The Birth of Israel

Joshua & Moses’ Story

Passing through the waters of the Red Sea, and coming to Mount Sinai, the Exodus represents the birth and baptism of the nation of Israel (1 Cor 10v2). So another prophetic story begins.

  1. Coming into the wilderness Israel had escaped Egypt, but then they faced the wrath of God at Mount Sinai. Again Israel thought they would die, but God was there to bless his people, and to covenant with them.

  2. Israel wondered for 40 years in the wilderness because of sin

  3. Moses gave his final prophecy, and was gathered to his people. Joshua lead Israel across the Jordan on dry ground, a second Exodus as they entered the Promised Land. They were circumcised, celebrated Passover, and were victorious at the battle of Jericho.

This pattern resembles the life of Jesus, and reveals the journey of Salvation. Joshua was a young man when he came out from Egypt, and his Hebrew name, Yeshua is the name Jesus, and means, ‘salvation’.


Israel reveals the life story of Jesus.

Out of Egypt I called my son.” — Matthew 2v15b

The exodus represents birth.

Israel is my firstborn son.” — Exodus 4v22b

Three months into their journey they arrived at Mount Sinai (Ex 19v1-2). This corresponds to when Moses was born, he was also three months old when escaping Pharaoh, and the slaughter of the infants (Ex 2v2-3).

Therefore Mount Sinai corresponds to the King Herod moment in the life of Jesus.

Perhaps the final generation might also get an approximate three month warning. I don’t know what it will be, but the return of Trump during the Daniel 11 war would be fitting.
See also, Seven Year Warning.

The wrath of God was on Mount Sinai, with fire and smoke, earthquake, and thunder, and the trumpet got louder and louder. If they touched the mountain they would die. (Exodus 19v16-19).

The people trembled with fear, kept their distance and asked Moses to speak to them rather than God because they feared that if God spoke to them directly they would die, (Exodus 20v18-19).

This apocalyptic imagery foreshadows world war three.

But in this moment of great danger God gives his people a miraculous escape, with great speed, on “eagles wings” — Exodus 19v4, Revelation 12v14.

Has any god ever tried to take for himself one nation out of another nation, by testings, by signs and wonders, by war, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, or by great and awesome deeds, like all the things the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your very eyes? — Deut 4v34

God will empower us to look after each other, to act with wisdom in preparing a place to escape to in the wilderness, and with love to be a blessing to many others.

With the outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost believers sold their possessions to be able to look after each other. “All the believers were together and had everything in common.” Acts 2v44-45.

The Exodus and Mount Sinai was the birth of the nation of Israel. Pentecost was the birth of the Church. Think of the birth of the final generation.

Things happen in threes at the time of birth:

  • At Mount Sinai 3000 people died (Ex 32v28). On the day of

  • Pentecost 3000 were saved (Acts 2v41).

  • When Jesus was born, Josephus recorded 3000 people being killed in the Temple on the day of Passover, only a few days after King Herod had died. (Antiquities of the Jews — Book XVII Chapter 9 section 3).
    This event is also sometimes referred to by Bible commentators with regards to Luke 13v1 and Acts 5v37.

  • Many people will die in world war three, maybe nearly 3 Billion (Rev 9v15).

Mount Sinai is where God made His covenant with Israel. He gave the law to be a blessing to His people, for long life and good health.

The covenant reveals everything to be either clean or unclean, and nuclear war will do exactly that:

The pollution of nuclear radiation settles on the ground in the dust. Certain animals that eat in the dirt are therefore called ‘unclean’.

Other animals that eat grass or plants without disturbing the dust are called ‘clean’.

In the example of Noah’s flood which was a kind of birth and baptism, Noah understood the principal of clean and unclean, and the covenant was made with all living creatures (Gen 9v10), and “all flesh” — Gen 9v15, 17.

At Pentecost also, God poured out His Spirit on “all flesh” — Acts 2v17.

Another example of birth was the exile to Babylon (Daniel’s story). The King of Babylon was given control even over the wild beasts (Jer 27v6, 28v14). “Your destruction of animals will terrify you” (Hab 2v17).

But with the wisdom from Mount Sinai we will know how to live in God’s blessing. When Daniel was taken captive to Babylon the first thing he did was to establish a lean diet in obedience to God’s commands (Dan 1v8-16).

The wisdom revealed on Mount Sinai will prove to be a powerful blessing that brings long life and good health to the post apocalyptic generation of God’s people so that we may continue the work of the great commission until Jesus returns.

Wilderness Journey

God traveled with his people as a pillar of cloud by day, and a column of fire at night. He provided manna from heaven, water from the rock, and the covenant law to be kept in “the ark of the testimony” (Ex 25v22).

