Eclipse Reversal
The sign of the dragon - a seven year warning confirmed
“And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon…” — Revelation 12v3
“And there was WAR…”— Rev 12v7
A perfect Eclipse Reversal occurred on the 5th January 2015, when to the surprise of astronomers the entire system of eclipses began to mirror as we crossed a rare point of celestial symmetry. Both solar and lunar eclipses seem to be replaying history in backwards order as if God has hit the rewind button!
The reversal is both chronological and geometric in nature, as the path of eclipse also to mirrors. NASA’s catalogue of eclipse maps show that the pattern continues for thousands of years with awe inspiring beauty and precision, and with no deterioration in quality.
The first 40 pairs of symmetrical solar eclipse maps are shown below, illustrating the path of the moon’s shadow as it crosses over the earth.
Why the sign of the Dragon?
In ancient times whenever people saw an eclipse they would say, ‘Look, the Dragon is taking a bite!’
The cosmic struggle between light and dark during an eclipse is seen as a symbolic resemblance of the struggle between good and evil, God and the dragon. The dragon is “the ancient serpent, the devil or Satan,” (Rev 12v9).
For this reason, the ‘draconic month’ was named after the dragon, a 27.2 day month measured from when the moon crosses the plane of the ecliptic due to the moon’s 5 degree angle of orbit with respect to the earth’s orbit.
The 777 draconic month cycle:
Eclipse cycles give yet more stunning religious significance to the Eclipse Reversal phenomenon. There are a number of different eclipse cycles, but two are special:
The Inex - a 29 (or 58) year cycle,
The Saros - an 18 year cycle.
(Note: the Saros number of each eclipse is displayed in each eclipse map).
An ‘eclipse cycle’ is a regular time interval between eclipses that belong to a family group of similar eclipses. These families of similar eclipses are called ‘eclipse series’.
The Inex is unique for the perfect harmony that it has with the draconic month. (Perfect — suggesting no ‘sin’, like God). This allows the Inex to put other eclipse cycles into order.
The Saros is the most beautiful of the eclipse cycles, but for a long time it was not known how to arrange the families of Saros series into a systematic order. However the problem was solved in the 1950’s when the Saros-Inex panorama was discovered.
The Inex cycle can be used to arrange the Saros series into order because of it’s perfect harmony with the draconic month. It marks the beginning of new Saros series, and the end of old ones.
At that time the Inex had no name, but having made this discovery they named it ‘Inex’ for the way it determines the ‘in-coming’ of new Saros series, and the ‘ex-it’ of the old, — “In-ex”.
The Inex is like the alpha and omega, controlling the births and deaths of the Saros series in a God-like way. So the relationship between the perfect Inex and the most beautiful Saros resembles the relationship between God and mankind.
The Eclipse Reversal pattern can be explained as an interaction between these two most important eclipse cycles. The symmetry appears as a mirroring of the Saros series. We could say that the Saros have been reversed by the Inex, because by putting the Saros into order the Inex is responsible the way they mirror.
But there is even deeper religious significance: During its 58 years, the Inex cycle has a rhythm of exactly 777 draconic months.
This suggests “God's Dragon”.
So not only does the Inex cycle literally have a perfect harmony with the draconic month, but its rhythm is a symbolically perfect number — 777 !
(Note: The Inex is often recorded as having 388.5 months, but the ‘.5’ shows that this is only really half of a cycle. Two of these ‘half cycles’ make 777 draconic months.)
Epiphany Eve
The timing of the reversal on 5th January, 2015 also has symbolic significance. The Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad draws our attention to the festival days, so to see Epiphany Eve at the focus of the pattern is very meaningful:
Epiphany means “appearance.”
Therefore the Eclipse Reversal suggests:
God’s dragon has appeared!
Epiphany eve is traditionally the time Christians remember the Magi who followed the star to Bethlehem. If we are studying the true heavenly sign of Revelation 12v3 we are the like the Magi who understood the signs of their time: It’s a birth !
Today we are not expecting the birth of Jesus again. Instead we should consider the birth of the final generation that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24, a generation will be born with clear signs from God during a time of war, when the end is ‘not yet’. This moment of birth will mark the ‘beginning of birth pains’ (Mat 24v6-8) of the final generation (Mat 24v34).
Of course, birth is always the beginning of a new journey, not the end. We are also told that “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Revelation 19v10. So we can expect the journey of the final generation to follow the basic story that is revealed in the life of Jesus. He reveals the journey of salvation, and spiritually we must be ‘born again’.
When the Magi met King Herod, they understood something terrible was about to happen — the slaughter of the innocent. But praise be to God, Jesus and his family escaped!
Today we make the spiritual escape from the power of the dragon by coming to Jesus in faith with repentance. We are blessed to be born again, and to begin a journey of faith.
Now it is time to consider the apocalyptic birth of the last days generation.
Revelation 12v3-4
”Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born.”
“And there was war…” (v7).
Two thousand years ago the dragon manifest in King Herod to cause the slaughter of the innocent. Jesus and his family escaped.
Today we can expect the calamity to come as nuclear war, and God will also help us to escape because Jesus makes very clear in Mat 24v6-8 that the end is ‘not yet.’ It’s a birth!
The proper explanation is found in studying the ‘testimony’ of Jesus. It is on the home page:
MESSAGE — The Cross2Victory home page
The Daniel 11 Prophecy — Explains how the Middle East phase of the war will begin before it turns into world war three.
