Christian Response

Many Christians respond with interest and are grateful to have these things brought to their attention.

Many express a degree of caution. Some caution is always wise. This is a lot of information and the idea of an end times birth comes as a new concept, so people need time to consider it, to test and to pray.

Most people acknowledge that it could be true. But it needs testing. So a theological conversation is usually welcomed.

This is the best response. We should be driven to God’s word to seek understanding, with much prayer and fasting. God promises to give us the wisdom we need.

I began reaching out to church leaders with this message in May 2019 with a focus on the theology of birth in light of the Revelation 12 signs of 2017 and 2015.

The ultimate test of any prophecy is whether or not it comes true.

While most responses are positive there can be some unhelpful responses, but signs like these can be quite provocative so gentleness and sensitivity is required.

On one extreme some Christians can become greatly excited and overly fixated on the signs. Many ministers and pastors fear this kind of response from their members.

On the other extreme some Christians object to even considering signs or down-play them as much as possible. There are a variety of reasons for this:

Special end times signs can be considered a distraction from the gospel. A leader’s concern is that it may become an unwelcome disturbance that causes fear or even division.

This was also the case when the Magi met King Herod telling him about the star and the new born king. “When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.” — Mat 2v3.

Others can be quick to dismiss signs saying, ‘There are always signs…’ often citing Matthew 24v36, that no one knows about that day or hour, not even Jesus, only the Father.

But we are actually considering the birth of the final generation, not the end. The concept can be hard to grasp.

There is a fair bit of confusion. I have even heard it said,
‘Jesus said not to look for signs.’
But they are thinking of the sudden appearing of Jesus at the end of the age, which is a different matter as discussed here:
No Sign of the End.

As the signs of war get stronger I expect people’s interest will grow. If this understanding proves to be true, and inspired by God’s Spirit I am sure that by God’s grace many believers will be able to work together to achieve an excellent result.

We will need to start networking together to share information on how to prepare well to escape some serious birth-pains.

With God’s help we are certain to be successful. For those who are walking in the Spirit with faithful obedience, God promises to keep his family safe at that vulnerable moment of birth.