Welcome to Cross2Victory

Many Christians understand that God promises a great awakening and world wide revival in the last days, but it will involve some serious global birth pains. We are coming to a time of war and need to be ready to care for each other and as many people as possible.

Signs are pointing to a biblical moment of birth, World War 3. A major nuclear war is expected soon, now that Trump has returned to office, and according to the biblical pattern it could be about seven weeks after the modern nation of Israel suffers a serious defeat, as will be explained in due course. Birth is difficult but it brings joy and new life. The good news is that God cares for us and he will help us to care for each other while God accomplishes his good purposes.

The purpose of biblical prophecy is to reveal Jesus to the world, so when God acts we see a ‘lived testimony’ that reveals the whole life of Jesus beginning with birth. At biblical moments of birth God brings spiritual awakening. We can expect a world wide revival and a more powerful ministry, but that comes “afterwards” (Joel 2v28). First people need to know the seriousness of sin and the importance of the gift of salvation, so WW3 will be symbolic for the war of repentance.

We have an important opportunity to alert and encourage people. If we move away from the cities during about 40 days or seven weeks after we see a major sign in Israel God will help us to care for each other during WW3. I am monitoring the biblical signs and writing regular updates on Facebook (see link below). Occasionally I put a more important post in the blog section of this website.

Public Posts on Facebook: @James.Cross2Victory

I’m James Andrews, a Christian from Hobart, Australia. Due to a deep love of the word of God and powerful life changing vision about biblical events, I am reaching out to Christian leaders to alert them to the need for action so that more lives may be saved from the destruction of nuclear war. God promises to give us success if we work together and with the wider community to care for each other, and as many people as possible. We must act according to the wisdom God has revealed in the Bible, then there will be a much greater opportunity for the gospel which brings eternal blessings.

For Christians WW3 will be our greatest opportunity to show people the goodness of God. By viewing this war as a biblical moment of birth, and by working together to care for God’s children God promises to open the doors of many hearts so that the gospel will advance greatly in the years and decades ahead.

We have strong empirical evidence in biblically significant signs that have recently appeared, and also the theological evidence presented. The hermeneutic (system of interpretation) that I use is completely biblical, but surprisingly unfamiliar to Christian leaders. It is based on the ‘lived testimony’ of Jesus, the pattern of his life, and when I explain it to Christian leaders or anyone with good Bible knowledge I usually get a good response, so I praise God for this ministry. This is a prophecy worth testing, and it is our duty to do so, (1Thess 5v20-22). Please make use of the menu above to explore the Cross2Victory website.

This welcome page contains a summery of the Cross2Victory website, and explains how Bible prophecy is expected to be fulfilled in our time. WW3 is viewed as a biblical moment of birth in which God’s purpose is to bring many people to genuine repentance, and great world wide revival. The door will be opened to a much more powerful ministry for the final generation.

The timing of birth is of key importance, not to be confused with the end which comes at a time that cannot be predicted. Death can happen at any time, only God knows that time. Birth however always comes with clear signs, and a woman predicts her due date. Likewise, the end times birth and the timing of nuclear war is being estimated. The timing of the birth of Jesus was foreseen, and his escape from King Herod was successful.

Revelation 12 is of key importance as will be discussed. Please carefully consider the signs of the end times birth, especially the Revelation 12 sign of 2017 presented more than half way down this page. Additional signs of birth are listed in the menu above.

The main webpage / previous ‘home page’ is available here: Urgent Message

My recent Facebook posts also contain a lot of information: @James.Cross2Victory

Prophecy forms a ‘lived testimony’

World War Three will be like the birth of Jesus

Bible prophecy reveals the life of Jesus, and also the spiritual journey that we take as we follow him. When we see the perfect character of Jesus described in the Bible we recognise how far fallen we are from the perfection of God, and he calls us to come in repentance, to trust and follow him. The journey of faith forms a ‘lived testimony’ that resembles the life of Jesus. A ‘lived testimony’ is a birth - life - death and resurrection pattern which begins with spiritual new birth and with the war of repentance, a spiritual war fought within us.

Jesus was perfect, so he’s war of repentance was purely symbolic as described in Matthew 2 and Revelation 12. The birth of Jesus was like the birth of Moses, as both faced a horrible conflict, a slaughter of the innocent. Moses was like Noah taking shelter in a little ‘ark’ - תֵּבָה ‘Tebah’ (Ex 2v3). The same word for ark is used in the story of Noah’s flood (Gen 6v14). Noah’s flood was also a birth / baptism event (1 Peter 3v20-21), but on a global scale, a new beginning for the ancient world. In Scripture floods relate to war symbolically.

