Abraham Born in 1948
Called in 2023
Biblical Chronology reveals an important sign in the life of Abraham indicating that our end times journey is about to begin. By adding up the years in Genesis 5 and 11 from creation to the birth of Abraham we see that he was born 1948 AM, (years after creation). The date is remarkable because Abraham is the father of the nation of Israel, and he the modern state of Israel was reborn in 1948 AD.
The parallel between the years AM and the years AD is interesting, especially considering what comes next. In Genesis 12v4 we read that Abram was 75 years old when he left Haran, setting out for the land of Canaan. The year was 2023 AM.
2023 AD brings a One Year Warning
The call of Abram mirrors the birth of Isaac in a large Chiasm. Abraham was given a one year announcement for the birth of Isaac: “The Lord said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife shall have a son.” And Sarah was listening at the tent door behind him.” — Genesis 18v10. Sarah laughed, but a countdown began to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and then Isaac was born on time, (Gen 21v2). We have reasons to believe a moment of birth for the final generation is coming very soon.
The Revelation 12 sign of 23rd September 2017 is believed to be a seven year warning pointing to World War Three and the birth of the final generation in about the latter part of 2024, or around that time. Hamas attacked Israel on 7th October 2023, so the war began right when the one year warning sign was expected. With several other important signs in agreement, I believe we have God’s call and are about to begin the journey of the end times generation. There a more thorough explanation on the Cross2Victory home page.
The timeline below shows how the years add up during the 20 generations from Adam to the birth of Abraham in 1948 AM.
Years can be counted as: AD, BC, or AM.
AM is ‘Anno Mundi’ which is Latin for ‘Year of the World’. The AM system counts years in the forwards direction beginning at creation as shown in the chart above.
BC is ‘Before Christ’, which counts the years in the backwards direction beginning near the birth of Jesus.
AD is ‘Anno Domini’ which is Latin for ‘in the year of the Lord’, and counts the years forwards from near the birth of Jesus.
The 1948 Birth was Hidden
Most church leaders are unaware of the significance of the year 1948 because many similar charts place the birth of Abram in the year 2008 AM.
The most well known chronology being used in Bible colleges today was first published by a 17th century English priest, James Ussher, and he deviates from the chronology given in the book of Genesis.
We will look at the reasons for why Usher changed the traditional date of Abram’s birth later in this article, but first lets consider the prophetic significance of the Genesis chronology.
Perfect Signs of Birth
The signs for 1948 and 2023 AM appear to be perfectly placed in the life of Abraham to be signs for the final generation. The convergence of many amazing signs are giving us strong reasons to expect some important events to begin in 2023 AD.
The important event in 1948 AD was the rebirth of Modern Israel. In ancient times Abraham was the father of the nation of Israel, so the rebirth of modern Israel in 1948 AD must surely be God’s perfect timing.
According to Isaiah, Israel serves as “signs and symbols” (Isaiah 8v18). Signs always come first, and then the reality. Through ancient Israel God gave signs in preparation for the first coming of Jesus, and signs will also be important as we near the time of his second coming.
However, we need to be careful. The time of Jesus’ second coming cannot be predicted. There will be no sign of the end.
A careful study of the way God uses signs shows that signs point to moments of birth when God begins a special work of salvation. A moment of birth begins a pattern of events that resembles the testimony of Jesus.
“The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.” (Revelation 19v10b).
A prophetic testimony for the final generation is expected to begin very soon with a moment of birth.
The birth of the modern nation of Israel in 1948 was the birth of the ‘signs and symbols’. The signs always come first, and then the real journey begins. Similarly the gospel comes “to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (Rom 1v16, and 2v9-10).
For Abram the real journey began when he responded to God’s call in 2023 AM by leaving his father’s household and going to the land of Canaan. Similarly we may be about to begin the final journey.
The call of Abram mirrors the birth of Isaac in a large chiasm of birth pains spanning 10 chapters of Genesis. The chiasm puts great emphasis on the significance of the birth of Isaac, and reveals to us the circumstances of the birth of the final generation.
A Chiasm is a commonly used pattern in Scripture, and this pattern shows that as Abram’s journey began there was a pandemic, which was followed by war and destruction, but God gave his family a good escape, and gave them a special covenant for the journey ahead.
For more information on the chiasm of birth pains and the journey of the final generation, see Abraham’s Prophecy
The difficult birth of Isaac reveals Jesus, and his escape from the dragon as a baby in a symbolic demonstration of Repentance.
The struggle between Ishmael and Isaac, or Hagar and Sarah is also symbolic. It is a flesh spirit struggle (Galations 4 & 5).
As Christians we understand the difficulty of the flesh spirit struggle when we are born again. But through faith in Jesus, and by persevering in repentance, by God’s grace we escape the enemy of sin successfully.
The spiritual journey is most important, but there will also be an apocalyptic journey in the last days. The apocalyptic journey is also revealed in the lives of Jesus and Isaac.
Jesus escaped a serious enemy as a baby, King Herod and the slaughter of the infants.
“The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.” (Revelation 19v10b).
The birth of the final generation will involve great earth shaking events. World war three will be God’s ultimate trumpet call to the world that time is short, and we need to repent.
We can’t know the time of the second coming of Jesus, it will be like a thief in the night at a time that know one knows. But the birth is different.
End Times Events: Modern Israel born out of World War Two is a sign. The final generation will be born out of World War Three.
The birth happens with clear signs, and it happens on time.
“Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the time of which God had spoken to him.” — Genesis 21v2.
