Eclipse Reversal — eighth anniversary

Today is the 8th anniversary since the Eclipse Reversal (or Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad) which has now been proven a true 7 year warning sign of what seems to be the beginning world war three. I didn’t know it at the time, but on the 7th anniversary, this time last year Putin’s army was surrounding Ukraine, and in February the war began. The dragon of war appeared on time !!

For more information on why the heavenly signs of Revelation 12v1-3 are Seven year warnings, and also a look at some one year warnings, and three month warnings that should be coming soon, click on the ‘SIGNS’ menu at the top.

The dragon waits in front of the woman who is about to give birth (Rev 12v4). The Eclipse Reversal was more than two years in front of the Revelation 12 sign of birth which appeared in the sky in September 2017. Because these are understood to be seven year signs, we can expect the war will reach a climax within the next couple of years. The birth of the final generation can be expected with full scale nuclear war in about the year 2024.

Don’t worry, God keeps his children safe. He helps us to care for each other by putting it into our hearts to prepare ahead of time with miraculous foresight that will save many lives.

God will give his family of believers a miraculous escape from the cities, to be born like Jesus in a stable, in a modern day Bethlehem which in Hebrew means, ‘House of Bread’. So with plenty of food and supplies stored up, we will escape the cities prior to nuclear war. Due to the crowds, as it was for Joseph and Mary who could find no room in the Inn, we will use farms, farm sheds, barns and stables to take refuge during the coming storm. In these places we will enjoy a Pentecost moment as described in the book of Joel. By God’s Spirit all God’s people will understand prophecy, and a powerful ministry like that of Moses and Elijah will begin for the final generation.

What does escaping WW3 mean ??

The miraculous escape from the destruction caused by nuclear war will be an apocalyptic demonstration of repentance. To escape the dragon of war will be good, but to escape the dragon of sin we need repentance — a war against the sinful nature. The dragon is Satan, the devil, or ancient serpent. The true salvation produces repentance which is inspired by faith in Jesus and a desire to become like him. An escape a human war will be good, but it will only be symbolic. It will not change our eternal destiny, but it will symbolise the true escape that comes as a gift from God through faith in Jesus, producing genuine repentance.

See also, The Symbolic Repentance of Jesus

We will see a “mixed multitude” of people escaping the cities prior to nuclear war. It will be like when Israel made their exodus from Egypt, a “mixed multitude” (Exodus 12v38) left Egypt and arrived at Mount Sinai in the third month. Some were Egyptian, and some were Hebrew. In our time it will be similar, both Christian’s and non-Christians will escape the war, and the more the better. Two thirds of the people of the whole world will survive (Rev 9v15), but many won’t repent (v20). Only those who act in genuine faith which expresses itself through love, producing true repentance will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

When a believer acts in faith, repentance is the beginning of the journey of salvation. In a similar way, World war three will mark the birth of the final generation. War is NOT the end (Mat 24v6). It will begin a life long journey in the wilderness of this world towards the Promised Land of the new creation.

For Israel this journey was 40 years in the wilderness, or for Daniel it was 70 years in Babylon. The point here being that we won’t know the time of the end. Not even Jesus knew (Mat 24v36). But Jesus promises it will not be during war (v6). The end will come later, during a time of peace (1 Thess 5v3). When we see the birth pains we will know “this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” — Mat 24v34.

We have already seen the sign of the birth of the final generation, the Revelation 12 sign of 2017.

“Out of Egypt I called my son” — Mat 2v15.

“Israel is my first born son” — Exodus 4v22.

The nation of Israel was born at the time of the Exodus, and roughly 50 days later they were camped at Mount Sinai — a mountain that resembles world war three.

“Or has any god ever attempted to go and take a nation for himself from the midst of another nation, by trials, by signs, by wonders, *and by WAR*, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, and by great deeds of terror, all of which the LORD your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes?” — Deuteronomy 4v34.

We will see the wrath of God at a nuclear Mount Sinai, possibly about 50 days or in the third month after an event that will trigger an exodus from the cities. That event could be the return of Donald Trump to office. Please be alert. Pray about it. Keep testing these things and seek God’s wisdom on how to care for people during world war three.

The current chaos in the American congress could be ‘a rebellion’ that contributes to the rise of ‘a lawless one’ — 2 Thess 2 style. I say “a” lawless one, not “the” lawless one because we are considering the rise of the King Herod figure, not the final antichrist. The encounter that Jesus had with the dragon at the time of birth was to foreshadow the final battle at the cross, and today we are only considering the birth of the final generation, not the death, or great tribulation at the end.