A “flood” of war followed the birth of Immanuel (Isaiah 8v7-8) which came as a prophecy for the birth of Jesus. In end times prophecy we see a flood of war described in Daniel 11v36-44, and verse 44 is described in terms that resembles ‘King Herod the Great’ who I believe is about to be echoed by Donald Trump, and nuclear war will be a modern day slaughter of the innocent. But most importantly, war represents the struggle of repentance that occurs during spiritual new birth.

The war of repentance is a war fought between the desires of the flesh and the desires of the spirit, the old life against the new life. These two aspects of our person are presented in Scripture as two separate ministries, or two ‘lived testimonies’, the two witnesses of Bible prophecy. There are many examples of two witnesses in Scripture, some of which are illustrated below. The first must give way to the second because the ministry of the flesh must give way to the ministry of the Spirit. Therefore the journey of faith begins with an intense conflict, but it brings a good life long ministry that continues until the end when on the day of judgement our transformation is made complete.

The birth - life - death resurrection pattern is seen repetitively in ‘lived testimonies’ from Genesis to Revelation. In this way, while biblical moments of birth reveal spiritual new birth, we also see Noah’s flood foreshadows the birth of Jesus (via Moses), and as I will explain - the birth of the final generation.

“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” - Rev 19v10.

The diagram above, the “Chiasm of Biblical Testimonies” covers all of Biblical history from creation to the second coming of Jesus. A ‘Chiasm’ is a pattern that mirrors as indicated here by the colours of the rainbow, and in Revelation 4 there is a rainbow around the throne of God.

WW3, like Noah’s flood, should be viewed as a global moment of birth, and the beginning of a prophecy. The purpose of biblical prophecy is always to reveal Jesus, so we can explore the way world events revealed the pattern of the life of Jesus many times in the past. Typological events form ‘lived testimonies’ that reveal Jesus again and again, all through biblical history from Genesis to Revelation.

According to patterns of symbolic repentance that we see in Scripture at biblical moments of birth, my expectation is for Israel to be ‘taken’ by Iran very soon. Then we will have about seven weeks left to complete our preparations for the end times birth, a major global nuclear war. I will discuss the seven week pattern .

God makes covenants ‘with all flesh’ at biblical moments of birth (Gen 9v15,- Acts 2v17). For us the covenant will be nuclear. The damage done to Israel and the world will resemble the death of the Messiah, but a Pentecost style outpouring of God’s spirit is promised, and a great world wide revival will come afterwards for the survivors. A much more powerful ministry lies ahead for all who believe during the journey of the final generation, so my greater goal is to inspire Christians to trust God and work together for the advancement of the gospel.

Patterns of Two Witnesses

Gospel prophecy and the war of repentance

When God acts to bring biblical prophecy to fulfilment we see two outwardly visible pattern of events that have deep typological meaning, or symbolic meaning. Events reveal the ‘lived testimony’ of Jesus according to his special birth - life - death and resurrection pattern - twice. They resemble two witnesses which relate to each other in terms of flesh and spirit. As the desires of the flesh are at war with the desires of the spirit the transition from the first ministry to the second is most dramatic.

The struggle reveals the war of repentance. The current war in the Middle East can be seen as the birth pains of a more powerful ministry.

As we discuss patterns of two witnesses it is important to note that the word ‘witness’ and ‘testimony’ is the same in the Greek. Therefore a witness is a ‘lived testimony’. In patterns of two witnesses both have a powerful ministry, but the second is much more powerful and the two cannot coexist lest they be unequally yoked. The first ministry must come to an end to make way for the second. The spiritual reality of this transition is experienced as the war of repentance as we to put to death the desires of the flesh so that we may live in the spirit.

Some biblical examples of the two witnesses are illustrated in the Chiasm diagram above. They include Elijah and Elisha, or John the Baptist and Jesus. From another perspective Jesus came ‘in the flesh’ as God’s first born son and the first of two witnesses so that the church could be born in the Spirit, having an even more powerful ministry (John 14v12).

When we are ‘born again’ we put to death the first born son within us because ‘the old man’ must die. When we start following Jesus we take up our cross in the war of repentance. By acting in faith, by God’s grace we are empowered to overcome the enemy of sin so that God’s Spirit is able to come and dwell within us. In this way we receive a double portion of the Spirit like Elisha.

