Daniel 11 Prophecy

The purpose of the Daniel 11-12 prophecy is to reveal Jesus. Bible prophecy always reveals Jesus and begins with a moment of birth. The focus of the Cross2Victory Mission is Daniel 11v36-44 which describes the end times birth when world events will begin revealing the ultimate ‘lived testimony’ of Jesus.

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Revelation 19v10b

The idea of an end times birth and a final ‘lived testimony’ that reveals Jesus is an unfamiliar concept, but most Bible teachers who consider this system of interpretation agree that the approach is Biblical, and very interesting. It is important to understand that lived testimonies are life long patterns:
1 — Birth with a miraculous escape,
2 — Life and ministry,
3 — Death and resurrection.
Therefore prophecy spans not just 7 years but perhaps 70 years, or similar.

The hermeneutic is explained with easier examples on the Cross2Victory homepage: URGENT MESSAGE and in VIDEOS on the YouTube channel. The study here of Daniel 11 will be much easier to follow if you are familiar with how other prophetic patterns reveal the life of Jesus from other Biblical moments of birth. There are many patterns in Scripture that reveal the ‘lived testimony’ of Jesus, and Daniel chapters 11 — 12 describe the final pattern in fascinating detail.

Biblical moments of birth always reveal the struggle of repentance with a symbolic flesh / spirit war or a calamity to escape. Jesus escaped a slaughter of the innocent as a baby. Daniel 11v36-44 describes an end times war in the Middle East that leads up to a ‘King Herod’ moment of destruction in verse 44. The climax will almost certainly be world war three, a major nuclear war.

The war described in Daniel 11 grows into a regional war, and continues to spread. An American invasion of the Middle East is expected leading up to the climax, a clash of super powers. Verse 44 clearly resembles the slaughter of the innocent which Jesus escaped.

But reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many.” — Daniel 11v44.

In Jesus’ time Magi brought ‘reports from the east and the north’ that alarmed King Herod, today the ‘east’ would be China, and the ‘north’ Russia. On a personal note, I had a powerful vision in 2015 in which I saw Donald Trump as the King Herod figure. Just as Jesus escaped King Herod, and spiritually through repentance we escape the enemy of sin when we are ‘born again’, likewise through an act of ‘symbolic repentance’ God will help the final generation of his people escape the destruction of a nuclear war.

We currently have many signs of birth, the greatest being the Revelation 12 sign of 2017 which seems to perfectly parallel the star that the ancient Magi saw. Biblical ‘moments of birth’ often come with a seven year warning. Sometimes we see 2 year, one year, and third month or 50 day / 40 day signs. In light of the Revelation 12 sign of 2017, and other impressive signs of birth, if the events of Daniel 11v36-44 continue to unfold as expected with respect to war in the Middle East, given that birth generally happens approximately on time, a modern day slaughter of the innocent, or world war three can be expected to climax in about the latter part of 2024, or around that time.

The child born in Revelation 12 escaped the dragon or Satan, which is clearly a picture of repentance. When God’s people hear his warning with the help of our spiritual parents we escape the power of sin and death just as Jesus escaped King Herod, Moses escaped Pharoah, and Noah escaped the flood. Those who watch and see the storm coming ahead of time prepare a place in the ark of God’s grace, and when he pours out his Spirit on all flesh we are saved. The ‘latter rain’ will bring destruction to all who live for the flesh but the Christ child generation of the last days will rejoice in the spirit at having a new beginning. We will have a powerful end times ministry in the post apocalyptic world until the great commission is complete.

Finally, sometime in the more distant future before this generation passes away (Mat 24v34) there will be a final moment of distress (Daniel 12v1), and then Jesus will return. Death is a great distress, which Daniel also calls, an ‘abomination that causes desolation’, and it comes at a time we cannot predict. Therefore the time of the second coming of Jesus will remain unknown until the final antichrist arrives like a terminal illness, by which time the ministry will be complete. Jesus will return to save his people and to judge the wicked.

