The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy - Rev 19v10b.
This page was mostly written in 2019 with an update on Corona virus added in 2020.
God’s Plan: the life story of Jesus is understood to reveal God’s plans for the final generation. If you haven’t already - please see:
After Jesus was born king Herod tried to kill him, but he was kept safe. According to the prophetic pattern revealed in Christ, the final generation will also be born into a major calamity.
Corona Virus
The Corona Virus is believed to fit the Exodus pattern where the plagues on Egypt prepared the way for the Exodus of Israel.
The coming of God’s kingdom happens in stages.
First we leave the Egypt of this world which is an exodus through the Red Sea of trouble, and we serve God in the wilderness with humility and weakness, but with the care and power of God’s Spirit. Then at the appointed time we cross over (the Jordan) from the wilderness of this world and enter into the promised land with the power and glory of God.
God goes with us all the way. It takes the lifetime of a generation because not all prophecy can be fulfilled in a single day.
Jesus fulfilled the exodus as a child - “Out of Egypt I called my Son” (Mat 2v15). Jesus’s first exodus was as a child and His second and greater exodus was fulfilled at the cross.
There were two exoduses for Israel. The first exodus was from Egypt into the wilderness and to Mount Sinai. Then after the lifetime of a generation the greater exodus came as they left the wilderness, crossed the Jordan, keeping the festivals and winning the battle of Jericho. Thus they entered into the promised land.
In the last days we will follow this same prophetic pattern:
As we anticipate the first exodus key text for us to watch is Daniel 11v36-44 which describes a Great War beginning in the Middle East. Trump is expected to fulfil prophecy in the next few years leading up to world war three, but we will escape the plagues of this modern Egypt as we enter the wilderness years.
The end won’t come right away. God cares for His people in the wilderness for the lifetime of a generation until the appointed time when we can make the greater exodus. Then we finally leave this world to enter the promised land of the new creation.
The whole life story of Jesus is important to the final generation. After surviving king Herod Jesus grew and served Israel doing His Father’s work, until the final battle at the cross. Jesus’s death and resurrection are of greatest importance, being the source of eternal life for all who believe and follow Him.
The redeemed follow the Lamb wherever He goes, Rev 14v3-4.
Patterns of Prophecy for the Final Generation
God's Plan for the End
We live in the window of God’s grace that exists between the waters of His judgement.
In the beginning God separated the waters above from the waters below and said, “it is good.” But as in the days of Noah that window of grace will suddenly close. We don’t know exactly when Jesus will return but the Scriptures provide a timeline of events in the form of a testimony - the life story of Jesus.
Major encounters with God are described as baptisms. They are important life changing events that we often celebrate ceremonially. Baptisms can be personal spiritual events where death brings new spiritual life to individuals. Baptisms can also involve a major world wide catastrophe with divine acts of salvation for God’s people.
Baptised into the Kingdom Today
Up to now we have entered God’s kingdom by new birth into the faith, a baptism of washing and regeneration by God’s Spirit in our hearts, (Titus 3v5 and John 3v5).
Spiritually we are living in the window of God’s grace between the waters of his judgment thanks to Jesus Who faced God’s judgement for us, on our behalf - when He died on the cross. We are washed and baptised when we receive God’s grace and Holy Spirit. We now enjoy God’s peace, even while knowing that a final judgement is still to come.
We are currently working out our salvation, as symbolised by baptism, putting to death the sinful nature and being born again, receiving the hope and joy of eternal life. However in the physical sense we are still facing pain and death. We know that the second death will not hurt us (Rev 2v11, 20v6) but we are yet to cross those fearful waters and so we continue to wait for the salvation to come, for the redemption of our bodies and the new creation yet to be revealed.
Baptisms to Come
We long for the perfection of the Kingdom to come. Our greatest transformation will be the final crossing through the waters of God’s judgement, through suffering, and by resurrection — entering into glory with God.
Christ Jesus makes this journey possible, through water and blood He was victorious! Wearing the wrath of God for us, on our behalf He overcame the power of sin and death on the cross. He saved us — opening the way into glory, and now He shows us the way to approach God, our heavenly Father.
The pattern of prophecy is revealed many times in Scripture, especially in the life stories of Jesus and Moses.
Moses, like Jesus was born at a time of wrath, and was named by Pharaoh’s daughter:
“She named him Moses, saying, "I drew him out of the water." - Ex 2v10.
The first crisis is a baptism that foreshadows the second. The killing of the infants foreshadows God’s final wrath and great salvation at the cross, at the crossing of the Red Sea — and ultimately the greater Exodus to come.
Moses‘ second exodus was the crossing of the Red Sea and meeting with God on Mount Sinai. Then Moses truly wore a crown of glory too bright even to look at, as he led the newly born nation of Israel.
For Israel as a nation (and for Moses too) the greater exodus still lay ahead. We also are longing for the glory of the promised Kingdom to come.
There are two crises, two baptisms and two resurrections. They are held together by the bond of the Covenant, the law and the testimony, the very words of God.
Jesus is salvation, and His testimony is prophecy.
Salvation is much more than a one off event. It is a story that has a beginning, a middle and an end. It is a plan and a process going from alpha to omega. It is a testimony that was foreshadowed in Israel, accomplished in Christ, and is now being worked out in us with fear and trembling. Salvation has begun but is ultimately our prophetic hope for the future. God’s plan of salvation will soon take place again, once and for all, according to God’s ultimate plan for the final generation.
We must examine the prophetic pattern of salvation from beginning to end, and consider how it might be fulfilled by the final generation. The beginning of this story is particularly interesting, but the ending is most important.
The beginning of the story is marked by the deeds of a great king, Herod. God protects His children and the Exodus is foreshadowed. The story ends at the cross of Christ and the Exodus story reveals the ultimate struggle and the most glorious victory to come.
