Interpreting the Signs of the Times
We are currently observing many remarkable signs:
The Revelation 12 sign of 2017,
The Eclipse Reversal of 2015,
God’s 777 Signs.
Not everyone is aware of these signs, but there are many highly visible signs such as the COVID pandemic, increased earthquake and volcanic activity, climate change, social unrest and the military build up.
There are a variety of Christian responses to signs.
Many people feel inspired to be more zealous in their faith, seeing that time is short.
But some Christians respond with caution. Some even object to considering signs.
In some Christian circles signs are intentionally ignored. They can be considered a distraction from the gospel, an unwelcome disturbance that causes fear or even division. The comment has even been made, ‘Jesus said not to look for signs.’ — But did he?
What did Jesus teach about signs of the end?
No Sign of the End
Jesus taught that the end will come very suddenly catching many people by complete surprise. Luke 17v22-37.
We must always be ready and watchful, because the Son of Man will come ‘like a thief’, “at an hour when you do not expect him.” Luke 12v35-40, Mat 24v36 - 25v13.
Jesus himself was arrested when he was in the Garden of Gethsemene by men who came literally ‘like thieves in the night.’ So in his own life Jesus demonstrates this truth.
While teaching about his sudden appearing Jesus made no mention of any special sign to look for — but for one:
When the Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign he said there will be no sign but the sign of Jonah.
The sign of Jonah represents death and resurrection (Mat 12v38-40, and 16v1-4). That is the end itself! Of course we will all face death and resurrection (Hebrews 9v27-28). Death can come any time, possibly even today.
So we are told not to expect a sign of the end, but that does’t mean there are no signs at all.
God made the sun, the moon and the stars saying, “let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years.” — Genesis 1v14.
If signs don’t reveal the time of his appearing, what do they reveal?
Signs of the Times - War and Peace
Jesus derided the Pharisees for not knowing how to interpret the signs of the times, Mat 16v2-3.
God’s appointed times are called “Moedim,” and are revealed in the Jewish festival system. But as God presents Jesus as the perfect fulfilment of prophecy a simpler approach is to study him.
The way God uses signs is revealed in the life of Jesus.
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Rev 19v10b.
In the life of Jesus there were heavenly signs from God at the time of his birth and baptism, then again after he was nailed to the cross:
Jesus was born with a sign in heaven that the wise men followed to Bethlehem, angels met shepherds and there were prophecies in the temple.
Jesus performed many miraculous signs and wonders himself during his ministry, but none involving the heavenly bodies until...
While Jesus was on the cross, “From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land.” — Mat 27v45.
For Jesus the end had already come when this final sign appeared in the sky.
Today not only are we seeing numerical time based signs but also signs in the sun, the moon and the stars as we have in the Revelation 12 sign of 2017 and the Eclipse Reversal of 2015.
These signs reveal the time of birth for the final generation. Birth pains will take the apocalyptic form of war.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die, …
a time for war and a time for peace.”
Ecclesiastes 3v1-2, 8
Times and seasons are manifest outwardly through war and peace, with the rise and fall of kingdoms:
God revealed these things in Nebuchadnezzars dream, and Daniel praised God saying,
“He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposed them.” — Daniel 2v21a.
Jesus faced war at birth — the slaughter of the infants soon after he was born. In Revelation 12 it is described as war in heaven. It was an impossible war for him to fight but he miraculously escaped, remaining in Egypt until King Herod died.
However at the end of his life when he could have fought, Jesus ordered his disciples to put away their weapons (Mat 26v52). He made no attempt to escape. Despite suffering great tribulation Jesus behaved peacefully as he willingly laid down his life.
The final peace is sometimes called ‘a false peace’, because enemy forces align against God. This happened during the trial of Jesus when he was about to be crucified:
“That day Herod and Pilate became friends—before this they had been enemies.”
The final peace comes at the end when God’s judgement is about to be revealed, but God’s coming wrath is not seen by God’s enemies. They think they have what they want. But things are different for God’s Son, and God’s children.
Jesus took our punishment when he died sacrificially on the cross, but he also calls us to follow him, to take up our cross and follow him, even if it means martyrdom.
“It is time for judgement to begin at the household of God, and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” — 1 Peter 4v17.
Consider how this pattern or testimony will relate to final generation; the birth, life, death and resurrection:
When asked about the signs Jesus described times of war and trouble to come, and said the end would not be imminent:
“Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” — Mat 24v6b
“All these are the beginning birth pains.” Mat 24v8.
When these troubling things begin to happen we should expect a journey and a ministry as the gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations (Mat 24v14. This ministry will last for the lifetime of a generation, but before this generation passes away, the end will come — Mat 24v34.
Regarding the end, Paul taught that the day of the Lord would come during a time of peace: “… like a thief in the night. While people are saying, ‘peace and safety’ destruction will come on them suddenly… (1Thess 5v2-3).
The peace covenant brings the abomination that causes desolation, and then the end — Daniel 9v27, Mat 24v15-31.
Just as it was when Jesus was crucified, and the sun was darkened from the 6th hour until the 9th hour, the same will occur when the final generation suffers the abomination that causes desolation, but by then of course it will be too late.
“Immediately after the distress of those days “‘the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’
30 “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.” — Matthew 24v29-30.
The whole Bible points to Jesus revealing God’s plan of salvation, a life long journey for the final generation:
The birth comes with signs, at time of war and trouble.
There is a life to live and a ministry to fulfil.
The end comes suddenly with no sign while people are at peace, but for the sign of Jonah, the abomination — a persecution.
Then the nations will see what they have done, and it will be too late to repent. The final trumpet will sound. Jesus will return.
Today we have many signs of war and the heavenly sign of birth, so it’s not the end. It is time to consider the birth of the final generation.
Consider the Birth
If we interpret the signs of the times as pointing to a moment of birth for the final generation, we should study the birth, and seek God’s wisdom so that we will be able to care for God’s children, the family of believers, and as many people as possible.
To escape a flood
Jesus escaped from a kind of war when he was born — King Herod and the slaughter of the infants.
Moses was born in a similar way, placed in a little “ark” to escape a kind of flood — another slaughter of the infants.
Noah’s flood was the end for many people, but for Noah’s family it was like a birth. It was called a “baptism” — 1 Pet 3v20-21.
Immanuel was born as a sign in Isaiah 7, and then the King of Assyria came. The war was like “the mighty floodwaters of a river… reaching up to the neck.” — Isaiah 8v7-8. Many were swept away but Judah escaped. Immanuel means ‘God with us’.
These ancient floods of destruction came at times of birth when God was beginning a special work of salvation. So they can be called ‘baptisms’.
The true birth is spiritual. The examples given all relate to the moment of repentance when we surrender our life into God’s hands and commit to following Jesus, escaping the power of sin and death. We celebrate it by baptism. The spiritual birth is absolutely the most important birth, having eternal importance.
But the birth can also be apocalyptic revealing how the journey of the last days will begin.
“The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end” — Dan 9v26b
In Revelation 12 the birth of Jesus involved an escape from the dragon who then fought an apocalyptic war, throwing down the stars and spewing a river of water out of his mouth to try to sweep them away (v15). They escaped with great praise.
Today modern weapons of mass destruction present that kind of threat. Some people have put a lot of thought into how to prepare to get through the storm, and Jesus promises success for those of his people who choose life.
Daniel describes a war at the time of the end that will come “like a flood.” (Daniel 11v40). Verse 44 describes alarming reports from the east and the north, and great destruction.
***This is a key prophecy. Please study it.***
The Daniel 11 prophecy
When the king of Assyria was coming like a great flood God’s message to King Ahaz was:
“Be careful, keep calm and don’t be afraid. Do not lose heart…” Isaiah 7v4
God also told King Ahaz to ask for a sign. The king refused, but the sign was given anyway, the birth of Immanuel — “God with us”.
Immanuel was a true warning sign with a message of great hope and comfort. The Revelation 12 sign of 2017 is the Immanuel sign. So today we can take courage, God is with his people.
There will be a good escape, a blessed life and a powerful ministry for the faithful remnant, but the post apocalyptic world will be different place.