We are told not to fear this conflict because God promises to keep his family safe. But we do need to be ready for action so that we may be able to care for as many people as possible during the birth pains to come as the christ child generation of the last days is born.
Seven Year Warning
The Eclipse Reversal has now been proven as a true seven year warning. The war is expected to climax in about 2024.
Seven years after the Reversal of January 2015 President Putin surrounded Ukraine. In February of 2022 he invaded. The war has begun.
The signs of Revelation 12 are understood to be seven year warnings as explained here:
Seven Year Warning
The sign of the dragon was followed in September of 2017 by the sign of the birth:
The Revelation 12 Sign of 2017
Therefore the climax of war is expect in about 2024, about seven years after the sign.
“The dragon stood in front of the woman…” (Rev 12v4). The eclipse Reversal appeared more than two years before the sign of the birth.
We urgently need to work with those in leadership to make real plans so that we may be able to help as many people as possible to escape the dragon of nuclear war.
Here in Australia people living in bush fire zones have bush fire plans. (Or ‘wild fires’ as they are called in America). Today we need a nuclear war plan.
The reasons are explained throughout the Cross2Victory website in the study of Bible prophecy and other stunning signs.
Eclipse Reversal Discovery
In mid 2015 before God had given me the Eclipse Reversal, I had a powerful vision in which I saw Donald Trump as the King Herod figure of the final generation. I was very deeply affected, feeling greatly awakened to the urgency of the hour.
It was only a few weeks later while looking at the Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad that many Christians were discussing, that I saw the Eclipse Reversal pattern. It emanates from the center of the tetrad.
Some Christians believe that the blood moons are the sign of the dragon of Revelation 12v3, so given the vision I was in a state of utter amazement.
Unable to find any information about patterns of symmetry on the internet, I hurried to my local university to ask an astronomer about it. After needing a day to look into it, the professor was excited. His receptionist told me that he had been talking about it all day, and his response nearly caused me to die.
He told me, ‘It’s a real phenomenon, but something new to science.’ He described some smaller patterns that they already knew about, but said, ‘We’ve never seen anything like it,’ and called it ‘a scientific discovery’. He went on to talk about some exciting discoveries of the past and speculated about it’s possible significance, (but not from a religious perspective). Not knowing what caused it he said they would need to study it, and would write a paper.
Because of the vision I still urgently wanted to understand what caused the pattern, so I began studying eclipse astronomy myself.
After identifying the eclipse cycles responsible I don’t think it would really qualify as a new scientific phenomenon. It may just be just a newly observed pattern which is caused by phenomena that are already well understood.
However the religious significance is the only thing that really matters.
The scientific explanation is found in the relationship between the Inex and the Saros eclipse cycles.
The relationship is full of rich Biblical symbolism as discussed in the next article. But the key to it all is the Inex cycle which has 777 draconic months in its cycle having put the Saros into apparent reverse on Epiphany eve of 2015, in the middle of a Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad. This is firm confirmation that we really do have the sign of God’s dragon.
Putin’s war beginning around the 7th anniversary of the sign confirms that the Sign of the birth in September 2017 is also a true seven year warning of King Herod moment coming with the birth of the christ child generation of the last days.
Psalms 19:1-4
”The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.”
If you come to believe these things are true and correct, please do everything that you can to alert people, and to help prepare for nuclear war. God is good. He promises us success.
May God bless you and your family with peace of mind and all the wisdom needed that you may know what to do, so that we may be able to care for people as this conflict comes near.
Continue reading for a more in-depth explanation.
In Depth Study
The orbital parameters most important to eclipse, and the most beautiful eclipse cycle, the Saros all reached points of symmetry simultaneously during the full moon of 5th January 2015, in a once in nearly 7000 year event.
The eclipse reversal happened at Perihelion in 2015, when the earth was at its closest to the sun. Two Saros series, the most beautiful of the eclipse cycles were at their peaks with eclipses happening near to aphelion, which is when the earth is furthest from the sun.
While similar arrangements occur 12 or 24 times during a 7000 year period, the Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad at the centre of the phenomenon made this a truly unique event, while adding a fascinating layer of religious significance.
The pattern is an interaction between two key eclipse cycles. The Inex has caused the apparent reversal of the Saros.
(Depending on your screen size and text wrapping you may need to scroll further down to see the chart…)
George van den Bergh discovered in the 1950's that the Saros series can be aligned so that the Inex series appear in the rows. Therefore moving horizontally across the table is by Inex cycle steps of 29 years less 20 days. The result is a matrix or table of all eclipses called the Saros-Inex Panorama. The pattern produced is striking, as shown below.
This large Saros-Inex Panarama was produced by Luca Quaglia and John Tilley, and theoretically displays all solar eclipses from 11001 BC to 15000 AD, which contains 61775 eclipses. Eclipse types are represented by colour; Green = Partial, Blue = Total, Red = Annular, and Yellow = Hybrid. A hybrid eclipse changes its type between total and annular during a single eclipse.
There is too much information in the above table to see the detail at this resolution, but it provides an overview of the arrangement of the Saros and Inex eclipse series. The Saros-Inex Panarama provides some very useful information. It can be viewed in more detail on the NASA website:
Download as an Excel file:
The Divine Relationship
Eclipse Cycles Personified
Eclipse cycles are regular time intervals at which eclipses usually occur.
Saros cycles have 18 years and 11 days between eclipses.
Inex cycles (or half-cycles) have 29 years less 20 days between eclipses.
Many other eclipse cycles exist, but the Inex and Saros are special.