The end of the world is revealed in the Exodus story as Israel escaped the slavery of Egypt. The story is remembered and rehearsed annually in the spring festivals of Israel as discussed in “The Greater Exodus”.
We need to trust God’s Exodus plan to get safely through the waters of judgement as Israel did when they crossed the Red Sea. Then, like Moses and Israel, we will be victorious. Like Jesus we will have life beyond the grave.
Israel’s dramatic crossing through the Red Sea was from bondage to freedom, a divine act of salvation that fulfilled what was promised by God to Abraham more than 400 years earlier. The Exodus foreshadows God’s greatest plans for humanity, plans for judgement and salvation that are made possible by Jesus
The end is revealed in Jesus Who fulfilled the Exodus most perfectly at the cross. Jesus died on Passover, was buried during Unleavened Bread and rose on the day of First Fruits. Jesus fulfilled the Spring festivals and so will we, because the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.
Jesus defeated sin and death at the cross. He died as the perfect Passover lamb, the sacrifice that protects us from the angel of death and purchases forgiveness of sins with eternal life for all who believe and follow Him. Jesus’ death and resurrection opens the way for the ultimate exodus of all His followers including those who now sleep in the dust of the earth who will awake and cross over into eternal glory.
The Exodus has great relevance for Christians today in a spiritual sense, but as the end draws near the prophetic sense becomes ever more important.
With fire in the sky and blood in the water, Israel‘s escape from Egypt is a dramatic story and a powerful prophecy for us to fulfil at the end of the age. The ultimate fulfilment will come at Jesus’ return. Then we will leave the ‘Egypt’ of this world and cross the Red Sea of God’s judgement, entering into the Promised Land of the glorious new creation - heaven.
Our ultimate Exodus can be presented as a word picture describing that last day, when we shall make the great escape, crossing through the fiery waters above, entering into eternal glory. This concept is presented in Revelation 15 - the ultimate exodus that will occur at the great harvest of the earth (Rev 14v14-16).
Revelation 15v2-3a
2 And I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with fire—and also those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands. 3 And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb…
What will the day of the final great exodus be like? Moses’ story provides us with a powerful word picture of the end:
When Jesus returns and the heavens open we might see fire in the sky. The doorway to heaven shall open and we shall rise. The doorposts of heaven shall be stained with the blood of many Passover lambs - the blood of Jesus, and I believe also the blood of the martyrs in those days, and we shall rise.
We shall rise through that doorway to heaven, and as we leave the Egypt of this world we will cross through the Red Sea of fire.
We shall pass through the fire, sanctified, purified and refined. We shall be changed and made perfect, pure, and holy, becoming exactly like Christ. We shall share in the sufferings of Christ and the way shall be opened to us, like a great parting of the waters of judgment, so that we may enter into glory with Him.
Revelation 14v2-4
And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps. 3 And they sang a new song before the throne…
They follow the Lamb wherever he goes.
We will share the testimony of Jesus including his greater exodus because, “The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy” (Rev 19v10b).
1 John 5v5-10a
6This is the one who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ. He did not come by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth. 7For there are three that testify: 8the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement. 9We accept human testimony, but God’s testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son. 10Whoever believes in the Son of God accepts this testimony.
The Festivals - Jesus and the end
The festivals are called “moedim”, meaning “appointed times”, and “dress rehearsals”. They look ahead ultimately to the appointed time of the end when we shall cross the fiery Red Sea of judgement into the Promised land of the new creation.
There are two festival seasons just as there are two baptisms, two resurrections and two great waters to cross. There are two victories. Together the Autumn and the Spring festivals reveal God’s plans for the end, and the pattern of prophecy for the last days.
Jesus perfectly fulfilled all the festivals Himself. The spring festivals, and also the Day of Atonement. They were fulfilled by Jesus when He was obedient to death on the cross. Jesus is our Passover lamb. He died at Passover, was buried during unleavened bread, and rose on the day of First fruits. He rose as First Fruits of the resurrection from the dead.
In a sense the end came when Jesus died and rose, so now we do these things spiritually. We die to sin and we fulfil unleavened bread as we continue to fight off the yeast of sin. We serve obediently, knowing that suffering is part of the journey, and are strengthened in the knowledge that God never lets us be tempted beyond what we can bear. Doing good deeds we bare fruit for the kingdom of heaven.
We fulfil First Fruits as we enter the Kingdom of heaven because we are the promised seed of Abraham. Eventually we will enjoy perfect freedom from sin and sweet harvests of righteousness. We shall receive the glorious fruits of the perfect life to come in the new creation.
At the end of the story of salvation the spring festivals reveal the ultimate exodus, focusing very specifically on the final suffering, sacrifice, and the great tribulation because “judgement begins with the family of God” (1 Peter 4v17). At that time the greatest victory will be revealed which Jesus has already won for us at the cross, and we will enter into glory with Christ.
Through Israel God revealed the pattern of prophecy, which is the testimony of Jesus, and the Spirit of prophecy.
The exodus story will be at the conclusion of God’s plan for the final generation.
What then begins that plan? What begins the testimony of the final generation?
The Autumn Festivals - a wider perspective on the end
The Autumn festivals are similar to the Spring festivals, also looking ultimately to the appointed time of the end of the world, but there is an important difference: The Autumn festivals take a step back, viewing God’s plan from a wider perspective.
The autumn festivals foresee more of the events preceding and following the day of judgement. Sober warnings and urgent preparations for making that great sacrifice are later followed by the great joys and celebrations of dwelling or tabernacling with God in the new creation.
