
The End Times Birth — WW3


This is an appeal to all people of noble character and good will, who care for their communities: Signs warn that we are coming to world war three — a nuclear war. But if we are ready to do all that we can to care for people this coming conflict may be viewed as a Biblical moment of birth and an opportunity to serve. By God’s grace many lives can be saved.

Moments of birth bring God’s blessing. Many Christians hope for a great last days awakening, a world wide revival, and the outpouring of God’s Spirit. Some call it, ‘the latter rain.’ Something special is promised and is widely expected, but caution is needed. Birth involves a great struggle.

An urgent prophecy has come to light concerning world war three and the end times birth. Many agree that it is worth testing, so with God’s help I want to be an obedient servant in presenting it to you here. God willing the Cross2Victory message will inspire much good to be done so that lives may be saved if a major war comes as expected. My prayer is we will be able to help large numbers of people in ways that bring great glory to God and for the advancement of the Gospel.

I am a follower of Jesus, (part of the Presbyterian Church) and in my mid 40s. I’m from Hobart Tasmania, and have been travelling for more than three years, meeting with Christian leaders from Bible believing churches around Australia to bring to attention the importance of Biblical moments of birth.

Signs and Times

Recent signs of birth alert us to the pregnancy of this moment and the countdown to the coming struggle of the end times birth. A clash of superpowers is expected. We are told in Scripture what we should do so that we may be ready and able to care for people, especially those who are of the household of God — if events continue unfolding as expected.

Bible prophecy reveals much about Jesus, but don’t misunderstand: Our purpose is not to try and predict when Jesus will return. The journey of salvation is always life long. When the end will come is not for us to know. “Heaven and earth shall pass away… but of that day and hour knoweth no man.” — Matthew 24v36 KJV. Our personal end could come any day, so we always need to be ready to meet Jesus.

However God does reveal times and seasons, and these relate to the times of life. “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die…” — Ecclesiastes 3v1-2a KJV. The seasons of the year and the seasons of life reveal the way God acts at appointed times when Bible prophecy is fulfilled. Appointed times are called ‘moedim’ in Hebrew. They are God’s festival times.

The Pattern of Prophecy

Bible prophecy reveals Jesus according to the pattern of life. The three main seasons of life are; birth — life — death & resurrection. This pattern can be called a ‘lived testimony’. God uses ‘lived testimonies’ to reveal Jesus in Bible prophecy.

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Revelation 19v10b KJV

The birth, life and death pattern of Jesus relates: water, spirit and blood.

This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.” — 1 John‬ ‭5‬v‭6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Water relates to birth and baptism. Blood relates to the moment of the cross, death and resurrection.

We fulfil prophecy ourselves if we follow Jesus. A true prophet lives out prophecy in his own life. The purpose of prophecy is always to reveal Jesus.

“He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself.” — 1 John‬ ‭5‬v10a‬ ‭KJV‬‬

or, “… has the testimony in himself.” — ESV

The testimony of Jesus becomes our testimony if we follow him in spirit and truth. Prophecy must always be fulfilled on the individual level, but depending on the times and seasons, sometimes the testimony of Jesus is revealed in the events of history.

Whatever form prophecy takes, it always has one and the same purpose: Prophecy reveals the lived testimony of Jesus according to the pattern of his life:

  1. Birth:

    Moments of birth involve signs, dreams, visions, angels, wise men and prophecy. But the birth involves a great struggle, a King Herod conflict, a baptism or the flesh / spirit battle for repentance.

  2. Life:

    A good life and powerful ministry follows, but in this world it is often under foreign rule. Times can be hard but God strengthens and sustains us by his Spirit and the ministry is fruitful.

  3. Death:

    Prophecy concludes with the tribulation of death. The cross of Christ is revealed and resurrection is promised.

The journey of salvation is now the spiritual journey. But God also reveals the end times journey.

Large portions of Scripture are seen to reveal the lived testimony of Jesus. By considering how patterns display moments of birth — life — death / resurrection we can interpret difficult passages like Matthew 24, or the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation in light of our present time. We may also understand the journey that lies ahead for the final generation.

Birth is Key

Prophecy begins with a moment of birth and then events continue to unfold in a way that reveals Jesus. Our desire to understand end times events should therefore inspire a keen interest in the birth of Jesus, and other moments of birth through out history. When the appointed time comes for end times prophecy to be fulfilled it is going to begin with an unmistakable moment of birth.

The circumstances of the birth of Jesus are indeed very interesting. The signs of his birth and his escape from King Herod appear many times in ancient prophecy, and always within the context of a larger pattern that forms a ‘lived testimony’. Important moments of birth include:

  • Spiritual birth which is most important (with the struggle of repentance),

  • Typological or symbolic moments of birth in O.T. prophecy of which there are many (involving calamities of various kinds),

  • Pentecost, the birth of the Church (at a time of great fear),

  • The birth of Modern Israel (after WW2 and the Holocaust),

  • The end times birth. (WW3 will be apocalyptic).

This message is urgent: Recently some amazing signs of birth have appeared. They look highly significant and demand careful attention. The prophecy presented here needs to be tested prayerfully.

World War Three

Due to the urgency of the hour I’ll cut to the chase and give a quick overview of the current expectations for an end times birth. This matter require prayer and careful testing, and proper theological explanation will follow.

The most impressive sign of birth in recent times is the Revelation 12 sign which appeared in the sky on 23rd September 2017. It’s believed to be an approximate seven year sign pointing to a major climax of birth pains in the latter part of 2024, or around that time. It is an urgent sign of war and also a promise that God is with us and will continue to care for us.

The most important Bible passage to study as we test the prophecy may be Daniel chapter 11. Daniel saw two ‘lived testimonies’ that reveal the pattern of the life of Jesus. The second one is for the final generation and concludes in chapter 12 with the final resurrection of the dead. We will look at these patterns carefully.

