Welcome to Cross2Victory (to those coming via the mail subdomain). Having met several thousand Christian leaders while on mission during the last few years I am now working to get back in touch, God willing, to remind people that signs point to a biblical moment of birth in about the latter part of 2024 or with the return of Donald Trump to office. I am referring to World War Three, and the great out pouring of God’s Spirit that is promised for afterwards. A world wide revival and a powerful ministry lies ahead for the survivors of this war. Similarly, the war of repentance bears much fruit in those who believe and obey the gospel.
By showing people the signs of what’s coming my purpose is to motivate and encourage people to trust God and to work together. We need to be ready to help as many people as possible to escape the destruction of this coming war. By God’s grace if we seek God’s wisdom and work whole heartedly to care for people our success is promised. The blessings that God promises to his people at biblical moments of birth will overflow so that the doors of many hearts may be opened to the gospel, to receive Jesus, and the promise of eternal life.
What is Birth in Bible Prophecy?
The purpose of Bible prophecy is to reveal Jesus. When prophecy takes place we see a physical manifestation of the spiritual journey of salvation. It begins with a birth and takes the form of a ‘lived testimony’, a birth - life - death and resurrection pattern. “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” - Revelation 19v10. As with any testimony, prophecy always begins with a moment of birth. Therefore we need to study the birth of Jesus and other biblical moments of birth to understand the birth of the end times, or the birth and the journey of the final generation.
To those who believe that the birth of modern nation of Israel was that birth, please consider this important fact: For a prophecy to be true there must be two witnesses, that is two ‘lived testimonies’ that reveal Jesus. Elijah was forerunner to Elisha, and John the Baptist was forerunner to Jesus. Again, when Jesus was taken a more powerful ministry was born in the Church. According to this pattern I believe the modern nation of Israel is forerunner to a more powerful ministry that is promised for the final generation.
Signs clearly indicate that the time has now time for the modern nation of Israel to complete their prophetic pattern. The birth of the nation in 1948 after WW2 was like the birth of Jesus in which Hitler was like King Herod and the holocaust was a real slaughter of the innocent. During the subsequent 75 years their life and ‘ministry’ has been very successful, but it has been a ministry ‘of the flesh’. Now the nation of Israel faces a moment of the cross, which at the end of a testimony is the most serious crisis possible. As I write this in June 2024 the Israelis are preparing for war with Hezbollah and Iran, however Iran is a nuclear power.
A moment of the cross for Israel will be quickly followed by a biblical moment of birth for the whole world. The birth pains of the end times birth will come as a full scale nuclear war, but this is not to be feared (Mat 24v6-8). Birth is a miracle of God. A Pentecost style outpouring of God’s spirit will come afterwards for both Jewish and gentile believers world wide.
Two Witnesses and the War of Repentance: WW3
It is important to understand the spiritual meaning revealed in patterns of two witnesses: In prophecy patterns of two witnesses reveal how flesh relates to spirit. For example Jesus himself came in the flesh so that on Pentecost the church would be born in the Spirit. Another example is Ishmael and Isaac, or Hagar and Sarah who are presented in Galations 4 & 5 as representatives of the flesh / spirit struggle of repentance.
According to the flesh / spirit pattern, when we are born again in the spirit as believers and followers of Jesus the desires of the flesh must be put to death. The desires of the flesh are contrary to the desires of the spirit. Therefore the war of repentance takes place, a fierce war, a fight to the death. We must take up the cross and follow Jesus by crucifying the sinful nature. We need to escape the power of sin so that we may fulfill the testimony of Jesus, to live in holiness and obedience to God while fulfilling the ministry of Christ.
The end times birth is now very close which means we are about to see a physical manifestation and the war of repentance and spiritual new birth as a great world wide awakening. We are coming to the transition in which the focus of modern day Bible prophecy will move away from ministry of the flesh in the current nation of Israel, and to the more powerful ministry of the second witness, Christ in us who believe and who are willing to follow Jesus.
God is giving us clear signs that the ultimate physical manifestation of the war of repentance is almost upon us, and the end times journey is about to begin. An apocalyptic or typological manifestation of the journey of salvation will be revealed in an outwardly visible way once more, this time for the final generation. Signs of birth are currently strengthening as expected. We have the Revelation 12 sign of 2017, the Eclipse Reversal, and most recently the Elton Anomaly which is being called the greatest discovery of mankind, and many more. Please examine them yourself. They are presented on the Cross2Victory website. Click the ‘SIGNS’ menu. It is time to give this matter our full attention.
The war described in scriptures such as Daniel 11v36-44 and Revelation 6, 8 & 9 will be nuclear, and a third of the people of the world will die. But by God’s grace we can be ready and able to care for each other and as many people as possible. When Iran achieves their goal and Israel suffers their ‘moment of the cross’ there will be an approximate seven week period for us to prepare for a full scale nuclear war between the super powers. This parallels the seven weeks from the death and resurrection of Jesus to the day of Pentecost. It also parallels the approximate seven weeks from the Exodus of Israel from Egypt to their arrival at Mount Sinai where the wrath of God was put on full display.
Jonah had 40 days to warn Nineveh to repent and he was successful. When Jesus died and rose again he re-appeared to the disciples during a period of 40 days, and then he told them not to leave Jerusalem until they had been baptised with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1v3-5). Therefore God promises that we will also be successful in saving many lives during the end times birth as we help many non-Christians to escape the cities prior to nuclear war.
When Elijah was taken in a whirlwind of fire Elisha re-enacted the exodus, and then as a first priority with God’s help he established clean drinking water. Now, just as Elisha was told to watch Elijah when he was to be taken, we must watch Israel (2 Kings 2v10). When we see the abomination, the whirlwind of fire which is also described in Daniel 11v36-44 we must be ready to act like Elisha. By the miracle of God it will happen, and he will give us success.
According to the powerful lifechanging vision that I had in 2015 the end times birth will take place around the time of the second coming of Donald Trump to office. I see Trump as the King Herod figure of the end times birth. His character, and the character of others like him is described in Daniel 11v36. The actual King Herod moment is described in verse 44, and by God’s grace we will be able to make successful escape as a symbolic act of repentance just like the new born baby Jesus in Revelation 12, or like baby Moses in his little ark, and like Noah during the flood.
The Revelation 12 sign of 2017 is pointing to about the latter part of 2024, so please give this matter full attention. Pray for the wisdom of God, and alert everyone, especially those who understand the testimony of Jesus. Don’t be afraid, trust God. He will cause us to act and to will according to his good purpose so that the gospel may continue to advance.
By studying biblical moments of birth, especially the birth of Jesus and his escape from King Herod, we may understand the struggle and the miracle of birth on all levels; physically, spiritually, and apocalyptically. Then we will be fully equipped to serve God and each other as we proclaim Christ to the world in both word and deed during the journey of the final generation.