The Autumn festivals begin with the feast of Trumpets which is God's warning and call to repent as the time draws near. Beginning on the feast of Trumpets the Jewish people keep “ten days of awe”, a time of introspection and of studying God's law to prepare for the great day of sacrifice, the Day of Atonement.
The Day of Atonement represents the great day of judgement when the books are opened and the court sits. It is the most solemn day of all the festivals. For God's people the day of Atonement is a day of sacrifice. They must fast and afflict themselves on that day.
Leviticus 23v29
“Anyone who does not deny himself on that day must be cut off from his people.”
The grain is harvested, and it is threshed to separate the chaff from the wheat. The chaff is burnt but the grain is gathered into the storehouse and used to make bread. The grapes are harvested and then trampled to make wine, like blood as a picture of God’s wrath.
Jesus has fulfilled the Day of Atonement in His body and by his blood, opening the way for us to come into the presence of God. If we are with Christ we must fulfil that day too, and we will all be given the opportunity when that day comes. “The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.” and like Jesus we will be victorious.
Finally the great celebration of Tabernacles concludes the festival season. Tabernacles ultimately looks ahead to eternal life when we will dwell with God in the new creation. It is the most joyful of all the Jewish festivals, and for us it will be the great day of salvation. We will enter into God's eternal rest.
The pattern of the Autumn festivals is important. Jesus told us to keep watch because He will give us warning signs before the day of judgement arrives. There will be a loud trumpet warning, and calls to repent as the end draws near. There will be pain and distress among the nations like that of a woman in labour before God's people make that great crossing, to be born into the new creation.
God's Warning - Awake and Prepare
Something important happened on the feast of trumpets in 2017. It is commonly called, “The Revelation 12 sign.” I believe this sign relates both to Jesus and to the final generation. We must consider the story of Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection, because;
“The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy,” (Rev 19v10).
The story begins at birth, so we must consider the testimony of Jesus to understand God's plan for the last days. Through studying the pattern of prophecy as it is revealed in Jesus we will learn about the birth, life and final hour of the last generation of the children of God.
More information about the Revelation 12 sign and other signs, click - Signs
The Revelation 12 Sign
What does the sign mean?
The Revelation 12 sign represents the birth of Jesus, and it is also prophetic. The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy, so I believe it signals the birth of the final generation who will live out the life story of Jesus in the last days.
Consider the birth and lifetime of the final generation of mankind, those who will be last to live on the earth at the time of the end. What will that time be like? How will God bring this creation to it's conclusion? How will God bring the work of His hands to a climax and the end? The Scriptures answer these questions with stories.
Through studying the stories of Scripture and their past fulfilments we may understand what the Revelation 12 sign means to God's people today. There are multiple layers of fulfilment in history, and Jesus’ own fulfilment is central, but now it is time for us to fulfil prophecy, so we must be awake to the crisis that is coming so that we may live and do God's work, to proclaim the Gospel in the last days.
We know that birth pains will come onto the whole world in the last days, but we are not to fear. God's child is born into great crisis as the dragon waits at the feet of the woman to devour that child the moment it is born, but that child is kept safe (Rev 12v1-5).
The final generation will be born into world war three, God's people protected. Then a world government will rise but we will live by God's law, guided by His Spirit. The book of Daniel reveals how a final abomination that causes desolation will make for a fiery Exodus when the end arrives and we will go home to glory.
To understand the pattern of prophecy we need to consider the historical examples in the stories of Scripture.
The Pattern of Prophecy
Prophetic patterns are important, and there are many examples in Scripture, including:
The challenging birth and life of Jesus until the cross
The challenging birth and life of Moses until the exodus
The flood and the covenant, the rule of Nimrod and Tower of Babel until the scattering
Joseph and the famine, Israel in Egypt until the exodus
The sign of Immanuel and Assyria, prophecy and decline until the destruction of Jerusalem
The challenging times of the last days have a pattern. This pattern has three parts called, “a time, times and half a time” - Rev 12v14, Dan 12v7 and Dan 7v25. The “half a time” is also referred to as “days cut short”, the final abomination or 'crisis of the cross' during which our power is broken and we share in Christ's sufferings - Mat 24v22. Then we will judge our enemies with Christ.
Daniel 12v6b - 7,
“How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?”
“The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, “It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed.”
Observe the three parts in the examples below. I believe these three parts will relate to the end in this way:
“a time” of world war three,
“times” of world government, and
the great tribulation of the saints to be “cut short” by the return of Jesus.
The first story to consider is the story of Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection. His victory at the cross is certainly the most important for our faith, but at this time our attention moves to His birth. The Revelation 12 sign signals the birth of the final generation, so our interest is initially in that first crisis - Jesus and King Herod:
JESUS (and King Herod)
Lets begin with Jesus because, “The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy”, Rev 19v10. While there are multiple layers of fulfilment, the central truth is that the male child born in Revelation 12 is Jesus.
Soon after Jesus was born King Herod the Great tried to kill Him, and caused a massacre. God provided a warning, so Joseph and Mary took Jesus down to Egypt, out of harms way. This encounter with the dragon was a warning shot, so that we may know that Satan is after God's Son, but Jesus was kept safe because His time had not yet come.
Then during his life, Jesus studied the scriptures, was baptised, spent 40 days in the wilderness, and He lived under the world government of his day - the Roman Empire. He preached repentance, for the Kingdom is near, and worked powerfully to change lives. Jesus also explained what must happen next.
Jesus died and rose victoriously from the grave, and entered into glory. He bore our sins on the cross and opened the way for all who believe to cross over from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God.
This sums up the “time, times and half a time” of Jesus' birth, earthly life and ministry, and His death and resurrection. The story of his earthly life is a prophecy to the final generation of believers.