The last 10 verses of Daniel 11 describes the birth pains of the final generation. A war that will move through the Middle East at the time of the end leading up to a King Herod moment of destruction (Daniel 11v36-44). The circumstances of the end times birth are of critical importance.

If we see a war moving through the Middle East in the next few months we will know that the King Herod moment is near: “But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.” — Daniel‬ ‭11‬v44‬ ‭KJV‬.

Today the east is China and the north is Russia. I believe America will be the main invading force in the Middle East and that we will see world war three — nuclear war. But Daniel 11v44 is not the end. It comes as a moment of birth within the pattern of a ‘lived testimony’.

Some people think nuclear war would bring the end of the world, but when Jesus described wars and rumours of war he said, “see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet... All these are the beginning of sorrows.” — Mat 24v6 & 8 KJV. By God’s grace we have opportunity to prepare, and God promises us success. Birth brings blessings to God’s family.

On a personal note, God gave me a powerful life changing vision in 2015 in which I recognised Donald Trump as the King Herod figure of the end times generation. I believe he will return to office just prior to the conflict of Daniel 11v44.

We will look at all these things more carefully in due course. We needn’t fear, but we must be ready for action. God shows us what to do and he promises his people success.


After hearing the theological explanation many Biblically minded people agree that this prophecy is worth testing, so please help bring this matter to the attention of others. By God’s grace he promises that lives will be saved during the end times birth, and a door will be opened to the gospel.

Prophecy Reveals Jesus

When prophecy is fulfilled the ‘lived testimony’ of Jesus is revealed, and it is much more than a simple birth — life — death pattern. Impossible challenges and great difficulties are overcome. The pattern is victorious:

1. Birth and escape,
2. life and ministry,
3. death and resurrection.

The name Jesus means ‘God saves’, and it can also mean ‘victory.’ The victorious pattern of the ‘lived testimony’ of Jesus is the main hermeneutic or system used by the Cross2Victory ministry to interpret Bible prophecy.

By studying the way Jesus ‘lived out’ the pattern of prophecy in his own life, and how the pattern appears at other times in Biblical history, we may understand what lies ahead for the final generation. Revelation 19v10b is a key:

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

An apocalyptic pattern of events will reveal this pattern to the world in the last days. The journey of the final generation will be a victorious ‘lived testimony.’

The Symbolic Repentance of Jesus

The journey of salvation always begins with spiritual new birth and the act of repentance. We are called to follow Jesus but given that Jesus was perfect we might wonder, how did Jesus reveal the act of repentance?

He did it symbolically. Having no sin from which to repent, Jesus escaped a symbolic dragon — King Herod.

In Matthew 2 they escaped to Egypt and waited there for the ‘old man' to die. (Mat 2v13-21). As sinners we need to put off the ‘old man’ and put on the ‘new man’ (Eph 2v22-24). That’s repentance.

In Revelation 12 Herod is pictured as the dragon or Satan and the child, baby Jesus escaped. To escape the dragon at the time of birth is repentance.

The exodus of Jesus from Egypt served to demonstrate the act of repentance again. Egypt’s nickname was ‘Rahab’ - the dragon or sea monster, (Isaiah 30v7, 50v9-10, Psalms 87v4, 89v10, Job 9v13, and 26v12). Therefore when God says, ‘Out of Egypt I called my son’, Jesus escaped the dragon again. That’s confirmation.

The escape that Jesus made as an infant is echoed by his adult baptism and the time he spent in the wilderness overcoming temptation just prior to beginning his ministry. Again, Jesus gave a symbolic demonstration of new birth and the struggle of repentance.

Jesus committed no sin, so for him these things were purely symbolic. However Jesus sets us an example to follow (1 Peter 2v21-23). In our case, because we are sinners the flesh / spirit struggle of repentance must be fought in spirit and truth.

Repentance is essential to the Christian testimony (Luke 13v3). Jesus reveals the struggle of repentance in his own birth, and we see many other examples of this struggle in Biblical history. But now we have signs that an end times birth is near, and apocalyptic moments of birth always involve symbolic acts of repentance.

Signs of Birth

Jesus was born with a sign in heaven, the star that the wise men followed to Bethlehem. The early church was born in a similar way at the time of Pentecost:

And I will shew wonders in heaven above, And signs in the earth beneath; Blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before that great and notable Day of the Lord come:” — ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭KJV‬‬

In the beginning God made the sun, the moon and the stars to be for signs and for seasons ('moedim' — appointed times), and for days and years, (Genesis 1v14). Therefore it makes sense that the end times birth should also come with signs in the sky.

There are many other Biblical examples of special signs from God at moments of birth, but now we see signs of birth appearing in our own time. The Revelation 12 sign of 2017 is the most significant.

In Revelation 12 the birth of Jesus is presented as a sign in heaven and King Herod is presented as a dragon. “The dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭12‬:‭4‬ ‭KJV‬‬. She gave birth to a son, and God’s family escaped. Then there was a great war.

The Revelation 12 Sign of 2017

The Revelation 12 sign appeared in the sky in 2017. An alignment in the sun, moon and stars gave us the first perfect resemblance of Revelation 12 in nearly 6000 years. The sign represents the birth of Jesus, but we are not expecting Jesus to be born again in the flesh. Instead this sign represents the ‘end times birth’.

It’s appearance during the Feast of Trumpets was highly symbolic timing. The feast of Trumpets is God’s call to repentance. It appeared in the sky on 23rd September 2017, and in Israel it was Shabbat Shuva, the Jewish day of repentance.

Many Christians around the world marvelled, and discussed it’s significance wondering about the time of the end. At the time some were disappointed when nothing happened. But actually, this is only a sign of birth, not the actual birth itself. Birth doesn’t happen straight away, but according to the signs we are able to predict the approximate time that a birth is to be expected. This sign is believed to be an approximate 7 year sign of the end times birth.

