God’s 777 Signs
Numerical Signs
666 - Human Mortality
777 - God’s plan
888 - The Anointed one
God’s number, 777 and other special numbers are appearing in ways that warn we are coming to world war three. We need to prepare so that many lives may be saved.
Donald Trump was 70 yrs, 7 months and 7 days old on the 20th Jan 2017, when he began as President of the United States – a 777 sign.
Now Trump wants to be President again.
Biden signed into law a National Defence Budget of $777 Billion for 2022.
Putin’s forces began moving into Ukraine’s Donbas on 22nd Feb 2022 (22/2/22 - Australian date format), and 2 days later the war began. It about 77 years since World War Two finished.
Putin is implicated in the tragic downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17), and exactly 7 years, 7 months and 7 days later the war in Ukraine began. The aircraft was a Boeing 777, and was shot down on 17 July 2014 while flying over eastern Ukraine. It first flew on 17 July 1997, exactly 17 years before the incident.
Check (link to calculation on timeanddate.com)
Many signs are pointing to world war three, and also to Trump’s return.
The number 777 only appears once in the Bible in this particular form: Lamech died aged 777 years in Genesis 5v31, about five years before Noah’s flood. Many 777 signs were seen about five years before the war in Ukraine began.
Floods can relate to birth or baptism in Scripture, and wars are often described as a flood.
Netanyahu and Biden are heading towards a conflict with Iran, but signs are ultimately pointing to a clash of super powers on Trump’s return. The war is described in the Daniel 11 Prophecy.
Putin first met Trump on 7/7/17. The date resembles 777.
On that same day 7/7/17, Putin's age was exactly 777 months to the day. Putin was born 7th Oct 1952, so on 7th July 2017 Putin was exactly 64 years and 9 months age.
64 X 12 = 768, plus 9 = 777 months.This took place in the Jewish year 5777.
There were exactly 5777 days between the September 11th, 2001 attack on the World Trade Towers and Friday 7/7/17 (when Trump and Putin first met).
Check (link to calculation on timeanddate.com)
America's first full year as a new born nation was 1777.
The signs are that Trump will be President again, probably sooner than we think.
The Cross2Victory ministry is urging people to study Jesus, presenting an interesting concept about birth. The journey of last days is expected to resemble the life of Jesus with an escape from calamity at birth.
The message is inspiring. God is with us. The calamity will be nuclear war and escape will resemble the act of repentance, so be alert and ready for action.
God is love, and with His help we may be ready and able to care for each other, to do immense good for many people as the apocalyptic journey of the last days begins.
Please consider the signs, and test and pray about the message.
‘Christ’ is a Trump family name:
His father's name was Frederick Christ Trump.
His grandmother's name was Elizabeth Christ Trump.
Christ means “anointed one”.
Trump is anointed by God to fulfil prophecy.
Trump is obviously not the Messiah. He makes no comparison to Jesus in righteousness or holiness, but he may hold immense God-like power again soon.
Trump’s special anointing will not be with grace to bring salvation, but to foreshadow something of God’s coming wrath on his second coming.
World war three will be a nuclear conflict:
When Elizabeth Christ Trump (Donald’s Grandmother) was 777 months and 7 days old American scientists tested the first Atomic bomb which was named "Trinity", on 17th July 1945.
CheckDonald Trump was born 333 days after the Trinity bomb was tested, born on 14th June 1946. Trinity speaks of the three persons of God — 333.
CheckThere was a total lunar eclipse on the day Trump was born. This relates to the recent Biblical blood moon tetrad, and to the sign of the Eclipse Reversal — the sign of God’s Dragon (Rev 12v3).
Elizabeth Christ Trump died on 6/6/66.
These are powerful signs, and there are more…
But lets pause to consider, if it’s true, if we are heading for nuclear war, what does that mean? The end?
Jesus said, “When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away…
Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.” — Luke 21v9-11.“All these are the beginning of birth pains.” — Mat 24v8.
“I tell you the truth, this generation shall certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” — Mat 24v34, Mark 13v30, Luke 21v32.
So Jesus says, don’t fear it. War is not the end. But it may begin a special end times journey, a life long journey in the last days, and I’m fascinated to consider how it begins.
