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I am appealing to all people of noble character and good will, who care for the well being of their communities: Lets consider how to do good when peace is lost to war.
“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” — Galations 6v10
Facebook: @James.Cross2Victory
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PROPHECY: Daniel 11 Prophecy / God’s Plan / Whole Bible Chiasm / Abraham’s Prophecy / Modern Israel / Floods: War & Birth / Revelation
SIGNS: Revelation 12 Sign / Response to Critics / Eclipse Reversal / Astrology or Biblical Astronomy? / 777 Signs / 6000 Years / Abram B. 1948, Called 2023 / Hamas in the Bible / KJV 777 Discovery / Seven Year Warning
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The pattern is the Eclipse Reversal of 2015, the sign of the dragon (Rev 12v3) which was confirmed as a true seven year sign when Putin began the war in 2022.
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So why did Jesus need to escape King Herod the Great and the slaughter of the innocent? It was a symbolic act of repentance. Key word: ‘SYMBOLIC’. Our escape from the destruction of WW3 will be so too. The reality is spiritual new birth which requires genuine repentance.