take some time to understand the concept of the testimony of Jesus, and how it relates to end times prophecy. I'll do my best to explain…
An appeal to Bible Believing Christians and a prophecy to test during 2023 and 2024: War, Birth and Revival in the last days. Action is required to care for God's Children. Watch Israel, Iran and the buildup to WW3 as described in Daniel 11v36-44. God does great miracles at the vulnerable time of birth.
The Testimony of Jesus
Jesus described a journey for the final generation in Matthew 24, and concluded by saying:
“I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” — Mat 24v34.
Prophecy is a demonstration of the journey of salvation, and is based on the testimony of Jesus. A key verse already mentioned:
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Revelation 19v10
The testimony of Jesus is revealed in the life he lived and has three parts:
“This is the one who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ. He did not come by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth. For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.” — 1 John 5v6-8
The water, the Spirit and the blood testifies to the whole life of Christ, his birth, life, death and resurrection.
Testimony: The basic pattern
The journey of salvation has a three part pattern:
Birth and escape,
life and ministry,
death and resurrection.
The first example was “Adam who was the pattern of the one who was to come.” (Rom 5v14).
The diagram below lists twelve large scale testimonies that reveal Jesus during Biblical times, and suggests that we have one more testimony for the end times. The colours of the rainbow are used because there is a rainbow around the throne of God in Revelation 4.
Each testimony in the diagram above reveals the life of Jesus through symbolic events. Jesus fulfilled prophecy perfectly, and now as we follow him we live out the same pattern. Prophecy involves a life long journey.
Daniel asked, “How long…? It will be for a time, times and half a time.” (Dan 12v7, Rev 12v14). The pattern is key. The journey varies in length depending on the lifespan, but the pattern is always the same.
“a time” (of birth),
“times” (of life and ministry),
“and half a time” (of death and resurrection).
This pattern is the bases for interpreting end times prophecy. Correct interpretation requires an understanding of how events relate to the life of Jesus.
The Testimony of Jesus
The testimony of Jesus has the same basic birth - life - death pattern that is common to all of us, but his testimony reveals the way of salvation, and the journey of the end times generation.
Jesus was born with a sign in heaven, and then escaped a terrible conflict, King Herod, who in Revelation 12 is pictured as the dragon, or Satan.LIFE AND MINISTRY
His life was good, and his ministry powerful, but during times of world government, the Roman empire.DEATH AND RESURRECTION
He died on a cross, the ultimate sacrifice, and rose into glory.
The pattern of the life of Jesus reveals ‘the journey of salvation’, just as the Hebrew name 'Jesus' means 'salvation'.
To understand how the end times journey will begin we need to study the birth of Jesus, and the miraculous escape from the dragon. Jesus tells us not to fear the birth pains.
World war three as a moment of birth will cause the kind of destruction that King Herod caused when he slaughtered the innocent, but God promises his family a miraculous escape from the dragon at the vulnerable moment of birth, as described in Revelation 12.
The signs we are seeing give us reasons to prepare for the apocalyptic birth, and journey of the last days. Lets pray and seek God’s wisdom on this matter, even while we continue leading people to Christ for the spiritual birth.
The spiritual birth is most important: We must be ‘born again’ (John 3v7). Then we are given a miraculous escape from the dragon, who is Satan, as we put faith into action through repentance.
The spiritual journey is unseen, but when the appointed time comes for God to act apocalyptically we see symbolic events that reveal Jesus outwardly, and visibly, for all to see.
Jesus was revealed apocalyptically in ancient times
To understand end times prophecy we need to study the way Jesus was revealed in ancient times.
“I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.” — Isaiah 46v10.
The first five books of the Bible are the ancient books of the law, also called the ‘Torah’. From the law to the prophets God shows what he does when he acts symbolically, or ‘apocalyptically’, to ‘reveal’ or ‘unveil’ Jesus in outwardly visible ways.
Jesus said,
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” — Matthew 5v17.
By fulfilling the law and the prophets Jesus showed that he is not merely another symbolic revelation, but as the Son of God he is salvation. He is the way. He is the journey of salvation.
By not abolishing prophecy Jesus teaches that it’s truth remains, and there will yet be certain appointed times when God acts in outwardly visible ways that serve symbolically to reveal Jesus — the journey of salvation.
The journey of the early church is one such example. The birth and journey of modern Israel is another. The birth and journey of the last days church will be the final apocalyptic revelation of Jesus as a testimony to the world.
Apocalyptic Testimonies
To understand the end times journey we need to look at how the testimony of Jesus was revealed in visible, or apocalyptic ways in the past. This is also called ‘typology’. We will consider the following examples:
Testimonies of Moses,
The Testimony of Noah,
The Testimony of Joseph,
The Daniel 11 Prophecy — (An urgent message),
The Testimony of the Early Church,
The Spiritual Testimony is not apocalyptic. It is invisible, but it’s the most important testimony to bear.
Testimony of Moses
Moses and Noah had similar testimonies that revealed Jesus. The birth and escape is especially interesting.
The testimony of Moses reveals Jesus
Baby Moses escaped Pharoah’s slaughter of the infants in a little basked, called an ‘ark’. This is similar to Jesus’ escape from King Herod.
Moses lived in Egypt, and Midian until
The Exodus — Passover revealed Jesus’ sacrifice at the cross, and crossing the sea also represents death and resurrection.
Moses revealed the whole life of Jesus, but consider his birth, and in particular — the little ark on the Nile. The same Hebrew word, ‘Tebah’ in Exodus 2v3 & 5 is also used for Noah’s ark. This is an important connection to a moment of birth of global proportions.
The testimony of Noah
The testimony of Noah reveals Jesus, and as just mentioned, there is also an important connection to the birth of Moses, but ultimately we will be interested to consider how Noah’s story relates to the final generation.
Noah’s flood is like a birth, and is called a baptism in 1 Peter 3. There is a lot of imagery in the flood narrative that relates to birth, including the sign of the rainbow in the sky. It was a new beginning for the whole world.
Floods in the Bible often relate to war.
The life and ministry is seen when Noah was told to “be fruitful, and multiply and teem on the earth…” — Genesis 9v7. But Nimrod ruled the known world in those days (Gen 10v8-12), and people began building the Tower of Babel.
God scattered the nations from the Tower of Babel, (Gen 11v8-9). Scattering and gathering relates to death and resurrection.
The pattern of Noah’s testimony (1. birth, 2. life, 3. scattering) is compared here with four parallels: ancient / Jesus / spiritual / end times:
Noah’s flood as a moment of birth. Noah and his family escaped the flood in the ark.
— Joseph escaped the world famine / Baby Moses — little ark
— Jesus escaped slaughters of the innocent.
— Spiritually our ark is Christ, and it relates to repentance.
— Today Noah’s flood could resemble world war three, and God will help us and our families to escape.
The life and ministry is a time of fruitfulness while under foreign rule, Nimrod:
— The Israelites multiplied greatly in Egypt.
— Jesus’ life and ministry was during the the Roman Empire.
— Spiritually we are fruitful and multiply by leading people to Christ while living as strangers and aliens in this world.
— There will be a powerful ministry for the final generation too while the final beast rules the world.
The scattering of the nations from the tower of Babel is a picture of God’s judgement where scattering and gathering relates to death and resurrection. For example:
— As the Patriarchs died they were “gathered to their people.” (Gen 25v8 & 17, 35v29, 49v29 & 33.) / Wilderness generation scattered.
— When Jesus was arrested the disciples were “scattered” from the garden of Gethsemane. (Mark 14v27 & 50, John 16v32).
— Man is destined to die once, and after that comes judgement. (Heb 9v27).