We need to study the birth of Jesus, and to consider a special moment of birth for the final generation. World war three relates to birth, or birth pains.
The big concept, or paradigm is that our end times journey will follow the pattern revealed in the life of Jesus.
The book of Revelation is: “The revelation of Jesus Christ… the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.” — Revelation 1v1-2.
The journey begins at birth:
Jesus was born with signs in heaven, the star of Bethlehem that the wise men followed, and angels met shepherds. There were also prophecies in the temple.
We have some real heavenly signs:
The Revelation 12 sign of 2017, which represents a birth (Rev 12v1-2).
The Eclipse Reversal of 2015, the dragon (Rev 12v3), who wants to devour the child the moment it is born — the King Herod moment.
The Eclipse Reversal is caused by an eclipse cycle that has 777 Draconic months. It points to God’s Dragon.
These heavenly signs are the most important signs in my opinion. If you are not yet familiar with them please take a close look so that you can test and pray about these things.
God made the sun, the moon and the stars saying, “let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years.” — Genesis 1v14.
Jesus told us to expect “fearful events and great signs from Heaven.” — Luke 21v11b. The parallel passages of Matthew 24 and Mark 13 speak of “the beginning of birth pains”.
There is great calamity at the time of birth, but God does miracles to keep his family safe. We see this when Jesus escaped King Herod.
Moses escaped Pharaoh’s slaughter of the infants in a little “ark”. The same Hebrew word is used for Noah’s ark, so we should consider how Noah escaped the flood.
The flood was a kind of birth, a renewal of the ancient world. It was called a 'baptism' in 1Peter 3v20-21, a symbolic death and resurrection, great calamity at the time of birth.
The King Herod moment of our time, the great flood that is coming will be world war three, a conflict that will kill one third of the people of the world (Rev 9v15).
The world’s population is now displaying God’s number of completion:
According to the Worldometer.info, the world population had just reached 7.770 Billion when the World Health Organisation declared the pandemic on the 11th March 2020.
While the first wave of the pandemic swept across the world the population reached 7,777,777,777 on 14th April 2020.
God does miracles to keep his people safe. Ark building could soon become a top priority. It will soon be time to prepare a Bethlehem — “house of bread”.
As you plan for nuclear war think of the nativity scene, Jesus born with the animals. Noah cared for the animals in the ark. In Isaiah 7 we read about the birth of Immanuel — God with us. The King of Assyria was destroyed the land but Judah was ok.
“In that day, a person will keep alive a young cow and two goats. 22 And because of the abundance of the milk they give, there will be curds to eat. All who remain in the land will eat curds and honey.” — Isaiah 7v21-22.
Birth brings World Government
Noah’s flood was a new beginning. God made a covenant and gave the sign of the rainbow. Having made a successful escape in the ark, Noah and his family began living in a post apocalyptic world with a rising world government.
As a birth, world war three will be the beginning of a special end times journey.
After the flood Nimrod ruled the world.
“Nimrod was a mighty warrior on the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord.” - Genesis 10v8-9.
Nimrod built great cities. They also built the tower of Babel reaching to the heavens as a way to be unified and to make a name for themselves — Genesis 11.
We are already building tall towers. Even better, we fly!
International travel brings the world together. We call it “the global village”.
In March 2018, the American made Boeing 777 overtook the Boeing 747, the original jumbo jet, to become the world's leading wide-body or twin-aisle jet aircraft by number produced, with more than 1547 delivered. The 777 was the first commercial aircraft designed entirely by computer.
Of course, Trump has his own jet aeroplane, and he also likes towers. As Nimrod did, Trump finds towers to be a good way of making a name for himself:
Trump Tower — 202m tall.
Trump also owns 40 Wall Street, known as ‘the Trump building’ — 283m tall. It was once the tallest building in the world.
On September 11th 2001, the day that the World Trade Towers were destroyed, Trump went live on Fox TV and claimed that his building was now the tallest in downtown Manhattan again.Trump is the only Billionaire to have been President of the United States, and according to the Forbes Real-Time list of Billionaires, Trump was ranked 777th in November 2018.
According to Steve Moxham, Trump held this position during the 77th week of his Presidency. His position has slipped a bit since then, but I’m sure he’s planning his come-back. Forbes
Nimrod was the first world ruler and great city builder. He established his centres of power in Babylon, Assyria, Nineveh, and Shinar which is Babylonia, where they built the Tower of Babel.
