This is an appeal to all people of noble character and good will, who care for the well being of their communities:
Signs warn that a flood of war and conflict is near. But God cares for His people. We can be ready and aware. There is great opportunity here to do good.
A Journey for the Final Generation
The next major world conflict will certainly be of truely Biblical proportions, but God cares for his people. He warns us ahead of time and gives us all the wisdom we need to be able to look after each other, and to make a successful escape.
The key Biblical concept to be discussed is as follows:
Jesus reveals God’s plan for the last days in the story of His own life:
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” - Rev 19v10b.
The journey of the final generation is going to be life long:
“I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” (Mat 24v34).
The birth of Jesus is where it all begins. The birth resembles an awakening, or an out pouring of God’s Spirit.
But when Jesus was born, He and his family suddenly needed to escape a nasty conflict — King Herod and the slaughter of the infants. This gives the Christmas story shocking apocalyptic significance.
A careful study of the birth shows that this message is echoed throughout the Bible, especially in the types and shadows of the Old Testament.
For a thorough theological analysis please see: God’s Plan
The prophetic message is urgent because signs are pointing to world war three in approximately 2023 or 2024.
The most important signs are beautiful, complex, and very theologically involved. They point to birth:
The Revelation 12 Sign - God’s child born as a sign in the sky. It occurred in 2017 and is understood to be a seven year warning pointing to around 2023 or 2024.
The Eclipse Reversal took place in 2015. It signals the appearance of God’s dragon of Revelation 12v3 who makes war, wanting to devour the new born child. Also a seven year warning, it points to conflict beginning in 2022.
God’s 777 signs point to an American military conquest beginning in the Middle East, most likely with Iran.
Daniel 11v36-44 is of key importance.Abraham was born in the year 1948 after creation.
The modern state of Israel was refounded in 1948 AD.God called Abram in the year 2023 after creation, at the age of 75, to begin his journey in the land of Canaan.
Next year, 2023 AD we can expect to begin the end times journey: The Apocalypse of Abraham.
The Jesus Journey
Consider how the journey of the final generation will resemble the life of Jesus.
The book of Revelation is:
“The Revelation of Jesus Christ… that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.” - Rev 1v1-2.
The testimony of Jesus is the life he lived. His life reveals the journey of salvation beginning at birth.
The birth is very interesting, especially as we consider the end times.
To follow Jesus we must be ‘born again’ — a spiritual birth.
The church was born on the day of Pentecost.
But have you considered a moment of birth to begin the journey of the last days?
To understand end times prophecy we need to study the whole life of Jesus. His death and resurrection is certainly the most important, but events begin at birth — with an escape from calamity.
The birth of Jesus and His escape from King Herod is believed to have special relevance to our time.
Jesus was born with a sign in the sky, the star that the wise men followed.
A sign has recently appeared in our skys — The Revelation 12 sign. It represents the birth of the Christ child with a special allignment of the sun, moon and stars.
A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. — Revelation 12v1-2
The Revelation 12 sign occurred perfectly about four years ago on the 23rd September 2017, in the sky for the whole world to see.
For the first time in nearly 600o years the woman in the sky (Virgo) gave birth to the King star (Jupiter) in the precise astronomical circumstances described in Revelation 12v1-2.
Many people acknowledge that this could indeed be a true sign from God. It is perfect to the finest detail, so it's worthy of our careful consideration.
If it is a true sign from God we must study the birth of Jesus to understand its significance.
Consider the birth of a christ child generation — those who will fulfill prophecy in the last days…
Jesus in Typology
The birth of Jesus was foreshadowed in the 'types' and parallel stories of the Old Testament. Typology reveals Jesus ahead of time demonstrating God's plan of salvation in prophetic stories.
Typology also uses symbolism, historical narrative, especially in Old Testament history of Israel to foreshadow things to come.
The whole pattern of Jesus’ life is forshadowed in typology — His birth with an escape, His life and ministry, and death and resurrection.
Prophecy was fulfilled perfectly in Jesus, and it was not abolished (Mat 5v17). Instead, by fulfilling prophecy Jesus confirmed it as a true pattern.
Prophecy is now being fulfilled in us spiritually as we follow Jesus. We need to be born again, and He also calls us to take up our cross as we put to death our sinful nature so that we may be raised to life.
The victory Jesus won at the cross is central to our faith. The cross is most clearly recognised in typology, but the birth is very interesting.
Much less attention has been given to the birth of Jesus in typology, but the birth is clearly evident in Scripture and in light of recent events, especially the Revelation 12 sign of 2017, we have good reason to study it.
The birth of Jesus is seen to have real prophetic significance as we consider the beginning of an end times journey for the generation that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24:
“I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” (Mat 24v34).