IMPORTANT UPDATE — October 2023, Hamas attack:

The Middle East phase of the Daniel 11 war has evidently begun at exactly the time predicted by the signs that God gave us. Coming just after the sixth anniversary of the Revelation 12 sign of 2017, it seems that the approximate one year warning has come at exactly the time it was expected. As a seven year sign the Revelation 12 sign points to the latter part of 2024, or around that time for the end times birth, so the prophecy is now coming true as expected. During the next year or so we can expect to see the events of Daniel 11v40-44

War with Iran expected in 2023, and WW3 in about 2024

Daniel 11v36-12v13 describes end times events in a lot of detail. Signs indicate that these events will begin in about 2023 with a war in the Middle East that grows to produce a King Herod moment of destruction (v44). God’s people are able to care for each other and help many people escape. The Daniel 11 prophecy is of key importance. In 2015 I had a powerful vision in which I saw Donald Trump as the King Herod figure of verse 36 and verse 44 is expected to be nuclear war. God’s ark of protection is needed.

Daniel’s Last Vision

The last vision in the book of Daniel spans chapters 10-12.

Daniel 10v1
Its message was true and it concerned a great war.

Daniel 11v36-44 describes a great war at the time of the end;

He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god… and will distribute the land for a reward. — Daniel 11v39.

The ‘mightiest fortresses’ indicates that this war will grow to become the greatest possible conflict between the world’s superpowers — nuclear war. Daniel goes on to explain how this will happen;

At the time of the end the king of the South will engage him in battle, and the king of the north will storm out against him with chariots and cavalry and a great fleet of ships. He will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood.” — Daniel 11v40.

Following the Hamas attack of 7th October 2023, Israel is now engaging in battle against the proxies of Iran, and America is gathering many ships in anticipation of a larger regional war. The greatest threat is Iran’s nuclear program which is ready for breakout. War will spread as described in verses 41-44, and for Israel it will represent the end of their modern testimony.

Without understanding how prophecy reveals Jesus from Biblical moments of birth, many people assume that this war will bring the final Antichrist to power, but prophetic events actually begin with a King Herod figure. We actually see two end times conflicts in prophecy, the first is “like a flood” (v40-44) which can be escaped as Jesus escaped King Herod. The second occurs at the end involving blood sacrifice and “a great distress”, a moment of the cross, but it brings “everlasting life.” (Dan 12v1-3).

The System of Interpretation:

Prophecy reveals Jesus symbolically. It reveals the whole pattern of his life from birth, and is lived out through time.

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Revelation 19v10

A testimony has a simple three part pattern: Birth, Life & Death. It can be called, “a time, times and half a time.” — Dan 12v7.

This is the one who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ. He did not come by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth. For there are three that testify:  the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.” — 1 John 5v6-8

  1. There is ‘a time’ for birth. (A struggle and an escape) .

    — The ‘water’ and the ‘flood’ relates to birth or baptism.

  2. There are ‘times’ for life and ministry.
    — We live by ‘the Spirit who testifies’.

  3. There is ‘half a time’ for death, (or a time “cut short” Mat 24v22).
    — ‘Blood’ relates to death. Blood sacrifice involves ‘great distress’, but it is followed by resurrection.

Prophecy is based on the testimony of Jesus (Rev 19v10), and we are called to follow him. The true journey of life in Christ is always spiritual in nature and goes largely unseen. But sometimes, at God’s appointed time, the journey is expressed apocalyptically. At these times outwardly visible events occur in a pattern that through time produces a symbolic resemblance of the life of Jesus among God's people.

The Daniel 11-12 prophecy describes God’s plan of end times events when we will act together to reveal Jesus to the world apocalyptically.

Prophecy forms a Lived Testimony

The prophecy of Daniel 11v36-12v3 is a three part testimony for the last days. “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Rev 19v10. It describes the birth, life, death and resurrection of the final generation, explaining how we will reveal Jesus to the world symbolically:

    World War Three will be “like a flood” (a water baptism) and will lead to a King Herod moment of destruction and the slaughter of the innocent as the final generation is born. (Daniel 11v36-44).