This is how the “time, times and half a time” will relate to the final generation. This is what is on my heart. Please test it:
THE FINAL GENERATION (and a trumpet warning)
In the lifetime of the final generation I foresee these three stages, or three big events:
A time of world war – God's children born into a calamity but miraculously we will find ways to escape from harm, (ww3 – Dan 11v36-44, Rev 6, 8 & 9).
Read Daniel 11 carefully. The last 10 verses are unfulfilled. In the next 3 years or so we will see a conqueror bent on conquest moving through the middle east.
“He (Trump) will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood” - Dan 11v40b. If this happens as described in Dan 11v40-43 in the next 3 years or so, you can be sure that this message is true. Then in Dan 11v44 King Herod the Great – Mr make America great will push his big button and the stars will fall from the sky, Oh Immanuel. The end will not come yet.times of world government during which we will preach the gospel with great power and bring the word of truth to all nations, until
the great tribulation which will be our final battle – a crisis of the cross to be cut short at the return of Jesus who will deliver eternal victory to God's people.
MOSES (and Pharaoh)
Moses lived the same pattern:
Moses was born into a crisis as Pharaoh, King of Egypt was killing the male babies of the Israelites. Moses was placed into a little boat (in Hebrew – an “ark”) and floated on the Nile River to save his life. (Exodus 2)
Moses lived in Egypt which for the Israelites was like world government, and also spent time in the wilderness tending sheep for his father in law in the land of Midian.
Moses saw the burning bush and lead the Israelites out of Egypt – the great Exodus story.
In light of the Revelation 12 sign which occurred on the feast of Trumpets 2017, we are especially interested in that initial crisis. The dragon wanted to devour the child, but the child was snatched out of harm's way.
Moses was placed in a little boat called, an “ark” (Exodus 2v3, 5) to protect him from the initial crisis. The Hebrew word is “ark” and is an important link to Noah's flood.
Noah received warning from God to prepare for a great calamity:
God protected his family from the flood in Noah's ark. (We will understand and act in faith, in obedience to God's will.)
After the flood Nimrod, the mighty warrior ruled the world, (world government). They built the Tower of Babel.
God divided and scattered the nations, his act of judgement.
We see the flood in Revelation 12. The dragon goes after God's family but both mother and child escape. The woman was given the wings of an eagle so that she could escape to the wilderness, (to that ark of protection), to the place prepared for her in the desert, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, (Rev 12v13-14).
Revelation 12v15-16
“Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.”
We will escape this flood, by the grace of God because we have the gospel and important work to do in the last days.
For us the flood of trouble coming on the world will be a baptism by God’s Spirit. According to the prophet Joel, God will pour out his Spirit in the last days. We will be empowered as God’s witnesses to begin the ministry of the final generation.
The next great world wide calamity after Noah's flood was the famine of Joseph's time. As the more accurate translations say, “The famine was over all the face of the earth” - Gen 41v56. (KJV and NASB). Like Noah, Joseph received warning from God and stored up food in preparation for the calamity. God gave Joseph a 7 year warning that there would be a 7 year famine.
The great famine of Joseph's time also has a powerful link to Revelation 12 through the imagery of the sun, moon and stars that adorns the glorious woman of God (Rev 12v1). Joseph dreamed that his family would eventually honour him,
Gen 37v9,
“I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”
This is the pattern of prophecy, and the way that the nation of Israel was born:
A great 7 year famine spread over all the face of the earth but through Joseph, God protected his family, Israel. (For us - a nuclear winter. I hope every family, or every church has a Joseph / Noah)
The Israelites remained in Egypt (world government) for a long time.
God led his nation out of Egypt at the time of the Exodus.
The Festivals of Israel celebrate this great exodus event. Likewise, we will leave the Egypt of this world in the end, and cross over into the new creation. We will cross 2 victory.
IMMANUEL's FLOOD (up to the neck)
The story of Immanuel in Isaiah 7 and 8 also links with the Revelation 12 sign and confirms it as seven year warning sign of an approaching calamity. Observe both the “sign” and the “birth” in the following passages:
Revelation 12 begins,
“A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun ... She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth … ”
Isaiah 7v14-15
“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. He will eat curds and honey when he knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right.”
Isaiah's prophecy indicates that before the child reaches the age of reason - which is traditionally thought to be about seven years of age – the calamity will come. This is similar to the seven year warning that Joseph had before the famine came.
So when can we expect the fulfilment?
When will the calamity come?
The Revelation 12 sign occurred in 2017 signalling the birth of the final generation. The Eclipse Reversal sign occurred in 2015 as confirmation and representing the appearance of the dragon. Adding seven years and the calamity should come around the year 2022, 2023 or 2024. This is my conviction, but it is for you to test. To test this prophecy watch Daniel 11v36-45 as explained below.
The calamity will be caused by war.
Isaiah 7v16-17
“But before the boy knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, the land of the two kings you dread will be laid waste. The Lord will bring ... the king of Assyria”
Isaiah goes on to describe the destruction of the land caused by war, but by God's grace the flood of destruction does not completely overwhelm Judah. God's people are protected. Immanuel will have curds and honey as basic foods, and the sign of “Immanuel” means “God with us”.
Isaiah 8v7-8
“therefore the Lord is about to bring against them the mighty floodwaters of the River – the king of Assyria with all his pomp. It will overflow all its channels, run over all its banks and sweep on into Judah, swirling over it, passing through it and reaching up to the neck. Its outspread wings will cover the breadth of your land, O Immanuel!”
King Ahaz had been reaching out to the King of Assyria for help but wasn't expecting this to happen. “The land of the two kings you dread will be laid waste...” But it was more than he would have bargained for.
Likewise it is interesting to observe how so many Christians support the president, but I believe he is about to fulfil Scripture in a way that they don't expect.
Consider Trump vs Putin.