The Inex and the Saros eclipse cycles have an important relationship. They display some interesting but differing qualities. The characteristics of their rhythms may even be personified.
The relationship between the Inex and the Saros resembles that of King and Queen, or even God and mankind.
The Saros are especially beautiful, and are considered to be the most beautiful of all eclipse cycles. The Inex doesn't flow with such feminine beauty, but maintains a steady path in a strong, enduring, masculine way. He determines the order of the Saros just as the man is traditionally the head of a household, or as God provides order to mankind, determining the times and places in which we live.
The Inex is named “In-ex” because he marks the “in - coming” or birth of new Saros series, and the “exiting” or death of the old. Similarly, God is called the “alpha” and the “omega”, the beginning and end, or Author and Finisher.
The following lists summarise and personify the characteristics of the Inex and Saros:
The IneX
The Inex can be called, ‘King’ of the eclipse cycles because he displays the following divine qualities:
The Inex runs at 777 draconic months per full cycle (God’s number)
The Inex move in groups of three called, “Triads” (The Trinity)
The Inex provides order to the Saros (Ultimately God rules over mankind)
The Inex series are the longest possible, and getting exponentially longer (God is immortal)
The Inex cycle is extremely accurate with regard to the Draconic month (God is perfect)
The Saros
The Saros can be called, ‘Queen’ of the eclipse cycles and displays many human qualities, and a few qualities of creation:
The Saros is the most beautiful of eclipse cycles (Mankind the pinnacle of God’s creation)
The Saros series are commonly described as family groups of eclipses, each displaying a family likeness in the characteristics of their eclipses. (like nations, languages and people groups)
The Saros series are born small and grow until they reach a peak, then decline and finally die, having a life span of about 70 or 80 eclipses (The normal human lifespan in years - Psalm 90v10)
The Saros cycle does not run at perfect harmony, her error with respect to the Draconic month causes her eventual death. (Because of sin we die)
The Saros cycle is 18 years and 11 days. Her beautiful characteristics are attributed to the alignment of the Draconic and Anomalistic axes, together with the solar year. All 3 components align 3 times per 18 year cycle at 6 year intervals (6 + 6 + 6). The number 6-6-6 represents mankind (Revelation 13v18).
The Saros series are mathematically proven to have a 7000 year super cycle (Biblical history)
The Saros have four basic kinds, solar and lunar eclipses which occur at either the ascending or descending draconic nodes (The four living creatures of creation - Revelation 4)
The Saros series form 12 groups of Solar series and 12 groups of Lunar series in the 7000 year super cycle (God's family of 24 elders: 12 tribes of Israel plus the 12 apostles – Revelation 4)
The Inex displays some uniquely divine characteristics, while the qualities of the Saros are especially beautiful and human in nature. They relate to each other like King and Queen or God and mankind, their relationship demonstrated in the Saros-Inex panorama. But now the Inex has reversed the Saros. Her reversal is ominous.
The 6-6-6 rhythm of the Saros is often said to represent evil, but is actually said to be the Biblical number for mankind, (Rev 13v18). Therefore the 6-6-6 may more accurately represent the completion of humanity as we approach the final consummation. There are 6 days for work and we are currently nearing the completion of 6000 years of Biblical history. Therefore we are approaching the much longed for 7th millennium, the 7th day of rest.
The eclipse reversal occurs on a 7000 year cycle in which the Saros have reached a major turning point, and began reflecting each other. There is scientific evidence and mathematical proof (to be discussed) that the Saros series are actually eternal, because although they have a limited lifespan they continue to exist in a dormant state and are re-born again, on a 7000 year cycle.
Within this 7000 year period there are 12 divisions producing 24 similar points of high quality reflection, but these are not likely to occur in the same religiously significant circumstances with respect to the Jewish holy days of 2014 and 2015. However the concept of 12 divisions of time and 24 elders is very interesting, and is spoken about in Biblical books and extra Biblical books that were written in ancient times.
The Biblical timeline of history is 7000 years. God's day is like a thousand years with six days for work, and the seventh for rest. There were approximately 2000 years from creation to Abraham, 2000 years from Abraham to Jesus, and now 2000 years from Jesus until today. We now look forward to the seventh day of rest, an eternal day which Jesus will bring for His people when He comes again in glory.
The Inex displays God's number - 777, while the Saros displays man's number - 666. The number 7 represents completion and perfection which is in contrast to mankind. Our number is 6 because we always fall short.
God's number 777 reflects his character, complete and perfect, and God is three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit: 7-7-7. It is therefore logical that the number of mankind should be 6-6-6, because despite being sinners and falling short of God's perfect standard, we are made in the image of God, to reflect something of God's glory. We are the pinnacle of God's creation.
While the number 666 is commonly thought to represent evil, mankind is not purely evil. However as sinners our days are numbered. Eventually, 'when our number is up' we will depart. It is because of sin that we are mortal. The Biblical expectation is that because of disobedience the whole world is subject to corruption, and will one day pass away.
Both the reversal of the Saros and her triple six year rhythm testify to the Biblical expectation that God will bring the completion and end to all mankind. Her order now reversed signals that prophetic times are coming upon us.
The expectation is of a 'new world order' that will arrive with the appearance of the final “Beast”, the final world government system. That final governing system is expected to arrive through major warfare, and it will come under the power of the dragon. When the times are nearing their completion all God's purposes will be accomplished according to the testimony of Jesus.