    Jesus escaped King Herod, so in the last days God will also help us to escape the modern equivalent — nuclear war. Many lives will be saved.

    According to various examples,
    the journey of the final generation could be 40, 50, 70, or maybe 80 years. How long? We only know that these events will all happen within a human lifespan (Mat 24v34).

    Jesus lived during the time of the Roman empire, so we will work to complete the great commission during a time of world government, or “royal tents”. (Daniel 11v45).

    Armageddon, the abomination of “great distress” (blood sacrifice / a baptism of fire) which comes at the end of the final generation and relates to the moment of the cross. (Daniel 12v1-3).

A lived testimony always involves two conflicts, a King Herod moment at the time of birth (Dan 11v44), and a moment of the cross at the end (Dan 12v1). To understand the journey of the final generation of God's people we simply need to study the pattern of the life of Jesus.

The birth is of special interest to us today because we have the signs of birth, most notably the Revelation 12 sign of 2017 which presents the escape of God's family from the dragon at the time of birth.

When Jesus escaped King Herod and the slaughter of the innocent he was symbolically escaping the dragon, or Satan as we see in Revelation 12. This is a symbolic picture of repentance. We escape the power of sin and death when we are born again by acting in repentance. The spiritual birth is most important, but the end times birth will give us opportunity to demonstrate repentance apocalyptically as we escape the destruction caused by nuclear war.

The Structure of Daniel 11 and 12:

Daniel’s usual method is to present his visions twice, firstly to describe ancient events, and secondly to explain end times events. Jesus is revealed both times giving us two witnesses.

Chapters 11-12 presents the testimony of Jesus twice:
— The first pattern (11v1-35) relates to ancient Greek times.
— The second pattern (11v36-12v13) is for the last days.

The first pattern was for the Greek period. It reveals the journey of salvation symbolically with a three part pattern of birth, life and death:

  1. The ancient world conquered by Alexander the Great (v2-4).
    — Alexander the Great and King Herod the Great have similarities. It is encouraging to note that as moments of 'birth' neither Israel nor Jesus were harmed.

  2. Greece ruled the world (v5-30) until…
    — and Jesus’ life and ministry was during the Roman Empire until…

  3. The abomination that causes desolation (v31-35).
    — Jesus was crucified: death (and resurrection).

The abomination was a very severe persecution caused by Antiochus IV Epiphanes as recorded in the books of Maccabees. In 165 BC it was the last historical event of Old Testament history.

The second pattern presents a similar birth, life, death and resurrection testimony, but this one is specifically for the last days when the time comes for us to reveal Jesus apocalyptically:

  1. A war will move through the Middle East at the time of end leading up to a King Herod moment of destruction (Dan 11v36-44).
    — About war, Jesus says “See that you are not alarmed… the end is NOT yet… All these are but the beginning of birth pains.” (Mat 24v6-8).

  2. A world government: “he will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain.” (Dan 11v45).

    — In Revelation 13 the beast comes up out of the sea (v1) and takes God’s place. As usual there will be some persecution, but the ministry of the gospel will continue (Mat 24v9-14). Eventually people will be saying “peace and safety” — 1 Thess 5v3.

  3. A great distress and the resurrection of the dead (Dan 12v1-3).
    — There will be a final abomination (Mat 24v15-28), but if we share in the sufferings of Christ we will share in his glory when he comes (Rom 8v17).

The pattern in Daniel 11v36 - 12v3 is consistent with the life of Jesus, but this prophecy is specifically describing the journey of the final generation.

The war that relates to birth pains sits parallel to Alexander the Great’s conquest of the ancient world, and describes what may prove to be an American invasion of the Middle East beginning with Iran and spreading as described in verses 40-43 until it reaches the climax of verse 44;
[October 2023 update: the current war between Israel and Hamas can be viewed as a proxy war between the greater powers of America and Iran — the beginning of this conflict which will spread during the next few months to involve many other countries before the climax comes...]