Biblical prophecy creates a role-play of the two aspects of human life; the old life and the new life. Some examples include Ishmael and Isaac, or Hagar and Sarah who are described in terms of ‘flesh and spirit’ in Galatians 4 & 5. The struggle between them reveals the war of repentance. Esau and Jacob, or King Saul and King David are similar. There are many examples in Scripture.

In some cases we see a Satanic personification of the corrupt aspects of fleshly desires, for example the serpent in the garden of Eden who reappears in Revelation 12 where King Herod the Great is pictured as the serpent / dragon or devil. King Herod tried to kill little Jesus, but he escaped miraculously. The story of David and Goliath is similar. Otherwise we see a calamity such as a flood, a famine or a war at biblical moments of birth prior to a new work of God.

Flesh itself is not evil, and neither is money, but only the corruption of our fleshly desires. Therefore in some examples the role of the flesh is seen in a more noble light and worthy of great blessing. For example Ishmael was blessed with a kingdom of twelve rulers (Gen 17v20). Esau was also a wealthy man not wanting to accept gifts from Jacob (Gen 33v9). Jesus himself came ‘in the flesh’, and he fulfilled prophecy perfectly.

Some believe the two witnesses of Revelation 11 will be two special individuals who will appear in the last days. I guess that is possible, but I hold a slightly different opinion. We often see these ministries coming in sequence, one after another, in patterns of two witnesses

Biblical moments of birth come in pairs, and in patterns of two witnesses. For example:

  • Natural birth comes first, then spiritual new birth to those who are ‘born again’.

  • Elijah was followed by Elisha who had a double portion of Elijah’s spirit.

  • John the Baptist was the forerunner for Jesus.

Patterns of two witnesses can be fulfilled on a much larger scale involving nations and kingdoms:

  • The birth of Jesus ‘in the flesh’ was followed by the birth of the church on Pentecost.

  • The birth of Moses was followed 80 years later by the birth of the ancient nation of Israel at the time of the exodus and Mount Sinai covenant.

  • The birth of the modern nation of Israel came after WW2 which brought revival and a massive surge in church attendance during the 1950’s. The re-birth of modern Israel signals the Elijah generation, and is now expected to be followed by a much greater birth as we come to a more powerful ministry for the Elisha generation, the final generation.

The Modern Nation of Israel

The first of two witnesses - the penultimate generation.

The modern nation of Israel has a ‘lived testimony’ like that of Jesus. After WW2 the birth of Israel in 1948 was like the birth of Jesus. Hitler was like King Herod and the Holocaust was a real slaughter of the innocent, but the rebirth of the modern nation after nearly 2000 years is a miracle of God. Israel has been greatly blessed, a very successful nation during the last 75 years, but now according to the pattern of the ‘lived testimony’ of Jesus they are about to face a greater battle. There must be a crisis of the cross before a Pentecost moment as the greater ministry of the second witness is born. The transition is where prophecy becomes ‘apocalyptic’.

The dramatic departure of Elijah is an apocalyptic picture of the war of repentance as he was ‘taken’ in horses and chariots of fire, and then Elijah re-enacted the exodus (2 Kings 2). In other examples, Ishmael was sent away from Isaac, Esau became angry when the blessing was transferred to Jacob, as did King Saul when the kingdom was to be transferred to David. In many cases fierce conflicts break out between these two witnesses requiring one to flee just as we must flee from sin. The ancient nation of Israel was born when they broke free from slavery in Egypt at the time of the original exodus, (Exodus 4v22).

It is my expectation that Israel will be ‘taken’ by Iran in a fierce war very soon, just before WW3, probably seven weeks before WW3 as explained below, and there will be a greater Mount Sinai moment for the whole world, an encounter with God.

According to the patterns of symbolic repentance that we see in Scripture at biblical moments of birth, the ministry of the first witness must be surpassed by a much more powerful ministry. A repetition or echoing of events confirms the prophecy is true and valid. For example Elijah did eight miracles but Elisha did sixteen.

As a third of the Jewish people died during WW2 we can expect a third of all the people of the world to die during WW3 (Revelation 9v15). Therefore I am certain that the end times birth will be by nuclear war, but we needed fear. Jesus tells us not to fear (Mat 24v6-8). It will bring a greater blessing to those who walk by God’s Spirit.

The Timing of Birth

We cannot predict the time of the end when Jesus will return, nor can we predict when we will die, but birth is a another matter. Every family knows when a baby is coming and a woman predicts her due date. Biblical moments of birth come with clear signs, accurate prophecy and events happen approximately on time, and sometimes even very precisely.