This passage is recognised by many to have a dual meaning. Both the first and last generations of the church are in view.
The life long journey of the early church resembles the pattern of the life of Jesus. From birth on Pentecost, their ministry continued for about 40 years in Israel until the abomination of 70 AD when Rome destroyed Jerusalem.
The end times journey of God's people is expected to resemble the life of Jesus too, but in a more highly visible sense, on an apocalyptic scale.
The journey always begins with a form of birth, with signs, an escape from calamity, and covenant promise. The repetition of these things in typology makes the end times birth a very interesting concept.
There are many examples of birth in the Old Testament that relate firstly to the birth of Jesus. Studying them will enable us to consider our current spiritual new birth, and also the circumstances of the birth and journey of the final generation.
An important aspect of the birth of Jesus is His escape from calamity — King Herod and the slaughter of the infants. This escape relates to us.
New birth today, and in the New Testament times occurs in a spiritual sense when we recognise that sin is our true enemy. Sin would lead us to destruction if it could, but by God's grace through faith in Jesus we may turn to God in repentance to escape the power of the enemy. In this way we begin a new life, born again as a child of God.
Have you been born again? Have you turned to Jesus and begun the journey of salvation? If you're unsure please see: The Gospel of Jesus
As we consider last days events, and seek to understand how the testimony of Jesus relates to end times prophecy we must explore the escape from calamity at birth.
The Escape at Birth
The birth or beginning of the journey of salvation always involves an escape from sin and calamity.
For us, new birth requires repentance, and by faith in Christ we escape the power of sin and death.
Jesus however was perfect, having no need to repent, so He demonstrated the act of repentance and newbirth symbolically when as a small child he escaped King Herod and came up out of Egypt.
In Revelation 12v1-6, king Herod and Egypt are depicted as the dragon or Satan. Both mother and child made a good escape.
Jesus’ escape from the King Herod calamity is presented in Old Testament prophecy and typology where it is foreshadowed in parallel stories.
A slaughter of infants occurred with the birth of Moses, who was a type of Christ. Moses escaped Pharaoh's slaughter in a little boat, a basket called an “ark”, (Hebrew: תֵּ֣בַת - tebah) Exodus 2v3 & 5.
The same Hebrew word for ark is used for Noah's ark. Indeed Noah's flood was like a birth and is also called a ‘baptism’ (1 Peter 3v21). This puts the birth and associated calamity on a world-wide scale, while revealing a miraculous escape for God's family.
God used caring and faithful family members to make the escape a success.
Before we consider what this birth may specifically involve for the end times generation, let's bring these testimonies of Noah and Moses to their conclusion:
The birth is just the beginning…
Life and Ministry
As Noah’s flood represents a birth or new beginning, we can consider what comes next. Surprisingly, the flood was followed by world government.
Nimrod ruled the world after the flood, and began building the Tower of Babel. This pattern of events is parallel to the life of Jesus:
Jesus lived and had His ministry during the Roman Empire — a world government.
For Moses, Egypt was similar. Egypt was like a great sea monster, having the nick-name “Rahab” — the leviathan or dragon, (Isaiah 30v7, 51v9-11, Psalm 87v4). In Egypt the Israelites were enslaved, but God was with them until they were set free at the Exodus.
The Babel of Noah's time became Babylon in Daniel's time, but they continued to serve God while in Babylon. Later the book of Revelation speaks of ‘Babylon The Great’ at the time of the end.
World government will manifest like a beast in the last days. The tower of human pride and accomplishment will continue to be built up in rebellion against God until our Gospel mission work is fully accomplished. All the nations will hear the truth, and then Jesus will return.
The End
The nations rage and plot, gathering against God and His people — in vein. Jesus suffered a Roman crucifixion, but He rose and was glorified. He defeated sin and death, and won the greatest victory for His people.
— God scattered the nations from the Tower of Babel, but Abraham heard God's call to go to the promised land.
— The Egyptians were destroyed in the Red Sea during the Exodus, but the Israelites were free to go home.
Jesus is revealed in the Exodus story as our Passover lamb. By His blood God's wrath is turned away, and the enemy is destroyed.
The Exodus through the Red Sea represents death and resurrection at the end of the journey of salvation. Blood sacrifice is required, but a great and glorious victory is won, and the enemy is drowned in the sea.
We too must face a death and resurrection, a moment of significant change. Ultimately we look forward to entering the promised land, the new creation and the eternal kingdom of God to be obtained in full glory at the end of our life long journey.
“Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” Hebrews 9v27-28
Jesus’ death and resurrection is the most important event in all history because only through faith in Him do our greatest enemies — sin and death stand defeated.