But reports from the east and the north will alarm him and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many.” — Dan 11v44.

When Jesus was little ‘reports from the east’ came by the wise men, and King Herod was ‘alarmed’. Jesus escaped the slaughter of the infants, so we have good reason to be optimistic about the end times birth, but we need to be alert.

In today’s context the east is China, and the North is Russia. If America is in the Middle East this will be a full scale nuclear exchange between the world’s superpowers. Therefore the escape from the calamity at the time of birth is like escaping the dragon (Rev 12). It will require an exodus from the cities.

Out of Egypt I called my Son.” — Mat 2v15.

Escaping nuclear war will be a symbolic act of repentance, and a miraculous act of salvation by God’s grace as the end times journey begins.

In other examples of birth we see Noah escaped the flood, Joseph escaped the famine in Egypt, and Immanuel means ‘God with us’ when the King of Assyria destroyed the land as the birth of Jesus was foretold. The church was born on the day of Pentecost with reference in Acts 2 to the prophet Joel who described a great war to come when the day of the lord is ‘near’.

These examples and more are described on this page: God’s Plan.
The Bible may be summarised as A Chiasm of Testimonies that reveal Jesus.
By studying these patterns we may learn a lot about the journey of the final generation.

A Vision: the final ‘King Herod’ conflict.

Prophecy always points to Jesus, and begins with an escape from calamity at the moment of birth. The second last great war in world history relates to ‘the beginning of birth pains’, and may be called the final ‘King Herod’ conflict.

On a personal note, due to a powerful vision that God gave me in 2015, I believe Donald Trump will be the King Herod figure at the birth of the final generation, (among others).

In the weeks and months following the vision I learned of some amazing signs that are pointing to the final King Herod conflict. The Revelation 12 sign of 2017 is most important, and is understood to be a seven year warning pointing to a climax of war in about the latter part of 2024, or around that time.

Having looked at the structure of Daniel’s last vision we are now ready to look at the end times prophecy in more detail. A more detailed discussion of the first section, the Greek period is available via the link below:

Daniel 11v1-35 — The Greek Story.

Daniel 11v36 ff — The End Times

The second section of Daniel’s vision, Dan 11v36-12v13 speaks of events to occur “At the time of the end” (Dan 11v40). These events remain unfulfilled in history, as many Bible commentators agree. That makes this passage especially interesting.

Some who disagree try to apply this section to the life of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, even while admitting that the events described don’t fit what is known about his life. They try to make excuses, or some even suggest this is a failed prophecy, obviously not believing that God tells us the future.

Those who do believe that God reveals the future understand that Daniel saw a vision of a war to come at the time of the end.

A boastful king is described (Dan 11v36-39) who will engage in a war “at the time of the end”. He will invade many countries “like a flood” (v40-43). The conflict will result in a great destruction: “But reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many.” (Dan 11v44)

Due to a vision, I believe verse 44 will be nuclear war, and will happen with the second coming of Donald Trump to office.

But the end will not come right away...

How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?
…“It will be for a time, times and half a time…” (Dan 12v6-7)

According to the pattern of prophecy the three times, or three parts in the journey of the last days will reflect the pattern of the life of Jesus:
— Birth and Escape, (a time)
— Life and Ministry / world gov, (times)
— Death and Resurrection, (half a time).

  1. World war three can be expected to begin with an invasion of the Middle East at the time of the end. The war will move from north to south through the whole region and into the North of Africa. (Daniel 11v40-43). Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Israel is preparing an attack (v40). [October 2023 update: the conflict has begun as a proxy war between Israel and Hamas and is destined to spread.] The coming invasion is expected to be lead by America. The American ally, Jordan escapes (v41).

    The climax in verse 44 points to nuclear war.

