Apocalyptic Repentance

When God acts apocalyptically as he has many times and in various ways throughout history, he always acts in a way that reveals Jesus beginning with a moment of birth and with a call to repentance. Jesus demonstrates repentance by making a miraculous escape from the King Herod, the enemy who represents sin would try to destroy us.

In Revelation 12 King Herod is pictured as the dragon who is Satan, the devil, and Jesus is revealed as a baby escaping the dragon just prior to a cosmic war. We have some major King Herod style threats of destruction in the world today, especially the threat of world war three and nuclear war.

Our spiritual new birth occurs when we hear God’s call to put our faith in Jesus and to accept him as Lord and saviour. Our immediate response is to act in repentance by turning away from the ungodly desires of our flesh so that we may begin living righteous and upright lives that brings glory to our Lord and saviour.

When the appointed time comes in the last days for God’s last great trumpet call for apocalyptic repentance, a time of prophecy will begin, a life long testimony that will reveal Jesus to the world through his people. He will act one last time in ways that are outwardly visible so that all who will listen and obey may come to repentance and be prepared for his return.

To understand what apocalyptic repentance looks like we must consider how Jesus demonstrated repentance as a baby. Jesus was born with a sign in heaven, and then escaped a terrible conflict — King Herod and the slaughter of the infants.

We have the sign of birth, the Revelation 12 sign, and we have a major King Herod threat — nuclear war. As described in Revelation 12, the child, the family of God escape the dragon of war.

The Revelation 12 sign of 2017 is a heavenly sign of birth. The Biblical Blood Moons and Eclipse Reversal of 2015 is now proven to be the sign of the dragon of war which began on time in 2022. Our act of apocalyptic repentance is due to come seven years after the 2017 sign of birth in the sky, and by God’s grace we are now being called to escape the dragon of world war three, even nuclear war which will come in about the latter part of 2024, or around that time.

This will be our apocalyptic act of repentance, and the birth of the final generation. It will require our escape from the cities before the nuclear button is pushed.

Out of Egypt I call my son.” — Mat 2v15

It will be a highly visible act of symbolic repentance in which we, by God’s grace, will demonstrate repentance apocalyptically, and we have the opportunity to help many other people to also escape the cities prior to nuclear war.

Come out of her my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues.” — Rev 18v4.

Apocalyptic repentance is like genuine repentance in that it requires real action, but unlike genuine repentance, the action of escaping a nuclear war may be done in a merely external way, without being heart felt. To escape an end times war by leaving the cities is just the first step in responding to God's end times call to repentance. Genuine repentance must be made in spirit and truth, with a real desire and commitment to leaving behind our modern sinful lifestyle and to begin learning obedience to God.

The signs of birth reveal not only an apocalyptic birth, but more importantly a call from God to have genuine faith and real repentance. It is time for us to follow Jesus in spirit and truth, as well as apocalyptically.

The main hermeneutical principle for interpreting prophecy is found in Revelation 19v10:

“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

Jesus fulfilled prophecy from birth when he demonstrated the act of repentance symbolically by escaping King Herod and the slaughter of the infants. Moses did this too in a little ‘ark’. This connects to the story of Noah’s flood where we see the same Hebrew word, Tebah is used for the ‘ark’. The story of Noah’s flood shows how an apocalyptic moment of birth can happen on a global scale. There are many examples to learn from that reveal both the birth of Jesus, and the birth of the final generation. (See the Chiasm of Biblical Testimonies.)

The King Herod moment coming with the birth of the final generation will be an act of all out rage causing enormous destruction — nuclear war. Signs are pointing to this happening in about the latter part of 2024, or around that time. (see the signs menu) Therefore I’m calling for a coordinated Christian effort to plan and prepare so that many lives may be saved, to the glory of God and for the advancement of the gospel.

The Daniel 11 prophecy describes a war at the time of the end that will spread right through the Middle East leading up to the 'King Herod' moment of destruction in Daniel 11v44. We know God gives his family a miraculous escape at the vulnerable moment of birth when the journey of salvation has just begun.

God calls his people everywhere to display faith, love and repentance by acting with wisdom and foresight. Now that world war three is very near we must work together to prepare a miraculous escape so that we may be able care for each other and for as many people as possible.

A similar article: Spiritual, Symbolic, and Apocalyptic Testimony
Another — Blog article: Symbolic Repentance