We reached the seventh anniversary of the Revelation 12 sign of 2017 in October 2024 during the Autumn Festivals in Israel. If as I believe, the Revelation 12 sign of 2017 proves to be a true sign from God we can expect major birth pains very soon. Watch Israel for confirmation. Israel is likely to be ‘taken’ by Iran very soon. Iran is emerging as a nuclear power now.


The Revelation 12 sign is now confirmed true. The long expected war with Iran has begun seven years after the sign appeared in the sky, and Netanyahu has named it "Operation Days of Repentance." Days of Repentance refers to the Jewish autumn festival period. The star alignment that perfectly resembles Revelation 12v1 occurred seven years ago during the Jewish feast of Trumpets in 2017, on "Shabbat Shuvah," the 'Sabbath of Repentance'. This confirms that the prophecy about the birth of the final generation is coming true.

Then seven weeks after the seventh anniversary of the Revelation 12 sign (according to the Jewish calendar which is astronomically correct) the ICC issued arrest warrants for Prime Minister Netanyahu and his defence minister Gallant. Consider how it parallels the attempts of the Pharisees to arrest Jesus towards the end of his earthly ministry.

This is even more significant in light of the fact that Putin's war in Ukraine began seven years and seven weeks after the Biblical Blood Moons and Eclipse Reversal of 2015, which are believed to be the sign of the dragon — Revelation 12v3.

The modern nation of Israel may be ‘taken’ by Iran sometime soon. It will parallel the death and resurrection of Jesus, and then a possible seven week countdown is likely to lead to a major nuclear war in parallel to Pentecost, and the tongues of fire that came down from heaven on that day. By God’s grace, according to the pattern we should have about 40 or 50 days to prepare after we see the nation of Israel ‘taken’ in a biblical moment of the cross, marking the end of a testimony.

Please refer to my public Facebook posts (linked above) for more up to date thoughts.

According to a powerful life changing vision that I had in 2015 World War Three will be triggered by Donald Trump, as described in Daniel 11v36 & 44, but regarding war Jesus says, “See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.” - Mat 24v6.

To emphasise that point: while the evidence is very strong that world war three is about to happen, the end will not come at this time. Instead we can expect God to pour out his spirit to bring the great last days awakening and world wide revival which is also known as the ‘latter rain’. It is promised to come like Pentecost after a great calamity (Joel 2v28). A powerful ministry lies ahead for the final generation of believers, all who are willing to walk by faith in obedience to Jesus.

The Seven Week Countdown

God reveals the timing of biblical moments of birth through various signs as discussed elsewhere on the cross2victory website (Use the ‘SIGNS’ menu). There are seven year signs, two year signs, one year signs, maybe a five month sign, and most importantly the very dramatic seven week signs. Seven week patterns seen at the birth of the ancient nation of Israel and the birth of the Church, and in the annual festivals of Israel. The festivals are ‘rehearsals’ of the end times birth:

  • There were seven weeks from the death of Jesus until the birth of the Church on Pentecost. It was specifically 50 days, which is why Pentecost is named as such. ‘Pente’ refers to 50. (For example, ‘Pentagon’ is a shape with five sides).

  • There were seven weeks at the time of the Exodus of Israel from Egypt, from the deaths of the first born sons and the killing of the Passover lambs as Israel left Egypt, going through the Red sea, until their arrival at Mount Sinai. Passover is in the middle of the first month (Nissan), and they arrived at Mount Sinai at the beginning of the third month (Sivan) - Exodus 19v1. That’s a seven week period.

  • The seven week countdown was made part of the annual festival system in Israel, counting from Passover to the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot). “You shall count seven full weeks from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering. You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath.” - Leviticus 23v15-16.

  • There will be seven weeks from a moment of the cross in Israel, (probably a defeat by Iran), until WW3 which will be a greater ‘God moment’ for the world. WW3 will be like Mount Sinai when Israel was born, and like Pentecost when the Church was born. There will be “blood and fire and vapour of smoke.” - Acts 2v19. But birth is a miracle of God, so if we are ready to act with God’s wisdom we needn’t fear. Many lives will be saved.

WW3 is expected to come after a possible seven week warning in the latter part of 2024 and with the return of Trump to office. In 2015 I had a powerful life changing vision, in which I saw Trump as the ‘King Herod’ figure of the end times birth, the character of Daniel 11v36 and 44. It drives me in this mission, but prophecy must be tested (1 Thess 4v19-21).