We are looking forward to the ultimate exodus when we will be free to enter the promised land of the new creation.
The testimony of Jesus has three main parts;
— a birth and an escape (from the King Herod calamity),
— a blessed life and powerful ministry, lived during testing times
— until death and resurrection glory.
We always need to be ready to meet Jesus because as individuals we never know which day will be our last, but we may also consider the journey ahead for the final generation.
The End-Time Birth
Consider the birth of the final generation. The coming ‘christ child’ generation who will be ‘anointed’ to live the story that Jesus lived - corporately, on the large scale.
The birth comes with signs and wonders. Jesus was born with a sign in heaven — the star that the wise men followed, and the appearance of angels to shepherds.
The end on the other hand will come like a thief. At the end of His life Jesus was arrested by men who came like thief's in the night to the garden of Gethsemane (Mat 26). There was no sign but the sign of Jonah — which was His death and resurrection (Mat 12v38-40).
The day and hour of His return is unknown, but the beginning of the journey is a little different. The birth of God's child takes place on time, and in the sight of all people, (Gen 21v2, Luke 2v26-31, Gal 4v4).
Even the slaughter of the infants happened “in accordance with the time he (Herod) had learned from the Magi.” - Matthew 2v16b.
Currently we have some very special signs to consider that relate to birth. They even suggest a rough time frame for a significant conflict that now looms. An escape is promised for God's family, especially those who are awake and ready to care for each other.
Jesus was born with a sign in heaven. The sign was visible to all people but only a few understood and responded accordingly.
Jesus told us to expect signs in the sun, the moon and the stars at the end of the age (Luke 21v25), but are we looking for a birth?
Most people associate the signs with the end, but Scripture actually associates the signs with a birth, and with covenant blessings for a journey ahead, in God’s care.
Noah’s flood brought the sign of the rainbow.
Similar to the flood was the famine in Joseph’s time. Israel was born into Egypt, and their journey began as Joseph had dreamed — the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars (his family) came and bowed down to him.
Joseph's dream was like a heavenly sign. Through Joseph, God saved his family from the famine, which was similar to Noah's flood. It was an important escape from death as they were ‘born’ into Egypt, and a new journey began.
We don't usually associate Joseph's story with the birth narrative, but in Revelation 12 the connection is clear.
This imagery of the sun, the moon and the stars from Joseph's dream is used in Revelation 12 as a heavenly sign depicting the birth of God’s child in the face of great calamity, and with the promise of an escape.
The Revelation 12 Sign
Millions of Christians are currently contemplating the apparent fulfilment of the Revelation 12 sign. It occurred on 23rd September 2017, when the woman in the sky gave birth exactly as foretold, in circumstances accurate to the finest detail.
The woman in the sky is called, Virgo. The ancient Hebrew people called her ‘Betulah', the virgin.
In 2017 she gave birth to the King star — Jupiter.
This occurred in the precise astronomical circumstances of Revelation 12v1-2:
“A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.”
The Revelation 12 sign may be viewed here:
A lot of research has been done, and I fully expect the Revelation 12 sign of 2017 will prove to be God's true sign. If it is truely God's sign to us, it warns that a very significant time of birth pains is coming on the world.
The sign occurred during the Jewish feast of Trumpets in 2017, and on a special Sabbath, ‘Shabbat Shuva’ — the Sabbath of return.
Shabbat Shuva is a special Sabbath for ‘Teshuvah’, or ‘Repentance’. The timing and the circumstances are perfect.
With repentance we may turn to God in faith to be ‘born again’. We put to death our old sinful desires, escaping the spiritual power of the enemy to live victoriously in the Kingdom.
Signs are now pointing to a global baptism of birth pains for a time of repentance. Major earth shaking events are expected. Through great conflict the final generation will be born, or awakened, and an escape is promised for God's family.
To understand God's plan we must study Jesus, and especially the Old Testament parallels that span His whole life story, from birth. Typologies reveal a dramatic escape from an enemy at the beginning of the journey.
The Escape
The escape is revealed in the book of Revelation where Jesus escaped the dragon who wanted to devour Him the moment He was born (Rev 12v5).
Jesus escaped from King Herod like baby Moses escaped from Pharaoh, like Noah escaped from the flood, and like Joseph and the Israelites escaped the famine.
More Biblical examples provide further detail and give us confidence that God will help the final generation to escape a great destruction at the time of birth.
Two typologies that connect directly with the imagery of birth of Revelation 12 include Joseph in Genesis, and Immanuel in Isaiah 7. These both reveal the escape with a seven year warning sign;
Joseph and the famine
Joseph was a typological christ child who dreamed that the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars would bow down to him (Gen 37v9).
In Egypt Joseph had seven years to prepare for a seven year famine, and his family were saved. They came and bowed down to Joseph in Egypt just as he had dreamed.
So this sign was a seven year warning. Israel escaped the world wide famine, and this began their journey as they remained in Egypt until — the exodus.
Immanuel and the King of Assyria
Isaiah's son, Immanuel was presented as a “sign” to king Ahaz of Judah. Again, the imagery connects directly with the birth in Revelation 12.
“Therefore the Lord will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” (Isa 7v14)
Before this child knew enough to reject the wrong and choose the right (the age of reason is about seven years old), the land was destroyed by the king of Assyria. But they were blessed to have curds and honey, and Judah escaped the destruction.
Immanuel means, ‘God with us'.
A great conflict is believed to be brewing in the world today. This is a conflict that we are told not to fear, because God is with us. We have the gospel which needs to go out to all the world, so God’s family are privileged to be able to escape the calamity.
In Immanuel’s time the faithful remnant survived and continued with God while Assyria ruled the world, (a world government), but then the prophets understood that a greater day of judgement was yet to come — the destruction of the city and the temple by Nebuchadnezzar.
Jesus destroyed and re-built the temple in just 3 days — at the cross. Jesus is the true fulfilment who we are called to follow.
So here again from the birth to the death and resurrection, we have the whole life story of Jesus presented in typology.
Next it will be for the final generation to fulfil where the birth involves an escape from a flood of destruction caused by war, to begin a journey in the post-apocalyptic world. The faithful remnant don't need to fear because Immanuel means God is with us.
Daniel’s Last Prophecy
The prophecy in Daniel 11v36 - 12v3 is a special message for the final generation. It concludes with “the multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake…” Dan 12v2. This will occur at the end of time when Jesus returns.
Consider how this prophecy begins: It begins with a war that will occur “at the time of the end” (Dan 11v36-44).
This war will be big. It will involve an attack on “the mightiest of fortresses” (Dan 11v39). This sounds like world war three, but interestingly it doesn't bring the end of the world. Instead it appears to begin a journey.
After the war there is the suggestion of world government in verse 45, when the king shall pitch his royal tents between the sea and the glorious holy mountain. This is where world government authority always wants to place itself - between the people and God.
The majority opinion of the various Bible commentators is that these last 10 verses of Daniel 11 remain unfulfilled, so this is a very interesting prophecy.
Daniel 11v36-44 describe the circumstances and the course of a war that will take place at the time of the end.
From this passage I believe we will know when we have arrived at the time of the birth of the final generation. If it becomes clear that this war is for our time — we may act ahead of time to escape a great calamity, and to save many lives.
I strongly recommend becoming very familiar with these verses.
The King is proud, arrogant, wealthy and careless. He is powerful enough to take on the super powers (v36-39).
A sequence of invasions (v40-43) will lead up to an act of great destruction (v44).
The great destruction is described in Dan 11v44 in terms that resemble the wise men bringing reports from the East to King Herod, who then slaughtered the infants — and Jesus escaped. However this prophecy is for the future, for the final generation.
I believe it describes world war three.
Another Sign
In Revelation 12 there are two heavenly signs. While the first sign depicts God's glorious woman giving birth to His child, another sign appeares that reveals some extremely dangerous circumstances:
This sign has also been recently observed: The sign of “the great red dragon” (Rev 12v3). The dragon is the enemy, the King Herod threat from which the child escapes.
In 2015 a remarkable pattern appeared in eclipse astronomy; a complete reversal in the order and geometry of all solar and lunar eclipses, having deep religious significance.
The eclipse reversal occurred exactly at the centre of the well known Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014 and 2015. The reversal grabbed the attention of professional astronomers and was called a phenomenan, and a scientific discovery.
The circumstances and the cause of the eclipse reversal are astonishing in their precision and in the way they convey a message:
God's dragon appeared.
The eclipse reversal of 2015, and the birth of the King star in 2017 are consistent with the two heavenly signs described in Revelation 12v1-3. The time of prophetic fulfilment may therefore be arriving very soon.
There are reasons to expect the war of Daniel 11v36-44 to occur within about seven years of the sign of the birth, as will be discussed while studying the typology of Jesus. This conflict will not be the end, but is called “the beginning of birth pains.” Mat 24v8.
The apocalypse describes this initial conflict. When the dragon is poised to destroy God’s child — he fails. However the war is severe, and extends into heaven bringing a third of the stars falling to earth, (Rev 12v4-9).
The war in heaven has spiritual significance, but for the final generation we can also consider physical events — modern warfare.