The number of the beast will be man's number, 6-6-6 (Revelation 13v18). That final beast, and all who are numbered with it will come to the end and be eternally destroyed, but those who live by faith and in obedience to Christ will cross over to new life, and will be counted as belonging to Him for ever. He will take us from this place of suffering and we shall live with Him in glory.
The Dragon in Astronomy
The dragon has an interesting role to play in eclipse astronomy. The draconic month is named after the dragon because in ancient times it was said that the dragon lives in the draconic nodes which are the two points in the moon's orbit where eclipses occur.
In ancient mythology it was said that the Dragon takes a bite out of the sun or moon during a solar or lunar eclipse, and therefore as light represents good, and darkness evil, eclipses have long been considered an ominous sign.
Theological Questions and Prophecy
“The appearance of God's dragon at the time of the end” is a powerful message to find in the eclipse reversal phenomenon, and it raises some important theological questions:
Where was the dragon before he appeared?
Where has the dragon appeared?
What does the appearance of God's dragon mean?
These questions will be considered in brief, and then again in more detail:
The ongoing trouble in the world makes it clear that the dragon is alive and well, but he has not been completely free to do all he wants. Scripture teaches that Satan is restrained by the power of Jesus' victory at the cross so that the Gospel may advance. Many believe the dragon was bound in the Abyss for a thousand (or two) years so that God's people may live and reign as a kingdom of priests.
The dragon restrained and bound in the abyss means freedom for God's people so that we may live victorious lives. But according to this Amillenial view of Revelation 20 Satan is due to be released again so that all prophecy may be fulfilled. If you are willing to accept it, the eclipse reversal signals the dragon's release, and evidence suggests that he has now appeared in God's heavenly throne room.
The astronomy confirms the theology with regard to the dragon's appearance in the throne room of God, so we must examine both the Scripture and the astronomy to more fully appreciate this matter.
The dragon is prince of this world, but the heavenly throne room of God has been out of bounds to him for a long time. Satan loves power and glory, so he wouldn't hesitate given the opportunity to ascend to that place again. Now it seems that he has. With the eclipse reversal’s sign of the dragon's appearance in the heavenly throne room of God we can expect major conflict ahead, but there is a strong hope for God's people. We have God's special protection (Rev 12).
The Woman, The Child and The Dragon
Revelation 12
Two heavenly signs are foretold in the first few verses of Revelation 12, the woman giving birth to God's child, and the appearance of the dragon which attempts to devour that child. Both of these heavenly signs are believed by some Christians to have been recently fulfilled. Many more Christians are watching with a genuine fascination, and with the belief that the last days are indeed upon us.
Revelation 12v1-6
A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. 4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. 5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.” And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.
The sign of the glorious woman giving birth (v1-2) is believed to have taken place on 23rd September 2017. This wonderful event has been carefully studied, and is commonly called, “The Revelation 12 sign”.
I recommend a three minute presentation by Adam Fink from The Parable of the Vineyard:
The Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad together with the Eclipse Reversal on 5th January 2015 fulfils the second sign (v3), the appearance of the Dragon.
The Revelation 12 sign is a dramatic birth scene, and is fulfilled on multiple levels. Firstly it represents the birth of Jesus into the crisis of King Herod's attempt to have Him killed. He was snatched out of harms way. He was not taken out of this world at that time, but down into Egypt to be cared for, for a time.
It will happen again, because “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy,” Rev 19v10b.
The Revelation 12 sign also has a spiritual fulfilment being part of our own testimony. It represents the birth of new believers as we receive faith and are “born again”. In this sense we cross over from spiritual death to a new life, thanks to Jesus’ victory at the cross. We receive God's Holy Spirit and enter into God's kingdom, the kingdom that is currently within us.
Finally, I believe that the Revelation 12 sign also represents the birth of the final generation - to begin the great drama of the last days. This is where we are at currently, if you are willing to accept it.
What does it mean?
The Revelation 12 sign of the birth of God's child occurred astronomically on the feast of trumpets, 23rd September 2017. It is believed by many Christians to be a true sign from God. It is being tested by many who are wondering greatly about it. And now as we examine the 2015 eclipse reversal phenomenon, we are considering the second sign of Revelation 12, the appearance of God's dragon.
Revelation 12v3-9 describes the heavenly sign of the dragon's appearance followed by war in heaven. Things that take place in heaven are reflected in the events of this world. We are therefore considering the most major of wars. Daniel 11v36-44 tells of the circumstances, describing the lead up to an event that will “destroy and annihilate many”. Rev 6, 8 & 9 gives details of what I believe will be a huge nuclear war.
This war will be a great trumpet sounding, earth shaking event. Having appeared in God's throne room, Satan is about to be expelled from heaven (Rev 12v7-9), and when he falls to earth he will bring down a third of the stars (Rev 12v4). The smoke of that conflict will be straight from the Abyss causing devastating harm to the whole world (Rev 9v1-2, and the seals and trumpets of partial wrath).
To those who understand the pattern of prophecy, the law of God and the testimony of Jesus, the astronomy comes as confirmation. There are limits to what we can learn from nature, but God's word has infinite wisdom. God's law is good and will bless those who keep it. The Scriptures are highlighted in our minds by God's Spirit, provoking good questions and providing the right answers.
Where was the dragon before he appeared?
Scripture describe the Dragon as Bound in the Abyss
The dragon is a fallen angel also called Satan who prowls the earth looking for people to devour. Some of his names are listed in Revelation, the last book of the Bible which describes the final conflicts between good and evil. Thanks to Jesus, the final conflict has been delayed, but it must still come at the appointed time of the end.