The Key Prophetic Bible Passage: Daniel 11v36-45
This passage describes the crisis that begins the troubles of the last days. I believe verses 40-43 describe the lead up to world war three. To test this prophecy and to know if what is on my heart is from God, watch these verses for about the next 2 or 3 years.
Update: Trump left office in Jan 2021. Biden may begin this conflict but I still believe Trump is the one who will push the nuclear button.
The Context: Daniel 11v1-35
To put the prophecy in context lets first consider Daniel 11v1-35, because we understand that Daniel's visions come in two parts: The initial vision which applies to ancient times - Dan 11v1-35. Then the interpretation of the vision which looks to the more distant future: Daniel 11v36 - 12v12
In this case the initial vision of Daniel 11v1-35 predicted what are now historic events in keeping with the pattern of prophecy:
Alexander the great conquered the world, (v2-4) - the initial crisis
further battles between kings of the North and kings of the South, Israel in the middle under ‘world government’, (v5-20)
the abomination that causes desolation, (v21-35) - the final crisis.
Many Bible commentaries provide good historical details on the events of Dan 11v1-35. It is consistent with the pattern of prophecy, the time, times and half a time, and the pattern that we see in the life story of Jesus.
The first crisis is a warning, world government follows until God’s judgement arrives - which begins with the family of God (1Pet 4v17).
World war three will be a warning to the world, but not the end yet. World government will follow during the lifetime of the final generation until the final event:
The greatest struggle and eternal victory is won at the cross, which is the final event in the pattern of prophecy. In Daniel 11 the abomination that causes desolation corresponds to that final crisis of the cross, or great tribulation. In Daniel 11v21-35 Antiochus IV Epiphanes was a type of Antichrist who persecutes the Saints.
Daniel 11v35
”Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time.”
The final crisis of the cross will be the fiery exodus, the great tribulation when the final Antichrist rules. That final crisis remains in the more distant future. I believe it is still the lifetime of a generation away according to the pattern of prophecy.
So lets now consider the initial crisis:
The testimony of Jesus begins at birth when King Herod tried to kill him. At the birth of the final generation we are considering this initial crisis. In the pattern of prophecy as seen in the first part of Daniel 11 the initial crisis corresponds to Alexander the Great who conquered the world. In Revelation 6 we see the troubles of the last days beginning with “a conqueror bent on conquest” - Rev 6v2b. It will be through war and conquest that a world government rises to power.
A Great War
Daniel’s vision is introduced in 10v1b
”Its message was true and it concerned a great war.”
Many Bible commentaries agree that Daniel 11v36-45 remain unfulfilled, and so it is usually understood that this passage relates to the future. Verse 40 begins, “At the time of the end…” a great war is described, and this war has not been fulfilled in history.
I believe that the current American president is the King of the North, and that he will probably begin by engaging in war with Iran, and then moving on down through many countries in the Middle East as described in the Scripture below:
Daniel 11v36-45
36 “The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. 38 Instead of them, he will honour a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his ancestors he will honour with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts. 39 He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god and will greatly honour those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will distribute the land at a price.
40 “At the time of the end the king of the South will engage him in battle, and the king of the North will storm out against him with chariots and cavalry and a great fleet of ships. He will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood. 41 He will also invade the Beautiful Land. Many countries will fall, but Edom, Moab and the leaders of Ammon will be delivered from his hand. 42 He will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will not escape. 43 He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the riches of Egypt, with the Libyans and Cushites in submission. 44 But reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many. 45 He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.
Notice, he is not afraid to attack the “mightiest fortresses” (v39). We are considering the most major of wars - nuclear war.
He sweeps through many countries “like a flood” (v40b). The flood imagery is important as seen in the historical examples of Scripture.
The Beautiful Land would be the region around Israel. It appears that he moves through Israel because he is avoiding Jordan.
Edom, Moab and the leaders of Ammon fit the modern day country of Jordan, and it's capital is indeed Ammon. This country is friendly toward America, so it makes sense that Jordan will not be invaded.
Egypt will be invaded. Libya and the Cushites (which may be Northan Sudan or Ethiopia) may also be under Trump's control. Obviously if you see these things taking place in the next few years it will be hugely important to prepare for this next event.
Verse 44 is the big crisis point. Alarming reports from the East and the North would be from China and Russia. This is when I believe he will push the Nuclear button, and the stars will fall from the sky.
Verse 45 shows that the end of the world has not yet come. According to Revelation 6, 8 and 9, two thirds of the world's population will survive world war three.
Test this prophecy. Watch this Scripture closely for the next 3 years to see if this message is true. I personally have no doubt, but all prophecy must be tested, and the proof will be known from the events of the next 3 years. I expect it will be clear at least by the year 2022 if these events are occurring as predicted.
If you find the prophecy is true we must warn people, especially those we love most. Look after each other. The welfare of God’s family of believers is first priority. Prepare for nuclear war. Look at the stories of Scripture to understand what we must do… Noah, Joseph, Lot, etc.
Understand that this is only the first event in the pattern of prophecy, and we have important work to do ahead of us - to preach the gospel to all nations.
Can you accept a sign from God? It takes faith to accept God's kindness.
It was hard for King Ahaz, the ungodly king of Judah to receive a special sign from God, but he needed to trust God. War was threatening and Ahaz was in serious danger of being overthrown which would most likely mean death, but God's plans were to show kindness.
Isaiah encouraged Ahaz and also warned him.
Isaiah 7v4
“Be careful, keep calm and don't be afraid...”
Isaiah 7v9b-14
“If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.
Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz,
“Ask the Lord your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.”
But Ahaz said,
“I will not put the Lord to the test.”