The birth of the end times generation will happen on time. The years of 2023 and 2024 look set to be of great importance.
When God called Abram to the land of Canaan in 2023 AM, it took him into the land of the one cursed by Noah — Canaan (Gen 9v25). In this sense the land of Canaan resembles the land under a curse.
The curse harkens back to original sin and the fall of mankind, but God’s blessing came to Abram through faith.
“I reveal the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.” — Isaiah 46v10.
Today as we are considering the birth of the final generation we can consider the renewal of the curse in a post-apocalyptic journey, and also the renewal of the blessings and the promises originally given to Abraham.
I expect 2023 AD will set us on the path to nuclear war as described in the Daniel 11v36-44 prophecy. But the birth of the final generation will be a Pentecost moment for the Church with an out pouring of God’s Spirit.
The end times journey will be according to the pattern of the life of Jesus. He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” — John 14v6. He also said, “You must be born again.” — John 3v7
There is a physical birth, a spiritual birth, and sometimes — at God’s appointed time we see an apocalyptic birth, when God uses historical events to give a physical manifestation of the spiritual journey of salvation.
In the last days there will be an apocalyptic birth like Abram’s call to the land of Canaan in 2023 AM. The signs indicate that we will see that birth soon, and then we’ll understand Jesus’ words, “This generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” — Mat 24v34.
When we are born again we realise that like Abraham and Isaac we are are strangers and aliens in this world, and we need to live by faith as we looking forward to inheriting the promised land.
Ultimately we look forward to the new creation that will be revealed from heaven when Jesus returns. No one will know the time of his coming, but the signs of birth are strongly suggesting that the final generation are now being born, and that some of today’s children ‘will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.’ To know what things must happen we must study the testimony of Jesus, and the way his life is presented in the typology of Old Testament prophecy.
Ussher’s Date Change
So why did James Ussher depart from the Genesis account by moving the birth of Abram from 1948 to 2008 AM?
The change helped Ussher to arrive at his proposed date of creation in the year 4004 BC, which is a symbolically beautiful date, being about 4000 years before the birth of Jesus. Perhaps that was part of the reason, but he had a more technical reason.
Ussher made the change by choosing to ignore Genesis 11v26 in favour of his interpretation of Acts 7v4.
According to Genesis 11v26, Terah was 70 years old when he fathered Abram, Nahor and Haran.
If we accept what it says in Genesis everyone would agree, but some see a contradiction in Acts 7v4, “After the death of his father, God sent him to this land where you are now living.”
Many people would agree that the best way of handling Scripture is to interpret what is revealed later in light of what was revealed first, but Ussher did something different.
Ussher interprets Acts 7v4 to mean that because Terah lived to be 205 years old (Gen 11v32), and Abram was 75 when he was called (Gen 12v4), Terah must have been 130 years old when Abram was born.
This contradicts Genesis 11v26 and delays the birth of Abraham by 60 years, from 1948 to 2008 AM.
While many have accepted Usssher’s interpretation of Acts 7v4, it does have problems:
The seven generations prior to Terah had all fathered a son between the ages of 29 and 35.
Later, when Abram fathered Isaac at the age of 100, and Sarah 90, it was celebrated as marvellous and unthinkable (Gen 21v1-8). Sarah was beyond the age of Child bearing (Gen 18v11). Evidently the promise God had made earlier (Gen 12v7), required a miracle.
If Terah was 130 years old when Abram was born, the birth of Isaac when Abraham was 100 years old would have been unremarkable.
In addition well respected extra Biblical writings such as the book of Jubilees which was among the dead sea scrolls show that Terah was still alive while Abram was living in Canaan.
The death of his father in Acts 7v4 may have been a reference to Noah's death which could have been the catalyst for Abram’s decision to leave Ur. Alternatively it could have been the spiritual death of Terah because he evidently decided not to continue the journey.
The extra Biblical book of Jasher records that Abram grew up in hiding with Noah due to a heavenly sign seen when Abram was born which had caused Nimrod to try to kill the baby (Jasher 8). The story bears remarkable resemblance to the escape of Jesus from King Herod, while indicating Noah had a practical role as a father to Abram.
In light of this, the birth of Abram in 1948 seems all the more significant given the King Herod style slaughter of 6 million Jewish people during World War Two which lead to the birth of the modern nation of Israel.
Now that we have the sign of birth in the sky again, the Revelation 12 sign of 2017, we have strong reasons to prepare for the Daniel 11 conflict that comes at the birth of the final generation.
No doubt Ussher had good intentions but it seems that his interpretation may be incorrect. A majority accepted his view, but perhaps opinions will change in light of the signs we now have.
Whatever the reasons may be for the confusion, Ussher's famous chronology has served to divert our attention away from the Genesis chronology, perhaps so that it could be revealed to us at just the right time.
If you, like me believe Bible chronology has important signs for the end times, please continue studying the birth of the final generation with me, and lets seek God’s wisdom on how to care for our family of believers as we come to a time of war.
I recommend studying the birth of Jesus in Bible prophecy so that we may understand the birth pains coming in our own time, and what we will need to do to care for each other. “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Rev 19v10. It is discussed this article: God’s Plan
Perhaps like Abram, 2023 could be the year we hear God’s call to embark on an end times journey. The signs are already looking very clear, we are approaching world war three. It’s time for action.
“Out of Egypt I call my son.” — Matthew 2v15.
Please study the end times birth, and help raise awareness of the urgency of the hour by sharing this article with others.
May God bless you with peace of mind and calmness of heart, and all the wisdom of God that we will need to know what to do.