The apostle John saw an angel in a vision with the power to chain up the dragon.
“He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations any more until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.” (Rev 20v2-3) (also Rev 12v3 ff)
After making his appearance the dragon will be thrown to earth, (Rev 12v9).
According to the Amillenial view of Revelation 20, the dragon has now been held back for about 2000 years. Satan's greatest defeat occurred at the cross of Christ when Jesus overcame sin and death. Ever since that time God has restrained the dragon so that gospel of truth and life may go out to the ends of the earth. The power of Jesus' victory at the cross is seen in the following verses:
John 12v31
“Now is the time for judgement on this world; now the prince of this world [Satan] will be driven out.”
Col 2v15
“having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”
The dragon was said to be bound for a thousand years and was kept in the Abyss. But the Gospel has now been going out for about 2000 years. This can be seen as a significant discrepancy, however numbers in Revelation are usually more symbolic than literal in meaning. God did not intend to give exact times and dates concerning the appearance of the dragon at end of the age.
After the present time of millennial blessing the dragon “must be set free for a short time.” Rev 20v3, 12v3 ff. This is why we expect that the dragon will re-appear. The dragon's expected appearance is perfectly consistent with the Amillennial view of Revelation 20.
Those with other views on the millennium (and who are no less loved by God on account of their faith and obedience to Christ) like to point out that the world has always been a troublesome place, and still is. They question the Amillennial view by asking,
“In what sense has the dragon been bound for the last 2000 years?”
The dragon is bound to limit what he can do to the church. The church is symbolically spoken of as God's nation, God's city - Jerusalem, the Temple of God and body and bride of Christ. Satan is bound “to keep him from deceiving the nations...” (Rev 20v3), so that they won't all unite to attack God's city (Rev 20v7-9). The final Antichrist and the great tribulation are being held back until the appointed time of the end.
Satan is a very powerful being, very tricky and deceptive, so the fact that faith and the knowledge of God still exists in the 21st century is a testimony to the great restraint that God has placed on the dragon. In the end the dragon will set himself up in the temple (2 Thess 2v4), bringing the final abomination (Mat 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Daniel). This also happened when Judas betrayed Jesus.
The binding of the dragon does not represent his removal from this world any more than Christians can claim to have come out of this world on becoming believers. Both Satan and the Church are still here in this world, but we are “separated”. God's people are “Holy”, and He protects His children from being devoured by the dragon.
The Scriptures teach that the Dragon and his demons were bound about 2000 years ago by Jesus. Since that time, while the Gospel is preached the Kingdom of God continues to advance.
The following verses show how Jesus and His disciples worked to bind Satan and his demons:
In Luke 8, when the Legion of demons who possessed a man saw Jesus, they begged Him not to send them into the Abyss. So Jesus sent them into a herd of pigs, and the pigs ran down a steep bank into the lake and were drowned (Luke 8v30-33).
Jesus set many people free from demons, and the disciples had this same power. After Jesus sent out the 72 to preach that the Kingdom of God was near, they came back rejoicing that “even the demons submit to us in your name” Luke 10v17b. Jesus said,
Luke 10v18
“I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority... to overcome all the power of the enemy”
Luke 11v20 “if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you.”
Since Jesus defeated the dragon we can pray the Lord's prayer,
“your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven... deliver us from the evil one.” - Mat 6v10 & 13.
We can pray this prayer in the faith and with the expectation that God answers this prayer. While the evil one is being held back we experience real kingdom power of heavenly origin.
Luke 22v29
“And I confer on you a kingdom...”
This is the millennial kingdom described in Revelation 20, which is only made possible by Satan's defeat at the cross of Christ. If we are looking for a physical earthly kingdom we are mistaken. Jesus specifically said not to look for such a thing because His kingdom is not of this world.
Luke 17v20b-21
“The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you.”
Believers and followers of Jesus are living and reigning today, not literally in the ultimate eternal kingdom of heaven because that is still to come. Satan still makes his presence felt, however thanks to Jesus' work at the cross to bind up the strong man, and to set sinners free, we are currently living and reigning with Christ.
Rom 5v17b
“...those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.”
We live and reign as a kingdom of priests in God's millennial earthly kingdom, and it is for this purpose that the dragon has been chained up. We have “the first resurrection” - we are born again. We have come to life and we reign.
Revelation 20v4b-6
“They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection.6 Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.”
We serve as priests of God today, (Rev 20v6). This is why the dragon was bound.
Rev 5v10 ESV
“You have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.”
1 Peter 2v5
“you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
1 Peter 2v9
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
Rev 1v5b-6
To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, 6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.
We have the first resurrection today, as part of the millennial kingdom thanks to Satan's defeat at the cross. We have died to sin and are born again. Our first death and rebirth is spiritual. Our second death will be physical but will have no power over us. When Jesus comes again we will experience the second resurrection.
Revelation 20v4b-6
“They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection.6 Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them”
John 5v24-25
“whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life. I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.”
(The first resurrection - John 5v24-27 / Second resurrection - John 5v28-29)
Col 3v1a & 3
“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ set your hearts on things above... For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.”
Eph 2v1-2a, 4-6
“As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air...
(v4)But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.
When interpreted in the Spiritual sense, coming to faith in Jesus and being “born again” is to share in the story of Jesus himself as described by the birth of God’s child in Revelation 12.
Revelation 12v4b-5
“The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. 5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.” And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.”
When we were made alive in Christ the dragon appeared wanting to devour us, but we were snatched up to God's throne spiritually speaking, and the dragon defeated. Ephesians 2 and Revelation 12v1-5 are describing the same thing, but prophecy remains to be fulfilled yet again with one final great drama in the last days.
Before Jesus returns at the end of the millennium the dragon will be let loose again, as described in Revelation 12 and 20. The dragon will escape from the Abyss for a short time during the lifetime of the final generation, but we are cared for, and protected.
Believers and followers of Jesus are the two olive trees or two lamp stands of Revelation 11. The beast who will appear in the last days, who comes up out of the Abyss will not be able to put out those lights until we have finished our testimony, (Rev 11v7).
1 Pet 1v5
“through faith (we) are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.”
The dragon has been bound, kept in the Abyss for a thousand years so that God's kingdom may advance. But when the thousand years is over the dragon will be set free for a short time (Rev 20v3, 7). There are reasons to believe that this “short time” will be the typological 40, 50 or 70 year period referred to in Scripture. It will be for the lifetime of the 'fig tree' generation described in Mat 24v32-34.
In Summary:
The dragon was bound in the Abyss for a thousand years (or now nearly two thousand years). His defeat was by the power of Jesus' death and resurrection. But his defeat isn't yet final. Scripture warns that the dragon will be released again for a little while.
We now observe a remarkable pattern in the eclipses that focuses on 2015, and is full of meaning. On examining the circumstance and cause of this pattern we understand that God has given us a sign. The message is that the dragon has now appeared. The eclipse reversal appears to signal: God's dragon has appeared at the time of the end.
So we may ask, “Where did the dragon appear?”
The dragon appears in God's Throne Room
Observe the war chariot of God
Eclipse astronomy as a whole mirrors the glorious throne room of God. We see this through both the general principles of creation, and in the more specific details of eclipse astronomy where it's structure matches the Biblical picture of God's glorious throne room. The intersecting cycles of lunar and draconic months that create the eclipse cycles resemble the wheels of God's war chariot.
In the beginning when God created the earth, the sky, the sea and the heavenly lights, He made them according to His good character and to reflect His glory, and it was good (Gen 1). God's creation displays His invisible qualities (Rom 1v20), but God is much bigger than this creation. God exists separately, outside and beyond this universe. However, He has designed the universe to reflect His glory.
Psalm 19v1-6
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
5 It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
6 It rises at one end of the heavens
and makes its circuit to the other;
nothing is deprived of its warmth.
Biblical numerology is a powerful communication tool used to describe God's glory and various aspects of his character. In Revelation 4 God's glorious heavenly throne room is described using numbers that paint a word picture of a worship scene. All creation and all God's people are pictured surrounding God's throne in worship. This throne room picture is mirrored in eclipse astronomy.
The ways in which God's glory and power are woven into creation are told using sets of four. Examples include four winds, four seasons, four corners of the land. In John's vision of the heavenly throne room of God he saw four living creatures that surround the throne, worshipping God - Revelation chapter 4.
On the fourth day of creation God made the lights in the sky. He made the Sun, moon, and stars, and said, “Let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years.” (Gen 1v14). God put His glory on display in the heavens on this forth day.
Eclipse astronomy – four great wheels
The number four is important in eclipse astronomy because there are four basic kinds of eclipse: Solar and Lunar eclipses which occur at either the ascending or descending draconic node. These four categories are on display in the Saros-Inex panorama.
The solar and lunar kinds of eclipse are displayed in two separate panoramas. These two panoramas each have a system in which the Saros series are arranged according to the draconic node at which they occur. Odd numbered Saros series occur at the ascending node, and even numbered Saros series occur at the descending node.
These four basic categories of eclipse are the foundation upon which the Saros are organised. In eclipse astronomy these four kinds could be described as four great wheels that drive the whole system.
God's heavenly war chariot
In God's heavenly throne room there are four living creatures surrounding the throne worshipping God. In Ezekiel these four living creatures drive the four great wheels of God's war chariot.
Rev 4v6-8
In the centre, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:
“‘Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty,’
who was, and is, and is to come.”
In chapters 1 and 10 of Ezekiel, these four living creatures are called cherubim, and they drive God's glorious war chariot. The chariot has four wheels, each one made up of two intersecting wheels, and God's glory moves above. These intersecting wheels are exactly like the intersecting cycles of lunar and draconic months that together create the rhythm of the eclipse cycles.
God's war chariot moves into action when the dragon appears in heavenly throne room. There is war:
Rev 12v7-9
Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
Earlier we saw that eclipse cycles consist of both the lunar and draconic months like a pair of wheels which intersect creating eclipses. The four basic kinds of eclipse: lunar and solar occurring at either the ascending or descending nodes can be described as four great pairs of intersecting wheels, exactly like the wheels of God's heavenly war chariot as pictured in Ezekiel's visions.
The glorious war chariot of God:
Ezekiel 1
(1v4-6) “I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north – an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The centre of the fire looked like glowing metal, and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In appearance their form was that of a man, but each of them had four faces and four wings...
...(1v13-14) The appearance of the living creatures was like burning coals of fire or like torches. Fire moved back and forth among the creatures; it was bright, and lightning flashed out of it. The creatures sped back and fourth like flashes of lightning.
(1v15-18) As I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the ground beside each creature with its four faces. This was the appearance and structure of the wheels; They sparkled like chrysolite, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel. As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the creatures faced; the wheels did not turn about as the creatures went. Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were full of eyes all around.
(1v19-21) When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved; and when the living creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose. Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. When the creatures moved, they also moved; when the creatures stood still, they also stood still; and when the creatures rose from the ground, the wheels rose along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
(1v22-24) Spread out above the heads of the living creatures was what looked something like a vault, sparkling like crystal, and awesome. Under the vault their wings were stretched out one toward the other, and each had two wings covering its body. When the creatures moved, I heard the sound of their wings, like the roar of rushing waters, like the voice of the Almighty, like the tumult of an army. When they stood still, they lowered their wings.”
(1v25-28) Then there came a voice from above the vault over their heads as they stood with lowered wings. Above the vault over their heads was what looked like a throne of lapis lazuli, and high above on the throne was a figure like that of a man. I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him. Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him.
“This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. When I saw it, I fell face down, and I heard the voice of one speaking.”
Again in Ezekiel 10 God's war chariot is described as having 4 wheels, each one a wheel intersecting a wheel:
Ezekiel 10v9-10, 13
“I looked and saw beside the cherubim four wheels, one beside each of the cherubim; the wheels sparkled like chrysolite. As for their appearance, the four of them looked alike; each was like a wheel intersecting a wheel...
(v13) I heard the wheels being called “the whirling wheels”.
The four basic categories of eclipse align with the imagery of the intersecting wheels of God's war chariot in a way that provokes much contemplation. The sun and moon were created to “serve as signs to mark seasons, and days and years” (Gen 1v14). According to their design God will rise in his war chariot to do battle at the appointed time.
Stage by stage the glory of God moves up, out and away from the temple of God, as Ezekiel describes, and the sun, moon and stars serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years.
God's complete family with 24 representatives
The throne room of God is described in Revelation 4 as a glorious place of worship in which 24 for elders are seated on 24 thrones around God and his throne. The four living creatures are at the centre surrounding God's throne, and the 24 elders are arranged around them.
The number twenty four represents all God's people having two sets of 12 family groups. These two groups consist of the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 apostles of the Church. Therefore the 24 elders represent all God's people from both before and after the time of Jesus, covering the entire 7000 year span of creation history.
Saros series have 24 groups per 7000 year super cycle
Eclipse astronomy reflects the worship scene of God's heavenly throne room as the Saros series are mathematically proven to have a super cycle of nearly 7000 years during which the solar and lunar series have 12 periods each, or 24 in total. These twelve periods are visible in the Saros-Inex panorama's spikey edges, with just over 18 Saros series (columns) between each major peak.
In 7000 years, or one complete cycle of 223 Saros series, the Saros – Inex panorama has 12 periods with 18 Saros series per period and 7 remainder. (18x12)+7=223 Saros series. The Saros series are therefore accounted for in numbers of symbolic value.
The number 18 has already been discussed in relation to the 6+6+6 year Saros cycle of 18 years, and now it is confirmed in a similar way but on a much larger time scale, 12 times in nearly 7000 years. The Triads that give the Inex cycle a trinity characteristic work to make every third Saros series more alike, producing six groups of three Saros series within each of the 12 periods, another 6+6+6.
The Seven Spirits of God
Where the 12 groups of 18 Saros series represent the 12 tribes or 12 apostles, the 7 remaining series represent the 7 Spirits of God that are described as blazing before the throne of God.
Revelation 4v5b
“In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God.”
Again there is confirmation for the significance of the number 7 through an apparently unrelated mechanism. The seven Spirits of God are again seen in the way that the solar and lunar series relate to each other. They are offset by exactly seven series. The lunar eclipse series reversed between Saros 129 and 130. The solar eclipse series reversed between Saros 136 and 137. The difference between them is seven Saros series.
The Seven Spirits of God:
Isaiah 11v2-3
The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of might,
the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord—
and he will delight in the fear of the Lord.
The Bigger Picture
To lay out the basic facts and time periods involved: The following is an approximation of the time periods involved to help readers understand the concepts, - not a mathematical proof.
A Saros cycle about 18 years
A Saros series with a lifespan of 70 eclipses: 70 x 18 = 1260 years
The actual number of eclipses in a Saros series varies from 69 up to 89. The mathematical average is 72.4, but there is no such thing as 0.4 of an eclipse, so 72 will suffice.
A new Saros series is born and and old one dies at average intervals of about 31.3 years.
The solar and lunar series each have about 40 Saros series living and active at any one time, at various stages of their life cycle.
With a total of 223 Saros series, except for 40, the other series lie dormant.
In nearly 7000 years 223 Saros series will have been born, lived, and died in both the lunar and solar series. These each span 12 peaks in the Saros – Inex panorama, 12 periods or 12 divisions of time. (Mathematical proof by Steven Holmes as below).
This equates to 18 Saros per period for 12 periods and with 7 Saros remainder for both the lunar and solar series. (18 x 12) + 7 = 223
Is there any symbolic significance in the number 223?
The Story of Creation – from beginning to end
It is surprising to observe both 223 lunar months per Saros cycle (18 years and 11 days), and 223 Saros series per 7000 year super cycle (mathematical proof by Steven Holmes below). The number 223 appears twice on separate time scales, both having a fundamental place of importance in the system of eclipse astronomy. Both times the number of mankind – 666 is seen within their rhythms.
But how about the number 223 itself?
There are 223 solar Saros series and 223 lunar Saros series displayed in two separate Saros – Inex panoramas. Combining both gives a total of 446 Saros series in nearly 7000 years, but there are reasons to consider 444 separately, and then the last two.