There are strong reasons to believe that we are approaching some major birth pains in the world, and they will likely reach a climax in the latter part of 2024. We should expect an encounter with the dragon of WW3, and God’s call will go out to the whole world: ‘Repent for the day of the Lord is near.’

The imagery of the Revelation 12 sign comes from the story of Joseph in Egypt who had seven good years to prepare for a seven year famine. Then came the ‘sun, the moon and the eleven stars’ — his family came and bowed down. The dragon had appeared and Israel escaped along with many others as their journey in Egypt was born.

The escape of Israel from the famine is similar to Noah’s escape from the flood. Both events were world wide. In Noah’s time the rainbow was a sign in the sky. The bow was an instrument of war pointing upwards to heaven. The dove brought back the olive leaf — God’s spirit, God’s peace. Peter calls the flood a baptism (1 Peter 3v21-22). As a moment of birth it was a new beginning for the world.

The imagery of the Revelation 12 sign also appears in Isaiah 7 as a prophecy about the birth of Jesus. The sign was of the virgin with child — Immanuel, and it was given to King Ahaz of Judah as a seven year sign of war. By the age of reason which is about seven years old the child would be eating curds and honey, because the King of Assyria was coming, (Isaiah 7v14-17). Thankfully, Immanuel means ‘God with us’.

War comes like a flood. “He shall reach even to the neck… and shall fill the breadth of they land, O Immanuel.” (Isaiah 8v7-8). Flood imagery also appears in Revelation 12v15, “And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.” — ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭12‬v16‬ ‭KJV.‬‬ This relates to spiritual new birth, baptism, and the struggle of repentance which is of eternal significance, but an apocalyptic moment of birth will bring a real flood of war on the scale of Noah’s flood.

We don’t know when the end will come but birth always comes with clear signs and generally happens approximately on time. A woman knows when a baby is coming. She calculates her due date and her estimation is usually pretty close.

If the Revelation 12 sign of 2017 proves to be a true seven year sign of the end times birth we can expect a major struggle in the world to climax in about the latter part of 2024, or around that time. Again, nuclear war is not a prediction of the end. We will examine Daniel 11v36-44 where the conflict comes as a King Herod moment at a time of birth when the final prophetic pattern begins.

Spiritual Birth — War of Repentance

The spiritual birth is the most important kind of birth, but it is invisible. We have all been born in the natural and given a physical body, but not everyone has the spiritual birth. The spiritual birth comes by grace through faith in Jesus, and he gives us the Holy Spirit which triggers the struggle of repentance.

Repentance is the inner war of putting to death the ungodly desires of the flesh and putting on the character of Christ Jesus. To gratify the ungodly desires of the flesh leads ultimately to eternal destruction because the desires of the flesh are contrary to the desires of the Spirit. They are opposed to relationship with our perfect, pure and holy God. Therefore we must flee from sin by the act of repentance.

A spiritual war rages overtly in the newborn Christian until sinful desires are overcome and new habits are formed. In this way Satan gets chained up and is greatly restrained. But sin is very deceitful and tries to escape. Therefore wars and rumours of war continue in the attitude of the heart until the end.

Salvation is a life long journey, and repentance must continue. We take up the cross daily putting to death the desires of the flesh, and in Christ’s strength we are successful. We learn to live victoriously for the kingdom of heaven and to bear much fruit.

As individuals we follow Jesus we act as true prophets revealing Jesus to those around us. But God doesn’t limit himself to acting on the individual level. He can sometimes act corporately to reveal Jesus outwardly to the world.

Next we will consider what God does when he acts outwardly. At appointed times when God acts on a larger scale he uses ‘peoples, nations, tongues and kings’ (Rev 10v11) to present the invisible spiritual journey of salvation to the world apocalyptically. His purpose is always to reveal Jesus in full. The whole ‘lived testimony’ of Jesus is revealed beginning with a moment of birth.

Chiasm of Biblical Testimonies

A ‘Chiasm’ is a pattern that mirrors around a certain focal point. The Kingdom of Israel appeared in the middle of Bible history and symbolised the kingdom of God.

A chiasm is often expressed using letters: A - B - C - B - A. Instead of using letters, this chiasm uses the colours of a rainbow. Both John and Ezekiel saw a rainbow around the throne of God in their visions, (Ezekiel 1v28 and Revelation 4v3).

Moments of birth begin new revelations of Jesus. Stories are told through symbolic or typological events. The diagram below shows how the life of Jesus is revealed in thirteen big testimonies spanning from Genesis to Revelation.

The chiastic structure shows that the first half of the Bible is mirrored by the second half giving us two great testimonies, or ‘two witnesses’. “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done.” — (Isaiah 46v10).

The way history literally mirrors is especially evident in the movements of Israel in and out of the land:

  1. A nuclear war will literally mirror the curse of original sin. We are born into sin — the end times birth.

  2. When Jesus comes he washes the whole world clean by his blood in a way that mirrors Noah’s flood as a moment of new birth and baptism. WW3 will bring a Pentecost moment. The dove will bring back the olive branch.

  3. We respond to his call like Abraham and Ezra who mirror each other by coming out of Babylon to God’s place to establish pure marriage relationship. Who is Sarah? Not just a sister, but a wife. Ezra was sending away the gentile wives. This is repentance.

  4. Then God sends us back out to the world to share the gospel, and to multiply as Israel did in Egypt and Babylon.

  5. The wilderness years come as we reach old age. Eventually there were only two tribes left during the Assyrian period when Nebuchadnezzar came and destroyed the first temple: death.

  6. Jesus died as King of the Jews. He took our judgement. (Kings mirrors Judges).

  7. Through resurrection we enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The book of Revelation describes events in the last days that will reveal Jesus in the form of a ‘lived testimony’.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; … the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ…” — Revelation‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭KJV‬‬

There is lots more to discuss about the chiastic structure of the Bible, but we have an urgent matter to address now that we have clear signs of the end times birth. The left column of the chiasm is of key interest to us as we consider the possibility of an end times birth, and an end times revelation of Jesus. The purpose of prophecy is always to reveal Jesus and the journey of salvation, so if end times prophecy is about to begin for the final generation we need to study Biblical moments of birth.