The video below was published in early August 2024 in the expectation that as we reach the seventh anniversary of the Revelation 12 sign and the autumn festivals this October we may get a seven week warning from God: Israel is due to be ‘taken’. When Elisha saw Elijah taken in horses and chariots of fire he was greatly distressed, but he re-enacted the exodus and was given a double portion of the spirit. The same will happen again during the end times birth. We must be ready to re-enact the exodus when Israel comes to their moment of the cross. God will make it happen, it will be his miracle for us.

Prophecy Begins at BIRTH

The end is NOT YET.

When WW3 takes place a prophecy will begin. The purpose of prophecy is to reveal Jesus, but in recent times it has been forgotten that prophecy always begins with a kind of birth. The birth of Jesus is in prophecy, including his miraculous escape from King Herod’s slaughter of the innocent. In Revelation 12 we see Jesus as a baby escaping the dragon just prior to a great war. In this way the birth of Jesus is presented symbolically in terms of the war of repentance, because his escape from King Herod is a symbolic picture of the escape we make from the power of sin by the act of repentance when we are ‘born again’. When God acts typologically as a prophecy begins we see ‘symbolic repentance’, so our miraculous escape from the destruction of nuclear war will reveal the birth of Jesus symbolically once again.

WW3 is not to be confused with the end of the age. To understand times and seasons, biblical moments of birth bring serious difficulties such as war and famine, but these are called ‘birth pains’, and God intervenes to help his people escape. The season of birth is unique as the only time we can be sure that the end is “not yet.” (Mat 24v6). War and calamity come at the beginning of a prophetic cycle when the time comes for a more powerful ministry to be born, and then a life-long ministry begins, a testimony that reveals Jesus to the world.

“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” - Revelation 19v10.

When a new prophecy begins it comes with a struggle that resembles the war of repentance which brings deep inner peace. Little Jesus needed to escape a terrible conflict, the slaughter of the infants by King Herod the Great. He did so successfully, as did baby Moses, etc. “On earth peace, good will toward men.” - Luke 2v14. But it takes time to establish peace. It can take quite a while for a young person to overcome the fleshly desires that war against our soul, or for an older person to change old habits, but we begin a ministry and a journey of faith.

The ministry grows and is successful, and eventually there is no more war. On the spiritual level we live peaceful, victorious lives in Christ Jesus, but there is a risk of becoming luke warm and falling away. In the typological historical pattern we see on-believers writing books such as “The End of History…” by Francis Fukuyama. Is there nothing better to come? During times of peace spiritual lethargy can set in. Will people be ready when Jesus returns? Paul shows that the end of the age will come at the end of a prophetic cycle, during a time of ‘peace and safety’, (1 Thess 5v3).

Now we have clear signs of a third world war, so Jesus won’t be coming back in this cycle. We have not yet reached the end of history. People fear war could bring the end of the world, but it is only an end of certain fleshly pleasures. World war three relates symbolically to the war of repentance when a greater spiritual ministry is born in this world, and a new more powerful ministry begins.


The birth of the modern nation of Israel after WW2 was of ‘typological’ significance, and recognised by many as the beginning of biblical end times prophecy. Many thought the re-birth of modern Israel signaled the arrival of the final generation, but it was not understood that there must always be ‘two witnesses’, or two ‘lived testimonies’, both of which must reveal Jesus. These prophecies come in sequence one after another.

I have mentioned the examples of Elijah and Elisha, Ishmael and Isaac, or Hagar and Sarah. According to Paul in Galatians 4 & 5, these represent the flesh and spirit aspects of a Christian testimony, the old life and the new life. The Elijah and Elisha ministries reappeared again in John the Baptist and Jesus. From another perspective we understand that Jesus came “in the flesh” to take our sin so that the Church could be born in the Spirit.

As Elisha needed to watch Elijah (2 Kings 2v10), likewise we need to watch the modern nation of Israel to understand when it’s time for us to re-enact the exodus, because Israel are for ‘signs and portents’ to us from God (Isaiah 8v18). The birth of the modern nation of Israel in 1948 was just like the birth of Jesus. Hitler was like King Herod and the holocaust a real slaughter of the innocent. Six million Jews died during WW2, a third of the Jewish population of the world at the time. It foreshadowed the fact that a third of the population of the world will die in nuclear war during the end times birth (Rev 9v15), but God gives his people the wisdom that we need to escape the power of the dragon. It will be a symbolic act of repentance.