— When Jesus returns at the end of the age he will harvest the earth and “gather” the elect from the four winds of heaven. (Mat 24v31).
This prophetic pattern reveals Jesus, and the journey of salvation that we can apply on multiple levels. There is much more detail in the narrative of Genesis 6-11 that we can study to understand Jesus, our lives today in Christ, and the journey of the final generation.
The Testimony of Joseph
The famine of Joseph’s time was a world wide event similar to the flood and relates to war as a type of birth. Again, God helped his people to escape.
Israel began a new journey as they were ‘born’ into Egypt to escape the famine. The birth imagery of the Revelation 12 sign is seen in Joseph’s dream when ‘the sun, the moon and the stars bowed down’ (Gen 37v9-10). This represents God’s family. The famine presents an encounter with the dragon, and through Joseph, a type of Christ, they were saved.
Israel were blessed to live in Goshen, the best part of the land, and they multiplied greatly in Egypt, as a demonstration of the life and ministry. But slavery increased at the end, until…
The Exodus revealed Jesus as the passover lamb, and crossing through the sea represents death and resurrection as they are set free.
This pattern of events presents as a testimony that reveals Jesus. Now it also reveals our end times journey.
The Timing of Birth
The connection of Joseph's dream with the Revelation 12 sign of 2017 is very interesting regarding the time of birth. Jospeh had seven good years in Egypt to prepare for a seven year famine, (Gen 41v29-30). This suggests that the sign we saw in 2017 is pointing to a climax of war in about the year 2024.
The seven year warning is confirmed in Isaiah 7 where the Revelation 12 sign appears again, as the virgin with child — Immanuel. This prophecy clearly relates to the birth of Jesus, and the child was about seven years old, or the age of reason when the King of Assyria came waging war. (Isaiah 7v11-17).
Birth differs from the end in that it comes with clear signs, and birth generally happens about on time. Isaac for example was born “at the very time God had promised” — Genesis 21v2.
We always see a baby coming. Pregnancy is obvious to everyone. In addition to the seven year warning signs that we already have, the end times birth, world war three is expected to come with one year and even some three month warning signs which are also discussed here:
God’s intension is for us to prepare as Noah prepared for the flood, and Joseph prepared for the famine, knowing Immanuel — God is with us, so that we may be able to care for God’s family, and nurture God’s children during the end times birth.
In Australia, people in the bush prepare bush fire plans. Now, I am calling on Christian leaders to prepare a nuclear war plan.
The Timing of the End
The end also happens within a rough time frame, but it’s exact timing cannot be predicted. In Matthew 24v34 Jesus promised, “This generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” This puts end time events within a human lifespan.
The testimony of Joseph and Israel in Egypt reveals that the journey of salvation spans four generations as promised to Abram (Gen 15v16, ). Even today we can live to see the fourth generation — our great grandchildren.
Today this is like telling a child that we live for about 70 or 80 years (Ps 90v10). Or in the case of the generation born at the Exodus (Ex 4v22), who saw Mount Sinai, their journey was 40 years in the wilderness to the Promised Land. That whole generation of fighting men, those 20 years and older passed away in the wilderness, except for Joshua and Caleb.
We have the sign of birth, so if the Revelation 12 sign of 2017 proves to be true, it means the children being born today may live to see the second coming of Jesus.
The Daniel 11 Prophecy
The Testimony of the Final Generation
If we are about to see the King Herod conflict of the end times, it is described in most detail in Daniel 11.
Here there are two testimonies that reveal Jesus:
A Testimony during the Greek period establishes the pattern: Daniel 11v3-35.
Alexander the Great conquers the whole known world (Dan 11v3).
Greek world government continued for a long time... (Dan 11v4-30)
The abomination that causes desolation (Dan 11v31-35).
This pattern is repeated once more:
A Testimony for the end times: Daniel 11v36-12v3.
A war at the time of the end (Dan 11v36-44).
A world government (Dan 11v45).
A great distress and the resurrection of the dead (Dan 12v1-3).
If we are now approaching the birth of the final generation I expect we are about to see the war described in Daniel 11v36-44.
I had a powerful vision in mid 2015, in which I saw Donald Trump as the king Herod figure of the last days. (Not the antichrist. The antichrist comes much later...) The vision greatly awakened and motivated me to study the birth, and to begin this mission.
Iran is getting involved in the war in Ukraine. I expect that we will see an American invasion of the Middle East, moving from north to south as described in Daniel 11v40-43, probably during about 2023 and 2024.
Daniel 11v44 is the climax, and resembles a King Herod moment of destruction:
"But reports from the east and the north will alarm him and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many."
This resembles the circumstances of when Jesus was little, and the wise men came “from the east”. They brought "reports" that alarmed King Herod. Of course Jesus escaped the slaughter of the innocent, so I am very optimistic that we are going to be okey.
But as the birth of the final generation draws near, we will need to be alert and ready for action. Today “the east” is China and “the north” is Russia. If we see America invading the countries listed in Daniel 11v40-43 I believe we will be coming to nuclear war.
There is more information here:
Jesus tells us such things will happen, and he tells us not to be alarmed. We know birth is a blessing for God's people. Birth brings an awakening, an out pouring of God's spirit, a Pentecost moment...
The Testimony of the Early Church
On the day of Pentecost all God's people all understood prophecy. Their sons and daughters prophesied, their old men dreamed dreams and young men saw visions... but the circumstances were apocalyptic.
Pentecost involves 'blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will turn dark and the moon blood red...' (Acts 2). This could be caused by a nuclear war. But it is not the end. It comes "before the great and glorious day of the Lord, and all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved."
The testimony of Jesus is seen in the pattern of the early church:
Pentecost was the birth of the church.
After Pentecost they had about 40 years of ministry in Israel,
until 70 AD, the end of Israel.
That generation saw the whole pattern of prophecy. They lived to see the destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 AD, the abomination that causes desolation which represents the end of the world, and also the end of Jesus' life at the cross (John 2v19).
Many people agree that Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 have multiple fulfilments. Jesus spoke initially to his own generation, but it seems he also speaks to the generation who will live to see his second coming.
"I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." — Mat 24v34.
Which generation? We will all understand prophecy if we have an Acts 2 moment, and we will be empowered by God's spirit for an even more powerful ministry afterwards.
As we set out in the post apocalyptic world, a place damaged by war we will know that it is time to live for the kingdom to come. This world is passing away, but Jesus has the words of eternal life.
The testimony of the final generation would look like this:
Birth - WW3 for us to escape by preparing to care for people.
Life and ministry as we work to complete the great commission.
Final Antichrist, persecution and second coming of Jesus.
If we are prepared to share in the sufferings of Christ we can be sure to share in his glory when he comes.
Today my main concern is that we may be prepared to care for as many people as possible as we approach world war three because war comes as a moment of birth, and birth is a blessing for God’s people.
"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." -- Galations 6v10
If we see an American war that resembles the Daniel 11v36-44 I think we should understand that the Revelation 12 sign of 2017 is a true sign.
We will need a coordinated Christian effort to help as many people as possible to escape the cities as the woman in Revelation 12 flew with the wings of an eagle to a place prepared for her in the wilderness.
Out of Egypt God calls his son. — This requires an exodus.
"Israel is my first born son." - Exodus 4v22.
When Israel escaped from Egypt they came to Mount Sinai in the third month. The wrath of God on Mount Sinai could resemble nuclear war as Israel camped some distance from the mountain.
I have written more about the wisdom God reveals at Mount Sinai for the generation who like Joshua and Caleb will potentially live to see the second coming of Jesus.
Our end times testimony will be like Israel, travelling on from Mount Sinai, after a 40 (or 70) year journey that will continue to the third and fourth generation, we will reach the promised land of the new creation when Jesus returns.