God will provide for us in the post apocalyptic world. Water from the rock will be especially important. Spiritually it is Christ (1 Cor 10v4). Apocalyptically it will be ground water, boar water or water from certain springs.

World war three will pollute a lot of drinking water. In Revelation 8v10-11 the great burning star called “Wormwood” represents nuclear war, and it turned a third of the rivers and springs bitter.

The man who shook the earth when he fell like a star from heaven “made the world a desert” (Isaiah 14v12-17). When Jesus returns his judgement will be “for destroying those who destroy the earth” — Rev 11v18b.

Israel travelled for 40 years in the wilderness, and during that time the whole generation of fighting aged men of 20 years and above passed away in the wilderness except for two men. Only Joshua and Caleb were permitted to enter the Promised Land (Joshua 5v4-6 Numbers 14v29-30, 32v13).

Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” — Mat 24v34.

No-one knows the hour or the day of the second coming of Jesus. Other typological examples include:

  • 50 years Jubilee

  • 65 years for Israel in Isaiah 7v8

  • 70 years in Babylon

  • Moses was 80 at the time of the Exodus.

Psalm 90v10 mentions a life span of 70 years, or 80 if we have strength. But if we are to count from fighting age of 20 and above this suggests a 50 or 60 year period.

For many people, the natural human lifespan will be shortened by the harsh post-apocalyptic environment, but if we live by God’s wisdom we should still have a full lifespan.

A lot of faith will be needed in the latter times not to accept the powerful life extension technologies that are coming. The lie of the antichrist will be very deceptive. The set times and laws will be challenged. Nothing men plan will be impossible (Gen 11v6).

Given the signs we have today, some of today’s children who remain committed to living God’s way, without unnatural life extension treatment, will live to see Jesus return.

Through Death and Resurrection to the Promised Land

When Israel reached the promised land the exodus was repeated as the water stopped flowing and they crossed over the Jordan River on dry ground (Joshua 3v13-17).

The Promised Land represents the new creation that we will enter when Jesus comes to get his bride. We commonly call it ‘heaven’.

We are separated from the life to come by death and resurrection which is signified by the baptism of the exodus. “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement, so Christ was sacrificed...” — Heb 9v27.

This is the moment of war. Jesus fought the greatest battle and won the ultimate victory for us at the cross. So the Israelites crossed the Jordan opposite Jericho, armed for battle (Josh 4v13).

The battle of Jericho corresponds to the battle of Armageddon for the final generation, the great tribulation of death and resurrection as we cross over to the new creation. But to win the battle we need to be ready…

They were all circumcised on the other side of the Jordan (Joshua 5). Circumcision represents cutting of the sinful nature. True circumcision is circumcision of the heart (Deut 10v16, 30v6, Rom 2v25-29).

It is a covenant promise given to a new born child, relating to our new life of obedience in Christ when we are ‘born again’.

But when we enter into the new creation we will be made perfect and sinless in every way. There will be no sin in the new creation, so death, resurrection and judgement day will be a kind of circumcision as the sinful nature is cut off.

Having been circumcised, the Israelites celebrated Passover, (Joshua 5v10). If our sin is removed God’s wrath passes over. This is only made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

“Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” — Heb 9v27-28.

We follow Jesus, and He calls us to take up our cross. There are spiritual and a physical layers of fulfilment. There are two baptisms. Physical death and resurrection is a moment of great sacrifice that corresponds to the Day of Atonement.

Not even the final generation will be able to continue in the flesh through the day of the Lord because even heaven and earth are passing away, and the elements will melt in the heat (2 Peter 3v10).

As Israel were preparing to enter the promised land Moses described the blessings and curses that await. He promised the Israelites that their sin would certainly deliver the curse of the law (Deuteronomy 31v16-18, 29).

Then Moses, as a true prophet lived out his prophecy because he also was a sinner. He went up Mount Nebo, died, and was gathered to his people (Deut 32v50-51, 34v5).

No-one is without sin yet. The complete circumcision of Israel happens on the other side of the Jordan. Until sin is completely removed we are still subject to the curse of the law which is destruction, or ultimately death.

Death is an abomination, and involves great tribulation. But although we can’t avoid death, but we don’t need to fear it if we are in Christ.

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” — 1 Cor 56-57.

Having crossed the Jordan River, been circumcised and kept Passover, the Israelites went on win the battle of Jericho which for us corresponds to the battle of Armageddon.

As we go through death and resurrection we will be victorious in Christ.

We will Cross 2 Victory.