The modern nation of Israel has had an Elijah style ministry, but it is fleshly and non-spiritual. Now Israel is coming to the end of their testimony. When the nation of Israel suffers a moment of the cross and is ‘taken’ as Elijah was, but by Iran, in horses and chariots of fire, in the fierce Middle East war of Daniel 11v40, we will have seen a biblical moment of the cross. It will cause Christians around the world to recognise the imminence of WW3 and to re-enact the exodus just like Elisha did.

Spiritually speaking, we must examine ourselves in light of the testimony of Jesus. We WATCH ourselves. Do we meet God’s standard or do we fall short? We must come to understand that in our fleshly nature we are under God’s wrath. We must take up our cross in repentance which in Greek is ‘metanoia,’ a ‘change of mind’. We must put to death the misplaced hopes of our fleshly desires if we are to be of any use in God’s kingdom.

Similarly the modern nation of Israel are to be watched. They have not yet received their messiah, Jesus, but many of them will when they come to the war of repentance. Then the Spirit will come like it came on Pentecost, to both Jewish and Gentile believers together. So for the fulfilment of end times prophecy we watch Israel for the symbolic war of apocalyptic repentance. According to the ‘lived testimony’ of Jesus we will see them come to ‘a moment of the cross.’

When Jesus died and rose he had 40 days to reappear to the disciples, instructing them to gather together for Pentecost, to receive God’s Spirit. In this way Jesus fulfilled the Jonah ministry. Jonah had three days in the belly of the whale, and then he had 40 days to warn Ninevah to repent, and Ninevah did repent. Similarly, after Israel’s moment of the cross I expect we will have Jonah’s ministry for about 40 or 50 days, (the seven week pattern). Just as Ninevah repented, many people will respond in symbolic repentance by making a speedy exit from cities all around the world just prior to the global nuclear war of Daniel 11v44.

We will see the birth of an Elisha style ministry “afterwards” - Joel 2v28, in which many of the survivors of war will come to believe in Jesus and receive a double portion of the spirit, much like Elisha. The birth of the end times will be similar to Pentecost when 2000 years ago the church was born with powerful signs, and that first generation of believers were given a much more powerful ministry. The first generation of the church began the great commission, and the final generation will bring it to completion.

Jesus was born with a sign in heaven that the wise men saw (Mat 2v2), ancient Israel was born with signs in heaven (Exodus 10v21, Deut 4v34), the first generation of the church was born with signs in heaven, and it will happen once more in the last days. In Revelation 12 Jesus gave us the sign of the end times birth, and on 23rd September 2017 it appeared in the sky. The time is short, and we need to act fast. We must do so with all our hearts, working for the greater good of our communities and especially for our brothers and sisters in Christ (Galations 6v10).


The purpose of the Cross2Victory mission is to alert and inspire ALL PEOPLE of noble character and good will, who care for their communities to consider what we can do in the event of nuclear war so that many lives may be saved. I have worked full time during the last four years meeting with Christians, especially those in Christian leadership to talk about WW3 from a biblical perspective, and to share a vision about God’s promise for success if we work together for the greater good.

Here in Australia many of us prepare ‘bush fire plans’ in summer time to save lives in the event of a forest fire. Likewise, with serious conflicts now heating up around the world, and in light of certain biblical signs presented on the cross2victory website (make use of the menu), there is overwhelming evidence that we now need to prepare for nuclear war. We must work together with whoever is willing to help so that we will be able to care for each other and as many people as possible.

After the seventh anniversary of the Revelation 12 sign this October I expect major events in the Middle East will trigger a mass exodus of people from cities all around the world. According to Biblical patterns seen in ancient times at the birth of Israel, and the birth of the Church, I expect we should have about seven weeks or at least 40 days to help people get out of the cities and to places of safety before a major nuclear war takes place, the war that will kill two or three billion people (Rev 9v15).

WW3 will mark the birth of the final generation, so I often refer to it as ‘the end times birth’. At biblical moments of birth we see a renewed outpouring of God’s spirit, a new covenant from God and great promises made for the success of the ministry begins at that time. Birth is a blessing for God’s people, and the end times birth will bring special blessings. Afterwards the survivors of war will be a greatly awakened to understand the seriousness of sin and the goodness and grace of God. Many people will turn to Jesus to receive forgiveness of sin and true spiritual new birth. There will be a world wide revival and a much more powerful ministry for a few more decades until Jesus returns.

The old home page called “Urgent Message” gives much more detail: