End Times Birth
The focus of the Cross2Victory ministry is to help people prepare for the end times birth — WW3.
By studying the birth of Jesus, and the way his birth was foretold in prophecy, we can understand a lot about the circumstances of the birth of the final generation. In particular we have strong reasons to believe that world war three will be the beginning of birth pains (Mat 24v6-8).
The Daniel 11 prophecy is of key importance in this message, but the concept of birth requires an introduction. We are actually considering an end times journey that resembles the whole life of Jesus.
Imagine a moment of birth in the last days:
Birth is the beginning of prophecy.
Birth comes with clear signs. (The end does not).
Birth requires preparation to be ready to care for God’s family.
Birth involves a great struggle — Repentance — which can be apocalyptic.
Birth is a time of sounding the trumpet and gathering God’s people together.
Birth is a fearful moment, a time of crying out to God in repentance.
Birth is apocalyptic war / Spiritually we fight the ungodly desires of the flesh.
Birth is when God does miracles for his people to give us an escape from calamity.
Birth is a blessing for God’s people, bringing joy and new life.
Birth brings an awakening, a revival, an out pouring of God’s spirit.
Birth begins a blessed life and a powerful ministry.
Birth requires a covenant with God, a commitment to faithfulness and obedience.
Birth begins the journey of salvation for all who hold to the testimony of Jesus.
We are currently seeing some remarkable signs that point to a moment of birth for the final generation, the generation that Jesus said will certainly not pass away until all prophecy is fulfilled (Mat 24v34).
Prophecy always reveals Jesus, and the book of Revelation begins with this concept (Revelation 1v1-2). Prophecy doesn’t just reveal his birth, neither just his death. Prophecy reveals the whole life and testimony of Jesus in three parts, “a time, times and half a time” — Daniel 12v7a.
“This is the one who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ. He did not come by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth. 7 For there are three that testify: 8 the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.” — 1 John 5v6-8
A time of birth / water, flood, baptism
Times of life and ministry / for testifying
A brief time of death / blood
This is the pattern of prophecy. End times prophecy will have three parts, three stages, and will produce a resemblance of the life of Jesus in us.
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Rev 19v10.
Jesus was born with a sign in heaven, and in Revelation 12 the birth of Jesus is presented as a sign in heaven. Recently we saw the sign of birth: The Revelation 12 Sign of 2017. It was the first time in nearly 6000 years that this particular alignment as appeared in the sky.
Signs do not predict the time of his second coming. There is no sign of the end. But we are currently seeing many signs pointing to a moment of birth for the final generation.
We are familiar with the spiritual journey, it begins when we are ‘born again’. But now we have reasons to consider a special kind of birth for an apocalyptic journey in the last days.
Birth is a difficult moment. It can be dangerous. But God cares for his people and he helps us to care for each other, especially at that vulnerable moment of birth.
The Cross2Victory Business Card: Old card (above), new card (below).
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Examples of Birth
To Escape a Flood
Jesus escaped from a kind of war when he was born — King Herod and the slaughter of the infants.
Moses was born in a similar way, placed in a little “ark” to escape a kind of flood — another slaughter of the infants.
Noah’s flood was the end for many people, but for Noah’s family it was like a birth. It was called a “baptism” — 1 Pet 3v20-21. The 777 sign was given when Lamech died just before the flood, and the rainbow is also God’s sign.
Immanuel was born as a sign in Isaiah 7, and then the King of Assyria came. The war was like “the mighty floodwaters of a river… reaching up to the neck.” — Isaiah 8v7-8. Many were swept away but Judah escaped. Immanuel means ‘God with us’.
These ancient floods of destruction came at times of birth when God was beginning a special work of salvation. So they can be called ‘baptisms’.
For more information see: Floods: War and Birth.
The true birth is spiritual. The examples given all relate spiritually to the moment of repentance when we surrender our life into God’s hands and commit to following Jesus, escaping the power of sin and death. We celebrate it by baptism.
The spiritual birth is absolutely the most important birth, having eternal importance.
But the apocalyptic aspect of birth is about to be revealed.
“The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end” — Dan 9v26b
In Revelation 12 the birth of Jesus is presented as a great and wondrous sign in heaven. It involved an escape from the dragon and an apocalyptic war as the dragon threw down the stars, also spewing a river of water out of his mouth, a flood to try to sweep them away (v15). They escaped with great praise.
Today modern weapons of mass destruction present this kind of threat. Some people have put a lot of thought into how to prepare to get through that kind of storm. It can be done. Jesus promises success for those of his people who choose life.
Daniel describes a war at the time of the end, a war that will come “like a flood.” (Daniel 11v40). A very specific sequence of events is described, leading up to a great destruction (v44).
***This is a key prophecy. Please study it.***
“He will attack the mightiest fortresses…” — Daniel 11v39a
“He will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many.” — Daniel 11v44.
This as yet unfulfilled prophecy is believed to be describing world war three.
A New Testament Birth
Pentecost is an important example of birth in New Testament.
Pentecost was the birth of the church, so consider a Pentecost moment of birth for the final generation as we are empowered to go out in the post-apocalyptic world to complete the great commission.
When God pours out his Spirit and empowers his people he “shows wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” — Acts 2v17-21.
This sounds very apocalyptic, but there is great rejoicing at that Pentecost moment of birth. When you see war coming don’t fear it. Jesus says “such things must happen, but the end is yet to come.” Mat 24v6.
So if you see it coming — act on it!
Get prepared to look after people. God promises us a successful escape, and birth brings great rejoicing. We will know for certain that the Day of the Lord is near.