A third or a quarter of everything will be destroyed in this apocalyptic calamity. It begins with war (Rev 6v2-4), and the consequences continue on through most of chapters 6, 8 and 9 of Revelation. A third of all people will die, Rev 9v18.
John describes stars falling from heaven to earth, but he is using ancient language to describe future events. In our modern nuclear age, while considering the prospect of world war three, it is easy to imagine what kind of falling stars John may have seen in his vision.
Typologies of Jesus in the Old Testament reveal what an escape may involve if this destructive global conflict occurs. Typologies also reveal the journey ahead for the post apocalyptic generation.
But firstly there are some greater spiritual truths to consider.
The Spiritual Aspect
The greater enemy that threatens to destroy each one of us is sin. There will be wars and rumours of war in the last days but sin wars against our souls. Disobedience is the true enemy working to produce spiritual death within all of us.
Through repentance, belief in Jesus, baptism and receiving God's Spirit we may escape the power of this dreadful enemy, and then a journey of faith and obedience can begin. This is by far the most important journey to be on.
If you are not yet familiar with the good news about the victory Jesus has won over sin and death at the cross, please read about it in the books of the New Testament, and also here: The Gospel
When we commit our life to God and aim to please Him in all aspects of our life we are faced with the ongoing challenges of this journey. Our struggle against sin continues, and we live in this world as strangers in a foreign land.
Jesus is our King, but He lived as a subject of the Roman Empire, during a time of world government. However He still lived a blessed life and had a powerful ministry — until he defeated our real enemy, sin, at the cross by His death and resurrection.
The Pattern of Salvation
The pattern of Jesus's life is key to understanding the story of the final generation.
“For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.” — Rev 19v10b
There are three parts to the testimony of Jesus which appear many times in typology throughout the Bible:
Birth and escape from calamity
Life and ministry during times of world government
The greater battle and victory — the ultimate victory over sin and death at the cross.
This is the pattern, and the story of salvation.
The Pattern in his Name
The name Jesus in Hebrew is “Yeshua,” which means “Salvation”.
The Greek word for ‘salvation’ is soteria (σωτηρία). This Greek word has a broader meaning than what the English word for salvation conveys. It includes to be delivered, preserved and saved.
‘delivered’ from an enemy,
‘preserved’ in health and safety, and
‘saved’ as the final outcome.
This sums up the story that will be the testimony of all the saved, exactly as it was revealed in Jesus, because we follow Him.
According to his own testimony, Jesus, who is ‘Yeshua’, or ‘Salvation’, was:
‘Delivered’ from King Herod,
‘Preserved,’ having a blessed life and powerful ministry, until He
‘Saved' us by defeating sin and death at the cross.
We follow Him if we are;
‘born again', escaping the power of sin by repentance,
living in faith and growing in obedience while recognising that we are strangers and aliens in this fallen world,
until our own death and resurrection.
The journey of faith is a prophetic pattern, and ultimately a journey for the final generation to fulfil on a world wide scale:
Significant birth pains, great slaughter caused by war and conflict, from which God will deliver His people.
World government will be established and God will preserve His people with blessed lives and a powerful ministry.
When the final tribulation occurs Jesus will return to save his people.
In this context, apocalyptic events don't necessarily signify an imminent end but perhaps a birth, or an awakening, a trumpet warning to the world, and a call to repentance. They announce the beginning of a prophetic journey for the generation ahead, many of whom will ultimately fulfil the pattern of Salvation as revealed perfectly in the life and testimony of Jesus.
The pattern in Matthew 24
The whole testimony is evident in this passage;
— from the beginning of birth pains,
— the life and ministry, until
— the death and resurrection.
When asked about signs of the end of the age in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, Jesus spoke about the whole journey of the last days. There are strong parallels with the journey of the first generation of the church, and it also has relevance to every generation, but here Jesus was speaking especially to the final generation:
“You will hear of wars and rumours of wars… Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” But he also said, “see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come… All these are the beginning of birth pains.” Mat 24v6-8.
If the final generation is born in these circumstances, consider what follows: A life and ministry in adverse conditions, vs 9-14:
“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted…” and with much deception, but “the gospel of the kingdom will be preached as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
Finally, in verses 15-31 Jesus describes how the end comes:
“So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation spoken of through the prophet Daniel… flee… For then there will be great distress…
And like when Jesus was dying on the cross, “the sun will be darkened…
At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds… his angels will gather his elect”.
We can consider the sign of Jonah here, which speaks of death and resurrection.
If we share in the sufferings of Christ we will share in his glory when he comes. In this way, if we persevere in taking up our cross and following him we can be certain that we will Cross 2 Victory.
The beginning foreshadows the ending like birth and death.
Major apocalyptic events will begin the prophetic journey of the final generation. World war three will resemble the end of the world, but only as the beginning of birth pains, and then God gives us his promise:
“Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” — Matthew 24v33-34
An Imminent Birth
Today there are strong reasons to consider the apocalypse which is the revelation of the whole life story of Jesus. There are reasons to believe that His birth has special relevance to our own time.
We currently observe many similar circumstances to those seen at the time of Jesus’ birth:
Jesus' birth took place just after world governments had told everyone to go home to be counted. (Consider Corona virus.)
Then wise men following a heavenly sign arrived bearing gifts. (Consider the Revelation 12 sign of 2017).
They were warned about the danger of King Herod, and the nasty conflict from which Jesus' family fled for safety.
Today many people have experienced being sent home by governments issuing lock downs all around the world.
Many Christians are now observing the recent heavenly signs which are believed to be pointing to the birth of the christ child generation of the last days, exactly as described in Revelation 12v1-3.
Prophecy makes clear that war comes next. I believe we should expect world war three to develop as described in Dan 11v36-44, but we needn't fear. If we remain alert and ready to act God delivers His children and helps his family to find safety.
Be aware of the approximate seven year warning revealed in the typological stories of Joseph in Genesis, and Immanuel in Isaiah 7. If these prove to be true for our time we can expect the calamity in roughly 2024, by counting seven years from the birth of the Revelation 12 child.
World War Three, if I understand it correctly, won't be the end but rather the beginning of the ultimate journey. Biblical examples include the 40 years in the wilderness, or 70 years in Babylon. Moses lived the story in 80 years from his escape as a baby from Pharaoh, until the exodus.
Jesus survived King Herod's slaughter of the infants, and ‘Out of Egypt God called his Son,’ to live and serve, and to fulfill all prophecy. I believe this will also be our journey in the last days.
After surviving the slaughter of infants, Jesus went on to live a blessed life, having a powerful ministry, but during Roman times of world government. He served God in adverse conditions, and fulfilled the law, until an even greater battle was fought and won at the cross.
Jesus won the greatest victory for us, against sin and death at the cross, and He ascended into heaven opening the way for us to follow into eternal life.
Now it remains for us to act in faith, and follow Jesus. God's ultimate purpose is to present all his people perfect in Christ, and his plan of salvation will be successful.
Through being sanctified, purified and refined we are ultimately to be perfected in Christ, and those who act in faith and follow Jesus to the end will:
Cross 2 Victory
By studying Jesus we may understand the story of the final generation.
Jesus was born with signs in heaven and prophecies spoken in the temple. Today we observe the apparent fulfillment of the great and wondrous sign of Revelation 12 which occurred in the sky on 23rd September, 2017 — signalling the birth of the child of prophecy.
Those who believe in Jesus and follow him are the children of God. We are the body of Christ and the temple of God. Therefore prophecy must ultimately be fulfilled in us according to the pattern revealed in Scripture:
1 — Escape the calamity (A war is expected like the King Herod event as a warning to the world)
2 — Live and serve God with obedience and blessings, but during times of world government,
3 — until the mystery of God is accomplished - in us (Revelation 10v7)
The glorious riches of this mystery: Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27 NIV)
“The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy” – Rev 19v10b
At the end of the journey Jesus fought a greater battle and won a more powerful victory:
Do you know the message of the CROSS of Christ?
The cross was the final battle in Jesus’ life, and there he won the greatest VICTORY.
The basic Gospel message is of first importance if you don’t yet know Jesus:
What is God’s plan?
Typology reveals Jesus
Consider how Jesus is revealed in the typology of the Old Testament.
Everything in the Old Testament reveals God's plan of salvation. It has been fulfilled in Jesus, and believers live the story today, but it remains yet to be fulfilled in a special way by the final generation.
Jesus' birth and life, and His baptism and ministry both began with calamity, or a time of testing.
Prophecy is confirmed in the stories of Moses, Noah, Abraham and many others. The initial escape from calamity at the beginning of the life long journey is a sign of the final outcome that will be revealed in the end: The eternal victory over sin and death which Jesus won for his people at the Cross.
God uses typology to reveal His prophetic plan that will eventually usher in true perfection:
God's plan of salvation is a process. The victory will be ours in Christ — but not before the birth, baptism and the great journey of the last days.
The story of salvation begins with a struggle at the time of birth. Consider a baptism of birth pains…
— A Birth / A Baptism / The Beginning of a Journey —
The final generation, it is believed, will be born into the calamity of the last days as we are confronted by nuclear war. A large scale modern war will resemble the calamity of Jesus’ birth when the egocentric King Herod the Great ordered the slaughter of innocent children.