Nimrod built “the great city.” — Gen 10v10-12.
Trump’s campaign slogan is “Make America Great.”
Donald is a Scottish name meaning, “Great chief, world mighty”. Donald comes from the Gaelic Domhnall which is composed of the old Celtic elements dumno - "world" and val - "rule". Therefore Donald means "world ruler".
The names of Trump and his Vice President Pence form a homophone of "Trumpets" (Trump + Pence).
Both his first name and surname point to God's prophetic purpose.
The book of Revelation describes how last days events will begin. Warning judgements at the time of the end will come by war:
“…a conqueror bent on conquest” — Rev 6v2.
“Trumpets” of wrath in Rev 8 and 9.
A third of the people of the world will die — Rev 9v15.
The book of Revelation describes 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 bowls of wrath, 7-7-7.
The initial judgements come in quarter or third measure as warnings from God. Later judgements come in full measure, at the end.
Daniel describes this end times war in Daniel 11v36-44, a war that brings in a world government — Daniel 11v45. This prophecy tells us how the war will begin. It is discussed near the bottom of this page as it has huge importance.
Trump will be God's “Trumpet” warning, a call to repentance.
The Revelation 12 sign happened on the Jewish feast of Trumpets, on 23rd of September 2017. In my opinion the Revelation 12 sign is the most important of all the recent signs. It represents a birth and reveals a great war as a flood.
The Revelation 12 sign happened at the end of the Jewish year 5777. Lamech died 5 years before the flood at 777 years old; 5-777.
Nimrod was the winner coming out of Noah’s flood. Noah’s grandson was “a mighty warrior on the earth.” - Gen 10v8
The signs warn that the Daniel 11 war will begin very soon with Iran. Biden is getting things ready.
First the Signs, then the Reality
The modern State of Israel is the focus of much end times prophecy. After nearly 2000 years, its re-establishment in 1948 was a modern miracle and perhaps the greatest sign of the 20th century.
Modern Israel was born out of world war two. As Jesus escaped the slaughter of the infants, some of todays Jews escaped the holocaust.
Hitler was the King Herod figure with the birth of the modern nation of Israel.
Hitler's died (April 30, 1945) and 1111 days later Israel was born (May 14, 1948).
In Scripture God used Israel as signs pointing to Jesus.
We are signs and symbols in Israel from the LORD Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion.” — Isaiah 8v18
When Jesus fulfilled prophecy he confirmed prophecy is true, but he didn’t abolish the law or the prophets (Mat 5v17). We follow Jesus and so now we fulfil prophecy ourselves — in spirit and truth.
“The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.” — Rev 19v10b.
The journey of the last days is revealed in the life of Jesus (Rev 1v1-2). It begins at birth with an escape from the power of the enemy, and ends at the cross when the enemy is defeated. (But not yet destroyed).
When the end comes Jesus will return and the enemy will be destroyed.
The spiritual journey is most important. Spiritually we must be born again and to act in repentance to escape the power of sin as the journey of faith begins, but now the spiritual journey is expected to converge with the apocalyptic journey of the final generation (Mat 24v34).
The end of the journey for Modern Israel is expected to reveal the beginning of our end times apocalyptic journey, because the signs come first, then the reality.
For example: 75 years + 40/70 years = signs + reality.
The apocalyptic journey will be for the lifetime of a generation (Mat 24v34) and will end when Jesus returns.
To understanding the journey we must study Biblical typology. Only God knows how long it will be, but the examples given in Scripture include journeys of 40, 50, 70 or 80 years.
Trump, Israel and 777
The signs are clearly pointing to a major prophetic event.
God’s 777 signs connect Israel and Trump:
Trump was born exactly 700 days prior to the re-founding of Israel on May 14, 1948. He was born during a large total lunar eclipse.
Netanyahu was also born on the day of an eclipse, on October 21, 1949 it was a partial solar eclipse.
On the 70th anniversary of Israel's founding, May 14 2018, as President of the United States, Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem
There were 777 days from when Trump declared his candidacy on 16/6/15 to Tisha B’Av, or the 9th of Av on 1/8/17, the Jewish day of disaster.