Four is the number for creation. The more glorious number is 444, which could represent God's creation completed as it will be at the time of the end. With all the various families of mankind symbolised by the Saros series, 444 Saros may represent all creation having come to fruition, from the first and up to but not including the final generation. The last two are to be considered separately.
While 444 Saros series are born, live and then die, the last solar series and lunar series will have a different ending, symbolically speaking. These two may represent those still living on the great and glorious day of the Lord. God has plans to show himself holy through his people in those days, and “holy” means “separate.”
The great 7000 year super cycle is expected to finish a little early, just before the final lunar and solar series have completed their time. Scripture describes the tribulation of the last days saying, “if those days were not cut short no human being would be saved, but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short” (Mat 24v22), and “we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed...” (2Cor 15v51). So it is fitting that the final two Saros series remain alive and active until the end comes.
It is interesting to note that the great tribulation is said in Scripture to be 7 years, or especially 3 and a half which is 42 months or 1260 days. (Rev 11v7-12, 12v6 & 14, 13v5, Daniel 7v25,8v14, 9v27, 12v7-12).
A Saros series with 70 eclipses (the average is 72) will live for 1260 years. Remember the Saros cycle is about 18 years, so 70 x 18 = 1260.
Am I confusing days with years? It is called a week in Dan 9v27 but we understand it to be 7 years, or perhaps just one year for the final generation. Perhaps for God to see the day of suffering come on His beloved people is like to endure a thousand years. Normally that is put the other way around. What matters is that we will be perfectly united in Christ, united in His sufferings so that we may also be united in His glory when He comes.
We are only considering the symbolic meaning, and so precise astronomical time periods are not important. We can't use this information to predict exactly when Jesus will return because it is not for us to know the hour or day. The actual astronomical time periods are not meant to be taken literally, but as Psalm 19 says, God's knowledge is on display in the heavens. The celestial mechanics tell a true story.
With 446 Saros series in almost 7000 years, 444 will be complete, and two will come last. These two are special. Lets consider the final generation once more for confirmation.
The average number of eclipses in a Saros series is 72, so the last two Saros series have about 144 eclipses. This immediately brings to mind the 144000 who are sealed from the 12 tribes of Israel, the tribulation saints. It is especially fitting given that the Saros series have 12 groups of series. The order and numerical structure is again very Biblical.
Considering these two final Saros series, solar and lunar: God made us male and female. There were two houses of Israel, two witnesses in Revelation 11 and Jesus sent out 72 disciples two by two, (Luke 10v1-24). With an average of 72 eclipses per Saros series this seems especially significant. Our Creator is awesome, and there is lots for contemplation.
The most stunning aspect of the numerology in eclipse astronomy is the way it matches the glorious throne room of God. The details match beautifully and the symbolic meaning seems to be designed especially for this purpose. It cannot be made up by humans, we just observe and give praise to God for His glory on display in creation.
The 7000 year cycle and the eternal nature – mathematical proof
Eclipse astronomy reveals an enormous amount about God through the glory of His creation. Using symbols of light and dark, the sun, earth and moon move in ways that speak of the ultimate struggle between good and evil that will take place at the end of the age.
Psalm 19v2 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.”
The eclipse reversal is a pattern of symmetry that emanates from the 5th of January 2015. All eclipses taking place after that date now mirror corresponding eclipses that took place prior to that date. The pattern expands outwards in perfect chronological sequence, and with stunning geometric beauty — for ever.
The eclipse reversal was caused by an interaction between two important eclipse cycles: the Saros and the Inex.
The Inex is known for providing order to the Saros series, being named for the way it marks the “In”-coming of new Saros, and the “Ex” (exit) of the old. Therefore the rhythm of the Inex reveals the cause of the phenomenon.
The Inex has a perfect relationship with the draconic month. There is almost no margin of error, its rhythm is exact. This gives the Inex a kind of immortality, and allows it to behave as “King” of the eclipse cycles.
The Inex has a cycle period of exactly:
777 draconic months!
Symbolically, this speaks of:
“God’s Dragon!”
The eclipse reversal reveals God’s Dragon in 2015, at a time of great religious significance: at the very centre of the well known Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014 and 2015. This draws attention to God’s appointed times.
The reversal took place on the 5th of January — Epiphany Eve.
Epiphany speaks of “Appearance”. Traditionally on the 12th day of Christmas we remember the appearance of Jesus as the Son of God, to the world. But on Epiphany Eve we remember the Heavenly Sign that the wise men followed to the new born Christ child.
This heavenly sign is telling us:
God’s Dragon has Appeared!
The sign of the dragon is foretold in Revelation 12 along with the birth of the Christ child — “A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven.” (Revelation 12v1).
God’s woman gives birth to His child right in front of the dragon (Rev 12v4). This occurred on the 23rd September 2017 with amazing perfection, in the precise astronomical circumstances given in Revelation 12v1-2.
We have now seen the apparent fulfillments of both heavenly signs described in Revelation 12. Therefore we should expect the conflict that takes place when God’s child is born.
Please continue looking into these things with me so that we may test the prophecy. If true, we are considering the birth of the final generation.
To understand the calamity that takes place when God’s child is born we must study Jesus.
The final generation is expected to fulfil prophecy according to the testimony of Jesus as revealed in typology throughout the Old Testament.
In short, it means war, but we need not fear. God always keeps his family safe during the vulnerable time of birth. An escape is revealed for both mother and child.
The great journey of the final generation is about to begin.