The journey begins with an exodus. It is like a birth, and it's called a baptism in 1 Cor 10v2.
Preparing for nuclear war would require this kind of exodus from the cities.
If we need to make an exodus from the cities, where should we go?
When Jesus was born there was no room in the Inn, so Jesus was born in a stable. We have plenty of farms in the country with large sheds, barns and stables.
Bethlehem means, "House of Bread".
Lets think about bread. We will need food, medicine, warm cloths etc.
Please test this message, and if you find it to be true, lets get prepared.
God is with us, Immanuel !
Birth is a blessing for God's people.
The Spiritual Testimony
The testimony of Jesus has been revealed many times in various ways as recorded in the Scriptures, but today Jesus is being revealed in the lives of all those who believe and follow him:
Our spiritual journey begins with new birth. When we put our faith in Jesus we are born again. Then, through acting in repentance we escape the dragon of sin and death, so that we may begin learning obedience to Jesus.LIFE AND MINISTRY
As we persevere on the journey of salvation we hold to the testimony of Jesus as we follow him. We reveal him to others, both in word and deed, in spirit and in truth, by our life and teaching.DEATH AND RESURRECTION
The end comes with death and resurrection. This final encounter with the dragon is a greater battle, and a more glorious victory is won for those who are in Christ Jesus. Judgement is coming, but if we are in Christ, having his righteousness we will be victorious in him.
The spiritual journey is most important because it changes our eternal destiny. Apocalyptic journeys only have temporal importance. If we have a good personal relationship with Jesus we are truely saved for eternity.
We want to warn people about the judgement to come so that they may also come to Jesus and receive eternal life.
The Birth of Jesus
Jesus was born with a sign in heaven.
Over 2000 years ago some Magi or wise men recognised the significance of what they saw in the sky, and travelled from the east to worship the new born Christ child in Bethlehem.
In 2017 we saw an amazing resemblance of the sign of birth precisely as described in Revelation 12.
The sign of 2017 also depicts the birth of Jesus, but by using modern astronomy software we can see that it is the first time that this unique alignment of the sun, moon and stars has occurred in nearly 6000 years, a very interesting time interval.
We have Two Perfect Rev. 12 Signs resembling the birth of Jesus.
If you’re not sure, here is my Response to the Critics.
We are told to test all things (1 Thess 5v21), and this sign certainly qualifies as potentially the true fulfilment.
Today we are not looking for a rebirth of Jesus. Instead, signs of birth should prompt us to consider the birth of the generation that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24v34:
“I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.”
What will the journey of the final generation look like?
We need to study Jesus because, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Rev 19v10.
The Birth is Dramatic
Having been born with a sign in heaven, Jesus needed to escape a terrible conflict — King Herod, and the slaughter of the innocent.
In Revelation 12 the King Herod moment is described as war. King Herod is revealed as the dragon or Satan who tries unsuccessfully to destroy God's family.
The birth of Jesus and the King Herod conflict is seen in Old Testament prophecy, but why does it involve such a conflict?
Symbolic Repentance and WW3
King Herod and the sinful nature
Because of sin, birth involves a great struggle and much pain:
In Revelation 12 Jesus is pictured as a baby escaping the dragon. We know from Matthew 2 the dragon was King Herod, and Jesus escaped the slaughter of the infants.
This struggle is symbolic.
By escaping King Herod, Jesus was symbolically demonstrating the act of repentance, which is to escape the power of sin and death.
We are told to put off the old man and put on the new man. We put to death the sinful nature. So Jesus waited in Egypt for King Herod to die. Then, when he was dead, out of Egypt God called his son.
Jesus was perfect, having no sin from which to repent. Therefore to demonstrate repentance he needed to act symbolically.
The book of Revelation applies the story of the life of Jesus to events coming in the last days.
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”. — Revelation 19v10.
A testimony begins at birth. A Christian testimony focuses on the moment of new birth.
This brings to attention an interesting theological concept:
The end times birth of the final generation will involve the escape of many Christians from the destruction caused by a real world war as a symbolic act of repentance in the last days.
A miraculous escape by many Christians would be similar to what Mary and Joseph did with Jesus when they escaped King Herod.
What is the biggest possible conflict that would stand symbolically for an encounter with the dragon? — Nuclear war (Daniel 11v39).
A Vision
In 2015 I (James) had a powerful vision in which I saw Donald Trump as the King Herod figure of the final generation (Daniel 11v36). I believe he will return to office, and that nuclear war will occur in the circumstances described in the verses leading up to Daniel 11v44.
“At the time of the end the king of the south will engage the king of the north in battle…” — Dan 11v40
I believe we are about to see an American invasion of the Middle East as described in verses 40-43. Watch Iran. The war will move south through the Middle East until…
“Reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many.” — Daniel 11v44.
Do you see how this end times war leads up to a ‘King Herod’ moment of destruction?
… the wise men came “from the east” with ‘reports that alarmed' King Herod.
Jesus escaped the slaughter of the innocent, praise be to God. So I am confident that we will escape this end times war, but but please alert and ready for action.
Today the east is China, and the north is Russia. If America gets involved in a war in the Middle East we will certainly see a full scale nuclear war.
Please watch and test this prophecy. Much more attention is given to the Daniel 11 prophecy on this website. It is a key prophecy for us to study today.
The birth of Jesus is clearly seen in Old Testament prophecy.
When Immanuel was born the war was coming from the King of Assyria. Isaiah said, “we are signs and symbols in Israel.” — Isaiah 8v18.
There are many examples of Jesus' birth in Old Testament prophecy to study. This is called 'Typology'.
Jesus fulfilled prophecy perfectly at his first coming 2000 years ago, and he did not abolish prophecy (Mat 5v17). Instead he confirmed prophecy as true. Therefore Jesus’ birth will also be important to end times prophecy.
Old Testament typological stories reveal the circumstances of the birth of Jesus, and provides us with all the wisdom that we will need to survive the end times birth.
The journey of the final generation of the church will be just like the typological stories of Israel in the Old Testament that served to reveal Jesus.
After the end times birth (WW3), having God's guidance we will live in His blessing, having good lives, being very fruitful in the post apocalyptic world, bringing glory to God for the Kingdom that will be revealed from heaven when Jesus returns.
There is no sign of the end. Jesus will return like a thief in the night to many, with no warning.
Instead, signs point to birth.
Death can sneak up on anyone unexpectedly — the end. But birth is not like that. We ALWAYS see a baby coming as the pregnancy develops. The signs are clear, and then birth generally happens approximately on time.
Jesus was born with a sign in heaven, the star that the wise men followed.
Now we have a fascinating sign to consider: The Revelation 12 sign of 2017 — a sign of birth. It appeared in our skies on 23rd September 2017 with absolute perfection, and it calls for careful consideration.
It is understood to be a seven year warning sign for nuclear war, pointing to approximately 2024. (Update: during the past year or so (2022-2023) I’ve been using the phrase “the latter part of 2024 or around that time.”)
The seven year timing is explained from the examples of Joseph in Genesis and Immanuel in Isaiah 7, among others.
The Revelation 12 sign page, and the Seven Year Warning page may also be accessed through the SIGNS menu if you scroll to the top.
In the SIGNS menu you will also see the Eclipse Reversal page - the sign of the dragon (Rev 12v3). This sign focuses on 5th January 2015, and has already proven to be a true seven year sign of war. Putin surrounded Ukraine in January 2022, and in February the war began.
In 2015, when I first saw the Eclipse Reversal, it was just after a had a powerful vision in which I saw Donald Trump as the King Herod figure of the final generation. I was in deep shock and filled with adrenaline.