Then Isaiah said,
“Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough to try the patience of men? Will you try the patience of my God also? Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”
King Ahaz was not looking for a sign from the Lord, and he didn't even welcome the offer of a sign.
In my experience, in discussing the Lord's return, many Christians are not looking for signs and say that the Lord could still be far off, quoting “for the Lord a day is a thousand years”. I agree with them that it is important not to be distracted from serving the Lord, but now we do have some very real and powerful signs that would be foolish to ignore.
The Revelation 12 sign of 2017 occurred on the feast of Trumpets. It is a call to repent, and to wake up to the seriousness of the time in which we live. Will you examine the signs? If the signs are truly from God, would you dare be a cinic? Please don't test God's patience or reject God's kindness. We must stand in faith.
I believe that this sign is for the final generation, and is as true for us today as it was for Ahaz. Immanuel was born into a time of crisis, but God was with Judah.
Joseph and Mary kept Jesus safe from King Herod the Great's massacre, and Moses was rescued from Pharaoh's massacre. Joseph understood that a famine was coming and prepared food even for the Egyptians. Noah built an ark and God kept his family safe through all these calamities.
We should understand that trouble is coming. “Keep calm and don't be afraid.” (Isa 7v4)
I believe that we will soon be facing nuclear war, but those who have acted in faith will have God's protection. When the nuclear button is pushed many people will genuinely believe that the end has come, but no, the end is yet to come.
Mathew 24v6 & 8
“There will be wars and rumours of wars but don't be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come... All these are the beginning of birth pains.
As Isaiah said to Ahaz, “Stand firm in your faith”, and “keep calm and don't be afraid”. A great calamity certainly is coming but God is with us.
Nuclear war will not be the end, but we will certainly see the birth pains coming over all creation. This will not be the end, but rather the “birth” of the final generation. There will yet be a “wilderness generation”, who have curds and honey to eat, for God is with us.
Isaiah 7v15-17
“He will eat curds and honey when he knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right. But before the boy knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, the land of the two kings you dread will be laid waste. The Lord will bring on you and on your people and on the house of your father a time unlike any since Ephraim broke away from Judah – he will bring the king of Assyria”
Isaiah goes on in Ch. 7 to describe the destruction of the land caused by war.
Isaiah 7v18-22
“In that day the Lord will whistle for flies from the distant streams of Egypt and for bees from the land of Assyria. They will all come and settle in the steep ravines and in the crevices in the rocks, on all the thorn bushes and at all the water holes. In that day the Lord will use a razor hired from beyond the River – the king of Assyria – to shave your head and the hair of your legs, and to take off your beards also. In that day, a man will keep alive a young cow and two goats. And because of the abundance of the milk they give, he will have curds to eat. All who remain in the land will eat curds and honey.”
The buzzing of bees from the ravines, the crevices in the rocks and at the water holes will be the pollution of nuclear radiation from a nuclear war. The wilderness generation will drink ground water or “water from the rock.” Having been forewarned by God we will have plenty of food, like “manna from heaven”. Think about the 40 year wilderness wanderings. God provides.
The razor that the King of Assyria brings causes extreme baldness. All hair is lost – from the head, the legs and the beard. The loss of body hair is another effect of nuclear war.
Isaiah 8v7-8
“therefore the Lord is about to bring against them the mighty floodwaters of the River – the king of Assyria with all his pomp. It will overflow all its channels, run over all its banks and sweep on into Judah, swirling over it, passing through it and reaching up to the neck. Its outspread wings will cover the breadth of your land, O Immanuel!”
Isaiah and his children are signs and symbols to us – Isa 8v18. The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy, and we are considering the calamity that occurred at the time of birth. We are considering the birth of the final generation so that we won't be lost in the fog of war, or swept away by the flood.
We must rely on the wisdom of God found in the Scriptures. “To the law and to the testimony!” - Isa 8v20. The Israelites were baptised into Moses in the cloud and the sea. We also will be baptised into that law and that testimony in the last days, in a flood that rises “up to the neck”. “Keep calm and don't be afraid”, God is with us.
The pattern of prophecy:
God provided a warning sign – the woman shall be with child (Consistent with the Rev 12 sign).
Immanuel was born into an impending calamity, but don't be alarmed, God is with us.
Times of prophecy continued. Israel are signs and symbols. To the law and the testimony!
The king of Babylon destroyed the city and the temple. The end has come (Eze 7).
Who is Trump?
Trump is appointed to fulfil God's plans. He is not the Antichrist, and neither is he the Messiah, however some very striking parallels are observed of both. Regarding the birth of the final generation, Mr Make America Great Again (Mr MAGA) is believed to be like King Herod the Great.
King Herod was doing great things for Israel and his temple building project was making it into one of the wonders of the world. I doubt Herod woke up one morning planning to kill the infants, but pride comes before a fall. He couldn’t bare the thought of bowing to a greater king and so acted in a fit of rage.
When Jesus eventually returns the kings of this world will have to bow down to him, and all those who belong to Christ. God’s people will be Kings in the new creation, and the kings of this world who denied Christ will be confounded.
Jesus is King of the world and even at his birth King Herod recognised the threat to his own rule. The final generation will live out that same prophetic pattern. I believe that the time has indeed come, and the dragon is getting into position in front of the woman (Rev 12v4).
World war three could be likened to the wrath of King Herod which comes by the power of the dragon. However God is in charge and even Satan is a created being who is only permitted to exist by God’s command. God’s child is snatched out of harms way (Rev12).
World war three will foreshadow the final wrath of God and the messianic wrath of Christ at His return.
Signs confirm that Trump foreshadows God’s anointed one.
See the page: Signs
World war three will bring a partial judgement. It comes in quarters and thirds (Rev 6, 8 & 9). But when Jesus returns He will come with God's full wrath and fiery judgement. The first calamity in the pattern, the trumpet warning foreshadows the final day of judgement. Even Trump’s name is a sign of his prophetic purpose.
There is another ancient prophecy that speaks very directly about the man, his mountain of military strength, and his big nuclear “fire” button. It even goes on to explain how the man foreshadows the wrath of Christ when he shall return. The prophecy is found in 2 Esdras chapter 13 (also called 4th Ezra). This book can be found in the Apocrypha and was regarded as Scripture, only removed from the Bible about 140 years ago, in 1881.
God's Warning Trumpet
Just a war, not the end yet
Donald Trump came to office unexpected by most, but I believe the Scriptures speak of this time – describing how with great rage he will lead the world through world war three. God's warning trumpet will sound and the earth will be shaken when "the conqueror bent on conquest" sets out, riding the white horse of victory in Revelation 6v2.
The rider on that white horse is sometimes thought to be Christ. Indeed Trump has many signs of God's anointing for a special purpose. We have seen the signs in his name, in his father's name and his grandmother's name. We see the 777 signs surrounding his rise to power.
Here is a link to the page called, SIGNS
Two great heavenly signs – the Revelation 12 sign, and the Eclipse Reversal warn that the time of great destruction is at hand - the four horses of the apocalypse are about to be sent out.
We now see the Corona Virus. The plagues come before the Exodus, and through the Exodus God snatches His children out of harms way. I trust that God will forewarn those He loves, and we will escape this Egypt and the Red Sea of destruction, making it safely to God’s mountain in the wilderness.
America is well placed to fulfil the prophecy described in Daniel 11v36-45. I expect they will invade Iran, and many more countries “like a flood”. They will pass through Israel rather than Jordan, and invade Egypt, Libya and Northern Sudan. Then in verse 44, this war will grow to become world war three.
As for Trump, he is currently out of office, but I still believe that he will push the nuclear button when he returns.
How will he return?
“…when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does…” — Dan 8v23b-24a
King Herod didn’t kill Jesus. Likewise, we may escape. These things will only foreshadow the end, being only the beginning of birth pains, or the birth of the final generation.
Test the prophecy. If these events happen you can be sure that this word is from God. Then you will know that we must be prepared for a calamity.
The terrible climax is in Daniel 11v44 - "But reports from the east (China) and the north (Russia) will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many."
At that point I believe that Donald Trump will push the nuclear button, and bring the fulfilment of the first four Seals and six Trumpets of wrath from Revelation 6, 8 and 9. The judgements are only partial, coming in thirds and quarters, so don't fear, its not the end yet. Trust God, He is with us.
When this great war looms, believers will leave the cities in advance, and find safety in “exile”. The story of Israel's 70 years in Babylon is prophetic. Consider also the 40 years wondering in the wilderness. Mount Sinai was like war with great Trumpets of wrath, and then that generation died in the wilderness. Only the youngest lived to see the promised land, but don't fear God is with us.
Matthew 24v33-35
“when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”
Have faith. Don't be like Ahaz who rejected God's sign.
“If you do not stand firm in your faith you will not stand at all” (Isa 7v9b).
The Autumn Festivals
The autumn festivals of Israel reveal the pattern of prophecy for the final generation. To put the autumn festivals in proper context we observe that the religious year begins in the spring, and the spring festivals point to the cross of Christ.
The Autumn festivals follow on from the Spring festivals because our new life begins in Christ thanks to His springtime work at the cross.
The spring festivals were fulfilled by Jesus as He died on Passover, was buried on Unleavened Bread and rose on the day of First Fruits. The spring festivals of Israel are based on the Exodus story and have spiritual fulfilment now, but ultimate fulfilment on the great and glorious day of the Lord when we shall cross over physically from the Egypt of this world into the new creation, the promised land of heaven.
Jesus died in the spring on Passover, but it is understood that he was born in the Autumn.
According to the festival system it could be said that Jesus lived (metaphorically) from the autumn through winter until the spring. This is in contrast to our own experience as we are born (spiritually) in the spring and live in the summertime (year of the Lord’s favour) until the autumn. But when the final generation is born we will know the festivals as Jesus knew them - from autumn through the hardships of winter until spring.
While the spring festivals point to the Day of the Lord, the autumn festivals do too, but with a wider perspective. The autumn festivals reveal the pattern of prophecy, the life story of Jesus from His birth, His life, death and resurrection, now dwelling with the Father in heaven.
The Feast of Trumpets - a warning and call to repentance. The birth of Jesus as he escaped King Herod and the Revelation 12 sign occurred on the feast of trumpets in 2017.
10 days of awe - preparation for the day of the Lord
The Day of Atonement - the day of sacrifice and affliction, fulfilled by Jesus at the cross and ultimately looking ahead to the final great tribulation, the day of judgement
The feast of Tabernacles is the most joyful of all the festivals. We look forward to dwelling (or tabernacling) with God in the promised land of the new creation to come.
The Ultimate Spring Festival
The ultimate exodus story based on the Spring festivals of Israel will be our exodus from the Egypt of this world, and journey to heaven. Jesus showed us the way when He came and died on the cross. As both the Saviour and the example to follow, Jesus has opened the way to eternal life. By His Spirit He helps us to follow, and He promises that the way won't be too difficult.
Like Jesus, we too must fulfil the Spring Festivals, and if we remain faithful and obedient to Him, we will take up our cross as He called us to.
“The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.” - Rev 19v10b
Here is a word picture of the last day – based on the exodus story as Israel left Egypt, crossing the red sea towards the promised land:
When Jesus returns and the heavens above tear open, we might see fire in the sky - symbolically speaking, and maybe literally, the Red Sea of fire that we will need to cross. So the doorway to heaven shall open and we shall rise. The doorposts of heaven shall be stained with the blood of the Passover lamb - the blood of Christ, and also I believe, the blood of the martyrs in those last days will be on the doorposts of heaven, and we shall rise.