  2. World government, Dan 11v45:
    He will pitch is royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain
    — Government authority between the people and God. World war one produced the League of Nations, world war two produced the United Nations, so world war three will produce a whole new beast.

  3. The end, Dan 12v1-2:
    At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
    — The great tribulation is a crisis of the cross. It will be followed by the great resurrection of the dead and the final judgement.

This is the structure of the prophecy that speaks most directly to the birth and life long journey of the final generation.

Daniel 11v36-12v3: A Closer Look

The second part of Daniel’s final vision begins with a description in vs 36-39 of the character and power of the conqueror who will come at the end.

The king is introduced as being very arrogant: “The king will do as he pleases.” — v36. The same Hebrew phrase is used in verse 3b to describe Alexander the Great. This parallel is significant given that Alexander conquered the whole known world in lightning speed.

When Alexander the Great died his kingdom was divided into four parts, going to “the four winds of heaven.” — Dan 11v4. When King Herod the Great died his kingdom was also divided into four parts, the Roman Tetrachy. When Hitler died as Germany was defeated in WW2 the conquered parts of Europe were divided into four parts between France, England, America and Russia. Four is symbolic for the whole earth, N, S, E, and W.

Alexander the Great is like King Herod the Great, or the Great King of Assyria during Immanuel’s time, and now we have ‘Make America Great’

The king will “exalt and magnify himself”,
he will say “unheard of things”,
He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed…” v36.

I had a powerful vision in 2015 after Trump announced that he was running for office. I saw him as the King Herod figure of the last days. The vision was life changing for me. I was deeply shocked, but felt greatly awakened, and energised. It inspired me to prepare for this mission so that we may be ready to help many people escape.

Verse 36 describes the character of Trump, and many signs are strongly pointing to his return to office to fulfil prophecy, especially the 777 signs. Be aware, there is talk about making Trump speaker of the house at some point. If this happens, terrorists could make Trump president again sooner than we would otherwise expect. However it seems likely that Biden will begin the initial invasions described in verses 40-43.

Biden and Iran:

When conflict begins it seems likely that many of the world’s trouble spots could erupt. The Bible doesn’t give details on events in far away places, but it does predict a certain conflict that will move through the Middle East.

Daniel 11v40-43 describes a sequence of invasions in the Middle East that will move through many countries “like a flood” (v40). This leads up to the major calamity of verse 44 which is the main focus of this entire study — nuclear war.

The invasion through the Middle East will move from north to south as described in vs 40-43.

UPDATE: In January 2022 Putin surrounded Ukraine, and in February war began as Russia attacked Ukraine. A few months later Iran became involved and is supporting Russia. This war began seven years after the Eclipse Reversal of January 2015. Now that the seven year warning sign of the dragon is confirmed we can be more certain that the end times birth will also come on time, about seven years after the sign of September 2017.

Iran in the north is currently working to develop nuclear weapons. President Biden and Netanyahu in Israel have vowed to put a stop to it. When conflict begins America will be drawn in to support Israel.

It will take several months, or possibly over a year for the invasions to occur as described in verses 40-43, so this will give us the much needed time to prepare survival plans and move out of the cities so that many lives may be saved.

Modern Israel

He will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood. He will also invade the Beautiful Land.” v40b-41. If I understand correctly, an American invasion would be in support of Israel as the enemies of Israel seek her destruction. Sadly it seems likely that this conflict will be something of an abomination to Modern Israel.

Modern Israel from 1948 to 2023. The final generation from 2024 to the second coming of Jesus.

The diagram above was created for the 6th youtube video and published on 7th March 2023: WW3 - Israel, Iran and America. Patterns that Reveal Jesus in Bible Prophecy.

Modern Israel were born out of WW2 where Hitler was the King Herod figure, and a third of the Jewish people of the world were killed. Six million died during the holocaust which was one third of the total population of 18 million Jews around the world. The holocaust is a sign because WW3 can be expected to kill a third of the people of the whole word (Rev 9v15).