I hurried to my local university early on a Monday morning to see an astronomer. Later that day, after looking into it, the professor who I had met told me that he believed it to be a real phenomenon, and a new scientific discovery. He was excited. I nearly died.
A few months later I understood that the eclipse cycle producing the pattern is the Inex, which has 777 draconic months in its cycle.
That's confirmation — it really is the sign of God's dragon (Revelation 12v3).
777 draconic months — God's dragon.
In ancient times they named the draconic month after the dragon because whenever they saw an eclipse it was said that the dragon was taking a bite out of the sun or the moon.
Now, seven years after the Eclipse Reversal of January 2015, we have proof that it was indeed a true seven year sign. The war began with Russia in Ukraine.
In Revelation 12 the birth brings an encounter with the dragon. It is war.
More information: Eclipse Reversal
It’s NOT the end
Before the concept of the end times birth is understood, Christians often interject to say, 'But we don’t know the time of the end… Not even Jesus knew when the end will come', referring to Matthew 24v36.
Yes, that’s true. But birth is not meant to be the end, and I’m not talking about the end.
Jesus knew when the end would NOT come, and he described signs including war and rumours of war that relate to a moment of birth, when “the end is NOT YET.” He called them “the beginning of birth pains.” (Mat 24v6-8). Interpreting signs.
Birth is the beginning of prophecy and birth always comes with clear signs. The end relates to a moment of death, and the timing of death cannot be predicted. Today the signs are pointing to a moment of birth in the latter part of 2024, or around that time.
Birth is difficult and it requires our full attention, but it brings God’s blessing. The true birth is spiritual. It requires repentance to escape the dragon of sin and death, but it brings eternal life.
A Birth that begins an End Times Journey
The book of Revelation is “The revelation of Jesus Christ” (Rev 1v1). It reveals the whole life of Jesus, even from birth.
World events in the last days are expected to give the church special opportunity to demonstrate the whole life and ministry of Jesus, beginning with the struggle of birth.
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Revelation 19v10.
The testimony of Jesus can be broken down into three parts, also referred to as a time, times and half a time:
Birth and escape,
Life and ministry, and
Death and resurrection.
As prophecy begins with birth, the birth of Jesus becomes the focus of our attention as we consider what will take place in the last days.
Today as we are approaching an end times birth expected in about the year 2024 we must make plans and take action so that we may be able to care for as many people as possible. We will be able to save many lives in a way that brings great glory to God.
“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” — Galatians 6v10
Video Series
Part 1 (41 minutes)
An urgent message to Bible believing Christians, especially to the leaders of churches. It requires prayer and testing.
This study focuses on the birth of Jesus with the birth of the end-times generation in view. We have the sign!
The call is that we may be ready to care for people during an earth-shaking time of conflict.
Two Key Passages include:
Revelation 12
Daniel 11v36-44
Part 2: Review (14 minutes)
A Review of the material covered in video part 1.
Part 3: The Abraham Isaac Prophecy
This video looks at the circumstances of the birth of Isaac, Jesus, and ultimately the birth of the final generation:
There is more information on the page called ‘Abraham’s Prophecy’ (also accessible from the menu at the top).
Jesus Reveals the End Times Journey
The journey of the final generation is expected to resemble the life of Jesus.
The book of Revelation is:
“The Revelation of Jesus Christ… that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.” - Rev 1v1-2.
The Bible reveals God’s plan for the end of the age through the story of the life of Jesus. A true prophet lives out his prophecy. That’s what Jesus did, even from birth.
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” - Rev 19v10b.
The testimony of Jesus is the life he lived. Jesus reveals the spiritual journey of salvation beginning at birth. But he also revealed the apocalyptic journey.
The Pattern of Prophecy
The life of Jesus has three main parts. These are seen in both Old Testament prophecy and End Times prophecy:
The life of Jesus shows that there will be three different stages during the life time of the last days generation:
Jesus entered this world as a baby, so end times prophecy will also begin with a kind of birth. It involves a great struggle. Birth is difficult, but God cares for his family. Jesus needed to escape the King Herod conflict, and then out of Egypt God called his son.
The journey will be good. Jesus lived a blessed life and had a powerful ministry, but it was during a time of world government, the Roman Empire.
The greatest battle is fought on the cross, and there the ultimate victory is won. Death involves great tribulation. It is an abomination, but resurrection glory is promised to those who are in Christ.
The journey is life long:
“I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” (Mat 24v34).
The journey was revealed repetitively throughout Old Testament times, especially in Israel — symbolically.
The true journey that Jesus reveals is for us to fulfil spiritually, in Christ.
Currently we know the spiritual journey, but in the future we can also consider an apocalyptic journey which will be like the symbolic journeys of ancient Israel that served to reveal Jesus.
The final apocalyptic journey will take place on a global scale, but it’s purpose will be the same — to reveal the life, or testimony of Jesus symbolically. Likewise, the final apocalyptic journey will also relate symbolically to our true spiritual journey in Christ.
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Revelation 12v10.
The testimony of Jesus consists of his birth, life and ministry, and death and resurrection.
The testimony relates on various levels:
— firstly to Jesus,
— then to us spiritually
— and eventually also apocalyptically:
The birth involves and escape from calamity:
— Jesus escaped King Herod
— Spiritually new birth is an escape from the power of sin and death through faith in Jesus, and it involves repentance.
— The apocalyptic birth will involve wars and rumours of war. The final generation will see world war three (Daniel 11v36-44), but a miraculous escape is promised. This is what we must test out as we seek to understand what God is currently doing in the world.The life and ministry during a time of world government:
— Jesus lived a blessed life and had a powerful ministry during Roman world government.
— Our journey of faith involves blessings and testing. We serve God while living as strangers and aliens in this world.
— The final generation will complete the great commission while a world government rules, the beast of Daniel 7 and Revelation 13.The cross is the greatest battle where the ultimate victory is won at the end of the journey.
— Jesus defeated sin and death, and rose victoriously into glory.
— We are called to take up our cross and follow Him.
— We all face death and judgement. This is the abomination that causes desolation given that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. There is always a brief tribulation at the end of life whether or not we live to see the final antichrist. Those who share in the sufferings of Christ will share in His glory when He comes.
Old Testament Typology
Stories that reveal Jesus in the Old Testament are said to present ‘types’ of Jesus, and also ‘types’ of the enemy. Typology is the study of these stories as we seek to understand how they relate firstly to Jesus, and then also to us.
The whole Bible points to Jesus, so his life is foreshadowed in many parallel stories.
Bible stories primarily relate to us spiritually, but some times — when God’s appointed times come, they also relate apocalyptically.
Jesus’ escape from the King Herod calamity is presented in Old Testament prophecy, and is understood to provide the wisdom that we will need to survive world war three, and even for how to live in the post apocalyptic world.
A slaughter of infants occurred with the birth of Moses, who was a type of Christ. Moses escaped Pharaoh's slaughter in a little boat, a basket called an “ark”, (Hebrew: תֵּ֣בַת - tebah) Exodus 2v3 & 5.
The same Hebrew word for ark is used for Noah's ark. Indeed Noah's flood was like a birth. It is also called a ‘baptism’ (1 Peter 3v20-21). The flood was a kind of rebirth for creation, the renewal of the world, and a new beginning, and a miraculous escape was revealed for God's family.
Noah’s flood relates to Jesus’ escape from the King Herod conflict via the birth of Moses. Floods are often used in Scripture to describe war, so consider how Noah’s flood may foreshadow world war three, and the journey of the final generation:
After the flood Nimrod ruled the world. The parallel to the life of Jesus continues as Jesus lived during the Roman empire — a world government.