On November 8th 2016 Trump was elected as President of the United States. By that time the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu had been in office for 7 years, 7 months, and 7 full days.
Netanyahu was sworn into office late on 31st March 2009 to avoid starting on April fools day. His main priority was to deal with Iran, stating repeatedly that the Iranian quest for nuclear wepons is the greatest threat Israel faces. Since then the threat has increased greatly. The war of Dan 11v36-44 is getting closer.
There were 777 days from Trump’s election win, until December 24th 2018, when Netanyahu announced early elections for Israel. (Which began a cycle of 5 elections in just 4 years.)
The 7th letter in the Hebrew Alphabet is called Zayin. The ancient pictograph for Zayin means “Weapon” or “Sword” and it looks like an ax which looks like a “7”. The 5th letter in the Alphabet means “Behold”. So in 2017, the Jewish Year 5777 signals: Behold, Weapons and Swords, Weapons and Swords, Weapons and Swords.
There are more signs, but let's pause again to think about this some more…
No Sign of the End
Jesus taught that the end will come very suddenly catching many people by complete surprise. Luke 17v22-37.
We must always be ready and watchful, because the Son of Man will come ‘like a thief’, “at an hour when you do not expect him.” Luke 12v35-40, Mat 24v36 - 25v13.
Jesus himself was arrested when he was in the Garden of Gethsemene by men who came literally ‘like thieves in the night.’ So in his own life Jesus demonstrates this truth.
Using a human life as an analogy to describe the journey of the last days. Pregnancy comes with clear evidence so we see the birth coming. Death, on the other hand can happen with no warning.
Paul suggested that the day of the Lord would come during a time of peace: “… like a thief in the night. While people are saying, ‘peace and safety’ destruction will come on them suddenly… But you brothers are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.” (1Thess 5v2-4).
In contrast to ‘wars and rumours of war’ at the time of birth, the world may have ‘peace and safety’ at the end, when Jesus returns. But God’s people who keep watch will understand what is coming.
The world will unite to deal with a common threat.
Here is a personal belief for people to test in the future:
In a few decades if or when the ageing process can be reversed with new medical technology and stem cell treatments many people could be deceived into believing we can engineer our own immortality. They will believe the lie because they will see it in reality.
But a gradual collapse of the earth’s magnetic fields will cause problems that people won’t know how to fix. Skin cancer, blindness (eyes rotting), and the ignition of the upper atmosphere (fire in the sky). (A unique day without light and without darkness). People will work together to move cities underground. It will be hard work (slavery), but people will be united in the effort. However oxygen levels will start dropping due to the fire in the sky.
Jesus knew what was happening while praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, sweating drops of blood. Similarly, those who are walking by the Spirit will know when the end is near.
The antichrist will probably boast of immortality and call himself God, but we know he is mortal. Only God is immortal, and God’s number is 777. The antichrist will have man’s number of mortality. Our number is 666.
Human mortality and 666
Because of sin we are mortal. Man's number is 666 (Revelation 13v18) because we always fall short of God’s standard of perfection. Our time is limited and this world is passing away. Our end is marked symbolically by the number, 666.
Trump is mortal and has limited time. We’ve seen many 777 signs pointing to his rise to power with a God ordained purpose, but the number of man follows him too, 666 pointing to fall, end, and death:
Elizabeth Christ Trump (Grandmother) died on 6/6/1966
Frederick Christ Trump Sr. (Trump's Father) died June 25, 1999. The date of his death was 6666 days before the Revelation 12 sign of 23rd September 2017.
Both Frederick Christ Trump and Elizabeth Christ Trump have man's number of human mortality marking their death dates. This is can only be by God's design, to further confirm Trump as God's great warning sign of the last days:
Repent, come to Jesus because our time here is short, and this world will eventually away.
Barak Obama left office in his 666th month of life. This marks an important end.
Obama was Born 4/8/1961 and left office on 20/1/2017 aged 55 years old. He was half way into the sixth month since his birthday: 55 X 12 = 660, plus 6 = 666.It has been observed that the name, “Barak Obama” sounds the same as... “lightning from heaven” when that phrase is spoken in the Hebrew language.
Jesus said he saw Satan fall like “lightening from heaven” (Luke 10v18) meaning that Satan is powerless when the gospel is preached as people believe and repent.