Now as the 75 year pattern of Modern Israel appears to be nearing completion this war looks poised to begin, and as seen in other prophetic patterns the end of a testimony comes as a scattering / gathering event. In light of the one third judgement at moment of birth the completion of prophecy involves a two thirds judgement. Zechariah describes the two thirds scattering judgement in Zechariah 13:

Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered; I will turn my hand against the little ones.
8 In the whole land, declares the Lord, two thirds shall be cut off and perish, and one third shall be left alive.
9 And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them…”
— Zechariah 13v7b-9a.

Thankfully this is not the final pattern, so I hope the two thirds judgement may be primarily in symbolic form, possibly as a scattering of Jewish people out of Israel during the Daniel 11 war. A two thirds literal death of the Jewish people would be horrible, so we pray not, but given that the one third death was literal at the time of the birth of the nation there is reason to be concerned. I don’t know what form the two thirds judgement will take. Obviously a symbolic death like a scattering event would be preferable to literal death. Because the end of the penultimate pattern relates symbolically to repentance I think a scattering event is more fitting. Pray for Israel.

It is common in Old Testament typology to see two typological patterns revealing Jesus one after the other, and sharing the same central event where they meet which comes as a ‘God moment’. For example as shown in the Chiasm of Biblical Testimonies the Exodus was the end of slavery in Egypt, and the birth of the ancient nation of Israel as a free people. They saw God on Mount Sinai (Exodus 24v10), and God journeyed with them through the wilderness to the promised land.
Or another example was the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple by Nebuchadnezzar was the end of their unfaithfulness in the land but the birth of the ‘Daniel pattern’, being delivered from the fiery furnace by one like ‘a son of the gods’ (Dan 3v25). They had a good life and ministry in Babylon.

Therefore, if this war marks a serious endpoint for Modern Israel it will coincide with the birth of the final generation as our end times journey really begins. Isaiah said, “we are signs and symbols in Israel.” The signs always come first, then the reality.

Another pattern and amazing sign is seen in the life of Abram who was born in the year 1948 after creation, and was 75 years old in Genesis 12v4 when God called him to the land of Canaan. This happened in the Jewish year 2023 after creation. More information: Abram b.1948 Called 2023.

The Daniel 11 war continued (verses 41b-43):

Verse 41 gives us further evidence that this will be an American invasion: “Edom, Moab and the leaders of Ammon will be delivered from his hand.” These regions make up the modern day country of Jordan which is an American ally.

The invasion will continue southwards into Egypt, and he will take control of the wealth of Egypt, with Libya and Nubia (Ethiopia and / or Northern Sudan in submission, (v42-43). The Suez Canal carries twelve percent of global trade giving Egypt enormous strategic importance.

At some point during this time, if my vision proves to be true, Trump will become president again, probably shortly before the destruction foretold in verse 44. Trump’s return may trigger an Exodus of Christians from the cities in about ‘the third month’ or possibly about 40 or 50 days prior to the nuclear war. These warnings, and timing of birth is explained in the lower part of the page called: seven year warning.

An Act of Rage:

But reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many.” — Daniel 11v44.

Consider how v44 relates to the birth of Jesus: Reports from the east came by the wise men, to King Herod, and Jesus escaped the slaughter of the infants. Jesus’ escape from King Herod is of great encouragement to us. Symbolically it reveals repentance.

But please be alert: Today the east is China, the north is Russia, and if America invades the Middle East as described in Dan 11v40-43, we will need to urgently prepare to make a good escape from a full scale nuclear war. God promises to give his people success!

If these events unfold as expected please be alert to the possibility that the destruction (nuclear war) may happen very soon after Trump's return to office. The timing is explained towards the bottom of this article: Seven Year Warning

The second coming of Trump is to resemble the second coming of Jesus — with wrath revealed from heaven. However Trump and WW3 will not bring the end of the world. Jesus says not to fear wars and rumours of war. “Such things must happen but the end is not yet.” World war three will be “just the beginning of birth pains.” — Mat 24v6-8.