Jesus escaped. Moses also escaped a similar slaughter in a basket, a little boat that in Hebrew was called an “ark” (Exodus 2 vs 2 & 5). The same word is used for Noah's ark.
Therefore we are considering Noah's flood which was a birth, and was called a baptism (1 Peter 3v21). Noah's flood was the beginning of the prophetic journey after which Nimrod ruled the world.
There are several other typological pictures in the Old Testament that resemble the birth pains that we are told to expect in the last days, but a prophecy in Daniel 11-12 is of key importance:
A sequence of events described by the prophet Daniel remains unfulfilled in history. The majority opinion of Bible commentators is that this war will take place in the future. Given the signs we are seeing, I believe it will start soon and will culminate in the pushing of the nuclear button.
Daniel 11v36-44 — WAR
War is most likely to begin with Iran, and it is thought that the American military will move down through several countries, to Egypt, Libya and more… “like a flood” as described in Daniel 11v40-43.
Jordan will escape this invasion (v41). Jordan is an ally to America adding further weight to the idea that America will be the invading force.
Then tensions between the world’s super powers will ignight:
“But reports from the east and the north (China and Russia) will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy an annihilate many.” Dan 11v44.
This verse can also apply to Jesus’ birth when wise men brought ‘reports from the east and north that alarmed…’ (King Herod).
This is a very serious moment, but we need not be too alarmed. An escape is promised for God’s children.
The next world war will be a baptism or awakening for many of God’s people who will pass safely through the flood waters of apocalyptic calamity in the ark of God’s protection.
This begins the prophetic journey for many of God’s people who will escape the destruction and live blessed lives as powerful witnesses to the grace of God. We have the truth of the gospel of Jesus, and God keeps his children safe because we must complete the great commission in the last days.
The journey of the last days begins with King Herod's calamity, but God snatches his children out of harms way just as described in Revelation 12:
God’s family are kept safe, both mother and child. This snatching away is not the end. Jesus was not raptured to heaven at that time because it was only the beginning of His journey.
This will be the beginning of the journey in which the Church will come to know the ark of God’s protection, and will take shelter, being cared for in remote places that are prepared, (Rev 12v14).
Noah prepared for the flood, and Joseph prepared for the seven year famine.
God’s people will act with wisdom when these things begin to take place.
We will be empowered by God to live the last 40, 50, 70 or 80 years as a blessing to many nations, fulfilling all prophecy in the last days.
World war three will be like the end, but will not be the end yet, (Mat 24v6-8). We will be greatly empowered as God pours out his Spirit through the blood, fire and billows of smoke, and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Joel 2v32). The devil will be “filled with fury because he knows that his time is short.” (Rev 12v10-12).
God’s people will shine as the truth of the gospel is made known to many nations, and God’s ancient Torah law will have renewed relevance, being for life and health during testing times in the last days, a blessing to all the nations trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world.
After the great flood of destruction caused by world war three, men will share a common story, and like having one language they will start building the Great City again.
After Noah’s flood came Nimrod, the great city builder establishing his centers of power. This is where the end of the story is formed.
A beast will rise up out of the sea, and later there will be a final scattering.
Jesus lived the prophetic story perfectly, but his true glory was not made known until after the final scattering. His disciples were scattered from the garden of gethsemane at the time of His arrest.
The abomination that causes desolation is the final persecution, (Mat 24, 1 Peter 4v17). The final battle takes place “in the street of the Great City… where also their Lord was crucified.” (Rev 11v7-12).
Finally Jesus submitted himself to death on a cross, and after three days he rose to life victorious.
Jesus reveals the way of salvation – by faith in his eternal victory over sin and death we too may cross 2 victory. Jesus, our saviour is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and we must believe, and follow him to reach the goal and share in his glory.
The final generation of God's children will live the life story of Jesus exactly as it is revealed throughout all the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.
Examine the Signs
Has The time come for us to walk this Biblical journey again?
In 2014 and 2015 there were 4 total lunar eclipses in a row, and all four occurred on important Jewish holy days. On Epiphany eve in 2015 the whole system of eclipses completely reversed.
The cause of the phenomenon signals the appearance of God’s dragon (Rev 12v3). The Inex, as King of the eclipse cycles produced the pattern according to it’s perfect timing, the rhythm of the Inex being exactly 777 draconic months. This speaks of God's dragon.
The reversal took place on Epiphany eve in 2015 — suggesting “God’s dragon appeared.”
But as we know, the Christ child escapes.
Then Trump became President aged 70 years, 7 months and 7 days, with an impressive list of 777 signs from God. Remember, Lamech died 5 years before Noah’s flood aged 777 years (Gen 5v31).