Satan falls at the time of birth in Revelation 12. This shows that the birth of Jesus relates to spiritual new birth, and brings salvation for the family of God. But it means war and trouble ahead for the world.During the global financial crisis the American stock market S&P 500 sank briefly to 666 on March 6, 2009.
God calls all people to Repent
By God’s grace we still can share the Gospel and people still have the opportunity to repent and believe. If world war three means ‘the end is yet to come’, there is still a blessed life and powerful ministry ahead for God’s people.
Jesus died on the cross to wash away our sin. His sacrifice is perfect, and exactly what we need. The post apocalyptic world should make the truth even clearer, so as always we will want to be ready and able to invite people to come to Jesus.
Jesus began his ministry by saying, “The time has come. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news” — Mark 1v15.
By coming to Jesus in faith and with repentance we are ‘born again’.
Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” — John 3v3.
The journey of faith begins with new-birth when we repent and believe.
The journey of the final generation will begin with the birth pains of war.
God gives his Spirit at special times of birth:
When a child is born,
When we believe and are born again,
When the church was born on the day of Pentecost,
So we might also expect to receive a special empowerment when we are born into the apocalyptic journey of the last days.
Ultimately we look forward to being born into the new creation when Jesus returns.
While birth can be difficult it brings great joy, so we don’t need to fear God’s plan. He is working out all things for the good of those who love him, (Romans 8v28).
Jesus also said,
“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth… and he will tell you what is yet to come.” - John 16v13.
On the day of Pentecost when the Spirit came they suddenly understood prophecy, and there was “…blood fire and billows of smoke…” Acts 2v17-21.
We should expect something similar when world war three comes.
Then the Pentagon will bring the Pentecost moment of the final generation.
The number 777 is God’s number of completion and perfection. This sign in US defence budget for 2022 suggests the appointed time is very near.
The War about to Begin:
I believe a localised war will probably begin this year, otherwise next year, (2022 or 2023) because as explained elsewhere, the Revelation 12 sign of 2017 presents a seven year warning.
I am watching Iran and their nuclear program. If Israel begins it America will be drawn into the fight, Daniel 11v40.
I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. — Revelation 6v2.
The conflict will expand, moving from Iran in the north down to Egypt in the south. Then in Dan 11v44 we see a climax, a major King Herod moment of destruction involving “the east and the north” — China and Russia:
“But reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many.” — Daniel 11v44
The wise men also came with reports from the east that alarmed King Herod. Jesus escaped the slaughter of the infants.
So I believe that God will help us and empower us so that we may ready and able to take good care of many people, to make a good escape the destruction of world war three.
The Judgements that follow due to war and conquest will not be the end. They come in quarters and thirds as a “trumpet” warning to the world (Rev 6v3-8 and 8v6-9v21).
A major nuclear war won’t be the end but will be God's trumpet warning to the world: Repent, get ready to meet Jesus because the day of the Lord is near.
When the king of Assyria was coming God’s message to King Ahaz was:
“Be careful, keep calm and don’t be afraid. Do not lose heart…” Isaiah 7v4
There will be a good escape, a blessed life and a powerful ministry for the faithful remnant, but the post apocalyptic world will be different.
World War Three
The most important Scripture regarding the coming war is the Daniel 11 prophecy. The last 10 verses of the chapter are unique for describing the circumstances of the war that begins the journey of the final generation.
In Daniel 11v36-44 we see how war will begin at the time of the end:
“At the time of the end the King of the South will engage him in battle, and the king of the North will storm out against him with chariots and cavalry and a great fleet of ships. He will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood.” — Dan 11v40
It is likely to begin with Iran over their nuclear program. Israel is committed to preventing Iran from getting the bomb and America will drawn into the fight as the major invading power who comes “like a flood”.
If war begins with Iran it will spread through many more countries. America will move south in support of Israel. They will go through the beautiful land avoiding Jordan (v41), because Jordan is an ally to America.
War will spread to many countries (v42). As America supports Israel they will continue down to Egypt, taking control of their wealth. America will also have Libya and Nubia (which is Ethiopia and/or Sudan) in submission. (v43)
“But reports from the East (China) and the North (Russia) will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many.” — Dan 11v44.