The Cross2Victory ministry is on high alert for this coming flood of war, seeking to help as many people as possible to be ready to make a successful escape.

With God’s help we will be able to care for each other and continue living in His blessing, so that we may continue the work of the Gospel in the post apocalyptic world, proclaiming the good news about Jesus after the war.

Adam, Noah, Joseph, Immanuel & Bethlehem:

The nuclear war of v44 will destroy much of the world in just an hour, but the effects of radiation pollution will be ongoing. It will be like the fall of mankind, the original sin of Adam and Eve when birth pains originally came and the ground was cursed, Gen 3v16-18.

I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.” — Isaiah 46v10.

The nuclear winter will be like Noah’s flood or Joseph’s 7 year famine — a world wide event, but we needn’t fear. Immanuel means, God is with us. It is not the end, just a birth.

This will be “the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.” — Rev 3v10.

War is likely to begin very soon, so please bring this prophecy to the attention of all those who have the Bible knowledge needed to understand the message, who are able to test it and who can help make preparations, acting with valuable foresight to save many people’s lives.

Daniel 11v36-43 will either confirm or deny the urgency the message. By watching these verses we will know whether or not this prophecy is for our time. In this way the prophecy can be tested.

If found true, this message will be a great blessing to all those who take action to prepare a ‘Bethlehem’, to get a stable ready with excellent ‘manger’ facilities, or an ark, helping many people to make a good escape before the disaster strikes.

At times of birth God blesses his people, and our blessings overflow. We have opportunity to help many people. By acting in faith to help as many people as possible God will open the door of many hearts to receive the gospel. God gives his people success at times of birth. A powerful ministry will begin ‘afterwards’ (Joel 2v28).

World Government

After Jesus escaped King Herod and the slaughter of the infants his life and ministry began, but it was during the time of the Roman Empire. Moments of birth do not bring the end of the world yet. Instead it brings world government which is where God’s people share the gospel and greatly multiply:

He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.” — Daniel 11v45

In prophetic writings the seas represent the people of the world, and the mountain is God’s place. So here we see government authority between the people and God, which is normal world government behaviour.

In Revelation 13 the beast will come up out of the sea. Mar-a-lago means sea to lake — ‘between the seas’. The lady who built Trump’s resort somehow knew that it would be for the American president. Initially we see examples of a good relationship between such governments and God’s people, so the Gospel work will go on. Jesus and the early church lived and served God during the Roman empire.

The End: Daniel 12v1-3

The end involves death and resurrection. The final battle is where the greatest victory is won. Jesus accomplish this for us at the cross. It is the greatest suffering ever, but brings the greatest glory (Dan 12v1-3). We can’t avoid death and judgement, but by faith we know we will be victorious in Christ.

The final battle is not a military battle between nations, although it can be presented that way, for example Gog and Magog (Exe 38-39), Armageddon (Rev 16v16). This actually happens through a decree that is issued as an act of betrayal, causing a great persecution (Dan 6, Esther).

This is the Judas moment in the testimony of Jesus.

This moment of great suffering at the end is called, the abomination that causes desolation. It is also described in 2 Thessalonians 2 when the man of lawlessness sets himself up in the temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

The temple is the body of Christ.

The final suffering described in Daniel 12v1 occurs when Michael arises, and protection is removed (2 Thess 2v6-7).

At that time the saints are defeated Dan 7v21 & 25, Rev 13v7-10. Here the time, times and half a time, represents all the suffering of a lifetime condensed into three and a half years, or 42 months, or 1260 days, or more specifically the number given in Dan 12v12.

When the power of the holy people has finally been broken all these things will be completed.” — Dan 12v7b.

But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.” — Rev 10v7

It is finished.” — John 19v30.
It is done.” — Rev 21v6.
We will Cross 2 Victory.