Finally, as the tower of Babel was being built — God acted without warning, with no sign, and he scattered the nations.
Scattering and gathering relates to death and resurrection. For example, as the Patriarchs died they were ‘gathered to their people.’ When Jesus was arrested the disciples were scattered from the garden of Gethsemane. When Jesus returns he will gather the elect from the four corners of the earth.
Many Christians speculate about the final antichrist, but that will be the last thing to happen. What about the final King Herod figure? The birth comes first, and it involves an escape from calamity.
To understand end times prophecy we need to consider what the birth of Jesus reveals about the birth of the final generation.
There are many more examples of the escape that takes place at the time of birth. The spiritual meaning is repentance, but we have urgent reasons to explore the apocalyptic meaning.
The signs we see today make this study of the birth of Jesus an important priority as we consider the threats of war, and how to care for each other — if you come to agree that we need to organise an escape.
God used caring and faithful family members to make the escape a success.
For a more through study, see: God’s Plan
If listening suits you, the audio message below has two parts: Part 1 is 47 minutes and Part 2 is 62 minutes:
The Whole Bible Chiasm
The Biblical Chiasm of World History could also be called ‘The Chiasm of Salvation History’. It reveals Jesus as God’s plan for the end
A chiasm is a literary mirror in which things are arranged in the following order: A - B - C - D - C’ - B’ - A’.
The Bible contains many literary chiasmus both small and large. The Prophecy of Abraham is an example of a large chiasm. But the Scriptures also contain another kind of chiasm: a historical chiasm.
From the beginning to the end, the Bible reveals Jesus typologically in which stories form patterns that present the journey of salvation in the form of ‘lived testimonies’. Moments of birth, life death and resurrection occur and reoccur repetitively. The When arranged in chronological order, they can be seen to mirror, and a beautiful chiastic pattern is revealed.
Twelve large typological examples of Jesus span from Adam and Eve until the first century AD, with many more smaller scale ‘echo’ patterns within. These all reveal the gospel message, and also contain details of God’s plan for the final generation.
The Biblical Chiasm of World History could also be called, ‘The Chiasm of Salvation History’, or even ‘A Chiasm of Testimonies’. In the diagram below each line reveals the testimony of Jesus beginning with a moment of birth.
The Revelation 12 Sign of 2017
A beautiful alignment involving the sun, the moon and the stars took place in 2017, perfectly matching the sign of birth as it is described in Revelation 12v1-2.
A lot of research has been done, and I fully expect that it will prove to be God's true sign. If so, it warns that a very significant time of birth pains is coming on the world.
The sign occurred during the Jewish feast of Trumpets in 2017, and on a special Sabbath, ‘Shabbat Shuva’ — the Sabbath of return.
Shabbat Shuva is a special Sabbath for ‘Teshuvah’, or ‘Repentance’. The timing and the circumstances are perfect.
With repentance we may turn to God in faith to be ‘born again’. We put to death our old sinful desires, escaping the spiritual power of the enemy to begin living victoriously for the Kingdom.
Signs are now pointing to a global baptism of birth pains as a trumpet call to repentance. The final generation will be born, or awakened to the journey ahead. An escape from calamity is promised for God's family as the journey begins.
The message is urgent. Signs are pointing to world war three in approximately 2023 or 2024, so please take a careful look. We need to test and pray about these things.
The most important signs are beautiful, complex, and very theologically involved. They point to birth:
The Revelation 12 Sign - God’s child born as a sign in the sky. It occurred in 2017 and is understood to be a seven year warning pointing to around 2023 or 2024.
The Eclipse Reversal took place in 2015. It signals the appearance of God’s dragon of Revelation 12v3 who makes war, wanting to devour the new born child. Also a seven year warning, it points to conflict beginning in 2022.
God’s 777 signs point to an American military conquest beginning in the Middle East, most likely with Iran.
Daniel 11v36-44 is of key importance.Abraham was born in the year 1948 AM - after creation.
The modern state of Israel was refounded in 1948 AD.God called Abram in the year 2023 AM - after creation, at the age of 75, to begin his journey in the land of Canaan.
Next year, 2023 AD we can expect to begin the end times journey.NOTE:
AM is Anno Mundi, “year of the world” and count years forward from the creation of Adam and Eve.
BC is Before Christ, and count years backwards, from Jesus.Genesis 12-21 presents a chiasm of birth pains leading up to the birth of Isaac: The Apocalypse of Abraham.
God’s Plan - The Escape
The escape is revealed in the book of Revelation where both the woman and the child escaped the dragon who wanted to devour the child the moment he was born (Rev 12v5).
Jesus escaped from King Herod like baby Moses escaped from Pharaoh, like Noah escaped from the flood, and like Joseph and the Israelites escaped the famine.
More Biblical examples provide further detail and give us confidence that God will help the final generation to escape a great destruction when we are born into the journey of the last days.
The study of Jesus in typology is especially important for the understanding of prophecy. God’s plan for the end is revealed in Jesus:
God’s Plan
Interpreting Signs: How do people respond?
Initial responses can sometimes be quite a challenge, depending on their view of end times, and how they interpret signs. For some reflections on people’s initial responses:
Interpreting Signs
Special family gatherings - Feast of Trumpets
Birth, birthdays and Christmas time are special times for the family. The Revelation 12 sign of 2017 happened on the Jewish feast of trumpets. This is a festival time in Israel, a time of repentance and preparation for the day of judgement.
Family Gatherings - Trumpets
The Seven Year Warning
Two typological stories that connect directly with the imagery of the birth of Revelation 12 include Joseph in Genesis, and Immanuel in Isaiah 7. These stories both reveal that the escape takes place with a seven year warning sign;
Joseph and the famine
Joseph was a typological christ child who dreamed that the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars would bow down to him (Gen 37v9).
In Egypt Joseph had seven years to prepare for a seven year famine, and his family were saved. They came and bowed down to Joseph in Egypt just as he had dreamed.
So the sign of 2017 may be a seven year warning sign.
Israel escaped the world wide famine, but their journey continued as they remained in Egypt until — the exodus.
The exodus is where Jesus was revealed as our Passover lamb. It relates to the cross, and to death and resurrection. So the whole life Jesus is presented symbolically, or typologically in the story of Israel in Egypt.
The seven year warning that Joseph had for the famine when Israel was about to be ‘born’ into Egypt may prove to be very important to our time in light of the Revelation 12 sign of 2017, but to be more certain we need confirmation.
The Immanuel story provides confirmation of the seven year warning.
Immanuel and the King of Assyria
Isaiah's son, Immanuel was presented as a “sign” to king Ahaz of Judah. Again, the imagery connects directly with the birth in Revelation 12.
“Therefore the Lord will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” — Isaiah 7v14
“But before the boy knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, the land of the two kings you dread will be laid waste.” — Isaiah 7v16
The age of reason is about seven years old, so by that time the land was destroyed through warfare by the king of Assyria.
Given that the Revelation 12 sign occurred in 2017 we should be alert and keeping watch for the war that will fulfil prophecy which is likely to occur in around 2023 or 2024.
The birth begins a journey. Judah was blessed to have curds and honey to eat, and while many people were swept away Judah escaped the destruction that the Assyrians brought. Immanuel means, ‘God with us'.
A great conflict is believed to be brewing in the world today. This is a conflict that we are told not to fear, because God is with us. We have the gospel which needs to go out to all the world. God’s family are privileged to be able to escape the calamity.
In Immanuel’s time the faithful remnant survived the war and continued with God while Assyria ruled the world — a world government.
The prophets understood that a greater day of judgement was yet to come, and they prophesied about the destruction of the city and the temple by Nebuchadnezzar.