This is the same response as King Herod the Great’s when reports came from the East from the wise men.
A great nuclear destruction is expected about 7 years after the Revelation 12 sign of 2017, but this will not be the end. Trump will set himself up possibly at Mar-a-Lago meaning “Sea-to-Lake,” between the people and God to rule, Dan 11v45.
Seeking the glory of Mount Zion he will bring the wrath of God and the law of Mount Sinai. A beast will rise up out of the sea.
Of course, Jesus himself will have a much greater power when he comes to judge the living and the dead on the great day of the Lord. (2 Peter 3v6-13 and Rev 6v12-17, 11v15-18).
Donald Trump is only a man, but Jesus is our Lord and God. Perhaps Trump can win world war three, but Jesus will win the battle of Armageddon.
War will break the world to pieces but Jesus will bring the new creation when he comes.
God’s plan is to bring many sons to glory, and by his grace we are justified already by faith in Christ Jesus, however sanctification is an ongoing work that involves trials and testing. God is with us and he keeps his children safe.
There is really no comparison between Trump and Jesus, but the signs alert us to God’s plan for the birth of the final generation.
To be “Like God”
Part of the temptation of eating the forbidden fruit was to be “like God”, knowing good and evil — Genesis 3v4.
Satan is the master of deception as he wants to appear like God, or like a glorious angel of light — 2 Corinthians 11v14.
King Herod wanted to be the only King in Israel. That’s why he made the horrible decision to slaughter the infants.
Sin happens every time we choose to be the king of our own life, doing what we want instead of what God wants.
The King Herod moment at the birth of the final generation will be a fall somewhat like original sin.
Trump certainly has man’s number, like all the rest of us mortals. But not everyone is appointed to fulfil prophecy in the way that Trump is. So we see that Trump has another special number:
The gematria of Donald J. Trump = 888 = Jesus.
Gematria is the ancient system of numerology where each letter has a numerical value, and therefore the sum of the letters for any word or name has a numerical value. We are told to do this calculation in Revelation 13v18, because it will be an end times sign of the Antichrist.
The Antichrist will have man's number, 666. Doing this calculation for Trump suggests that he is not the final Antichrist, but rather a type of christ, and having a special anointing that will be revealed on his second coming to office.
Jesus name in Greek Gematria adds up to 888:
The name of Jesus in Greek is spelled I H S O U S (iota, eta, sigma, omicron, upsilon, sigma)
The values of each letter are: iota, 10; eta, 8; sigma, 200; omicron, 70; upsilon, 400; sigma, 200.
The sum of 10 + 8 + 200 + 70 + 400 + 200 is 888.
Donald J. Trump in English Gematria adds up to 888:
d, 24; o, 90; n, 84; a, 6; l, 72; d, 24; j, 60; t, 120; r, 108; u, 126; m, 78; p, 96;
The sum of 24 + 90 + 84 + 6 + 72 + 24 + 60 + 120 + 108 + 126 + 78 + 96 is 888
Gematria shows that Donald J. Trump’s name has the same numerical value as the name of Jesus.
Jesus is God’s anointed one, the Christ. We have seen that for Trump, Christ is a family name, so it is not so surprising that the number of his name is 888.
We can be like God because we are made in God’s image, but that doesn’t mean that we are God. When we try to rule our own lives the way we want instead of the way God wants we mess things up.
If Trump tries to rule in his own way he will blow things up because that’s what the sinful nature always does.
Trump like the rest of us will have to give an account before the judgement throne of God on the great and glorious day of the Lord.
One thing that Trump and Jesus have in common is that their second comings will be with fire. However Trump will be revealed as the King Herod figure of the final generation. It will be nuclear war.
So while Trump is appointed to fulfil prophecy with signs like 333, 777, and 888, he also has man’s number of mortality, 666 which we’ve seen appearing in his family on important occasions.
“He will pitch his royal tents between the sees at the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.” — Daniel 11v45.
In the short term we may be approaching world war three, but keeping watch and being ready is ultimately about being ready to meet Jesus when he returns for his people on judgement day.
Isaiah’s message to King Ahaz was,
“If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.”
If the Cross2Victory prophecy proves to be correct, the signs we are seeing today are not pointing to the end. Rather, signs are pointing to the birth of the final generation.