We shall rise through that doorway to heaven, and through the fire. We shall cross that Red Sea of fire, sanctified, purified and refined. We shall be changed and made perfect, pure, and holy, becoming exactly like Christ. We will share in the sufferings of Christ as we leave the Egypt of this world, and we shall share in His glory in the new creation.
We will live out the testimony of Jesus because, “The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy” (Rev 19v10b).
The Spring Festivals - Jesus and the end
The Israelites came up out of Egypt led by Moses, and they crossed through the Red Sea on their way to the Promised land. In this way they lived out a great prophecy that points to Jesus, and which ultimately points our way out of here, and to the Promised Land of heaven.
The festivals are called “moedim”, meaning “appointed times”, and “dress rehearsals”. They are dress rehearsals that ultimately look ahead to the appointed time of the end of the world when we shall cross the fiery Red Sea of judgement and enter into the Promised land of the new creation.
Through Israel God revealed the pattern of prophecy, and that is the testimony of Jesus.
It is my conviction that this pattern and testimony will be ours too, and especially that of the final generation.
Jesus perfectly fulfilled all the festivals Himself. Jesus is our Passover lamb. He died at Passover, was buried during the festival of Unleavened Bread, and He rose on the day of First fruits. He rose as the First Fruits of the resurrection from the dead. If you want to look at this theology more closely I have a page called, “The Greater Exodus.”
Through Jesus we now have freedom from slavery to sin and death. This salvation is ours today, but it also remains a promise for the future.
None of us can yet claim to be perfect or immortal, but as we walk in faith and taste the good things of the life to come it is our duty to follow in the way of Jesus. We fight off the yeast of sin and live victoriously. We must serve obediently, knowing that suffering is part of the journey, and that God never lets us be tempted beyond what we can bear.
We must be perfectly united to Christ in every way. We begin our journey in faith and if we serve obediently, even suffering with Christ in this world we will truly be worthy to share in his glory when He comes.
The Spring festivals are a picture of the end of the world, the ultimate exodus story. The Spring festivals focus very specifically on the final suffering, the sacrifice, and the great tribulation because “judgement begins with the family of God” (1 Peter 4v17). But when the great day of victory comes we will enter into glory with Christ.
We will enjoy perfect freedom and sweet harvests of righteousness. We shall receive the glorious fruits of the perfect life to come in the new creation. We will cross 2 victory.
The Autumn Festivals - a wider perspective on the end
The Autumn festivals are similar to the Spring festivals, also looking ultimately to the end of the world, but there is an important difference. The Autumn festivals take a wider perspective and consider more of the surrounding events, things that come before and after the great and glorious day of the Lord. The Autumn festivals include more of the preparation for making that great crossing.
The pattern of prophecy is evident in the autumn festivals:
Feast of Trumpets
Ten days of Awe
Day of Atonement
Then the most joyful of all festival celebrations - the Feast of Tabernacles, looks forward to the time when we will dwell with God in the new creation.
The Autumn festivals begin with the feast of Trumpets which is God's warning and call to repent because the time is near. Beginning on the feast of Trumpets the Jewish people keep “ten days of awe”, a time of introspection and of studying God's law to prepare for the great day of sacrifice, the day of judgement.
The Day of Atonement represents the great day of judgement when the books are opened and the court sits. It is the most solemn day of all the festivals. For God's people the day of Atonement is a day of sacrifice and judgement. They must fast and afflict themselves on that day.
Leviticus 23v29
“Anyone who does not deny himself on that day must be cut off from his people.”
Jesus has fulfilled the day of Atonement, opening the way for us to come into the presence of God. Jesus was obedient to death on a cross taking our judgement and removing the eternal wrath of God that we deserve. If we are united with Christ we will fulfil that day of atonement too. We will be given opportunity when that day comes because, “The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.”
The final crisis is commonly called, “the great tribulation.” God disciplines those He loves like a father disciplines his son. It is a test of faith that we will endure if we truly are God's children.
God knows how much we can endure and if we walk with Him He never lets us be tempted beyond what we can bear. Pray for strength and trust Him in this. We must set our hopes on Christ and the glorious kingdom to come.
Finally the great celebration of Tabernacles concludes the festival season. Tabernacles ultimately looks ahead to eternal life when we will dwell with God in the new creation. It is the most joyful of all the Jewish festivals, and for us it will be the great day of salvation. We will enter into God's eternal rest.
Tabernacles is the most joyful of all the Jewish festivals, and for us it will be the great day of salvation. We will enter into God's eternal rest.
The pattern of the Autumn festivals is important because Jesus told us to keep watch. He will give us warning signs before the day of judgement arrives. There will be loud trumpet warnings, and calls to repent as the end draws near. There will be pain and distress among the nations like that of a woman in labour before God's people make that great crossing, to be born into the new creation.
Five more patterns:
Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed, Abraham lived in Canaan, and later he offered Isaac
Mount Sinai law, 40 years in the wilderness and entering into the promised land
Jeremiah's warning, exile to Babylon for 70 years, and final crisis at the time of Esther
Alexander the great conquered the world, Greece and Egypt rule until the Abomination
The church was born and lived in the land under Roman rule until the 70 AD scattering
Please prayerfully consider these things and trust God. His plans are good. He works out all things for the good of those he loves. That good is achieved even if it is not necessarily evident in the sort term, because God works with eternity in mind.
My name is James
The Greater Exodus
The Jewish Spring Festivals
The Millennium of Revelation 20
“The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy” (Rev 19v10). I believe that the pattern of the life that Jesus lived will be the pattern for the final generation.