Jesus destroyed and re-built the temple in just 3 days — at the cross in the temple of His body (John 2v21). Jesus is the true fulfilment, and we are called to follow Him.
So here again from the birth to the death and resurrection, we see the whole life story of Jesus presented symbolically, in typology.
This is currently our spiritual journey, but the apocalyptic journey for the final generation is believed to be about to begin.
The birth involves an escape from a ‘flood’ of destruction caused by war (Isaiah 8v8).
Lets be ready to do whatever we can to help as many people as possible to escape the coming calamity.
Spiritually we prepare through repentance as we put our faith in Jesus, but the signs are increasingly clear that a real apocalyptic readiness is required.
Daniel describes the conflict that we will need to be ready to escape.
The War of Daniel 11
A War at the Time of the End
The prophecy in Daniel 11v36 - 12v3 is a special message for the final generation. It concludes with the great resurrection when “the multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake…” Dan 12v2. It describes war that will occur near the end of time as birth pains, before Jesus returns.
Consider how this prophecy begins: A war will occur “at the time of the end” (Dan 11v36-44).
With the understanding that prophecy begins at birth, we can expect this war to be the ‘King Herod’ moment of the final generation, to occur a few decades prior to the second coming of Jesus.
This war will be big. It will involve an attack on “the mightiest of fortresses” (Dan 11v39). This would have to be world war three.
The war doesn't bring the end of the world, at least not right away. Instead it begins a journey that reflects the life of Jesus.
Jesus escaped the King Herod conflict, but his life and ministry was during a time of world government. It will be similar for the final generation.
After the war, in verse 45, the king “will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain”.
The language is symbolic. The seas represent the peoples of the world, and the mountain is God’s place. This is where world government authority always wants to place itself — between the people and God.
Daniel 12 goes on to describe the final tribulation and the second coming of Jesus.
The Daniel 11 Prophecy links to a more in-depth study of the whole chapter. The first half provides important context that helps us correctly interpret the end times events.
The majority of Bible commentators agree that the last 10 verses of Daniel 11 remain unfulfilled, so this is a very important prophecy for us to understand.
Daniel 11v36-44 describes the circumstances the war that will take place at the time of the end.
From this passage I believe we will know for sure when we have arrived at the time of the birth of the final generation. If it becomes clear that this war is happening in our time — we may act ahead of time to escape a greater calamity, and to save many lives.
I strongly recommend becoming very familiar with these verses.
The King is proud, arrogant, wealthy and careless. He is powerful enough to take on the super powers (v36-39).
In mid 2015 I had a powerful vision of Donald Trump as the King Herod figure of the last days.
A sequence of invasions (v40-43) is likely to begin with Iran while Biden is still in office, and it’s believed will be an American conquest that will lead up to an act of very great destruction (v44).
The great destruction of Daniel 11v44 is described in terms that resemble the wise men bringing reports from the East to King Herod, who then slaughtered the infants — and Jesus escaped.
This is encouraging, because it means God will give us a good escape from world war three if we act in faith with wisdom and foresight, making preparations to care for each other as Joseph and Mary did when they escaped King Herod.
Today however the conflict will be nuclear war. Our preparation will be more like the Genesis accounts of Noah as he prepared the ark for a flood, and Joseph as he prepared for a world wide famine.
Another Sign
The sign of the Dragon (Rev 12v3)
Revelation 12 describes two heavenly signs. The first sign depicts God's glorious woman giving birth to His child, then “another sign appeared in heaven, a great red dragon…” (Rev 12v3).
The dragon is the enemy, Satan or the devil. For Jesus the enemy was King Herod from whom He escaped.
For believers who have been born again the enemy is sin. The escape is made by repentance as we put our faith into action.
The apocalyptic birth for the final generation will involve some extremely dangerous circumstances, but God promises His people a good escape if we are keeping watch and ready to act.
Signs are pointing to a great struggle, a world wide conflict coming very soon. The birth pains of the final generation will be WW3, an encounter with the dragon.
Spiritually, new-birth involves the struggle of repentance, and that’s the true escape from the dragon (Satan). But the end-times birth will be apocalyptic.
In 2015 a remarkable pattern appeared in eclipse astronomy; a complete reversal in the order and geometry of all solar and lunar eclipses. The pattern could be described as a ‘chiasm’.
The eclipse reversal has deep religious significance:
The reversal occurred exactly at the centre of the well known Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014 and 2015. The reversal grabbed the attention of professional astronomers as a newly observed phenomenan, and was called a scientific discovery.
The circumstances and the cause of the eclipse reversal are astonishing in their precision and in the way they convey a message:
God's dragon appeared.
The eclipse reversal of 2015, and the birth of the King star in 2017 are consistent with the two heavenly signs described in Revelation 12v1-3. Therefore the time of prophetic fulfilment is arriving.
As already mentioned, there are reasons to expect the war of Daniel 11v36-44 to occur within about seven years of these signs. The year 2022 is therefore likely to be the year conflict begins.
As it relates to birth, this conflict will not be the end, but is called “the beginning of birth pains.” Mat 24v8.
In Revelation 12, the dragon was poised to destroy God’s child — but he failed. However the war is severe, extending into heaven and bringing a third of the stars falling to earth, (Rev 12v4-9).
The war has spiritual significance, but for the final generation we can also consider physical events — modern warfare which really does extend into heaven.
A third or a quarter of everything will be destroyed in this apocalyptic calamity. It begins with war (Rev 6v2-4), and the consequences continue on through most of chapters 6, 8 and 9 of Revelation. A third of all people will die, Rev 9v18.
John describes stars falling from heaven to earth. He was using ancient language to describe future events, so in our modern nuclear age, while considering the prospect of world war three, it is easy to imagine how ‘falling stars’ will fulfil this prophecy.
Typological stories of Jesus in the Old Testament reveal a lot more about what an escape may involve if this destructive global conflict occurs as expected. They also reveal the journey ahead for the post apocalyptic generation.
The Spiritual War
The greater enemy that threatens to destroy each one of us is sin. There will be wars and rumours of war in the last days but sin wars against our souls. Disobedience is the true enemy that is trying to produce spiritual death within all of us.
Through repentance, faith in Jesus, and receiving God's Spirit we may escape the power of this dreadful enemy. Then a journey of faith and obedience can begin. This is by far the most important journey to be on.
The true journey is the spiritual journey. The apocalyptic journey will also be a real journey, but when it is finished it will be forgotten. The apocalyptic journey is only of symbolic significance.
What really matters is whether or not we are in Christ. The spiritual journey will not be forgotten. The spiritual journey has eternal significance.
If you are not yet familiar with the good news about the victory Jesus has won over sin and death at the cross, please read about it in the books of the New Testament, and also here: The Gospel
Birth and Repentance
The spiritual birth is the most important kind of birth — new birth. This requires repentance.
Jesus said, “You must be born again.” John 3v7.
New birth happens by grace, through faith in Christ, as we decide to give our life to Jesus. Faith requires action, otherwise we are dead (James 2v17). Escaping the power of the dragon (sin, or the devil) is the action of repentance. Jesus calls us to repent.
New birth and repentance go together.
The real enemy is not nuclear war, it's sin and death.
We are not strong enough to fight this war alone, but through faith in Jesus we are empowered by his Spirit to take action against our enemy. In repentance Jesus gives us an escape from the power of sin and death, ‘snatched up’ to begin living as new born children of God for the kingdom of heaven, (Rev 12v5).
Repentance requires our full attention. It is a flesh verses spirit struggle, a real battle, even a fight to the death. Putting to death our sinful nature means waring against the ungodly desires of the flesh, until we overcome. In God’s strength we are successful. We become more and more like Christ.