If people were saying “peace and safety” we might do well to expect a sudden end, (1 Thess 5v3). But currently the talk is of war, not peace and safety.
Please test this thought and search out the circumstances of the birth on the Cross2Victory website. Prophecy begins at birth.
Pray about these things. Ask God for wisdom. Come to God in repentance with prayer and fasting. Lets put off the regular pleasures of every day life as much as possible so that we can focus our mind and seek God’s wisdom.
If you are walking by God’s Spirit and able to test these things, and if you come to believe this is true, please do whatever you are able to warn people, and to prepare to look after people.
Have faith! God promises to do miracles for his people at the vulnerable moment of birth. In God’s strength we will be successful!
The Revelation 12 Sign of 2017
The most significant and wonderful of all the signs is the Revelation 12 sign of 23rd September 2017 which represents a birth, and an escape from the dragon. The sign involves an alignment of the sun, moon and stars, perfectly matching John’s vision as described in verses 1 and 2 of Revelation 12.
We have reasons to believe that it is an approximate 7 year warning for world war three. If you are not yet familiar please learn about it here:
The 6000 Years of Creation Prophecy
God has a six or seven thousand year schedule for mankind according to the six day creation story. God created the world in 6 days, and he rested on the 7th. For God a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like a day (2 Peter 3v8, Psalm 90v4).
The Sexta-Septamillennial Tradition, as this view is called, was held by the early church fathers. After six thousand years of Biblical history the seventh will correspond to the Sabbath day of rest, the glorious time of great reward for the saints, which many believe will extend into eternity.
Biblical chronology indicates that today's generation — those currently being born may live to see the second coming of Jesus at the end. The Biblical timeline now places us within a normal lifespan of just 70 years of the year 6000 AM.
AM is “Anno Mundi” - Year of the world.
The 6000 years consists of:
Two thousand years from Adam to Abraham,
Two thousand years from Abraham to Jesus, and
Two thousand years from Jesus until today.
Biblical evidence for the year of creation points to about 3909 B.C. Therefore with only about 70 years to go until year 6000 we should expect to see the birth of the final generation, and the associated great calamity.
This is only approximate as its impossible to calculate exactly the times that only God knows, but the Scriptures give a good indication as demonstrated by calculation here:
The chronology indicates that we are currently about 70 or maybe 80 years away from the completion of six thousand years of Biblical history. A normal human lifespan is about 70 or 80 years (Psalm 90v10). The chronology recorded in Scripture is now an urgent sign to us as we consider the birth of the final generation.
Caution is needed. Even if the year of creation is correctly identified it still will not possible to predict the exact time of Jesus' return. Not even Jesus knew that day or hour (Mat 24v26), so it would be foolish to think we might know.
That said, and for what it’s worth, the calculation that places the year of creation at about 3909 BC is available here: 6000 years
The Genesis Apocalypse of Abraham
The story of Abraham provides another remarkable prophecy for about the year 2023 AD. There is an apparent parallel between the AM and AD timelines. The chronology provided in the book of Genesis shows that Abram was born in 1948 AM, and began his journey aged 75 years in 2023 AM.
In 1948 AD the modern state of Israel was born.
In around about 2023 AD we can expect to begin the great journey of the last days.
Then also, a chiastic pattern of birth pains spanning 10 chapters of Genesis leading up to the birth of Isaac reveals a journey that progresses through pandemic, war and destruction in which Lot escapes, to covenant, and then the birth if Ishmael.
The birth of Ishmael is most unexpected as we await the birth of Isaac. The mystery is explained…
Eclipse Reversal
The Eclipse Reversal sign concerning the birth of the final generation delivers the message, “God's dragon appears at the time of the end” as described in Revelation 12.
The dragon wants to devour God's child. This points to the coming war and world government, but God keeps His family safe because our time has not yet come. We have the gospel to preach to all nations before the end comes.
These signs have important meaning. Please consider how the testimony of Jesus relates prophetically to the final generation at the end of the age. See God’s Plan.
If you are unsure whether you should consider yourself a Christian believer, ask your self this: Is Jesus my Lord and Saviour? Do I have the hope of eternal life in a new creation through faith in Jesus? If you are unsure please see The Gospel of Jesus.