Revelation 12 Sign
On 23rd September 2017 the great and wondrous heavenly sign of Revelation 12v1-2 occurred in the sky to the awe and amazement of millions of watching Christians.
The Revelation 12 sign occurred on the Jewish feast of Trumpets in the Jewish year 5777, (the year 2017). It represents the birth of the Christ child, Jesus, and his great escape from that angry dragon.
Two important typological stories that connect with the Revelation 12 sign of 2017, Joseph in Genesis, and Immanuel in Isaiah clearly suggest a seven year warning so that we may have time to prepare.
By God's grace the christ child generation of the last days will escape the storm of falling nuclear stars when Daniel 11v44 is fulfilled.
We will start living the life story of Jesus.
King Herod tried to kill baby Jesus, but Joseph and Mary escaped with Jesus to Egypt.
In Egypt many years earlier baby Moses escaped Pharaoh's slaughtering of the infants, in a little “ark”.
Noah also escaped the flood in an ark.
Lot escaped Sodom and lived in a cave in the mountains. In each case God helped those who were able to act.
Joseph prepared for the famine and the family of Israel escaped to Egypt like young Jesus.
Today God's people must prepare to escape another great calamity in fulfilment of prophecy – a fiery storm of falling stars in a flood of nuclear war as described in Daniel 11v36-44 and Revelation 6, 8, 9 and 12.
Trumpets of wrath and falling stars will be a wake up call to the world, launched from a modern Mount Sinai where God’s law will again have the power to bless or to curse. The Torah will provide great wisdom for life in a poluted world buzzing with nuclear radiation. God's children will be safe, having been snatched out of harms way by going to places prepared before hand. We will be cared for by God's side in the wilderness.
Its not the end yet.
Get ready for a blessed life and powerful ministry during the difficult journey ahead. Our voice will be heard from the wilderness, and we will be God's witnesses to the very ends of the earth. Then we will be victorious in battle on the great and glorious day of the lord as we enter into the promised land to receive the reward - eternal life.
We will live the life story of Jesus, and when the hour of glory comes we also will cross 2 victory.
How may we be ready to do good?
If you find this message to be true there is an enormous amount that we can do to help others survive the troubles to come. Make sure that you are right with God. Clean up your life and pray, and asking for God’s wisdom. Don’t be half hearted. God promises that we will be successful.
Be informed. Study Jesus and understand God’s plan for the final generation as it is revealed in typology throughout the Bible. Share these insights with others.
Be familiar with the signs that we have observed and alert others. Especially the Revelation 12 sign of 23rd September 2017. If the seven year warning proves to be correct as understood from the stories of Joseph and the famine, and Immanuel in Isaiah 7, world war three could be in roughly year 2024, or around then.
Be familiar with Daniel 11 and 12. Look at the typological pattern in 11v1-35, and consider how that relates to the prophecy about the last days in 11v36-12v3. This is the key scripture that will alert us to the truth or otherwise of this message.
If you decide that this message is true — we need to act to care for our our families, friends and communities. God helped Joseph save all of Egypt from the famine in ancient times, so it should be relatively easy for us in this modern age of plenty. Be wise, work with people who you can trust and do good contingency planning.
In addition to the example of Joseph and the famine, we can learn from the other great Biblical stories that describe the calamity at the time of birth.
Noah’s flood was a birth and a baptism. Noah prepared with God’s clean / unclean rules in mind. After a nuclear war the world will have some major pollution problems, and therefore much will be unclean.
Abraham and the Chiasm from Gen 12-21 shows the progression from pandemic, through war and destruction, to God’s covenant. Then a child is born.
The exodus was the birth of the nation of Israel, and it was also called a baptism (1 Cor 10v2). God cared for Israel in the wilderness providing manna from heaven and water from the rock. If water from the rock hints at the importance of ground water in the post apocalyptic world, consider preparing boar water. It could make the difference between life and death. The clean / unclean rules are also given here, in the Mount Sinai covenant.
Immanuel was the typological christ child when the King of Assyria destroyed the land. The buzzing and associated hair loss in Is 7v18-20 again brings to mind the polluting effects of nuclear war. Good tips on survival planning follows on from there.
Daniel was the typological christ child when the King of Babylon destroyed the city. Listen to Jeremiah’s advice and get out of the city early. That’s what Daniel and many others did, and they were blessed. God went with them into exile.
We must observe the signs and understand their meaning to know when its time to act. Now is a good time to seek God’s wisdom, and do some serious research. We can be confident that God will help us in this task.
“You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” Mat 24v6
“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.” Mat 24v7-8