Jesus could only do this symbolically because he was perfect, having no sin of his own from which to escape. So King Herod was symbolically the dragon, Satan, or sin (Revelation 12).
The end times birth will also involve a symbolic act of repentance through an escape from a real calamity, a real King Herod conflict.
Consider an escape from world war three as a symbolic act of repentance. Our success during WW3, our escape from the destruction of nuclear war will reveal symbolically God’s call to the whole world for repentance.
The testimony of Abraham and Isaac reveals Jesus
By studying Abraham’s journey, and especially the birth and life of Isaac, we may understand the story of the final generation. The Chiasm shown below presents the apocalyptic events leading up to the birth of Isaac.
The call of Abram mirrors the birth of Isaac in a Chiasm spanning 10 chapters of Genesis; 12 - 21. The focus of the Chiasm is the birth of Ishmael. The Chiasm is all about birth, and birth pains, and reveals the struggle between Ishmael and Isaac, or Hagar and Sarah, which represents the struggle between flesh and spirit that all Christians understand at the moment of new birth. This is explained in Galatians 4 and 5.
The struggle at the time of birth for the final generation will be apocalyptic:
Abraham and Isaac were called to live in the land of Canaan. This is an interesting fact, because Canaan was the one cursed by Noah when he got drunk (Genesis 9v20-27). It was a repeat of original sin because the world had just been renewed in the floodwaters, and now we see the curse again.
So the call of Abram to the land of Canaan is for God to reveal to us the journey of salvation.
The Chiasm of birth pains relates to the fall, or for the final generation a repeat of that fall through the apocalyptic events surrounding world war three, or the King Herod moment as revealed in Jesus’ life, or repentance as experienced spiritually.
Living in the land of Canaan is like living in a fallen world, or even a post-apocalyptic world.
When Isaac was offered in Genesis 22, Jesus was revealed as the ram caught in the thickets. This is the death and resurrection moment.
Sarah died, but Isaac married Rebekah. This was the most romantic moment in Genesis, and foreshadows the wedding supper of the lamb that we look forward to when Jesus returns.
God's plan of salvation is a process. It is revealed through testimonies. The victory will be ours in Christ — but not before the birth, baptism and the great journey of the last days.
The story of salvation begins with a struggle at the time of birth. Consider a baptism of birth pains…
— A Birth / A Baptism / The Beginning of a Journey —
All the testimonies in Scripture that reveal Jesus point ultimately to the birth and life long journey of the final generation.
The final generation will be born into the calamity of the last days as we are confronted by nuclear war. A large scale modern war will resemble the calamity of Jesus’ birth when the egocentric King Herod the Great ordered the slaughter of innocent children.
Jesus escaped. Moses also escaped a similar slaughter in a basket, a little boat that in Hebrew was called an “ark” (Exodus 2 vs 2 & 5). The same word is used for Noah's ark.
Therefore we are considering Noah's flood which was a birth, and was called a baptism (1 Peter 3v21). Noah's flood was the beginning of the prophetic journey after which Nimrod ruled the world.
There are several other typological pictures in the Old Testament that resemble the birth pains that we are told to expect in the last days, but a prophecy in Daniel 11-12 is of key importance:
A sequence of events described by the prophet Daniel remain unfulfilled in history. The majority opinion of Bible commentators is that this war will take place in the future. Given the signs we are seeing, I believe it will start soon and will culminate in the pushing of the nuclear button.
Daniel 11v36-44 — WAR
War is most likely to begin with Iran, and it is thought that the American military will move down through several countries, to Egypt, Libya and more… “like a flood” as described in Daniel 11v40-43.
Jordan will escape this invasion (v41). Jordan is an ally to America adding further weight to the idea that America will be the invading force.
Then tensions between the world’s super powers will ignite:
“But reports from the east and the north (China and Russia) will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy an annihilate many.” Dan 11v44.
This verse can also apply to Jesus’ birth when wise men brought ‘reports from the east and north that alarmed…’ (King Herod).
This is a very serious moment, but we need not be too alarmed. An escape is promised for God’s children.
The next world war will be a baptism or awakening for many of God’s people who will pass safely through the flood waters of apocalyptic calamity in the ark of God’s protection.
This begins the prophetic journey for many of God’s people who will escape the destruction and live blessed lives as powerful witnesses to the grace of God. We have the truth of the gospel of Jesus, and God keeps his children safe so that we may complete the work of the great commission in the last days.
The journey of the last days begins with King Herod's calamity, but God snatches his children out of harms way just as described in Revelation 12:
God’s family are kept safe, both mother and child. This snatching away is not the end. Jesus was not raptured to heaven at that time because it was only the beginning of His journey.
This will be the beginning of the journey in which the Church will come to know the ark of God’s protection, and will take shelter, being cared for in remote places that are prepared, (Rev 12v14).
Noah prepared for the flood, and Joseph prepared for the seven year famine.
God’s people will act with wisdom when these things begin to take place.
We will be empowered by God to live the last 40, 50, 70 or 80 years as a blessing to many nations, fulfilling all prophecy in the last days.
World war three will be like the end, but will not be the end yet, (Mat 24v6-8). We will be greatly empowered as God pours out his Spirit through the blood, fire and billows of smoke, and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Joel 2v32). The devil will be “filled with fury because he knows that his time is short.” (Rev 12v10-12).
God’s people will shine as the truth of the gospel is made known to many nations, and God’s ancient Torah law will have renewed relevance, being for life and health during testing times in the last days, a blessing to all the nations trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world.
After the great flood of destruction caused by world war three, men will share a common story, and like having one language they will start building the Great City again.
After Noah’s flood came Nimrod, the great city builder establishing his centers of power. This is where the end of the story is formed.
A beast will rise up out of the sea, and later there will be a final scattering.
Jesus lived the prophetic story perfectly, but his true glory was not made known until after the final scattering. His disciples were scattered from the garden of gethsemane at the time of His arrest.
The abomination that causes desolation is the final persecution, (Mat 24, 1 Peter 4v17). The final battle takes place “in the street of the Great City… where also their Lord was crucified.” (Rev 11v7-12).
Finally Jesus submitted himself to death on a cross, and after three days he rose to life victorious.
Jesus reveals the way of salvation – by faith in his eternal victory over sin and death we too may cross 2 victory. Jesus, our saviour is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and we must believe, and follow him to reach the goal and share in his glory.
The final generation of God's children will live the life story of Jesus exactly as it is revealed throughout all the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.
The Pattern in the Name of Jesus
The name Jesus in Hebrew is “Yeshua,” which means “Salvation”.
The Greek word for ‘salvation’ is soteria (σωτηρία). This Greek word has a broader meaning than what the English word for salvation conveys. It means to be delivered, preserved and saved.
‘delivered’ from an enemy,
‘preserved’ in health and safety, and
‘saved’ as the final outcome.
This sums up the story, and the journey of salvation, because we follow Jesus.
Jesus’ Story
According His life testimony, Jesus or ‘Yeshua’ was:
‘Delivered’ from King Herod. (The word relates to birth.)
‘Preserved,’ having a blessed life and powerful ministry, until…
He ‘Saved' us by defeating sin and death at the cross.
Our Present Story
We now follow Jesus if we are;
born again, being ‘delivered’ from the power of sin by putting faith into action through repentance,
being ‘preserved’ through living in faith and growing in obedience while recognising that we are strangers and aliens in this fallen world which is passing away,
until our own death and resurrection when we will ultimately be ‘saved’, and brought into the glory of the eternal kingdom.
The Apocalyptic Story
Ultimately a journey awaits the final generation to fulfil on a world wide scale:
Significant birth pains, great slaughter caused by war and conflict, from which God will ‘deliver’ His people.