I don’t claim to know for sure how Trump’s second coming will occur, but the powerful vision I had in 2015 just before discovering the Eclipse Reversal leaves me in no doubt that he is the King Herod figure of the final generation. (Along with Putin, and Xi, etc.)

But can he win the next election?

Well, it might not be necessary. If at some stage he becomes the Speaker of the House I expect assassins will put him back into office, probably later in 2024. I am thinking of the Dan 8v23 senario, but the saints will escape because this is only the birth, not the end.

His return to office will probably trigger an exodus from the cities shortly before the nuclear button is pushed, exactly as described in Daniel 11v44.

Daniel 11v44 is the King Herod moment of destruction that Jesus escaped, and that we too will escape. We don’t need to fear the birth pains if we are looking after God’s family.

For more information: The Daniel 11 Prophecy

This year I’m expecting to see some one year warnings, especially a war with Iran to begin the Middle East stage of the Daniel 11 war. I have been warning everyone I meet about an American invasion of the Middle East as described in the last 10 verses of Daniel 11 because it has been my strong conviction for well over 20 years. Now the signs are overwhelmingly clear, and I fully believe we are about to see these things take place.

Please continue praying about these things, and discussing it with others. If you feel this could be true we need to make sure people are ready for action, especially the leaders of God’s flock. We need to make nuclear war plans.

Those who live in potential bush fire areas have bush fire plans. (for ‘Wild fires’ as they are called in America). Today the cities of the world are in a potential nuclear war zone, so it would be wise to have a good nuclear war plan.

I am urging church leaders to do so because it will save lives if or when this prophecy proves to be true, bringing great glory to God for the advancement of the gospel.

Here in Australia I don’t believe we need to build bunkers because we have plenty of wide open space. We can use our energies more effectively in other ways, but while making plans consider what may be targeted, and the prevailing wind direction. Use the Nukemap website.

I am urging church leaders to learn from Joseph and work with the government. Joseph did much better than Noah. Noah saved 8 people in the ark, but in Genesis 41 we see that Joseph worked with Pharaoh and all of Egypt was saved from the famine.

Again, in Exodus 12 as the Israelites hurried to make a good exodus the Egyptians were fully aware of the danger that they were in and they urged the Israelites to act quickly, “For otherwise we will all die… God made the Egyptians favourably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians.” — Exodus 12v31-36

As the time comes closer Christian leaders will be able to approach the political leaders to recommend we do some contingency planning, and political leaders will agree to it, and support us. They will understand the threat of nuclear war and as Pharaoh put Joseph in charge in their day, political leaders will ask Christian leaders to manage the humanitarian side of the war effort today.

We will disperse all our food, medicine and transportable humanitarian resources to safe locations in the countryside, to places like Bethlehem — “House of Bread”, or to Zoar — “small town” some distance away from Sodom and Gomorrah. In these places we will escape the destruction of nuclear war and save many many lives.

However we will also need to prepare special places in remote areas so that faith communities will be able to escape the panic of the masses and worship God together, to enjoy the Pentecost moment as God pours out his spirit, the latter rain. We will study God’s word and understand prophecy while we wait out the nuclear winter.

This is where the ark idea is good — as we prepare for the second stage.

Joseph and Mary took Jesus from Bethlehem, and ‘Out of Egypt I called my son’. It was a two stage exodus.

Having escaped Sodom to Zoar, Lot and his daughters moved again to the mountains.

Abraham who was already camping a safe distance away journeyed onwards towards the territory of the Negeb — the desert.

In Revelation 12 the woman fled on the wings of an eagle to a place prepared for her in the wilderness, mentioned twice — verses 6 & 14. Even out there in the the wilderness she was almost overwhelmed by a flood v15 (of people) but God’s miracles continue. God is with us — Immanuel.

See the page called “Prepare”.

This is a work in progress. We need to work together, so if you can help please email me.

Lets put aside our personal fears, trust God, and act with all the wisdom that he gives us for the greater good.

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” — Galatians 6v10

As you continue testing these things I pray that God bless you with peace of mind and calmness of heart, and wisdom to know what to do for people. God is good, and we know he works out all things for the good of those who love him.

Please share this message.

God bless,