A Biblical moment of birth is like the birth of Jesus and demonstrates spiritual new birth symbolically. The final generation will also have a symbolic moment — an apocalyptic birth.

We will look at a few key testimonies and especially the moments of birth to make some important connections:

  • The testimony of Moses (and Noah),

  • The Greek testimony in Daniel 11v3-35

  • The Last Days testimony Daniel 11v36ff <IMPORTANT>

  • The testimony of Modern Israel,

  • Patterns of Two Testimonies (two witnesses)

While currently on mission I am yet to meet anyone already familiar with this approach of studying ‘lived testimonies’ to understand Bible prophecy, but I’m often encouraged by positive responses. Christian leaders of various kinds from many churches and denominations have told me it’s an interesting approach and may prove to be true.


Moses was a prophet just like Jesus.

I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” — ‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭18‬:‭18‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The slide above demonstrates how the pattern of the life of Moses relates directly to the life of Jesus. The birth of Moses was in very similar circumstances, escaping a slaughter of the innocent.

In Moses’ case this pattern spanned 80 years. Prophetic patterns differ in length as does the length of human life. Even when a time of prophecy has begun we cannot predict when the end will be. Jesus only says that it will come before the generation passes away, (Mat 23v34).

The exodus relates to death and resurrection. The blood of the passover lamb was placed on the door posts to protect the Israelites from the angel of death, just as Christ’s blood protects us from the judgement to come.

The Birth of Moses — like Jesus

Lets now consider the circumstances of the birth of Moses. Baby Moses was placed in a little “ark” (KJV) to escape a slaughter of the innocent. This was very much like when Jesus escaped King Herod. The Hebrew word for ark in Exodus 2v3 is ‘Tebah’. That’s the same word used for Noah’s ark.

Therefore the birth of Jesus connects with Noah’s flood which was also a type of birth, and called a baptism in 1 Peter 3v21-22. The flood was a new beginning for the world. This shows that moments of birth can happen within both small scale and large scale patterns.

Floods often relate to war in Scripture, but as a moment of birth we see the signs ahead of time and are able to prepare an escape. Therefore, in light of current signs I’m calling on people to be ready for a coordinated Christian effort to prepare for nuclear war, and we can trust God for success.

On the spiritual level war is for repentance, so on the apocalyptic level world war three will be God’s ultimate call to the people of the world to repent. A powerful ministry will be born out of this war. As our blessings overflow and we are able to help many people we will have a God given opportunity to call people to come to Christ Jesus in repentance, for we will know that the end is near.

As for preparation for world wars three there is lots to consider, but most people want to test the prophecy first, so lets consider the key prophetic passage: Daniel 11.

Daniel 11 — Part 1

There are two testimonies in Daniel 11, the first one (part 1) being in the Greek period, the second one (part 2) is as yet unfulfilled. Many patterns span two testimonies or ‘two witnesses’ in Biblical history.

The birth involved the conquest of the known world by Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great is somewhat like King Herod the Great. For example, in both cases when they died their kingdoms were divided into four parts:

  • Alexander’s kingdom was divided between his four generals (Dan 11v4).

  • In Herod’s case the Roman Tetrarchy was formed.

  • At the birth of creation four rivers flowed out of Eden.

  • When Hitler died Europe was divided between four nations: the Americans, British, French and Russia. Then the modern nation of Israel was born.

  • The birth of the final generation will involve the nuclear war of Daniel 11v44, and the four horses of the apocalypse. There are many more examples at times of birth.

Modern Israel is seen as the first of two end times testimonies, or the two witnesses. In similar patterns yet to be considered the end of the first testimony intersects with the birth of the second. The penultimate generation is currently passing away as the final generation is being born.

The reference to ‘The last old testimony’ in the slide below is because this is the last pattern in the chronology of the Old Testament.

End of this pattern was an event in about 167 B.C. known as the abomination that causes desolation. A nasty Selucid King, Antiochus IV Epiphanes sacrificed pigs on the altar in the temple and persecuted the Jews very severely. Jesus spoke about this event in Matthew 24. Antiochus is understood to foreshadow the final antichrist.

Daniel 11 — Part 2

This will be the life long pattern for the final generation.

A powerful king is described in verse 36 in terms that parallel Alexander the Great from verse 3 — a King who will “do according to his will.” The same Hebrew phrase also appears in verse 36 where an end times king comes into view. I believe verses 36-39 describes the final King Herod figure.

Many speculate that this boastful self exalting end times character is the final antichrist, but with the structure of a ‘lived testimony’ in mind I’d say that this man only prefigures the final antichrist. The final antichrist won’t come until the final time of trouble in Daniel 12v1.

On a personal note, in 2015 I had a powerful life changing vision in which I recognised the character in Daniel 11v36-39 as Donald Trump. I call him ‘the King Herod’ figure of the final generation and I expect he will return to office just before the great destruction described in verse 44.

To test this prophecy we must pay careful attention to Daniel 11v36-44. If we see these events during 2023-2024 we will know that the prophecy is true and we will need to act urgently to prepare. God will help us and we will be successful. Birth is a miracle for God’s people.

The war will go through the Middle East from north to south at the time of the end. Notice the ‘beautiful land’ or “glorious land” is invaded (v41). That is Israel. I’m watching Iran, Hezbollah and the other Islamic enemies that surround Israel. The war will be severe, and it will not stop with Israel.

I’m expecting to see America involved as the main invading force. Notice that Jordan escapes: “Edom, Moab and the leaders of Ammon” — v41. Jordan is an ally to America. I expect Joe Biden will be leading this invasion initially and then I expect Trump will be back in time for the climax in verse 44 which I call a ‘King Herod’ moment of destruction — nuclear war.

If Trump becomes speaker of the house his second coming is likely to be at a time we don’t expect, much like the second coming of Jesus except that the fire will be nuclear. Be alert. Christ is a family name in the Trump family. I have written about the signs relating to Putin, Trump and Netanyahu here: 777 Signs.

The coming war will be like the slaughter of the innocent when Jesus was born but this will be on a global scale. I believe Trump is the King Herod figure, along with Putin and others. It will be a war on the scale of Noah’s flood and a third of the people of the world will die (Rev 9v15).

Thankfully God cares for his family, and he shows us how to care for each other. Please be prayerfully alert and ready for action. God promises to give us success.

Prepare for the End Times Birth

Jesus was born in Bethlehem. In Hebrew Bethlehem means ‘House of Bread’. For the end times birth God will help us prepare places of refuge with plenty of food, medicine and warm clothes. The nuclear winter will be very cold. We will all need a Bethlehem for the end times birth.

We need to alert people and warn them to get away from the cities and other military targets as we see the events of Daniel 11 progress. Jospeh, Mary and baby Jesus was also on the move. The ‘Out of Egypt’ moment will relate very well to a mass exodus of people prior (God willing), prior to the nuclear war.

Where will people stay? Jospeh and Mary found no room in the Inn. Farms will be good places for many people to find shelter during this difficult time. To be on a small farm with animals and some produce available will be a great blessing for many people. The end times birth will be like the nativity scene.

War comes like a flood, and the imagery of Noah’s flood relates to WW3. With God’s help we will need to set up arks of protection. In some places of the world caves or bunkers will be important. God will help us prepare many arks, and caring for some farm animals will be important during the nuclear winter. The ark is a Nativity scene.

As we prepare for war lets also consider the ministry to follow. In addition to the basics of life we will want God’s word in hard print, and light to read by. There is a revival coming!

Pray for wisdom and ask God’s help. He will show us what to do. Christian leaders have an important opportunity. The decisions we make now will potentially save many lives, God willing. God is good. Birth is a miracle, so lets put our trust in him as we seek his wisdom on how to prepare.

Work with Government etc

Christians have an enormous opportunity to help prepare as we see WW3 and nuclear war approaching. “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” — Galatians‬ ‭6‬v10‬ ‭KJV‬‬.

The difference that we make by working to care for people, by foreseeing the needs and preparing ahead of time will bring great glory to God. Therefore I urge people to think big and work together with as many people as possible for the greater good of all Australians.

Christians, Christian aid organisations, Churchs, Christian schools and all other Christian organisations should be ready to work with Government, Business, and community organisations where ever opportunity presents. The huge scale of this calamity and the small window of time that we have to prepare means that we will need to give this matter our full attention while relying completely on the miracle of God to survive. Lets act in faith according to the Biblical pattern of birth, and trust God for the success.

Examples of God’s people working with gentile Government are seen at many moments of birth (refer to the Chiasm of Biblical Testimonies diagram):

  • Joseph worked with Pharaoh to prepare food for the seven year world wide famine (which a nuclear war will certainly cause) and he was successful, saving all of Egypt. Contrast that with Noah. He tried but they wouldn’t listen so he only saved his family, eight people. With God’s help we will be more like Joseph than Noah. Pray about it and then act in faith. Reach out calmly and confidently. Be patient and persistent. Speak with tact and expect God to give us success.

  • When the nation of Israel was born at the time of the Exodus God changed the hearts of the Egyptians and made them favourable disposed to the Israelites. It was very much at the last minute but it was whole hearted. They gave the Israelites everything they asked for, even gold, (Exodus 11-12). A mixed multitude came out of Egypt, both Israelites and Egyptians, and they all arrive at the terrifying mountain. Mount Sinai represents WW3.

  • While Abraham was waiting for the birth of Isaac his success is revealed in a Chiasm of birth pains when he feared for his life, (see Abraham’s prophecy). Between a pandemic and a war Pharaoh sent Abram out of Egypt with so much wealth that they couldn’t fit in the land, (Genesis 12-13). As confirmation this is mirrored when it happened again with Abimelech in the same circumstances, (Genesis 20).

  • Ezra and Nehemiah were blessed to be sent by Cyrus, Darius and Artaxerxes, Kings of Persia to leave Babylon and return to the land. They were given military protection and funded by the government to get reestablished in the land and rebuild the city and the temple.

The Two Witnesses

The two witnesses of Revelation 11 are much debated. Some say they are two end times prophets, maybe Enoch and Elijah, or Moses and Elijah. Others think they are symbolic for all God’s people. Still others think they represent the O.T. and N.T. I see elements of truth in all of these views. I see both spiritual and apocalyptic fulfilments.

God gives us two witnesses, an earthly witness and a heavenly witness. The Greek word for ‘witness’ is also translated ‘testimony’ or ‘record’. Two ‘lived testimonies’ relate to flesh and spirit. As believers we all live life in both the flesh and in the spirit.

We are made in the image of God, so it’s interesting to see that God himself has two testimonies; a heavenly testimony in the Godhead of the Father, and an earthly testimony in the person of Jesus Christ.

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.” — 1 John‬ ‭5‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭KJV‬‬

We mirror God. In our case the flesh comes first, and then the spirit when we are ‘born again’ (John 3v7). These two ‘lived testimonies’ are arranged one after the other, and at the point of intersection there is a great conflict, the war of repentance.

Fleshly Testimony / Spiritual testimony:

Birth — Life — Death

Birth — Life — Death

When we are born in the spirit we take up the cross and wage war against the sinful desires of the flesh. We putting to death the sinful nature, putting off the old man, and putting on the new man so that we may live in the spirit.

The journey of salvation begins when we are born again, and in Christ we no longer fear the second death. When we reach the new creation we will be perfected in both flesh and spirit. The ‘two sticks’ will be made one, (Ezekiel 37v15-27).

Modern Israel and the Final Generation

The two witnesses of Revelation 11 arrive at the end of time, just before the second coming of Jesus. They will prophesy with great power, evidently during the time of the latter rain when God’s Spirit is poured out in full measure.

The word ‘witness’ is the same as the word ‘testimony’ in the Greek. As we study the prophetic patterns of the Bible we are able to see that prophetic patterns often come in pairs as ‘two witnesses’. Sometimes they are arranged one after the other. For example, Elijah was followed by Elisha.

Moses had two testimonies in his own life, both of which revealed the whole life of Jesus. It is thus said, “he struck the rock twice”. We considered his first pattern above. His second pattern was from the Exodus and Mount Sinai, forty years to the promised land.

God has planned two more historical patterns to bear witness to Jesus in the last days, and it is widely believed that the Modern nation of Israel is already a fulfilment of prophecy, often referred to as ‘the figtree generation’. The figtree was cursed just before Jesus died, and was then followed by Pentecost — the birth of the church.

Now as we approach a serious war we should anticipate a destruction or major damage to be afflicted on the modern nation of Israel. It is time for that penultimate testimony to come to an end, because we now have signs of birth for the final generation.

Modern Israel

The Timing

A modern nuclear war would happen very quickly, much like a human birth, or King Herod’s order to have the children in Bethlehem killed. While the Magi are away and taking too long to return the rhetoric prior to the war would intensify greatly during the preceding few months and weeks. The actual day of the conflict may play out somewhat like an actual human birth.

Birth is not like the end. We can’t predict the time of death. We don’t know how long we have to live in this world. The timing of death is unknown to us. Likewise, only the Father in heaven knows when Jesus will return, and when this world will finally pass away.

Today we appear to have some very important signs of birth which reveal the approximate timing of the end times birth. This we must discuss and to put to the test.

“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” — Proverbs 25v2

A woman always knows when a baby is on the way, and she examines the signs and calculates her due date. The signs of birth are always clear. We can predict the approximate time of birth and a woman often does so successfully. She pays full attention to her pregnancy and with the timing in mind according to the signs she gets ready, preparing carefully for both the struggle and the blessings of birth.

World war three appears to be coming like a birth. The signs speak to it’s timing, and by God’s grace we may be ready to take safe delivery of God’s children. There will be an overwhelming struggle and sadly for many it will resemble the slaughter of the innocent, but God’s family are promised success. At moments of birth he always gives his people a good escape. We might feel as helpless as babes, but regarding wars and rumours of war Jesus said, “be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” — Mat 24v6 KJV.

We know that God’s plan is good. At Biblical moments of birth God does miracles to care for his people. He provides us with an ark of protection and shows us how to care for each other. The blessings of birth overflow greatly because when God acts he works through his people to reveal himself to the world.

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” — Galatians 6v10 KJV

We will examine the lived testimony of Jesus and the signs of birth that have recently appeared. If through prayerfully testing these things you come to agree that we are approaching a nuclear war, you will understand the urgent need for action. I am calling for an awareness of the current crisis and a co-ordinated Christian effort to get prepared.

People with an understanding of Scripture are urged to examine this prophecy so that if events do continue unfolding as Scripture predicts we will be ready to work together, and with everyone who is willing, so that we may be ready and able to care for each other, and as many people as possible while we wait for God’s wrath to pass by and the new life to be revealed. The success that God gives us will serve greatly to bring glory to Him, and to advance the gospel.

World war three will be a King Herod style slaughter the innocent, but signs of birth point to a miraculous escape for many, especially for God’s family of believers. It will be an act of symbolic repentance on a truely apocalyptic scale.

True prophets don’t merely act symbolically. By having genuine repentance Christians act in spirit and truth. As we follow Jesus we reveal him in our own lives to those around us. Acting on the spiritual level we are prophets, priests and kings.

But at special times, at God’s appointed times God uses his people to reveal Jesus apocalyptically. That is in ways that are symbolic and outwardly visible for the whole world to see.

My name is James Andrews, and I’m calling on all people, but especially people in Christian leadership to be ready for the end times birth. There will be an urgent need to care for God’s children as we encounter the dragon of WW3, but thankfully God promises us success.

Moments of Birth and Symbolic Repentance

In the Bible wars and rumours of war are referred to as ‘the beginning of birth pains’ (Mat 24v8). To understand the meaning of birth and the struggle involved at times of birth we need to study the birth of Jesus and his act of symbolic repentance.

Birth and repentance go together. We can’t have one without the other as far as the Kingdom of God is concerned.

In Revelation 12 King Herod is presented as the dragon who is defined as “that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world.” — Rev 12‬v9‬. The escape triggered a cosmic war. (Rev 12v7-9).

The struggle of repentance is a real flesh spirit battle that can be described as war (Romans 7v23, James 4v1, 1 Peter 2v11).

Birth is a blessing for God’s people. Many are hoping for a revival, an awakening, and even a great world wide out pouring of God’s spirit in the last days. God promises both the former rain and the latter rain, (Deut 11v14, Joel 2v23-24, James 5v7-8). So we may consider a ‘Pentecost moment’ in the last days. Some call it, ‘the latter rain.’

Signs of the End Times Birth

Both the birth of Jesus and the birth of the church on Pentecost involved cosmic signs in the heavens, (Mat 2v2, Acts 2v19-20). So it is reasonable to expect that the birth of the end times generation will also involve heavenly signs.

When Jesus was born wise men followed a star to Bethlehem. The birth story is retold in Revelation 12 where the birth takes the form of a ‘great and wondrous heavenly sign’ in which baby Jesus is pictured escaping the dragon just prior to a cosmic war.

We need to be considerate as we share these things with others as some Christians object to signs, but bear in mind to some degree fear and disbelief is to be expected. When the wise men made known the sign to King Herod, “he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.” — Mat 2v3. However in due course the family of God are blessed to be able to escape the slaughter of the innocent.


This star alignment is the first perfect resemblance of the birth in Revelation 12 in nearly 6000 years. The woman, virgo or ‘Betula’ as she was known by the Jewish people was pregnant with Jupiter, the ‘king star’ for 9 months during 2017 while Jupiter moved in retrograde motion back and forth within her.

The timing of birth during the feast of Trumpets fits perfectly with the theme of repentance. The feast of Trumpets is God’s call to repentance. The birth alignment also took shape on the day of a special sabbath. Saturday the 23rd was ‘Shabbat Shuva’, which means the ‘sabbath of return’. The word ‘Te shuvah’ means “repentance”.

Some have claimed that similar alignments have happened on other occasions, however by using Stellarium astronomy software we can see that those alignments do not match what is described in Revelation 12. See Response to Critics.

The Timing

Birth is not like the end in that birth generally comes with clear signs and usually happens approximately on time. A woman always knows when she is pregnant. She calculates her due date and is usually pretty close. It is now time to consider a countdown to ‘the end times birth’.

The Revelation 12 sign of 2017 indicates that it is not the end yet, but as a seven year sign for a moment of birth we should expect WW3 in roughly the latter part of 2024, or around that time, to be followed by a life long journey. This requires some explanation.

On seeing the Revelation 12 sign many people respond by saying, ‘But we don’t know the time of the end.’

That’s true, however birth means we are not considering the end. Instead we are looking at world war three as the birth pains of the end times generation. Prophecy always begins with a moment of birth. It comes with clear signs and happens more or less on time. A woman always knows when a baby is coming and she is even able to calculate her approximate due date.

The prophecy Jesus gives us in Matthew 24 will take a full human lifespan to be fulfilled, by referring to the time that it takes for a generation to pass away, (Mat 24v34). It will begin with the birth pains of war and rumours of war when Jesus specifically says, “the end is not yet.” — Mat 24v6.

How can Jesus say, ‘the end is not yet’? Only if we know it’s a birth.

The imagery of the Revelation 12 sign is seen in the dreams of Joseph, Genesis 37v9. Later Joseph understood that they had seven good years to prepare for a seven year famine. To escape the famine his family, the sun the moon and the eleven stars came to Egypt and bowed down just as Jesus went down to Egypt to escape the slaughter of the innocent. Their escape represents the act of repentance. By coming to Jesus we receive the true bread of life.

This sign of birth is also given as a seven year sign of war in Isaiah 7v14-17 where the child was Immanuel, a prophetic type of Christ. Immanuel means ‘God with us’. Before the child reached the age of reason which is about seven years, The king of Assyria destroyed the land through war. That resembles an encounter with the dragon, and remnant who escaped were those who acted with symbolic repentance.

SIGNS: Revelation 12 Sign / Eclipse Reversal / 777 Signs / 6000 Years / Abram B. 1948, Called 2023 / Seven Year Warning

MAT 24

Jesus described such things in Matthew 24 saying, “I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” — Mat 24v34.

If you are one who believes Jesus was speaking only to the people of his own time, please bear with me here. We know that prophecy often speaks on multiple levels. In Jesus day Pentecost was the immediate birth, and the 70 AD destruction of the Jewish nation was an abomination that resembles the end in a clear fulfilment of prophecy. So yes, prophecy was fulfilled by the early church, and that serves to confirm that prophecy has not been abolished (Mat 5v17).

It is worth testing the concept that just as the early church fulfilled prophecy, God will have similar events planned for the final generation of the church. God reveals the end from the beginning, (Isaiah 46v10). We know that Jesus spoke to his own generation but in Matthew 24 but it is also clear that Jesus was speaking about the time of his second coming. Therefore we should conclude that Jesus was speaking especially to both the first and the last generations of the church.

Therefore we should be alert to a moment of birth in the last days, a ‘Pentecost moment’ to come with a King Herod conflict. We should pay careful attention to the signs of birth so that we can be prepared to care for God’s children during the struggle — world war three. We must also be ready for the powerful end times ministry that will follow.


Following Jesus is always a life long journey, and it begins with a moment of ‘birth’. We must be ‘born again’ (John 3v7). Spiritual new birth comes through faith in Jesus. Our response is to repent of sin so that we may live a righteous life in Christ until the day of judgement, (John 16v8-11). This is the pattern of the journey of salvation.

In it’s simplest form the testimony has three parts: It forms a special birth / life / death pattern.

Through knowing Jesus and following him on the spiritual journey we are able to relate others who share the same journey. This is true individually and sometimes also corporately. For example, the pattern was lived out by the early church in a special way in which Pentecost was the birth of the church.


As the early church fulfilled prophecy, so will the last days church. Observe the pattern to understand the end times journey when it comes apocalyptically, because the end times prophecy will follow the same pattern.

MAT 24 Slide

The journey of the final generation (Mat 24v34) will begin with a moment of birth involving serious birth pains, to be followed by a life long journey with a powerful ministry, until the final antichrist and a moment of the cross. The journey of salvation takes the form of a ‘lived testimony’ that will reveal Jesus to the whole world through apocalyptic or outwardly visible events of symbolic significance.

Prophecy and Typology

To learn more about the end times Bible prophecy we need to study Jesus’ life as it appears in Old Testament typology. Biblical typology is the study of the way Jesus is revealed symbolically. Symbolic revelations of Jesus are ‘outwardly visible’, and therefore ‘apocalyptic’. Jesus came as the perfect embodiment of God’s work of salvation. Outwardly visible manifestations of Jesus are apocalypses.

In Scripture God often used historical events to reveal his true work of salvation symbolically. These events served as types to foreshadowed the life of Jesus. Typology is the study of symbols and historical events how they point to Jesus.

As Old Testament prophecy revealed Jesus in symbolic or typological ways, and end times prophecy will too. When God acts in outwardly visible ways his purpose is to reveal Jesus to the world. When prophecy happens God acts ‘apocalyptically’ to reveal Jesus to the world. Apocalyptic revelations of Jesus always begin with a moment of birth, just as when he came in the flesh, he arrived as a baby.

There are many theories on how Bible prophecy will be fulfilled in the last days, but because ‘the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy’ we need to study the typological revelations of Jesus in Bible history to understand end times events. The true pattern of end times events will reveal the testimony of Jesus to the world symbolically, or apocalyptically once more before he returns to judge.

The Bible contains all the wisdom we need to live in God’s blessing during the last days. Please study Jesus with me and with God’s help we will understand end times prophecy together.


Two Testimonies

The testimony of Moses is especially important because God told Moses, “I will raise up for them a prophet like you…” — Deut 18v18. Moses revealed the testimony of Jesus twice in his life.

We also have two testimonies; that of the flesh and that of the spirit. The flesh comes first and then the spirit. For Moses the exodus was both the end of the first testimony and the birth of the second, so Mount Sinai is seen to be in parallel with Pentecost when the spirit was poured out. This will also relate to the ‘latter rain’.

The first testimony of Moses (80 years):

  1. Born in human Flesh (as the Son).

  2. Moses lived in Egypt and Midian

  3. The Exodus from Egypt and Red Sea crossing was a baptism (1 Cor 10v2), and baptism is a symbol of the first death. The struggle of repentance gives us freedom from the slavery of sin like the Israelite escape from Egypt.

The second testimony of Moses (40 years):

  1. Born of the Spirit (‘born again’ of above: Sinai / Pentecost when we see God).

  2. The work of sanctification continues during the remaining journey of life which resembles the Israelite’s wilderness journey.

  3. Moses died just short of the Promised Land which represents the Kingdom of God.

Having lived out the testimony of Jesus twice it is significant that Moses ‘struck the rock twice’, and was then told that he would die. Towards the end of the wilderness journey when the Israelites were thirsty Moses “struck the rock with his staff twice and water came out,” — Num 20v11. The same rock was with them at the beginning of the journey (Ex 17v6). In memory of this event Paul explained that the rock was journeying with them. “They drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ.” — 1 Cor 10v4. This is highly symbolic.

After the physical and the spiritual journey our time in this world comes to an end. So having completed two patterns, two testimonies, Moses needed to die before the next symbolic moment of birth. Crossing the Jordan into the promised land on dry ground would be the next historical moment of birth. So Moses would die his second death on Mount Nebo just before Israel entered the Promised Land.

The Millennium of Revelation 20

Will Jesus return before or after the millennium of Revelation 20, or could the millennium be a symbolic reference to the current age? There are various interpretations of Revelation 20. Pre-millennialists, post-millennialists and amillennialists debate.

As we consider prophetic testimonies that reveal Jesus it is interesting that the first resurrection and the second death are specifically mentioned in Revelation 20. What are these? I’ll share my preferred view which is a form of amillennialism:

A resurrection requires that there is first a death, and also an earlier birth. We all have the first birth - in the flesh from our mother’s womb. By faith some of us may also already have the second birth if we are putting to death the misdeeds of the flesh.

If we share in Christ’s death the first resurrection is spiritual (Ephesians 2v6). The struggle of repentance could be called a ‘lesser tribulation’, and may be regarded as the first death for those who are responding to God’s call and taking up the cross to follow Jesus. By dying to self the first resurrection is to a new life in Christ. The first resurrection may also be regarded as the second birth, or new birth, which is to be ‘born again’.

A physical death is still coming for all of us (Hebrews 9v27) but if we have already died to self, the physical death will be our second death. We don’t need to fear the second death. “Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! Over such the second death has no power…” — Rev 20v6.

All who have the new birth or second birth live victorious lives in Christ Jesus. They are “a kingdom of priests and they shall reign on the earth.” — Rev 5v10. Being ‘born again’ makes us part of the ‘amillennial’ Kingdom which comes by God’s Spirit and lives within us today.

A falling away from the faith is still possible, but all who endure to the end will see the second coming of Jesus. If we remain faithful and die in Christ we will be raised up to immortality when he comes, and we will enter a new heaven and new earth. The first heaven and first earth will pass away, (Rev 21v1).

The great resurrection at the end of the age could be regarded as a third birth as we come through the great tribulation (the second death). “Immediately after the distress of those days…” Jesus will appear, and “will gather his elect from the four winds, from the one end of heaven to the other.” — Mat 24v29, 31.

Personally I favour the amillennial view with respect to Revelation 20 so I don’t expect a literal millennial cycle in the future. But I’m unlike many other amillennialists who would think prophecy has come to an end already because I am expecting to see the end times birth, and a testimony for the final generation. However I see that future fulfilment of prophecy as relating symbolically to our current journey of faith. It will be an apocalyptic manifestation of the spiritual journey. The true journey of faith is lived out in spirit and truth as we follow Jesus.

For those who hope for a literal earthly millennial reign of Christ on earth we could consider a third complete testimony. The tribulation at the end of a literal millennium would mark the death at the end of that proposed third testimony, to be followed by a fourth birth into the new creation.

If there was to be a fourth birth, it is interesting that prophecy is said to span to the third and fourth generation — if that relates?

We understand that passover relates to the moment of the cross, which is a tribulation. As for there being another tribulation or passover event at the end of a proposed future literal millennium it is interesting to note that those who are found to be unclean at the first Passover may possibly try again for the 15th day of the second month — if that relates?

There is more to consider. I can’t completely rule out the possibility of a future literal millennium but I much prefer the amillennial view.

although perhaps ‘testimony’ is the wrong term to use here. Prophecy will be sealed up and complete when Jesus returns (Dan 9v24).