World government will be established and God will ‘preserve’ His people with blessed lives and a powerful ministry.
When the final tribulation occurs Jesus will return to ‘save’ his people and establish the kingdom in full glory.
The Journey in Matthew 24
When asked about signs of the end of the age in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, Jesus spoke about the journey of the last days.
There are strong parallels between the journey of the first generation of the church and the expected journey of the last generation. But the prophetic journey is most perfectly revealed in the life of Jesus Himself.
The testimony of Jesus is presented in Matthew 24;
— from the beginning of birth pains are not to be feared (v6-8),
— the life and ministry that follows will continue (v9-14), until
— the abomination of death and resurrection glory (v15-31).
Consider what these words of Jesus will mean to us if as expected we come into world war three:
“You will hear of wars and rumours of wars… Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” But he also said, “see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come… All these are the beginning of birth pains.” — Mat 24v6-8.
This war doesn’t bring the end yet. It is ‘still to come,' and it relates to birth.
The first generation of the church was born on the day of Pentecost with signs and wonders including:
“blood, fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” — Acts 2v19-21
These words were originally spoken by the prophet Joel as he described a great war that destroyed the land. But this war is not the end. It comes ‘before’.
The birth involves an escape from war just as the early church survived the attacks when Jesus was crucified, and then they were empowered by God’s spirit to begin their ministry.
A life and ministry follows despite adverse conditions, vs 9-14:
“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted…” and with much deception, but “the gospel of the kingdom will be preached as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
Finally, in verses 15-31 Jesus describes how the end comes:
“So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation spoken of through the prophet Daniel… flee… For then there will be great distress…
And like when Jesus was dying on the cross, “the sun will be darkened…
At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds… his angels will gather his elect”.
We can consider the sign of Jonah here, which speaks of death and resurrection.
If we share in the sufferings of Christ we will share in his glory when he comes. In this way, if we persevere in taking up our cross and following him we can be certain that we will Cross 2 Victory.
The beginning foreshadows the ending, like birth and death.
Major apocalyptic events will begin the prophetic journey of the final generation. World war three will resemble the end of the world, but only as “the beginning of birth pains”, and at that time God gives us his covenant promise:
“Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” — Matthew 24v33-34
The Book of Revelation
The pattern of Jesus’ life is presented seven times in the book of Revelation as shown in the chart below:
Examine the Signs
Has the time come for us to walk the apocalyptic journey of Jesus again?
In 2014 and 2015 there were 4 total lunar eclipses in a row, and all four occurred on important Jewish holy days. On Epiphany eve in 2015 the whole system of eclipses completely reversed.
The cause of the phenomenon signals the appearance of God’s dragon (Rev 12v3). The Inex, as King of the eclipse cycles produced the pattern. The Inex has a perfect rhythm of exactly 777 draconic months. This speaks of God's dragon.
The reversal took place on Epiphany eve in 2015 — suggesting “God’s dragon appeared.”
But as we know, the Christ child escapes.
Then Trump became President aged 70 years, 7 months and 7 days, with an impressive list of 777 signs from God. Remember, Lamech died 5 years before Noah’s flood aged 777 years (Gen 5v31).
On 23rd September 2017 the great and wondrous heavenly sign of Revelation 12v1-2 occurred in the sky to the awe and amazement of millions of watching Christians.
The Revelation 12 sign occurred on the Jewish feast of Trumpets in the Jewish year 5777, (the year 2017). It represents the birth of the Christ child, Jesus, and his great escape from that angry dragon.
Two important typological stories that connect with the Revelation 12 sign of 2017, Joseph in Genesis, and Immanuel in Isaiah clearly suggest a seven year warning so that we may have time to prepare.
By God's grace the christ child generation of the last days will escape the storm of falling nuclear stars when Daniel 11v44 is fulfilled.
We will start living the life story of Jesus.
King Herod tried to kill baby Jesus, but Joseph and Mary escaped with Jesus to Egypt.
In Egypt many years earlier baby Moses escaped Pharaoh's slaughtering of the infants, in a little “ark”.
Noah also escaped the flood in an ark.
Lot escaped Sodom and lived in a cave in the mountains. In each case God helped those who were able to act.
Joseph prepared for the famine and the family of Israel escaped to Egypt like young Jesus.
Today God's people must prepare to escape another great calamity in fulfilment of prophecy – a fiery storm of falling stars in a flood of nuclear war as described in Daniel 11v36-44 and Revelation 6, 8, 9 and 12.
Trumpets of wrath and falling stars will be a wake up call to the world, launched from a modern Mount Sinai where God’s law will again have the power to bless or to curse. The Torah will provide great wisdom for life in a poluted world buzzing with nuclear radiation. God's children will be safe, having been snatched out of harms way by going to places prepared before hand. We will be cared for by God in the wilderness.
Its not the end yet.
Get ready for a blessed life and powerful ministry during the difficult journey ahead. Our voice will be heard from the wilderness, and we will be God's witnesses to the very ends of the earth. Then we will be victorious in battle on the great and glorious day of the lord as we enter into the promised land to receive the reward - eternal life.
We will live the life story of Jesus, and when the hour of glory comes we also will cross 2 victory.
Video published on 7th March 2023
How may we be ready to do good?
If you find this message to be true there is an enormous amount that we can do to help others survive the troubles to come. Lets make sure we are right with God. With genuine repentance we must clean up our lives, and pray, and asking for God’s wisdom. Don’t be half hearted. God promises that we will be successful.
Be informed. Study Jesus and understand God’s plan for the final generation as it is revealed in typology throughout the Bible. Share these insights with others.
Be familiar with the signs that we have observed and alert others. Especially the Revelation 12 sign of 23rd September 2017. If the seven year warning proves to be correct as understood from the stories of Joseph and the famine, and Immanuel in Isaiah 7, world war three could be in roughly year 2023 or 2024, or around then.
Be familiar with Daniel 11 and 12. Look at the typological pattern in 11v1-35, and consider how that relates to the prophecy about the last days in 11v36-12v3. This is the key scripture that will alert us to the truth or otherwise of this message.
If you decide that this message is true — we need to act to care for our our families, friends and communities. God helped Joseph save all of Egypt from the famine in ancient times, so it should be relatively easy for us to make preparations in this modern age of plenty. Be wise, work with people who you can trust and do good contingency planning.
In addition to the example of Joseph and the famine, we can learn from the other great Biblical stories that describe the calamity at the time of birth.
Noah’s flood was a birth and a baptism. Noah prepared with God’s clean / unclean rules in mind. After a nuclear war the world will have some major pollution problems, and therefore much will be unclean.
Abraham and the Chiasm from Gen 12-21 shows the progression from pandemic, through war and destruction, to God’s covenant. Then a child is born.
The exodus was the birth of the nation of Israel, and it was also called a baptism (1 Cor 10v2). God cared for Israel in the wilderness providing manna from heaven and water from the rock. If water from the rock hints at the importance of ground water in the post apocalyptic world, consider preparing boar water. It could make the difference between life and death. The clean / unclean rules are also given here, in the Mount Sinai covenant.
Immanuel was the typological christ child when the King of Assyria destroyed the land. The buzzing and associated hair loss in Is 7v18-20 again brings to mind the polluting effects of nuclear war. Good tips on survival planning follows on from there.
Daniel was the typological christ child when the King of Babylon destroyed the city. Listen to Jeremiah’s advice and get out of the city early. That’s what Daniel and many others did, and they were blessed. God went with them into exile.
We must observe the signs and understand their meaning to know when its time to act. Now is a good time to seek God’s wisdom, and do some serious research. We can be confident that God will help us in this task.
“You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” Mat 24v6
“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.” Mat 24v7-8