Prophecy has many fulfilments:

Patterns of events that reveal the life of Jesus are found throughout the Bible. To understand more about the birth and journey of the final generation we should explore the examples given throughout Scripture.

Prophecy works on multiple levels, but always beginning at birth, and serving to reveal the pattern of the testimony, or life story of Jesus.
— Prophecy was fulfilled many times in Old Testament times to foreshadow Jesus typologically.
— Prophecy was fulfilled perfectly by Jesus himself
— Prophecy was fulfilled by the early church from Pentecost to 70 AD.
— Prophecy is being fulfilled in us as we follow Jesus in spirit and truth.
— Prophecy is also being fufilled in Modern Israel as a sign to us today.
— Prophecy points ahead to the journey of the final generation which can be expected to resemble the life of Jesus one last time before he returns.

UPDATE OCTOBER 2023 — Hamas Attack

The 7th October 2023 attack by Hamas on Israel came two weeks after the sixth anniversary of the Revelation 12 sign of 2017. This is believed to be the an approximate one year warning because, the Revelation 12 sign is recognized as a seven year warning for the end times birth — WW3, and the Daniel 11 war is expected to take about a year to reach the climax. The sign of Abraham, born 1948, called 2023 AM is also particularly significant with respect to Israel. Hamas means ‘violence’ in Hebrew, and first appears in Genesis 6v11 & 13 when ‘hamas’ caused Noah’s flood. Now again, ‘Hamas’ (violence) is bringing WW3. Many more signs are listed in the menu above.

During the next few months events are expected to develop as described in Daniel 11v40-44, as was explained in this article, and throughout the Cross2Victory website. A full scale nuclear war is expected in the latter part of 2024 or around that time. God will help us to prepare.


The current war between Israel and Hamas is essentially a proxy war between America and Iran. During the last three years of mission I have been sharing my expectation of an American war with Iran prior to the big nuclear war. I had a vision about Iran in 2003. The current war between Israel and Hamas is very much in line with expectations and will soon become a full scale reginal war.

The largest foreign supporter of Hamas is Iran. Other militant groups currently attacking Israel include Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen which are also Iranian backed proxies. More Iranian backed militant groups in Syria, Iraq and beyond are currently preparing for a major war against Israel and America. This war is destined to continue spreading through many countries as described in Daniel 11v40-44 in the lead up to nuclear war.


In November 2020 I began travelling full time for the Cross2Victory mission sharing this prophecy and during the last three years have now met several thousand Christian leaders. The first two signs in my usual presentation are: The Revelation 12 sign of 2017, and the Genesis chronology showing that Abram was born in 1948 AM, and called 2023 AM. With these and other signs now proving true it is increasingly important to continue testing the prophecy. God certainly appears to be calling us to prepare for nuclear war as an apocalyptic form of repentance.

During the next few months the events of Daniel 11v36-44 are expected in the Middle East, and conflicts are highly likely in other parts of the world too. According to a powerful life changing vision that God gave me in 2015, the nuclear war will happen shortly after the second coming of Donald Trump to office which could be early 2025. However the Revelation 12 sign points to the latter part of 2024 so be alert to a possible surprise second coming to office. The speaker of the house position is interesting in that regard being second in the line of succession.

Having kept a diary of the people I’ve met in the Eastern and Southern states of Australia during the last three years of mission, now it is time to start re-visiting and contacting people to remind them of the urgent need for action. Any help that you and others can offer to get this message out will be greatly appreciated. By God’s grace many lives will be saved and then we can look forward to the outpouring of God’s Spirit and a great world wide revival which God promises will come “afterwards” (Joel 2v28). A powerful ministry lies ahead for the final generation of believers. The end times birth will serve greatly to advance the gospel.

Please continue testing this prophecy, praying for God’s wisdom and alerting as many people as possible. I am calling for a coordinated Christian effort, and to work with whoever is willing to plan and prepare for nuclear war so that we may be ready and able to care for each other, and as many people as possible. God will give us success.